Ted Cruz's dad: African-Americans “need to be educated”

Racist dip shits make blatantly racist remarks and then wonder why people call them racists.

No I either make racist remarks that go completely over your heads, thus you can add a +1 for me in the education column of blacks ...........

Racist, naw, you wouldn't know one if it bit you on the ass, I make them all day long and no one notices ....................

You certainly were quick to recognize yourself as a racist dip shit.
Irony.....another word who's definition completely eludes you.

You like to put on airs, as if you completed 3rd grade, and are thereby vastly more educated than your fellow democrats...

So, seeing that you are highly educated, as leftists go, what is the definition of "racism" in your view?

  1. Any opposition to the democratic party and the official positions as expressed by MSNBC and ThinkProgress
  2. The belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. That genetics determines ability.
  3. Opposition to gay marriage or to Islam
  4. Both 1 and 3
Them damned lazy, overbreeding, foodstamp-collecting, welfare cheating, Obamaphone porch monkeys who would be happier picking cotton need to be educated, dadgummit!

The GOP looooooves us some negroes. The Democrats are the Klan! Read a histry book and find out this stuff, for chrissakes.

Now excuse me while I post one of the Right's favorite videos as they smirk in derision to demonstrate how much they loves negroes:

I wonder what happened to all those racist KKK Dixiecrat voters? Where did they go all of a sudden? Oh that's right, I remember now......they became Republicans.

They really don't like hearing that part. Discovering they are the political descendants of the racist Democrats is like a racist finding out his great-grandmother was black.

The screamingly hilarious part is that they aren't bothered so much by the racist bit as they are the Democrat bit.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Irony.....another word who's definition completely eludes you.

You like to put on airs, as if you completed 3rd grade, and are thereby vastly more educated than your fellow democrats...

So, seeing that you are highly educated, as leftists go, what is the definition of "racism" in your view?

  1. Any opposition to the democratic party and the official positions as expressed by MSNBC and ThinkProgress
  2. The belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. That genetics determines ability.
  3. Opposition to gay marriage or to Islam
  4. Both 1 and 3
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.
AHA! Looks like the tree doesn't differ much from the apple. What ignorant/racist Canadians!

Ted Cruz s dad Average black doesn t know the minimum wage is bad MSNBC

In another rant that could become a headache for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the Republican’s father said he believes that “the average black” doesn’t realize the minimum wage is bad

Pastor Rafael Cruz, who has a history of controversial statements, also said that African-Americans “need to be educated” about Democrats, while speaking at the Western Williamson Republican Club’s August meeting on Aug. 21.

I don't understand why Liberals don't agree with him.

Aren't they always saying we should Spend More On Education?
Them damned lazy, overbreeding, foodstamp-collecting, welfare cheating, Obamaphone porch monkeys who would be happier picking cotton need to be educated, dadgummit!

The GOP looooooves us some negroes. The Democrats are the Klan! Read a histry book and find out this stuff, for chrissakes.

Now excuse me while I post one of the Right's favorite videos as they smirk in derision to demonstrate how much they loves negroes:

I wonder what happened to all those racist KKK Dixiecrat voters? Where did they go all of a sudden? Oh that's right, I remember now......they became Republicans.

They really don't like hearing that part. Discovering they are the political descendants of the racist Democrats is like a racist finding out his great-grandmother was black.

The screamingly hilarious part is that they aren't bothered so much by the racist bit as they are the Democrat bit.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

The soul of the old Confederacy will never die.
Irony.....another word who's definition completely eludes you.

You like to put on airs, as if you completed 3rd grade, and are thereby vastly more educated than your fellow democrats...

So, seeing that you are highly educated, as leftists go, what is the definition of "racism" in your view?

  1. Any opposition to the democratic party and the official positions as expressed by MSNBC and ThinkProgress
  2. The belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. That genetics determines ability.
  3. Opposition to gay marriage or to Islam
  4. Both 1 and 3
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

Too difficult for you? Feel free to cut and paste it over at MoveOn, so your handler can tell you what your thoughts are on it...
AHA! Looks like the tree doesn't differ much from the apple. What ignorant/racist Canadians!

Ted Cruz s dad Average black doesn t know the minimum wage is bad MSNBC

In another rant that could become a headache for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the Republican’s father said he believes that “the average black” doesn’t realize the minimum wage is bad

Pastor Rafael Cruz, who has a history of controversial statements, also said that African-Americans “need to be educated” about Democrats, while speaking at the Western Williamson Republican Club’s August meeting on Aug. 21.

Pastor (Parasite) Rafael Cruz is a piece of bible thumping fecal matter

Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring About 'End Time Transfer of Wealth'

Ted Cruz s Father Suggested His Son Is Anointed to Bring About End Time Transfer of Wealth Alternet
Oh lookie, batshit has arrived.

The average IQ in the forum just took a precipitous drop...
Irony.....another word who's definition completely eludes you.

You like to put on airs, as if you completed 3rd grade, and are thereby vastly more educated than your fellow democrats...

So, seeing that you are highly educated, as leftists go, what is the definition of "racism" in your view?

  1. Any opposition to the democratic party and the official positions as expressed by MSNBC and ThinkProgress
  2. The belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. That genetics determines ability.
  3. Opposition to gay marriage or to Islam
  4. Both 1 and 3
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

Too difficult for you? Feel free to cut and paste it over at MoveOn, so your handler can tell you what your thoughts are on it...

You remind me of this scene because you can't possibly say anything that conflicts with your half wit rhetoric. You have to stay on script, your choices are few.

No wonder we are failing as a country. Saying something as observably true as African Americans need an education is racist.

No. Keep them ignorant. Is that better?
Them damned lazy, overbreeding, foodstamp-collecting, welfare cheating, Obamaphone porch monkeys who would be happier picking cotton need to be educated, dadgummit!

The GOP looooooves us some negroes. The Democrats are the Klan! Read a histry book and find out this stuff, for chrissakes.

Now excuse me while I post one of the Right's favorite videos as they smirk in derision to demonstrate how much they loves negroes:

Ever notice how it's liberal who use offensive racist language almost always?
Them damned lazy, overbreeding, foodstamp-collecting, welfare cheating, Obamaphone porch monkeys who would be happier picking cotton need to be educated, dadgummit!

The GOP looooooves us some negroes. The Democrats are the Klan! Read a histry book and find out this stuff, for chrissakes.

Now excuse me while I post one of the Right's favorite videos as they smirk in derision to demonstrate how much they loves negroes:

Ever notice how it's liberals who use offensive racist language almost always?
You see this in the news about Floyd Mayweather? He cannot read.

I am still trying to figure out exactly what is wrong with someone saying blacks need to be educated. So many of them are convinced they are victims as a result of liberals like the OP convincing them they cannot achieve anything with out special help.

Yes folks. The sad part is how many of them consider themselves the perpetual victim. Even when they are rich and make it. They cling on to the victim narrative. Meanwhile someone says they need to be educated, and there are the typical gated community white guilt assholes crying racism.

The disaster that is the black race as a result of 50 years of liberal brainwashing. What is the result? Looters are called liberators.

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