Ted Cruz To Introduce Constitutional Amendment On Gay Marriage After Supreme Court Ducks Appeals

It's a lost cause guys, America has jumped the shark, and it ain't gonna do anything but get worse. The millenials will be firmly in charge in another decade, and they're more concerned about getting stoned and eating cheeseburgers.

I don't get it. What's the big deal about gay marriage? How does it weaken America or 'make it worse'? It promotes monogomy and marriage, two issues that conservatives strongly support.

Take the win fellas. Your arguments on the value of monogamy and marriage were so good, so persuasive, that you've convinced the gays and lesbians. They want the benefits of marriage now too.
The proposed amendment says nothing about same sex marriage. The amendment secures state's rights in defining marriage for themselves.

The proposed marriage amendment is so poorly written that it would make interracial marriage bans legal again.
I heard it would bring back slavery and public floggings.

And how would it do this?

In the case of interracial marriage bans, they were forbidden by the Supreme Court in their landmark ruling Loving V. Virginia. In which the portions of Virignia marriage law that made interracial marriage was overturned as unconstitutional. If the State marriage laws become absolute and can't be overruled or reviewed by the courts.......then such interracial marriage bans would again be perfectly legal.

See how this works? Now you try. Describe how the amendment would bring back slavery and public floggings.
The proposed amendment says nothing about same sex marriage. The amendment secures state's rights in defining marriage for themselves.

The proposed marriage amendment is so poorly written that it would make interracial marriage bans legal again.
I heard it would bring back slavery and public floggings.

And how would it do this?

In the case of interracial marriage bans, they were forbidden by the Supreme Court in their landmark ruling Loving V. Virginia. In which the portions of Virignia marriage law that made interracial marriage was overturned as unconstitutional. If the State marriage laws become absolute and can't be overruled or reviewed by the courts.......then such interracial marriage bans would again be perfectly legal.

See how this works? Now you try. Describe how the amendment would bring back slavery and public floggings.
It was so poorly written anything is possible. I heard it will result in suspension of habeas corpus and summary executions across the country.
Explain how it would bring back slavery and public floggings. Specifically.

Feel free to use my explanation of how it would make interracial marriage bans perfectly legal as a template if you're not sure how to do it.
Explain how it would bring back slavery and public floggings. Specifically.

Feel free to use my explanation of how it would make interracial marriage bans perfectly legal as a template if you're not sure how to do it.
It's so poorly worded anything is possible. I heard it allows Mexico to reclaim Texas and the territories lost in the Mexican War.
It's kinda interesting that the people crying and moaning about the Constitution and gay marriage belong to the party that claims the opposing party hates the Constitution. And what happens when the Supremes interpret the Constitution in a way they disagree with? They trash the Constitution and the way it was written!
You just can't make this shit up! :disbelief:
“The Court is making the preposterous assumption that the People of the United States somehow silently redefined marriage in 1868 when they ratified the 14th Amendment.”

Ignorant nonsense.

The 14th Amendment means exactly what it says, as originally intended by its Framers, and as correctly interpreted by the Supreme Court:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

And that includes marriage law, where for the state to seek to deny same-sex couples access to marriage (contract) law they're eligible to participate in, is in fact a violation of the original intent of the Amendment's Equal Protection Clause and its current jurisprudence.

Does that include polygamists?
It's kinda interesting that the people crying and moaning about the Constitution and gay marriage belong to the party that claims the opposing party hates the Constitution. And what happens when the Supremes interpret the Constitution in a way they disagree with? They trash the Constitution and the way it was written!
You just can't make this shit up! :disbelief:
No one is trashing the Constitution, moron. We're trashing the idea that some unelected freak can overturn the clear will of the majority. If MA wants to have fag marriage and a majority of their citizens vote for it, more power to them.
It's a lost cause guys, America has jumped the shark, and it ain't gonna do anything but get worse. The millenials will be firmly in charge in another decade, and they're more concerned about getting stoned and eating cheeseburgers.

That's exactly when we steal their smart phones!

We'll show them punks
Explain how it would bring back slavery and public floggings. Specifically.

Feel free to use my explanation of how it would make interracial marriage bans perfectly legal as a template if you're not sure how to do it.
It's so poorly worded anything is possible. I heard it allows Mexico to reclaim Texas and the territories lost in the Mexican War.

And how would it do this? So far, every time I've asked you.....you run.

Do you ever get tired of running?
Explain how it would bring back slavery and public floggings. Specifically.

Feel free to use my explanation of how it would make interracial marriage bans perfectly legal as a template if you're not sure how to do it.
It's so poorly worded anything is possible. I heard it allows Mexico to reclaim Texas and the territories lost in the Mexican War.

And how would it do this? So far, every time I've asked you.....you run.

Do you ever get tired of running?
It's because it's poorly worded.
I heard it was so poorly worded it would result in rounding up gays and executign them.
And how would its poor wording result in slavery, public floggings or Texas being returned to Mexico?

You don't seem able to articulate your own position. Perhaps you could think it out more thoroughly before you post it.
Let me show you. Its really not that hard.

The amendment is so poorly worded that it would make interracial marriage bans perfectly legal. In the case of interracial marriage bans, they were forbidden by the Supreme Court in their landmark ruling Loving V. Virginia. In which the portions of Virignia marriage law that made interracial marriage was overturned as unconstitutional. If the State marriage laws become absolute and can't be overruled or reviewed by the courts.......then such interracial marriage bans would again be perfectly legal.

See? Now you try.

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