Ted Nugent's Ridiculous Comments About Military Suicides

LIFE=PTSD. I'm so tired of hearing these guys blame everything they fuck up after they come home on the war they were in. You're right, it started with Vietnam and should have ended there. Anybody who's ever been in a bad car wreck or almost drowned or been attacked by a dog has what you could call "PTSD".....What works is you put those thoughts in a room in your mind and lock the door....wall them off and let them die by being replaced with better memories.

Ever been in combat? If so thank you. If not shut the fuck up.

You're welcome...now you shut the fuck up, pogue.

So...is that a yes or no to you serving? Oh and could you post your qualifications that show your an expert on combat soldiers and post traumatic stress and why you say they lied about it.
Ted later admitted the story about him shitting in his pants was pure bullshit. The made up story he bragged about was to a gullible reporter for 'High Times' magazine back in the 70's. Ted knew the anti-war hippies would eat his sensational story up back then and buy his records. He got on the bus but was turned away for a medical condition after his physical was taken like many countless thousands of others were at the time.
Hey burther....you sound so convincing. Got a link?

Sure. Let's look at his actual Selective Service Classification Record.


He was classified 1-5 (High School Deferment) in 1967 and 2-5 (College Deferment) in 1968. Then after being classified as 1-A (available for military service) in 1969, he was rejected because he failed his physical and was given a 1-Y classification (meaning he had physical medical limitations but not disabling during a national emergency or wartime resulting in demoting him). After the 1-Y classification was eliminated at the end of 1971, he was reclassified 4-F. What does this mean? It means Ted didn't dodge the draft at all even though he had a deferment at the time he was eligible for the draft. He got on the bus like everyone else and went to go take his physical instead of heading to Canada to avoid combat like most hippies did. The military according to his selective service classification gave him a medical exemption due to a medical limitation. My older brother was rejected in 71 because he had asthma which is not disabling.
Are you actually trying to prove the guy art are defending is a fucking liar? He lied about the military and he is a patriot? On on the right. You can keep him. I am still trying to see where he said he lied in a story you mentioned.

I am going to get comfy and see what happens next. Prove some guy you are defending is a liar. :eusa_whistle:

Remember...YOU SAID..
"The made up story he bragged about was to a gullible reporter for 'High Times' magazine back in the 70's.".
[MENTION=44457]Steve_McGarrett[/MENTION] ....
Nugent does more for the troops than you leftie moonbats who sit on Hufferpost and let them yank your idiot chains with stupid shit like this...

so shudda up
Ever been in combat? If so thank you. If not shut the fuck up.

You're welcome...now you shut the fuck up, pogue.

So...is that a yes or no to you serving? Oh and could you post your qualifications that show your an expert on combat soldiers and post traumatic stress and why you say they lied about it.

Already have ya brain-dead pussy.....several times...how about you troll somebody else....I'm starting to think you're queer for me. :eusa_eh:

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