Ted Cruz's dad: African-Americans “need to be educated”

AHA! Looks like the tree doesn't differ much from the apple. What ignorant/racist Canadians!

Ted Cruz s dad Average black doesn t know the minimum wage is bad MSNBC

In another rant that could become a headache for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the Republican’s father said he believes that “the average black” doesn’t realize the minimum wage is bad

Pastor Rafael Cruz, who has a history of controversial statements, also said that African-Americans “need to be educated” about Democrats, while speaking at the Western Williamson Republican Club’s August meeting on Aug. 21.
Well, they don't.

What's your point?
My communist masters and I were discussing this very subject just recently at our annual Khmer Rouge reunion.

So, you logged on to DailyKOS.....

We decided that Hilary is more of a liability than an asset, and candidates like Warren and Paul are exactly what the American electorate is looking for.

Hillary has a level of baggage that will leave her eviscerated should she run.

I strongly encourage the Khmer Rouge to run Warren.
AHA! Looks like the tree doesn't differ much from the apple. What ignorant/racist Canadians!

Ted Cruz s dad Average black doesn t know the minimum wage is bad MSNBC

In another rant that could become a headache for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the Republican’s father said he believes that “the average black” doesn’t realize the minimum wage is bad

Pastor Rafael Cruz, who has a history of controversial statements, also said that African-Americans “need to be educated” about Democrats, while speaking at the Western Williamson Republican Club’s August meeting on Aug. 21.
Sorry, I don't see a controversy in what he said....just a Republican stating his opinion...same opinion we hear here a lot.
Bill Cosby said the same thing.

I think all people need to independently educate themselves but very few do, they take what meme or hashtag they read or hear and run with it.
Everything and anything said by a Conservative is racist .. we hear it day in and day out so who the fuck cares any longer??? NO ONE but leftist Race PIMPS, their white democrat oversee'ers.. THAT'S IT.
Them damned lazy, overbreeding, foodstamp-collecting, welfare cheating, Obamaphone porch monkeys who would be happier picking cotton need to be educated, dadgummit!

The GOP looooooves us some negroes. The Democrats are the Klan! Read a histry book and find out this stuff, for chrissakes.

Now excuse me while I post one of the Right's favorite videos as they smirk in derision to demonstrate how much they loves negroes:

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Everything and anything said by a Conservative is racist .. we hear it day in and day out so who the fuck cares any longer??? NO ONE but leftist Race PIMPS, their white democrat oversee'ers.. THAT'S IT.

Yep! The other day I was in a thread where Republicans were going on and on about how blacks werent as smart as blacks and I'm all like "Why are people saying they are racists?"
Yep! The other day I was in a thread where Republicans were going on and on about how blacks werent as smart as blacks and I'm all like "Why are people saying they are racists?"

Funny, I was in a thread where I said people should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based only on merit, not on skin color.

And you screamed "RACIST" at me.....
Everything and anything said by a Conservative is racist .. we hear it day in and day out so who the fuck cares any longer??? NO ONE but leftist Race PIMPS, their white democrat oversee'ers.. THAT'S IT.

Yep! The other day I was in a thread where Republicans were going on and on about how blacks werent as smart as blacks and I'm all like "Why are people saying they are racists?"

Can't even get sarcasm right, what a hoot ...............
".................blacks weren't as smart as blacks........."
Racist dip shits make blatantly racist remarks and then wonder why people call them racists.

No I either make racist remarks that go completely over your heads, thus you can add a +1 for me in the education column of blacks ...........

Racist, naw, you wouldn't know one if it bit you on the ass, I make them all day long and no one notices ....................
Them damned lazy, overbreeding, foodstamp-collecting, welfare cheating, Obamaphone porch monkeys who would be happier picking cotton need to be educated, dadgummit!

The GOP looooooves us some negroes. The Democrats are the Klan! Read a histry book and find out this stuff, for chrissakes.

Now excuse me while I post one of the Right's favorite videos as they smirk in derision to demonstrate how much they loves negroes:

I wonder what happened to all those racist KKK Dixiecrat voters? Where did they go all of a sudden? Oh that's right, I remember now......they became Republicans.
Racist dip shits make blatantly racist remarks and then wonder why people call them racists.

Yes, judging men on the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin, is what your leftists deem "racist."

How can racist dip shits like you even begin to judge other men's character when you obviously don't have any of your own?

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