Ted Cruz Thinks Everyone Is Out to Get Him

Everyone is conspiring against Ted Cruz to prevent him from winning the Republican presidential nomination, at least according to Ted Cruz. The Texas senator, currently running second to Donald Trump in the GOP primary, gave a testy interview that aired on Meet the Press Sunday morning, in which he treated established facts like enemy propaganda and asserted the existence of a vast media conspiracy against him.

Not long into the discussion, which was recorded on Friday, moderator Chuck Todd, asked Cruz to address what has become a serious problem for his campaign.

Related: Indiana’s Governor Just Endorsed Ted Cruz. And Donald Trump

“I want to go to your struggles in uniting the party around you. In fact, this is what your now running mate--”

Here Cruz interrupted, sarcastically saying “Tell me what you really think, Chuck.”

The implication was plain: Todd was editorializing. Except that he wasn’t. Cruz’s problems with the members of his party who don’t share his doctrinaire conservatism and Christian fundamentalism are legion and are well-documented. His inability to conjure more than a handful of (mostly tepid) endorsements from his fellow lawmakers -- even with Donald Trump as the only viable alternative at this point in the race -- points to a real trouble spot for his candidacy.

Ted Cruz Thinks Everyone Is Out to Get Him

Poor feller.
Guess he didn't get the memo that no one much likes a liar, cheater, and whiner.

He reminds me of Jim Jones. He has a God complex and feels the need to be deified.
If cruz wants to feel whats its like to have everyone against him then he should be in Trump's shoes. 1 billion has been spent against him and 55,000 negative ads run against him, yet he stands tall.
Let me ask you something... honestly... WHY have you and others chosen to become SO fucking nasty and sleazy in this primary race? Are you just following Trump's lead like a bunch of mindless zombies? What the fuck are you thinking... that you can polarize your OWN PARTY and win in November? Are you smoking crack or something? You DO realize Ted Cruz isn't a Liberal Democrat... right? I mean... I could understand if this were the general election and Cruz were the Democrat opponent... tee off! Let him have it! Hold no punches! But this is supposed to be our party (we're supposed to be on the same side) deciding who to run against Hillary Clinton.
This has to be one of the most ironic posts I've seen all week, especially the part about being nasty and sleazy. The first ad Kasich ran was comparing Trump to Hitler. Cruz lied to voters about Carson to steal some of his votes and you think that was fine. He attacked Trump's wife through his surrogates and you excused that but condemned Trump for responding in kind. Cruz joined in with the establishment GOP to double team Trump to split the delegates up instead of dropping out when it's impossible for him to get to 1237. And do YOU actually think YOU can fuck Trump out of the nomination when he is CLEARLY the preferred candidate OF THE PEOPLE and then win in November? YOU'RE the one betraying our party, not me. Trump is clearly the people's choice but you don't give a shit about that, you just want your guy to win no matter what underhanded shit he and his corrupt establishment buddies in Washington have to do to stop Trump. If Cruz cared about his party, he would have dropped out last week when he could no longer reach 1237 but he's putting himself ahead of his party and YOU are supporting it. And you have the nerve to attack me for backing Trump, who actually CAN reach 1237? IRONIC.
On one hand, as much as I hate Trump, I agree that he should get the nod from your party as he has the popular support.

On the other hand, you can't fault the entire party for lining up against him. The guy is ridiculous and constantly makes it clear he has little clue how our political system works. If he gets in office Republicans are going to have to rebrand themselves or just suffer for the next couple of decades with how sour our memories will likely be of him...and they were just getting over Bush's debacle, no matter how ya look at it, the GOP is in trouble.
Your opinion. Many disagree.
If you read international news, read some academic work, or have any common sense, the prevailing opinion is that Trump presents a real threat to both America and the global economy and basic peace. I don't think I've read one academic based work that looked at Trump's possible presidency as possibly favorable in any way, shape or form.

On the other hand, many do disagree with that opinion...that is very correct. I tend to try not to listen to anybody who lacks an education though, like the majority of his support base.
Trump will win the general election by a landslide majority. The American people have had it with Liberal policies and a one-party agenda. Change is coming.
If you read international news, read some academic work, or have any common sense, the prevailing opinion is that Trump presents a real threat to both America and the global economy and basic peace. I don't think I've read one academic based work that looked at Trump's possible presidency as possibly favorable in any way, shape or form.

On the other hand, many do disagree with that opinion...that is very correct. I tend to try not to listen to anybody who lacks an education though, like the majority of his support base.
This is the typical condescending attitude that is going to make Trump the next President. You think anybody who doesn't see things the same way you do just has to be less intelligent. What other explanation could there be, right? BTW, Mr. High IQ, who do you support for President? It's not that I care, I'd just like to know who the "smart people" are voting for.
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If you read international news, read some academic work, or have any common sense, the prevailing opinion is that Trump presents a real threat to both America and the global economy and basic peace. I don't think I've read one academic based work that looked at Trump's possible presidency as possibly favorable in any way, shape or form.

On the other hand, many do disagree with that opinion...that is very correct. I tend to try not to listen to anybody who lacks an education though, like the majority of his support base.
This is the typical condescending attitude that is going to make Trump the next President. You think anybody who doesn't see things the same way you do just has to be less intelligent. What other explanation could there be, right? BTW, Mr. High IQ, who do you support for President? It's not that I care, I'd just like to know who the "smart people" are voting for.
Pointing out facts are not condescending. I don't include myself in academia (I do not have a Ph.D. and do not do research for a living)...however, that doesn't mean that I don't follow academia...since these guys literally spend their entire life thinking about specific issues like the economy. I also pointed out that Trump's supporter base is typically less educated...this is, again, a fact. You can crunch the numbers yourself, as I have, from online databases polling people who voted for candidates in the primaries (as this is the most up-to-date way) or you can just look up reputable polls online (although the ones I saw were older from late last year). Regardless these all indicate that Trump's supporter base has less education than any of the other candidates and, in relation, are also lower in our economic ladder than voters for other candidates. This reflects, accurately, his populist support base. (As an aside, I'd like to state that this is considering him in the Primaries...typically if you have a college education you have a significantly lower chance of voting for Trump than if you don't...anywhere from 10-25% depending on the state / polls from what I remember).

Stating facts does not make you condescending. However, denying facts as an alleged "insult" may make you an idiot. In that, I am being condescending...specifically in this case towards you, as an individual, since you seem to aptly fit the description. I mean if you are literally so stupid as to say "a condescending attitude is going to make Trump the next President" in reference to a random person on the internet...then damn. That is a level of dumb so astonishing as to be close to retardation. It's literally insinuating that, rather than basing viewpoints off of things like issues, beliefs, morals, etc...Trump supporters vote for Trump because they need somebody to cry to since the world looks down upon them so badly. I, at least, have a bit more respect for Trump's supporters than you seem to.
If you read international news, read some academic work, or have any common sense, the prevailing opinion is that Trump presents a real threat to both America and the global economy and basic peace. I don't think I've read one academic based work that looked at Trump's possible presidency as possibly favorable in any way, shape or form.

On the other hand, many do disagree with that opinion...that is very correct. I tend to try not to listen to anybody who lacks an education though, like the majority of his support base.
This is the typical condescending attitude that is going to make Trump the next President. You think anybody who doesn't see things the same way you do just has to be less intelligent. What other explanation could there be, right? BTW, Mr. High IQ, who do you support for President? It's not that I care, I'd just like to know who the "smart people" are voting for.
Pointing out facts are not condescending. I don't include myself in academia (I do not have a Ph.D. and do not do research for a living)...however, that doesn't mean that I don't follow academia...since these guys literally spend their entire life thinking about specific issues like the economy. I also pointed out that Trump's supporter base is typically less educated...this is, again, a fact. You can crunch the numbers yourself, as I have, from online databases polling people who voted for candidates in the primaries (as this is the most up-to-date way) or you can just look up reputable polls online (although the ones I saw were older from late last year). Regardless these all indicate that Trump's supporter base has less education than any of the other candidates and, in relation, are also lower in our economic ladder than voters for other candidates. This reflects, accurately, his populist support base. (As an aside, I'd like to state that this is considering him in the Primaries...typically if you have a college education you have a significantly lower chance of voting for Trump than if you don't...anywhere from 10-25% depending on the state / polls from what I remember).

Stating facts does not make you condescending. However, denying facts as an alleged "insult" may make you an idiot. In that, I am being condescending...specifically in this case towards you, as an individual, since you seem to aptly fit the description. I mean if you are literally so stupid as to say "a condescending attitude is going to make Trump the next President" in reference to a random person on the internet...then damn. That is a level of dumb so astonishing as to be close to retardation. It's literally insinuating that, rather than basing viewpoints off of things like issues, beliefs, morals, etc...Trump supporters vote for Trump because they need somebody to cry to since the world looks down upon them so badly. I, at least, have a bit more respect for Trump's supporters than you seem to.
And the condescension continues from the fuckwad who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. You'll still be claiming that when Trump is being sworn in. See you in November.
And the condescension continues from the fuckwad who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. You'll still be claiming that when Trump is being sworn in. See you in November.

Seriously, you should contact Trump and have him put you on his payroll! You're doing such a splendid job of changing hearts and minds and influencing others to your side. When I see you telling people what fuckwads they are and how they are being fools and idiots... it just gives me tingles... a master at work!
If you read international news, read some academic work, or have any common sense, the prevailing opinion is that Trump presents a real threat to both America and the global economy and basic peace. I don't think I've read one academic based work that looked at Trump's possible presidency as possibly favorable in any way, shape or form.

On the other hand, many do disagree with that opinion...that is very correct. I tend to try not to listen to anybody who lacks an education though, like the majority of his support base.
This is the typical condescending attitude that is going to make Trump the next President. You think anybody who doesn't see things the same way you do just has to be less intelligent. What other explanation could there be, right? BTW, Mr. High IQ, who do you support for President? It's not that I care, I'd just like to know who the "smart people" are voting for.
Pointing out facts are not condescending. I don't include myself in academia (I do not have a Ph.D. and do not do research for a living)...however, that doesn't mean that I don't follow academia...since these guys literally spend their entire life thinking about specific issues like the economy. I also pointed out that Trump's supporter base is typically less educated...this is, again, a fact. You can crunch the numbers yourself, as I have, from online databases polling people who voted for candidates in the primaries (as this is the most up-to-date way) or you can just look up reputable polls online (although the ones I saw were older from late last year). Regardless these all indicate that Trump's supporter base has less education than any of the other candidates and, in relation, are also lower in our economic ladder than voters for other candidates. This reflects, accurately, his populist support base. (As an aside, I'd like to state that this is considering him in the Primaries...typically if you have a college education you have a significantly lower chance of voting for Trump than if you don't...anywhere from 10-25% depending on the state / polls from what I remember).

Stating facts does not make you condescending. However, denying facts as an alleged "insult" may make you an idiot. In that, I am being condescending...specifically in this case towards you, as an individual, since you seem to aptly fit the description. I mean if you are literally so stupid as to say "a condescending attitude is going to make Trump the next President" in reference to a random person on the internet...then damn. That is a level of dumb so astonishing as to be close to retardation. It's literally insinuating that, rather than basing viewpoints off of things like issues, beliefs, morals, etc...Trump supporters vote for Trump because they need somebody to cry to since the world looks down upon them so badly. I, at least, have a bit more respect for Trump's supporters than you seem to.
And the condescension continues from the fuckwad who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. You'll still be claiming that when Trump is being sworn in. See you in November.
You know you keep spewing personal insults but have failed to even attempt to indicate any sort of counter argument. In my experience the best way to make somebody who is "condescending" look like an idiot is to point out real, verified facts that disprove their points.

Instead, you have just kept crying that I'm not nice to you. Boo hoo. Are you sure you are not an extreme leftist? You really seem to be taking to victimization here.
You know you keep spewing personal insults but have failed to even attempt to indicate any sort of counter argument. In my experience the best way to make somebody who is "condescending" look like an idiot is to point out real, verified facts that disprove their points.

Instead, you have just kept crying that I'm not nice to you. Boo hoo. Are you sure you are not an extreme leftist? You really seem to be taking to victimization here.
You give yourself way too much credit. First, proclaiming you are smarter than everyone else is not an argument so there's really nothing to counter. Second, where am I "crying" about you not being nice? I assure you you're not hurting my feelings. Pointing out your condescension is not crying. You're not important or talented enough to make anyone a victim, so stroking your ego about it just makes you look ridiculous. Now go play with yourself, nobody cares about your opinion.
You know you keep spewing personal insults but have failed to even attempt to indicate any sort of counter argument. In my experience the best way to make somebody who is "condescending" look like an idiot is to point out real, verified facts that disprove their points.

Instead, you have just kept crying that I'm not nice to you. Boo hoo. Are you sure you are not an extreme leftist? You really seem to be taking to victimization here.
You give yourself way too much credit. First, proclaiming you are smarter than everyone else is not an argument so there's really nothing to counter. Second, where am I "crying" about you not being nice? I assure you you're not hurting my feelings. Pointing out your condescension is not crying. You're not important or talented enough to make anyone a victim, so stroking your ego about it just makes you look ridiculous. Now go play with yourself, nobody cares about your opinion.
When did I proclaim that I was smarter than everyone else? Please, quote me. Hint: You are not everyone.

You still have failed to actually present a valid argument for your case. I simply stated that recent academic work and recent international news paints a Trump presidency in a bad light. If you actually feel that my point is not correct then please present your case instead of continuing to claim that I am condescending because I happen to read things by people with different viewpoints or higher levels of education than I do or have.
Everyone is conspiring against Ted Cruz to prevent him from winning the Republican presidential nomination, at least according to Ted Cruz. The Texas senator, currently running second to Donald Trump in the GOP primary, gave a testy interview that aired on Meet the Press Sunday morning, in which he treated established facts like enemy propaganda and asserted the existence of a vast media conspiracy against him.

Not long into the discussion, which was recorded on Friday, moderator Chuck Todd, asked Cruz to address what has become a serious problem for his campaign.

Related: Indiana’s Governor Just Endorsed Ted Cruz. And Donald Trump

“I want to go to your struggles in uniting the party around you. In fact, this is what your now running mate--”

Here Cruz interrupted, sarcastically saying “Tell me what you really think, Chuck.”

The implication was plain: Todd was editorializing. Except that he wasn’t. Cruz’s problems with the members of his party who don’t share his doctrinaire conservatism and Christian fundamentalism are legion and are well-documented. His inability to conjure more than a handful of (mostly tepid) endorsements from his fellow lawmakers -- even with Donald Trump as the only viable alternative at this point in the race -- points to a real trouble spot for his candidacy.

Ted Cruz Thinks Everyone Is Out to Get Him

Poor feller.
Guess he didn't get the memo that no one much likes a liar, cheater, and whiner.

Jim Jones also thought everyone was out to get him, and a massacre ensued.
Everyone is conspiring against Ted Cruz to prevent him from winning the Republican presidential nomination, at least according to Ted Cruz. The Texas senator, currently running second to Donald Trump in the GOP primary, gave a testy interview that aired on Meet the Press Sunday morning, in which he treated established facts like enemy propaganda and asserted the existence of a vast media conspiracy against him.

Not long into the discussion, which was recorded on Friday, moderator Chuck Todd, asked Cruz to address what has become a serious problem for his campaign.

Related: Indiana’s Governor Just Endorsed Ted Cruz. And Donald Trump

“I want to go to your struggles in uniting the party around you. In fact, this is what your now running mate--”

Here Cruz interrupted, sarcastically saying “Tell me what you really think, Chuck.”

The implication was plain: Todd was editorializing. Except that he wasn’t. Cruz’s problems with the members of his party who don’t share his doctrinaire conservatism and Christian fundamentalism are legion and are well-documented. His inability to conjure more than a handful of (mostly tepid) endorsements from his fellow lawmakers -- even with Donald Trump as the only viable alternative at this point in the race -- points to a real trouble spot for his candidacy.

Ted Cruz Thinks Everyone Is Out to Get Him

Poor feller.
Guess he didn't get the memo that no one much likes a liar, cheater, and whiner.
Donald "The system is rigged, they're all out to get me" Trump.
When did I proclaim that I was smarter than everyone else? Please, quote me. Hint: You are not everyone.

Oh, but SJ certainly THINKS he speaks for everyone! He's really proving himself to be no different than the typical radical Saul Alinsky liberal. He is just a different side of the same coin. He thinks his loud mouth insulting and denigrating is appealing to others... and believe it or not, he seems to have some support. There are people thanking his posts and agreeing with him on everything... so he is embolden by this and thinks he is being brilliant.

Now the irony is, we're probably going to see how all this plays out on the national stage in November. We'll see how well SJ and his candidate fare against the most powerful political machine of our time. I personally think he is going to fail for the same reason his candidate Trump is going to fail... their skin is way too thin. They become flustered and upset when you raise any kind of valid objection or argument to their positions and then the name-calling starts. You know as well as I, once your opponent starts that, it's game over... they've lost the argument.

If 60% of the GOP base throws up it's hands and walks away because it kept getting kicked in the balls and insulted to death... they can't beat the Democrats. But we're going to have to watch them get politically embarrassed before they get it. Right now, they all think exactly like SJ... that they speak for everyone and those of us who don't agree are a bunch of loser jerks who don't matter.
When did I proclaim that I was smarter than everyone else? Please, quote me. Hint: You are not everyone.

Oh, but SJ certainly THINKS he speaks for everyone! He's really proving himself to be no different than the typical radical Saul Alinsky liberal. He is just a different side of the same coin. He thinks his loud mouth insulting and denigrating is appealing to others... and believe it or not, he seems to have some support. There are people thanking his posts and agreeing with him on everything... so he is embolden by this and thinks he is being brilliant.

Now the irony is, we're probably going to see how all this plays out on the national stage in November. We'll see how well SJ and his candidate fare against the most powerful political machine of our time. I personally think he is going to fail for the same reason his candidate Trump is going to fail... their skin is way too thin. They become flustered and upset when you raise any kind of valid objection or argument to their positions and then the name-calling starts. You know as well as I, once your opponent starts that, it's game over... they've lost the argument.

If 60% of the GOP base throws up it's hands and walks away because it kept getting kicked in the balls and insulted to death... they can't beat the Democrats. But we're going to have to watch them get politically embarrassed before they get it. Right now, they all think exactly like SJ... that they speak for everyone and those of us who don't agree are a bunch of loser jerks who don't matter.
Sad news is that in the likely Hillary vs. Trump scenario...I may be voting for a third party candidate for the first time in my life.
I simply stated that recent academic work and recent international news paints a Trump presidency in a bad light. If you actually feel that my point is not correct then please present your case instead of continuing to claim that I am condescending because I happen to read things by people with different viewpoints or higher levels of education than I do or have.
He isn't president yet so that would fall into the category of pulling an opinion out of their asses. I suppose the same folks give obama glowing reviews?

Recent academic work and international news was a good touch though. Comedy gold.

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