Ted Cruz Thinks Everyone Is Out to Get Him

And you're still in denial. Get your head out of your ass, Cruz is finished.

Get your head outta Trump's ass!

It's not over yet!
Yeah, it is. You just can't come to terms with it. Why do you continue to campaign for a guy who can't even get half of the required delegates? You're in denial, man.
Because this isn't a fucking football game, jackass. Oh, I realize you've got your pom-poms out and your cheerleader uniform on... but it's still not a football game.

Now, maybe ya boy can get to the magical 1,237 before the first ballot at the convention... and maybe ya boy can't? We'll have to wait and see... it's not over yet. IF it's finally over for Cruz, I will concede and admit defeat.... that day isn't here yet and you're not going to get a concession from me until it is. Got it?
You dumb shit, I'm backing the guy who has a chance of winning. You're backing a fucking loser who can't break 600 delegates. How the hell is he gonna win in the general? The American people don't fucking want Cruz, can't you get that through your fucking head? Every damn day he shows himself to be exactly what people are sick and tired of. Back room deals, bribes, lying about other candidates dropping out, all the shit people are fed up with. You have no room to berate ANYBODY for backing Trump. Go sulk.
You dumb shit, I'm backing the guy who has a chance of winning. You're backing a fucking loser who can't break 600 delegates. How the hell is he gonna win in the general? The American people don't fucking want Cruz, can't you get that through your fucking head? Every damn day he shows himself to be exactly what people are sick and tired of. Back room deals, bribes, lying about other candidates dropping out, all the shit people are fed up with. You have no room to berate ANYBODY for backing Trump. Go sulk.

There has been NO "back room deals" made by Cruz. That's yet another bold-face lie from you despicable clowns... which is becoming your trademark. It doesn't matter how many delegates anyone has right now... if they don't have 1,237 by the first ballot at the convention, they don't win the fucking nomination on the first ballot, then it's anybody's game.

And I know that you've worked yourself into such a state that YOU don't want Cruz and probably wouldn't vote for him if he wins the nomination. You and a whole bunch of other little Trump asswipes... so we're probably going to lose to Hillary. But YOU and your little clown brigade don't speak for all of America. You don't even speak for a majority of the GOP!

Let me ask you something... honestly... WHY have you and others chosen to become SO fucking nasty and sleazy in this primary race? Are you just following Trump's lead like a bunch of mindless zombies? What the fuck are you thinking... that you can polarize your OWN PARTY and win in November? Are you smoking crack or something? You DO realize Ted Cruz isn't a Liberal Democrat... right? I mean... I could understand if this were the general election and Cruz were the Democrat opponent... tee off! Let him have it! Hold no punches! But this is supposed to be our party (we're supposed to be on the same side) deciding who to run against Hillary Clinton.

Surely to God you have enough fucking goat sense to understand that you're not going to win Cruz supporters back after what you've done and said in this primary. So what the fuck is your deal, are you TRYING to ensure Hillary Clinton wins in a landslide or what?
Poor feller.
Guess he didn't get the memo that no one much likes a liar, cheater, and whiner.
To be fair, plenty of people like Trump and he's a liar, cheater, and whiner. It is easy to see where he might get confused.
You dumb shit, I'm backing the guy who has a chance of winning.

EVERY POLL at RealClear Politics says he loses to Hillary... some have him losing by double digits. Not one single poll that has been taken by any credible pollster has ever shown Trump beating Hillary. Kasich beats Hillary... Cruz is within the margin of error... Trump is sucking hind teat. So you are backing the one guy who is almost certain to LOSE to Hillary!

In the process, you are absolutely destroying a man who has stood up to the establishment for Constitutional Conservatism time and time again and taken the heat for it. The best HOPE we've had for a true Conservative president in the past 40 years! And you're using sleazy and dishonest Alinsky-like tactics to do it... that's the worst part!

I'm gonna tell you something, buddy... if YOU are the example of the new face of the Republican Party.. color me GONE... I'll never vote Republican again. I thought you were a Conservative and I thought this party was mostly Conservatives who were frustrated with the beltway elites not hearing their Conservative voices... but you're worse than any fucking liberal drone out there... and that's saying something.
You dumb shit, I'm backing the guy who has a chance of winning.

EVERY POLL at RealClear Politics says he loses to Hillary... some have him losing by double digits. Not one single poll that has been taken by any credible pollster has ever shown Trump beating Hillary. Kasich beats Hillary... Cruz is within the margin of error... Trump is sucking hind teat. So you are backing the one guy who is almost certain to LOSE to Hillary!

In the process, you are absolutely destroying a man who has stood up to the establishment for Constitutional Conservatism time and time again and taken the heat for it. The best HOPE we've had for a true Conservative president in the past 40 years! And you're using sleazy and dishonest Alinsky-like tactics to do it... that's the worst part!

I'm gonna tell you something, buddy... if YOU are the example of the new face of the Republican Party.. color me GONE... I'll never vote Republican again. I thought you were a Conservative and I thought this party was mostly Conservatives who were frustrated with the beltway elites not hearing their Conservative voices... but you're worse than any fucking liberal drone out there... and that's saying something.
I'm not a fan of Trump at all, but even I will be the first to say that the guy has a real chance at winning. Just look at Hillary...she's getting rolled by the more "anti-establishment" figure of Sanders in a lot of these later primaries. If that is any indication, then Trump, who is also very anti-establishment, has a real chance of doing very well and maybe even winning over her.

You have to remember that Trump is a populist whose core constituents are the lower educated individuals in our lower socio-economic rungs. He's already going to be taking a big slice out of Clinton's voter population with just that.
Let me ask you something... honestly... WHY have you and others chosen to become SO fucking nasty and sleazy in this primary race? Are you just following Trump's lead like a bunch of mindless zombies? What the fuck are you thinking... that you can polarize your OWN PARTY and win in November? Are you smoking crack or something? You DO realize Ted Cruz isn't a Liberal Democrat... right? I mean... I could understand if this were the general election and Cruz were the Democrat opponent... tee off! Let him have it! Hold no punches! But this is supposed to be our party (we're supposed to be on the same side) deciding who to run against Hillary Clinton.
This has to be one of the most ironic posts I've seen all week, especially the part about being nasty and sleazy. The first ad Kasich ran was comparing Trump to Hitler. Cruz lied to voters about Carson to steal some of his votes and you think that was fine. He attacked Trump's wife through his surrogates and you excused that but condemned Trump for responding in kind. Cruz joined in with the establishment GOP to double team Trump to split the delegates up instead of dropping out when it's impossible for him to get to 1237. And do YOU actually think YOU can fuck Trump out of the nomination when he is CLEARLY the preferred candidate OF THE PEOPLE and then win in November? YOU'RE the one betraying our party, not me. Trump is clearly the people's choice but you don't give a shit about that, you just want your guy to win no matter what underhanded shit he and his corrupt establishment buddies in Washington have to do to stop Trump. If Cruz cared about his party, he would have dropped out last week when he could no longer reach 1237 but he's putting himself ahead of his party and YOU are supporting it. And you have the nerve to attack me for backing Trump, who actually CAN reach 1237? IRONIC.
Let me ask you something... honestly... WHY have you and others chosen to become SO fucking nasty and sleazy in this primary race? Are you just following Trump's lead like a bunch of mindless zombies? What the fuck are you thinking... that you can polarize your OWN PARTY and win in November? Are you smoking crack or something? You DO realize Ted Cruz isn't a Liberal Democrat... right? I mean... I could understand if this were the general election and Cruz were the Democrat opponent... tee off! Let him have it! Hold no punches! But this is supposed to be our party (we're supposed to be on the same side) deciding who to run against Hillary Clinton.
This has to be one of the most ironic posts I've seen all week, especially the part about being nasty and sleazy. The first ad Kasich ran was comparing Trump to Hitler. Cruz lied to voters about Carson to steal some of his votes and you think that was fine. He attacked Trump's wife through his surrogates and you excused that but condemned Trump for responding in kind. Cruz joined in with the establishment GOP to double team Trump to split the delegates up instead of dropping out when it's impossible for him to get to 1237. And do YOU actually think YOU can fuck Trump out of the nomination when he is CLEARLY the preferred candidate OF THE PEOPLE and then win in November? YOU'RE the one betraying our party, not me. Trump is clearly the people's choice but you don't give a shit about that, you just want your guy to win no matter what underhanded shit he and his corrupt establishment buddies in Washington have to do to stop Trump. If Cruz cared about his party, he would have dropped out last week when he could no longer reach 1237 but he's putting himself ahead of his party and YOU are supporting it. And you have the nerve to attack me for backing Trump, who actually CAN reach 1237? IRONIC.
On one hand, as much as I hate Trump, I agree that he should get the nod from your party as he has the popular support.

On the other hand, you can't fault the entire party for lining up against him. The guy is ridiculous and constantly makes it clear he has little clue how our political system works. If he gets in office Republicans are going to have to rebrand themselves or just suffer for the next couple of decades with how sour our memories will likely be of him...and they were just getting over Bush's debacle, no matter how ya look at it, the GOP is in trouble.
You dumb shit, I'm backing the guy who has a chance of winning.

EVERY POLL at RealClear Politics says he loses to Hillary... some have him losing by double digits. Not one single poll that has been taken by any credible pollster has ever shown Trump beating Hillary. Kasich beats Hillary... Cruz is within the margin of error... Trump is sucking hind teat. So you are backing the one guy who is almost certain to LOSE to Hillary!

In the process, you are absolutely destroying a man who has stood up to the establishment for Constitutional Conservatism time and time again and taken the heat for it. The best HOPE we've had for a true Conservative president in the past 40 years! And you're using sleazy and dishonest Alinsky-like tactics to do it... that's the worst part!

I'm gonna tell you something, buddy... if YOU are the example of the new face of the Republican Party.. color me GONE... I'll never vote Republican again. I thought you were a Conservative and I thought this party was mostly Conservatives who were frustrated with the beltway elites not hearing their Conservative voices... but you're worse than any fucking liberal drone out there... and that's saying something.
More irony. You can't have your way so you leave the party. I could see it if Cruz was even half way to 1237 but he isn't. You're like a spoiled child who isn't getting his way so he's having a tantrum.
Let me ask you something... honestly... WHY have you and others chosen to become SO fucking nasty and sleazy in this primary race? Are you just following Trump's lead like a bunch of mindless zombies? What the fuck are you thinking... that you can polarize your OWN PARTY and win in November? Are you smoking crack or something? You DO realize Ted Cruz isn't a Liberal Democrat... right? I mean... I could understand if this were the general election and Cruz were the Democrat opponent... tee off! Let him have it! Hold no punches! But this is supposed to be our party (we're supposed to be on the same side) deciding who to run against Hillary Clinton.
This has to be one of the most ironic posts I've seen all week, especially the part about being nasty and sleazy. The first ad Kasich ran was comparing Trump to Hitler. Cruz lied to voters about Carson to steal some of his votes and you think that was fine. He attacked Trump's wife through his surrogates and you excused that but condemned Trump for responding in kind. Cruz joined in with the establishment GOP to double team Trump to split the delegates up instead of dropping out when it's impossible for him to get to 1237. And do YOU actually think YOU can fuck Trump out of the nomination when he is CLEARLY the preferred candidate OF THE PEOPLE and then win in November? YOU'RE the one betraying our party, not me. Trump is clearly the people's choice but you don't give a shit about that, you just want your guy to win no matter what underhanded shit he and his corrupt establishment buddies in Washington have to do to stop Trump. If Cruz cared about his party, he would have dropped out last week when he could no longer reach 1237 but he's putting himself ahead of his party and YOU are supporting it. And you have the nerve to attack me for backing Trump, who actually CAN reach 1237? IRONIC.
On one hand, as much as I hate Trump, I agree that he should get the nod from your party as he has the popular support.

On the other hand, you can't fault the entire party for lining up against him. The guy is ridiculous and constantly makes it clear he has little clue how our political system works. If he gets in office Republicans are going to have to rebrand themselves or just suffer for the next couple of decades with how sour our memories will likely be of him...and they were just getting over Bush's debacle, no matter how ya look at it, the GOP is in trouble.
Your opinion. Many disagree.
This has to be one of the most ironic posts I've seen all week, especially the part about being nasty and sleazy. The first ad Kasich ran was comparing Trump to Hitler. Cruz lied to voters about Carson to steal some of his votes and you think that was fine. He attacked Trump's wife through his surrogates and you excused that but condemned Trump for responding in kind. Cruz joined in with the establishment GOP to double team Trump to split the delegates up instead of dropping out when it's impossible for him to get to 1237. And do YOU actually think YOU can fuck Trump out of the nomination when he is CLEARLY the preferred candidate OF THE PEOPLE and then win in November? YOU'RE the one betraying our party, not me. Trump is clearly the people's choice but you don't give a shit about that, you just want your guy to win no matter what underhanded shit he and his corrupt establishment buddies in Washington have to do to stop Trump. If Cruz cared about his party, he would have dropped out last week when he could no longer reach 1237 but he's putting himself ahead of his party and YOU are supporting it. And you have the nerve to attack me for backing Trump, who actually CAN reach 1237? IRONIC.

There you go again with the Alinsky tactics. Cruz did not lie to anyone about Carson. Carson was never going to win Iowa and I think everyone knew by his own actions (departing Iowa for Florida instead of the next battleground) that he was not in this for the long haul. A Cruz supporter urged caucus goers in Iowa to make their votes count... nothing was lied about and it certainly wasn't lie about by Ted Cruz.

Cruz also didn't attack Trump's wife. An anti-Trump PAC ran an ad featuring shots of her from her cover shoot with GQ. As a matter of FEC rules and federal law, Cruz has NO CONTACT with ANY PAC! He doesn't have any control or input over what various PACS do... he CAN'T ...it's a fucking FELONY if he does! What part of that isn't getting through your thick head? ---again, Trump has told you this so you just fucking accept it as Gospel!

And we don't nominate candidates based on a plurality of delegates. They HAVE to get 1,237 to win the nomination... Trump hasn't gotten there yet, and he may not get there before the convention. So should Trump drop out if he can't get the 1,237 delegates? We have a process, and it doesn't matter if you can't secure 1,237 delegates before the convention... you can still win the nomination... and no, it's not because of backroom deals, it's called politics. Candidates have to lobby the delegates and secure their votes. Cruz is proving better at doing this than Trump which is why you're sweating.

But again... you've built this whole thing up like some kook liberal conspiracy theorist... where, IF Cruz prevails and ultimately defeats Trump on a second or third ballot... you can run around screaming about the rigged system and how your boy was robbed. Let's forget that it has happened numerous times in the past... Lincoln and Eisenhower, to name a couple. It's not a "democratic" process and if you truly want "the will of the people" represented, 62% of the GOP wants someone other than Trump.
EVERY POLL at RealClear Politics says he loses to Hillary... some have him losing by double digits. Not one single poll that has been taken by any credible pollster has ever shown Trump beating Hillary. Kasich beats Hillary... Cruz is within the margin of error... Trump is sucking hind teat. So you are backing the one guy who is almost certain to LOSE to Hillary!
This time in 1980, Ronald Reagan trailed Jimmy Carter by double digits. I just saw on the news today that Trump was trailing Hillary by 3 points.

I thought you were a Conservative and I thought this party was mostly Conservatives who were frustrated with the beltway elites not hearing their Conservative voices...
I AM a conservative and although Trump is not conservative on all issues, he's conservative on issues that I feel are crucial right now, like securing our border. None of the other candidates (including Cruz) even talked about it before Trump entered the race. Illegal immigration is destroying our economy and putting our national security at risk. Cruz is basically silent on the issue. And his flat tax plan is bullshit. We hear that same line every 4 years from establishment Republicans and it never happens. BTW, a flat tax won't eliminate the IRS either. More bullshit from Cruz there. He gives all the same speeches every establishment Republican gives every election. If we're to win in November, we need a candidate who can attract more than just one type of voter. Cruz would do fine among evangelicals and that's about it. No Democrats, no moderates, no independents, just the Bible Belt. He would probably win Texas and lose Florida, Ohio, Virginia, most of the battleground states. He doesn't excite anybody and he's not likable to most. It doesn't matter how much you like his policies, if he can't win, none of it matters.
This has to be one of the most ironic posts I've seen all week, especially the part about being nasty and sleazy. The first ad Kasich ran was comparing Trump to Hitler. Cruz lied to voters about Carson to steal some of his votes and you think that was fine. He attacked Trump's wife through his surrogates and you excused that but condemned Trump for responding in kind. Cruz joined in with the establishment GOP to double team Trump to split the delegates up instead of dropping out when it's impossible for him to get to 1237. And do YOU actually think YOU can fuck Trump out of the nomination when he is CLEARLY the preferred candidate OF THE PEOPLE and then win in November? YOU'RE the one betraying our party, not me. Trump is clearly the people's choice but you don't give a shit about that, you just want your guy to win no matter what underhanded shit he and his corrupt establishment buddies in Washington have to do to stop Trump. If Cruz cared about his party, he would have dropped out last week when he could no longer reach 1237 but he's putting himself ahead of his party and YOU are supporting it. And you have the nerve to attack me for backing Trump, who actually CAN reach 1237? IRONIC.

There you go again with the Alinsky tactics. Cruz did not lie to anyone about Carson. Carson was never going to win Iowa and I think everyone knew by his own actions (departing Iowa for Florida instead of the next battleground) that he was not in this for the long haul. A Cruz supporter urged caucus goers in Iowa to make their votes count... nothing was lied about and it certainly wasn't lie about by Ted Cruz.

Cruz also didn't attack Trump's wife. An anti-Trump PAC ran an ad featuring shots of her from her cover shoot with GQ. As a matter of FEC rules and federal law, Cruz has NO CONTACT with ANY PAC! He doesn't have any control or input over what various PACS do... he CAN'T ...it's a fucking FELONY if he does! What part of that isn't getting through your thick head? ---again, Trump has told you this so you just fucking accept it as Gospel!

And we don't nominate candidates based on a plurality of delegates. They HAVE to get 1,237 to win the nomination... Trump hasn't gotten there yet, and he may not get there before the convention. So should Trump drop out if he can't get the 1,237 delegates? We have a process, and it doesn't matter if you can't secure 1,237 delegates before the convention... you can still win the nomination... and no, it's not because of backroom deals, it's called politics. Candidates have to lobby the delegates and secure their votes. Cruz is proving better at doing this than Trump which is why you're sweating.

But again... you've built this whole thing up like some kook liberal conspiracy theorist... where, IF Cruz prevails and ultimately defeats Trump on a second or third ballot... you can run around screaming about the rigged system and how your boy was robbed. Let's forget that it has happened numerous times in the past... Lincoln and Eisenhower, to name a couple. It's not a "democratic" process and if you truly want "the will of the people" represented, 62% of the GOP wants someone other than Trump.
You know what I see, Boss? I see a lot of excuses being made for Cruz's behavior by you. It's always somebody else that uses the underhanded tactics on his behalf, so that lets him off the hook even though he never condemns anyone for it or asks them to stop.
I don't see any point in continuing to indulge you any more since all you can do is rant and rave like a madman. Good luck with your candidate.
More irony. You can't have your way so you leave the party. I could see it if Cruz was even half way to 1237 but he isn't. You're like a spoiled child who isn't getting his way so he's having a tantrum.

Again, it simply doesn't matter how many delegates he has right now. This isn't American Idol! He doesn't have to secure half, a third, a fourth or ANY delegates before the convention. On the first ballot, a candidate has to get 1,237 delegates to be the nominee. Period! If that doesn't happen, then no one has ANY delegates and it all starts over again. Trump 0 - Cruz 0

Now you might not like that... and it's obvious you're worried that your boy isn't going to be able to get to 1,237... I don't know why, he's supposed to be so great at deal-making and negotiation... seems like you'd be welcoming the chance to show that off a little... but nope. You're preparing for the scenario where Cruz defeats Trump on subsequent ballots and you can run around screaming about the rigged system and how Cruz is in cahoots with the Establishment. You'll be one of the turdheads calling for Trump to run third party.

And I am not the one throwing a tantrum here. That's YOU. You and Trump have decided you can win this election without anyone else's support in the Republican party. You're so fucking angry at the Establishment GOP that you are willing to completely destroy the party if you don't get your way. I'm not causing you to be like this... I defended Trump early on when he came under unfair attack from the media and the left... I said that I thought he had some good ideas and I could vote for him in the general over Hillary. People within the party who dismissed Trump as a joke early on, I warned them that he was a serious contender.

But that was before Trump turned into Micheal Moore and you Trumpettes turned into Saul Alinsky liberals. Now you want to whine with some fucked-in-the-head guilt trip on me being a spoiled child? Trump is the epitome of a spoiled child and you're following in his footsteps.
no one much likes a liar, cheater, and whiner.

Then how the hell is Trump doing so well? :dunno:

All I did was post an article. But, i have a question for you Boss. And I do mean this with all respect. Why are you, or why do you seem so angry all of the time?

It is clearly due to all the pressure he faces daily as a multi-millionaire business owner. Cut him some slack.
This time in 1980, Ronald Reagan trailed Jimmy Carter by double digits. I just saw on the news today that Trump was trailing Hillary by 3 points.

Was that Fox News (aka: Trump SuperPAC)???

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Clinton +7.3 --RCP Avg.

I AM a conservative and although Trump is not conservative on all issues, he's conservative on issues that I feel are crucial right now, like securing our border. None of the other candidates (including Cruz) even talked about it before Trump entered the race. Illegal immigration is destroying our economy and putting our national security at risk. Cruz is basically silent on the issue. And his flat tax plan is bullshit. We hear that same line every 4 years from establishment Republicans and it never happens. BTW, a flat tax won't eliminate the IRS either. More bullshit from Cruz there. He gives all the same speeches every establishment Republican gives every election.

He hasn't actually proven to be conservative on any issues as best as I can tell. I mean... he favors expanding Ethanol subsidies, for God's sake! He can't even get on the right side of the tranny's in restrooms issue! Abortion is law of the land, we gotta accept it... No defunding of Planned Parenthood because they do lots of great work for women... Feds grabbing state lands is hunky-dory with Trump... protectionist economic policy that will devastate our economy... reckless foreign policy ideas... I can go on and on with this guy, he's a walking, talking contradiction of conservative philosophy.

And WHAT establishment republicans have talked about a flat tax? The establishment republicans have controlled congress the past 4 years, where is the fucking legislation? Trying to convince people that Ted Cruz is Establishment is akin to trying to convince people Bill Clinton is a faithful husband! I guess you're appealing to those low-information voters, huh? The man stood for 21 hours fighting the establishment republicans in order to uphold his word in trying to stop Obamacare. As a result, the Establishment Speaker of the House calls him "Lucifer Incarnate" and "the most miserable son of a bitch he ever worked with" ....even though he never worked with Ted Cruz on anything.

I AM a conservative

No, you're NOT a conservative or you'd be supporting the conservative candidate. I don't really know WHAT you are, but it's NOT conservative.
You know what I see, Boss? I see a lot of excuses being made for Cruz's behavior by you.

Cruz's behavior??? You mean when I defend him from the LIES you keep spreading? You mean pointing out how these things Trump has lied to you and told you about can't be true?

I don't have any behavior to excuse for Cruz, so I don't know what the fuck you mean... I did defend Trump's behavior early on... when he took all the heat for his "mexicans are rapists and murderers" comments and "McCain's no war hero" comments... and "Megyn has blood spurting out her whatever" comments... I stood shoulder to shoulder with you right here on this board and defended his behavior time and time again... wanna go search the threads?

Trump started losing me when he started going after respectable Conservatives like Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz.. and with sleazy personal attacks that have no place in a primary race. Up until then, he only attacked those who went after him first and I liked that about him... take no shit of anybody... go for the jugular! But Carson, Fiorina and Cruz didn't attack him and there wasn't any reason for him to attack them.

It's always somebody else that uses the underhanded tactics on his behalf, so that lets him off the hook even though he never condemns anyone for it or asks them to stop.

Well whenever you claim that CRUZ did this or that, and it turns out that it WASN'T CRUZ... what am I supposed to say? And HOW exactly is Cruz supposed to circumvent Federal Election laws and tell political action committees what they can and can't do? Please explain that to me? OR... How he somehow "orchestrated" behind the scenes, what they did without getting caught and sent to fucking prison for a felony? As for the deal with Carson, I watched the man apologize personally to Ben Carson on the national stage at the next debate, along with his perfectly reasonable explanation of what happened. Carson forgave him and hasn't mentioned it since... but here YOU are, still throwing it up in his face, even though HE didn't do anything!

YES... I am going to defend Cruz against malicious lies and distortions from you and your Saul Alinsky fanatics. And I am going to keep on telling you like it is with regard to the upcoming election in November. You can believe whatever you please, there isn't a chance in hell for Trump to win the election with 37% of the GOP voting base behind him. You and he can keep on pissing everyone else off with your lies and sleaze but you're going to get your butt kicked by Hillary and the Democrats come November. Mark my words.

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