Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights

Yawn. All of which is irrelevant to the fact that we were ruled over by a king, as part of an empire, and although he had parliament to deal with, his whim in regards to the colonies was basically rubbed-stamped by them.


You really should have stuck it out until you finished second grade..

No stupid, Parliament didn't rubber stamp anything, which is why I quoted the King petitioning Parliament to take action. He was constrained legally from taking action absent their direct approval.

FURTHER, you mindless git, it was Parliament that exasperated the situation with their openly corrupt dealings with The British East India Company - which were nearly as corrupt as the dealing between Obama and Kaiser or GM; that fomented the crisis. The King was begging for restraint from a Parliament bent on raping the colonies on behalf of the favored mega-corp.

Thanks for yet again not only making my case for me, but insisting of trumpeting your meth-addled pig ignorance of history.

Please try harder when you come here to get slapped like a little bitch. You're making it far too easy and it's getting boring.

Look, you're a troll. No one is ever going to take you seriously. But jeez you little fucktard, have some dignity and slink back into the shadows.
Using your non-reasoning, we rebelled because we are human.


Since it is not possible for someone to be as stupid as he portrays himself, and to be able to type, one must conclude he is a troll seeking reaction.

BTW, do you know who he was prior to being banned?
Yawn. All of which is irrelevant to the fact that we were ruled over by a king, as part of an empire, and although he had parliament to deal with, his whim in regards to the colonies was basically rubbed-stamped by them.


You really should have stuck it out until you finished second grade..

No stupid, Parliament didn't rubber stamp anything, which is why I quoted the King petitioning Parliament to take action. He was constrained legally from taking action absent their direct approval.

FURTHER, you mindless git, it was Parliament that exasperated the situation with their openly corrupt dealings with The British East India Company - which were nearly as corrupt as the dealing between Obama and Kaiser or GM; that fomented the crisis. The King was begging for restraint from a Parliament bent on raping the colonies on behalf of the favored mega-corp.

No, you historically pig ignorant dipshit, no one is disputing that he was constrained from legally taking action without their direct approval, so save your Straw Men for someone dumb enough to accept them.

King George gave understood the reality of patronage politics and widely and richly doled out favors in return for a clique of members known as "king's friends" in Parliament who got through anything he wanted. IOW, you illiterate, panting child, they rubber-stamped what he wanted.

Learn some history for once in your life. You won't get made the fool here on practically a post-by-post basis.
Thanks for yet again not only making my case for me, but insisting of trumpeting your meth-addled pig ignorance of history.

Please try harder when you come here to get slapped like a little bitch. You're making it far too easy and it's getting boring.

Look, you're a troll. No one is ever going to take you seriously. But jeez you little fucktard, have some dignity and slink back into the shadows.

LOL! Coming from an historically illiterate attention whore with obvious daddy issues like you, you'll understand if I just point and laugh.

Really, try harder. You're making this far too easy.
Using your non-reasoning, we rebelled because we are human.


Since it is not possible for someone to be as stupid as he portrays himself, and to be able to type, one must conclude he is a troll seeking reaction.

BTW, do you know who he was prior to being banned?

LOL! Your pathological obsession with me is again duly noted.

Dance, little trained monkey, dance!
Using your non-reasoning, we rebelled because we are human.


Since it is not possible for someone to be as stupid as he portrays himself, and to be able to type, one must conclude he is a troll seeking reaction.

BTW, do you know who he was prior to being banned?

All the trolls meld together in my mind. I don't distinguish one from the other.

He uses a lot of jake's moves, but then again, jake's not that original.
Did this wingnut dipshit refuse to join performance unions and performing rights groups like ASCAP and BMI, based on his 'ideology'?

Not a chance in hell. He's just another hypocrite.
All the trolls meld together in my mind. I don't distinguish one from the other.

He uses a lot of jake's moves, but then again, jake's not that original.

Jakematters hasn't been banned.

This one was instantly familiar with everyone, so that says he's a redo of a permabanned troll.
All the trolls meld together in my mind. I don't distinguish one from the other.

He uses a lot of jake's moves, but then again, jake's not that original.

Jakematters hasn't been banned.

This one was instantly familiar with everyone, so that says he's a redo of a permabanned troll.

Translation: I've handed you your ass every time we've spoken, and as a smokescreen from this, you attempt to attribute to me the identity of some banned poster here.

So you're not only profoundly ill equipped to engage in the most basic of arguments, you're a delusional paranoiac.

Not really all that surprising, given your lifelong meth abuse.
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Did this wingnut dipshit refuse to join performance unions and performing rights groups like ASCAP and BMI, based on his 'ideology'?

Not a chance in hell. He's just another hypocrite.

Just in case you want to update the election numbers--

Obama got 35,464,068 votes or 51% of the vote

Romney got 60,781,275 votes or 47.3%

United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you! I update by HuffPo election results - which are slightly different.
A rock and roll star worth millions of dollars who does not need Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid thinks no one else should have them, even though Social Security pays for itself.

This is news?

A rock and roll star worth millions of dollars who does not need Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid thinks no one else should have them, even though Social Security pays for itself.

This is news?


Well at least you have Paul McCartney out there willing to take every dollar you have to give to the needy.

Leftists firmly believe that charity begins in their neighbors pocket.
Social Security is charity? Since when?

The last time I checked, I was still paying SS taxes.

Yeah, that's what foodstamp recipients say too. "I paid in, it's mine!"

Whatever. Entitlement. I'm fairly certain that neither they, nor you, paid $600/month into social security, or $200 a month into the foodstamp program.
Did this wingnut dipshit refuse to join performance unions and performing rights groups like ASCAP and BMI, based on his 'ideology'?

Not a chance in hell. He's just another hypocrite.

Just in case you want to update the election numbers--

Obama got 35,464,068 votes or 51% of the vote

Romney got 60,781,275 votes or 47.3%

United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

65 million, Mustang - not 35 million! :lol:
Using your non-reasoning, we rebelled because we are human.


Since it is not possible for someone to be as stupid as he portrays himself, and to be able to type, one must conclude he is a troll seeking reaction.

BTW, do you know who he was prior to being banned?

LOL! Your pathological obsession with me is again duly noted.

Dance, little trained monkey, dance!

LOL that's the same old lame lines you give everybody, your such a dull girl.

Try to come up with something more original, change it up a little...

Go have one of those progressive wine enema's, maybe that will do the trick...:D
Since it is not possible for someone to be as stupid as he portrays himself, and to be able to type, one must conclude he is a troll seeking reaction.

BTW, do you know who he was prior to being banned?

LOL! Your pathological obsession with me is again duly noted.

Dance, little trained monkey, dance!

LOL that's the same old lame lines you give everybody, your such a dull girl.

Try to come up with something more original, change it up a little...

Go have one of those progressive wine enema's, maybe that will do the trick...:D

LOL! Take your cocklust to Rentboy or your local gay bar, Twinky.
Has to be jake. He's the only one who moves from loopy to full on retard in such a quick and predictable fashion.

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