Ted Kennedy tried to collude with the Soviet Union to defeat President Reagan in the 1984 election


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Kennedy's secret communiques to the head of the KGB & Yuri Andropov came out after Soviet Union fell (thanks to Reagan, whom Kennedy conspired with communists to defeat).

Kennedy's secret letters to KGB & Andropov proposed a U.S. media tour for Soviet officials during a presidential election year. Said he could set up interviews with Barbara Walters & Walter Cronkite.

Kennedy tried to conspire with America's enemy to take down the President of the United States, whom he considered a greater danger that the SOVIET UNION.

Kennedy was writing mash notes to Soviet leaders back when Russia was threatening Americans with nuclear annihilation -- liberals loved THAT Russia. It's today's Christian Russia that liberals hate.
Of course he did, but few Americans know about it. I wonder why he never was investigated...o_O:rolleyes::confused::cool:
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As an American first, I don't want Russia or any other country screwing with our elections.
The legacy of Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy is not only the young lady he killed, but the young lady who was murdered by one of his constituents "who found an $800 pistol on a park bench," an illegal alien from a third world country. Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy was partly responsible for the 1965 Immigration Act that encouraged third worlders and banned Europeans.
Kennedy's secret communiques to the head of the KGB & Yuri Andropov came out after Soviet Union fell (thanks to Reagan, whom Kennedy conspired with communists to defeat).

Kennedy's secret letters to KGB & Andropov proposed a U.S. media tour for Soviet officials during a presidential election year. Said he could set up interviews with Barbara Walters & Walter Cronkite.

Kennedy tried to conspire with America's enemy to take down the President of the United States, whom he considered a greater danger that the SOVIET UNION.

Kennedy was writing mash notes to Soviet leaders back when Russia was threatening Americans with nuclear annihilation -- liberals loved THAT Russia. It's today's Christian Russia that liberals hate.
In any of those letters did Kennedy say anything as treasonous as "I'll have more flexibility after the elections?" Said directly to the Russians?

Besides, it doesn't matter what Kennedy did. If you are trying to prove left wing hypocrisy then that ship has already sailed. And if you are trying to defend Trump by pointing out other wrong doing that is just being disingenuous, in my opinion.
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"I can’t stand there and argue with him. I’d rather have him get out of Syria, to be honest with you. I’d rather have him — you know, work with him on the Ukraine than standing and arguing about whether or not — because that whole thing was set up by the Democrats. it was a political hit job

He said he didn’t meddle. He said he didn’t meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they’re saying he did.

We had two or three very short conversations because of the meeting, the fact that we’re at a meeting. But during those conversations, we talked about Syria and de-conflicting, etc. You know, we have areas where troops are facing — our troops — I mean, their troops are facing our troops and there’s nothing in between.

We seem to have a very good feeling for each other and a good relationship considering we don’t know each other well. I think it’s a very good relationship." - President Trump on Putin
Kennedy's secret communiques to the head of the KGB & Yuri Andropov came out after Soviet Union fell (thanks to Reagan, whom Kennedy conspired with communists to defeat).

Kennedy's secret letters to KGB & Andropov proposed a U.S. media tour for Soviet officials during a presidential election year. Said he could set up interviews with Barbara Walters & Walter Cronkite.

Kennedy tried to conspire with America's enemy to take down the President of the United States, whom he considered a greater danger that the SOVIET UNION.

Kennedy was writing mash notes to Soviet leaders back when Russia was threatening Americans with nuclear annihilation -- liberals loved THAT Russia. It's today's Christian Russia that liberals hate.

Yes, but Kennedy had a license to kill, like that girl he drove into the lake.

It's like comparing apples and oranges.

Were you not a Bernie Sanders supporter?

No, actually I wasn't. If you pay attention, I frequently call him "Commie Bernie" and slap down the Bernie Bros on a regular basis.

The second scariest thing about the 2016 election was how close he came to getting the Democratic Nomination.

One party nominated and "elects" (not really) a Fascist (the scariest thing) and the other damn near nominated and elected a Communist. That's a sign that people have kind of given up on Democracy.

Weimar America, anyone?

Were you not a Bernie Sanders supporter?

No, actually I wasn't. If you pay attention, I frequently call him "Commie Bernie" and slap down the Bernie Bros on a regular basis.

The second scariest thing about the 2016 election was how close he came to getting the Democratic Nomination.

One party nominated and "elects" (not really) a Fascist (the scariest thing) and the other damn near nominated and elected a Communist. That's a sign that people have kind of given up on Democracy.

Weimar America, anyone?

Are you then not a Dim anymore cuz the Bernie socialists have taken over officially now.
Kennedy tried to conspire with America's enemy to take down the President of the United States, whom he considered a greater danger that the SOVIET UNION.

Um, yeah, a guy with senile dementia having his finger on the button was kind of dangerous
Does he appear to have dementia...stop being a dupe for the DNC media.

From wiki:

There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union,[1] based on the interpretation of political opposition or dissent as a psychiatric problem. It was called "psychopathological mechanisms" of dissent.

During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used to disable and remove from society political opponents ("dissidents") who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted the official dogma. The term "philosophical intoxication", for instance, was widely applied to the mental disorders diagnosed when people disagreed with the country's Communist leaders and, by referring to the writings of the Founding Fathers of Marxism–Leninism—Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin—made them the target of criticism.

Just expect more of the same.
When the people elected Trump the Washington establishment immediately began investigations into Trump to find any little thing they could use to take him down. Was this holier than thou standard applied to Obama? No. Bush? No. Clinton? Hell no. Yet Trump has to be squeaky clean? What a load of crap.
When the people elected Trump the Washington establishment immediately began investigations into Trump to find any little thing they could use to take him down. Was this holier than thou standard applied to Obama? No. Bush? No. Clinton? Hell no. Yet Trump has to be squeaky clean? What a load of crap.

Trump is a Birther. Say no more.
When the people elected Trump the Washington establishment immediately began investigations into Trump to find any little thing they could use to take him down. Was this holier than thou standard applied to Obama? No. Bush? No. Clinton? Hell no. Yet Trump has to be squeaky clean? What a load of crap.

Trump is a Birther. Say no more.

Which Hillary started.

Politicians will say anything to get elected, but will they say anything to impeach those who are elected?

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