Ted Cruz The Worst Thing To Come From Canada


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
I think it is a Canadian plot to destroy America.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS5ILlKoPVc]Fox News Birther Hypocrisy - Ted Cruz Vs Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Good for Cruz.

Gives the TeaPs a face for the rest of America to concentrate on.
Every generation, someone or something opens up another can of rightwing demagogues,

all made from the same ingredients, all cut to the same shape and size;

this generation's portion include the likes of Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul, and all the lesser bits

and pieces infesting the media known as the rightwing propaganda machine.
Cruz and Paul are right on! They make the cockroach lefties and RINOs squirm with their Constitutional, patriotic ideas and facts!
[Ted Cruz and this guy, JD Pendry, likely march in lockstep. There are echoes of Lincoln in his words. Liberals, instead, spend all their time searching for their benevolent master. Yano, how bad can a dictatorship be as long as the tyrant doing the ruling is a kindly master who's generous and gives us "Free Stuff"?

The Democratic frontrunners for the presidency in 2004 laid the groundwork for their current party policies, for both Howard Dean and John Kerry made statements within weeks of each other that the Republican Party's advocacy of hard work, independence, self reliance, freedom, and liberty "Was just too hard"

When Barack Obama rose onto the national scene in 2008 and proclaimed that what was wrong with America was that the American people weren't allowed to engage in acts of anal fornication, muff diving, and carpet munching as freely, openly and as often as they should the media, after gazing upon his countenance, seized upon his words and pronounced them all well and good.]

"In American government, we have opposing ideologies. Opposing world views with opposing goals. Forget about Republicans and Democrats. Those are but names. In recent years, used only to dupe Americans into believing that one party or the other actually cares about them. Their members? Merely players in the American millionaire sport of politics. Too many of them care first about themselves, second about the party, last about you and me except as a target for their well-rehearsed bovine scatology. Power is their trophy. Control is their intoxicant.

In both parties are communists and constitutionalists. Do not become lost trying to understand the other labels – liberal, progressive, conservative, and Lord help us, the independent because they are meaningless. They are a blurred conglomeration. It is hard to distinguish one from the other. Classical liberalism for example is about limited government and individual liberty, freedom of religion, the press, speech, free markets, etc. Behind the liberal label was a good hiding place for communists trying to abandon the sullied progressive label.

What sits behind a veil of political party is good and evil. The constitutionalists want to preserve the country and return it to the roots of our founding – God, individual liberty, small government, private property, free enterprise…adherence to the constitution – they are classic liberals. The communists want to fundamentally transform the United States of America into a wholly owned and operated government utopia.

Even the staunchest of the self-labeled conservatives will never say it so I will. I will because, as they say here in the hills, I got a dog in this fight. It is my freedom. It is the free country passed to me that I owe to my Granddaughters. What they will not say is that communists control the executive branch of our government and the United States Senate. These self-defined conservatives will never use the C word in public. They will not because they fear backlash from a largely ignorant and ideologically communist news media more than they fear losing our country to communism. The typical politician would rather walk through the gates of hell with a can of gasoline in each hand as to be labeled a McCarthyite, or a bigot, or an identity phobic of any sort by the wholly government owned and operated dishonest American media.

Fortunately the best system of government ever devised by men (divinely inspired in my humble opinion) will not allow communism to take hold unless communism totally controls all branches of our government. I am not so certain that it does not control all of it now except for the United States House of Representatives. Yes, whether by hook or crook, they control the vote of the United States Supreme Court. How else can one explain the decision of the Chief Justice who rewrote legislation so that he could then declare it constitutional – helping to force upon Americans a law that the majority did not want then and does not want now.

The House of Representatives is now our Little Round Top, our Battle of the Bulge, our Pusan Perimeter, our Khe San. If they fail to hold the line as American Soldiers did in all of those decisive battles, Communism wins Freedom dies. It reminds me of the story about the 82nd Airborne trooper at the Battle of the Bulge. An armored division was retreating from the advancing Germans. An 82nd Paratrooper, a Private First Class, asked a retreating tanker if he was looking for a safe place. When the tanker responded yes, the paratrooper responded, “Well, buddy, just pull your vehicle behind me…I’m the 82nd Airborne, and this is as far as the bastards are going.”

It is unknown whether Americans have found a safe place behind our elected members in the House of Representatives. Our Representatives have but two options. Hold the line and declare that “this is as far as the [communist] bastards are going” or surrender our freedom to them. Remember the code that inspired our Soldiers to hold the line:

I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.

My commitment to the courageous men and women in the House of Representatives fighting this decisive battle for freedom – for me? Hold the line and this American will stand with you. And I will not stand alone."

American Journal October 5 2013 Hold the Line « JDs Bunker
If democrats call Ted Cruz the worst thing to come from Canada, he's doing something right. More power to him.

I've sure there have been worse things

but if your wittle fweeeling says he is then I gwesss he is


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