Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

lol if only you applied this logic to BLM and antifa


Wow surprise it's almost like there is no national organizatino for any of this shit

Could poll the "members" and less than 5% could even name a single leader in the movement
The people marching for blm don't know shit about that which they support. 90% of the protesters, rioters, looters, arsonists don't give two shits about blacks. If they did they would have been in the inner cities decades ago trying to stop the genocide.

It's as vague as hope and change old man

Just like militia is a vague term

Why you so easily see the nuance with teh white kid but don't with the others I have no idea.

90% lol whole country would be burning not enough TV's to go around
Because ONE WHITE KID =/= thousands of people looting, burning & murdering.
I did, in the link does not say this was self-defense. Which means you are the one who didn't read the article. Awkward.

The guy was running with a rifle, he fell down and the pursuers came at him, tried to kick him and take his rifle. There are several videos from multiple sources showing this. It clearly looks like self defense but, I believe he is been charged with first degree murder.

A Daily Caller reporter was on the scene:

"The alleged shooter is currently in custody and is being held at a juvenile facility in Illinois, according to ABC7.
The Daily Caller’s Richie McGinniss interviewed the suspect just before the incident occurred."

"The man, armed with a rifle standing outside a local business, told McGinniss that his “job is to protect this business,” and that “if there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harms way.”

Another video shows what appears to be the shooter running away, while a group of individuals chase after him. One person tries to tackle what appears to be the shooter. He then seems to fire his rifle multiple times before getting up. The suspect then appears to run toward police officers with his hands up. An individual in the video can be heard screaming “Hey! He just shot them!” The shooter then appears to walk past police officers.

Wow, those videos show the whole thing. I wonder if all of this kids supporters realize the first person he killed was white?

Why the fuck would we care?
They better get the facts straight.
Or the real militias will emerge.

View attachment 380197

These communist democrats want us to believe that this 17 year old boy was shooting up a street full of peaceful strollers stopping to sing a verse of Lida Rose. They also want to pretend that the criminal now known as Gimpy didn't just brawl with the police and didn't have a warrant out for his arrest.

Sell that shit on a Beijing street corner

Looked to me like the kid was running from a mob of rioters, tripped and fell, and they closed in to beat him senseless or dead.
Self-defense as one rioter seemed to have a handgun!
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
He looks like one of those INCEL characters.

You know, I kinda thought the same thing. Especially when I saw that he was wearing Crocs. What kind of a gun owner would have a picture of them with their gun, wearing the most pussified type of footwear?

Quick question for you gun owners out there, would you be willing to have your picture taken of you holding your gun and wearing Crocs? Better question still, would any of you guys even own Crocs?

Obviously by my avatar, I have no problem being photoed with my gun. :auiqs.jpg:

Whether or not you would have a picture taken with your gun wasn't quite the question. The question is, would you have that picture taken while wearing Crocs? The follow up question to that was how many of you gun owners actually own Crocs?

That I couldn't tell you. To be totally honest, I didn't know what crocs were until this topic. This is a kid after all. When I was a kid, I wore an army jacket, tie died tee shirts, bell bottom jeans, and had hair down to my shoulders. my mother made me an elastic band for my bike to tie up my bell bottoms because they kept getting caught between the bike chain and sprockets. When the family breaks out the photo album and I see pictures of myself back then, all I can think is OMG, WTF was I thinking? LOL.

That was an issue long after bell bottom jeans. Unless you were a skate rat with skin tight jeans*

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

In Texas a 17 year old can own one,he just cant purchase one.

Can they carry a concealed one in public? Our law is you can't get a CCW until the age of 21.
CCW's violate the 2nd amendment,,,

The Supreme Court didn't see it that way. According to the last ruling I read, government can regulate your right to firearms, but can't prohibit it, just regulate it. I think that decision was after the national assault gun ban, but don't quote me on that.
well thats just proof they cant read simple english,,,

and saying you cant carry one without their permission is prohibiting having one,,,
just like the back ground checks,,,

its funny how it took them 200 yrs to decide that though,,almost like it was a political decision not a constitutional one,,,

It never was political until the liberals hijacked the Democrat party. Liberals are control freaks. If they don't like or want something, you shouldn't like or want it either. They want to take away our guns and police all at the same time. They want Portland and Seattle every night of the week and us not capable of defending ourselves.
by definition they arent liberals theyre marxist of one flavor or another,,

once thats understood it all makes sense,,,and also proves the ruling by the SCOTUS is worthless and I reject it,,as best I can,,

Gun rights have nothing to do with economic policy....

There are two axis. Social and economic

Actual economic marxists don't exist in america. And social marxists don't either in any numbers

To be a social marxist you'd need to support chinese style authoritarianism. Wanting state enforced equal outcomes for all demographics isn't enough.
dont believe everything you read on the internet,,that compass is wrong in this country,,,


It's a political scale, it's a bit arbitrary. Social and economic policy overlap.

Oobviously if you have no currency and the state controls everything in an economic sense. Your personal liberty is going to be severely limited depending on how they do that.

But to call it wrong is absurd. It's a universal scale specifically trying to remove a variable like American culture so you don't have some twisted view where you think NYT or MSNBC employees are commies working for massive corporations.

Basically all Americans fall at the socially libertarian bottom half of the scale.

it has no meaning in this country under our constitution,,,

our scale is a straight line with total government on the left and anarchy on the right with the constitution in the middle,,,

under our constitution the economy is no business of the federal government,,,

It's a political science tool. No shit....?

It's for objectively mapping where you are on the scale.

To be a marxist you need to be very far to the left on the scale. Which basically no one is

how can you be far left on a circular scale???

Why the fuck would you use a circular scale? lol

Do you not understand how graphing works?

Just because you don't visualize it, doesn't mean it's not still a square graph with 2 axis.....You are not prepared to have this conversation. Hahaha

youre the one that used it not me,,what shape do you think a compass is??

read your links next time,,,

Do you imagine compasses have to be a circle?

A compass just shows true north bud. Or in this case true political alignment


like I said,,,read your link next time,,,

uhhhh huh

tell me more about the imaginary marxists you giant pussy

why are you changing the subject???
I did, in the link does not say this was self-defense. Which means you are the one who didn't read the article. Awkward.

The guy was running with a rifle, he fell down and the pursuers came at him, tried to kick him and take his rifle. There are several videos from multiple sources showing this. It clearly looks like self defense but, I believe he is been charged with first degree murder.

A Daily Caller reporter was on the scene:

"The alleged shooter is currently in custody and is being held at a juvenile facility in Illinois, according to ABC7.
The Daily Caller’s Richie McGinniss interviewed the suspect just before the incident occurred."

"The man, armed with a rifle standing outside a local business, told McGinniss that his “job is to protect this business,” and that “if there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harms way.”

Another video shows what appears to be the shooter running away, while a group of individuals chase after him. One person tries to tackle what appears to be the shooter. He then seems to fire his rifle multiple times before getting up. The suspect then appears to run toward police officers with his hands up. An individual in the video can be heard screaming “Hey! He just shot them!” The shooter then appears to walk past police officers.

Wow, those videos show the whole thing. I wonder if all of this kids supporters realize the first person he killed was white? This kid played too many video games. With all this video evidence, he is toast.

Only Democrats care about skin color.
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

Yup. That is so very true.
Really? We had guns as kids. Even took them to school LEGALLY

I remember growing up in Montana, and during hunting season there were lots of kids who had rifles in the gun racks in their trucks. But, the school only allowed it during hunting season, and the guns had to stay inside the vehicle while on school grounds. And yeah, I've seen a couple of them bag a deer on their way into school (lots of open prairie and grassland around where I grew up). But then again, that was back in the mid 70's to early 80's.

I would have to read up on their laws, but I think carrying a loaded firearm in public is different than carrying an empty gun on a gun rack. In our state, if you do not have a CCW, the ammo has to be separate (out of arms reach) from your weapon. The gun goes in your glove compartment and ammo in the trunk of your car.

Just doing a web search looks like you might be right. It’s illegal to open carry a firearm under age 18. If that’s the case, he may lose his ability to claim self defense as he was committing a crime.
What crime would that be? The crime of self defense?

Did you read my post? It looks like it might be illegal to open carry a firearm under 18. Not to mention he was breaking curfew.
So? Are laws applying to the rioters who also had guns and were out past curfew? Or just this guy?

Obviously the issue here is that this kid killed 2 people and almost killed a third. If any of the other rioters killed people, I expect the same laws to apply.
What a fucking mess.
When I saw that video I knew it was a kid. You could see it.
Just a kid.
Wait till the shooter is a grown man with military training. It won't be one dead. It will be many.
All because thugs and thieves hijack a shooting as an excuse to go out and terrorize the populace, burn down buildings and loot stores.
This kid would have most likely lived his life without ever hurting a soul.
He is a victim as much as anyone else.

The poor kid believed in law and order even after local law enforcement failed to stop burnin' n' lootin' and curfews.
That makes him proactive! Far, far from being a victim.
The shooter you‘re defending absconded and left the state. It tells you how innocent he thought he was.

He is smart enough to know that he won't get a fair trial.
I would've run, too!!
He left because he killed two people in cold blood and to avoid prosecution for his crime.
You mean while defending himself from the scum thugs who were after him? Give him a medal.
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

Yup. That is so very true.
Really? We had guns as kids. Even took them to school LEGALLY

I remember growing up in Montana, and during hunting season there were lots of kids who had rifles in the gun racks in their trucks. But, the school only allowed it during hunting season, and the guns had to stay inside the vehicle while on school grounds. And yeah, I've seen a couple of them bag a deer on their way into school (lots of open prairie and grassland around where I grew up). But then again, that was back in the mid 70's to early 80's.

I would have to read up on their laws, but I think carrying a loaded firearm in public is different than carrying an empty gun on a gun rack. In our state, if you do not have a CCW, the ammo has to be separate (out of arms reach) from your weapon. The gun goes in your glove compartment and ammo in the trunk of your car.

Just doing a web search looks like you might be right. It’s illegal to open carry a firearm under age 18. If that’s the case, he may lose his ability to claim self defense as he was committing a crime.
What crime would that be? The crime of self defense?

Did you read my post? It looks like it might be illegal to open carry a firearm under 18. Not to mention he was breaking curfew.
So? Are laws applying to the rioters who also had guns and were out past curfew? Or just this guy?

Obviously the issue here is that this kid killed 2 people and almost killed a third. If any of the other rioters killed people, I expect the same laws to apply.
They've killed 30 so far.

You're welcome
Yeah......well.....back when we were kids, we didn't have other kids with guns killing people either. Just the other day in my suburb, some 73 year old man was carjacked. The dummy did it 500 feet from our police station. The cops chased him at speeds topping 100 mph. His partner got away after the crash, but he got busted. He is 16 years old. Now WTF is a 16 year old with a gun doing out at 2:00 in the morning?

What is a 73 yr old man doing out at 2 AM?
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

Yup. That is so very true.
Really? We had guns as kids. Even took them to school LEGALLY

I remember growing up in Montana, and during hunting season there were lots of kids who had rifles in the gun racks in their trucks. But, the school only allowed it during hunting season, and the guns had to stay inside the vehicle while on school grounds. And yeah, I've seen a couple of them bag a deer on their way into school (lots of open prairie and grassland around where I grew up). But then again, that was back in the mid 70's to early 80's.

I would have to read up on their laws, but I think carrying a loaded firearm in public is different than carrying an empty gun on a gun rack. In our state, if you do not have a CCW, the ammo has to be separate (out of arms reach) from your weapon. The gun goes in your glove compartment and ammo in the trunk of your car.

Just doing a web search looks like you might be right. It’s illegal to open carry a firearm under age 18. If that’s the case, he may lose his ability to claim self defense as he was committing a crime.
What crime would that be? The crime of self defense?

Did you read my post? It looks like it might be illegal to open carry a firearm under 18. Not to mention he was breaking curfew.
We don't want to see anyone breaking any laws now.
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

Yup. That is so very true.
Really? We had guns as kids. Even took them to school LEGALLY

I remember growing up in Montana, and during hunting season there were lots of kids who had rifles in the gun racks in their trucks. But, the school only allowed it during hunting season, and the guns had to stay inside the vehicle while on school grounds. And yeah, I've seen a couple of them bag a deer on their way into school (lots of open prairie and grassland around where I grew up). But then again, that was back in the mid 70's to early 80's.

I would have to read up on their laws, but I think carrying a loaded firearm in public is different than carrying an empty gun on a gun rack. In our state, if you do not have a CCW, the ammo has to be separate (out of arms reach) from your weapon. The gun goes in your glove compartment and ammo in the trunk of your car.

Just doing a web search looks like you might be right. It’s illegal to open carry a firearm under age 18. If that’s the case, he may lose his ability to claim self defense as he was committing a crime.
What crime would that be? The crime of self defense?

Did you read my post? It looks like it might be illegal to open carry a firearm under 18. Not to mention he was breaking curfew.
So? Are laws applying to the rioters who also had guns and were out past curfew? Or just this guy?

Obviously the issue here is that this kid killed 2 people and almost killed a third. If any of the other rioters killed people, I expect the same laws to apply.
except for this kid did it to protect himself and the rioters are trying to hurt others,,,
There’s nothing better than getting shit faced, turning on the six o’clock news, and watching a bunch of assholes having a good old fashioned shoot out in a place far away from me and mine.
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
He looks like one of those INCEL characters.

You know, I kinda thought the same thing. Especially when I saw that he was wearing Crocs. What kind of a gun owner would have a picture of them with their gun, wearing the most pussified type of footwear?

Quick question for you gun owners out there, would you be willing to have your picture taken of you holding your gun and wearing Crocs? Better question still, would any of you guys even own Crocs?

Obviously by my avatar, I have no problem being photoed with my gun. :auiqs.jpg:

Whether or not you would have a picture taken with your gun wasn't quite the question. The question is, would you have that picture taken while wearing Crocs? The follow up question to that was how many of you gun owners actually own Crocs?

That I couldn't tell you. To be totally honest, I didn't know what crocs were until this topic. This is a kid after all. When I was a kid, I wore an army jacket, tie died tee shirts, bell bottom jeans, and had hair down to my shoulders. my mother made me an elastic band for my bike to tie up my bell bottoms because they kept getting caught between the bike chain and sprockets. When the family breaks out the photo album and I see pictures of myself back then, all I can think is OMG, WTF was I thinking? LOL.

That was an issue long after bell bottom jeans. Unless you were a skate rat with skin tight jeans*

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

In Texas a 17 year old can own one,he just cant purchase one.

Can they carry a concealed one in public? Our law is you can't get a CCW until the age of 21.
CCW's violate the 2nd amendment,,,

The Supreme Court didn't see it that way. According to the last ruling I read, government can regulate your right to firearms, but can't prohibit it, just regulate it. I think that decision was after the national assault gun ban, but don't quote me on that.
well thats just proof they cant read simple english,,,

and saying you cant carry one without their permission is prohibiting having one,,,
just like the back ground checks,,,

its funny how it took them 200 yrs to decide that though,,almost like it was a political decision not a constitutional one,,,

It never was political until the liberals hijacked the Democrat party. Liberals are control freaks. If they don't like or want something, you shouldn't like or want it either. They want to take away our guns and police all at the same time. They want Portland and Seattle every night of the week and us not capable of defending ourselves.
by definition they arent liberals theyre marxist of one flavor or another,,

once thats understood it all makes sense,,,and also proves the ruling by the SCOTUS is worthless and I reject it,,as best I can,,

Gun rights have nothing to do with economic policy....

There are two axis. Social and economic

Actual economic marxists don't exist in america. And social marxists don't either in any numbers

To be a social marxist you'd need to support chinese style authoritarianism. Wanting state enforced equal outcomes for all demographics isn't enough.
dont believe everything you read on the internet,,that compass is wrong in this country,,,


It's a political scale, it's a bit arbitrary. Social and economic policy overlap.

Oobviously if you have no currency and the state controls everything in an economic sense. Your personal liberty is going to be severely limited depending on how they do that.

But to call it wrong is absurd. It's a universal scale specifically trying to remove a variable like American culture so you don't have some twisted view where you think NYT or MSNBC employees are commies working for massive corporations.

Basically all Americans fall at the socially libertarian bottom half of the scale.

it has no meaning in this country under our constitution,,,

our scale is a straight line with total government on the left and anarchy on the right with the constitution in the middle,,,

under our constitution the economy is no business of the federal government,,,

It's a political science tool. No shit....?

It's for objectively mapping where you are on the scale.

To be a marxist you need to be very far to the left on the scale. Which basically no one is

how can you be far left on a circular scale???

Why the fuck would you use a circular scale? lol

Do you not understand how graphing works?

Just because you don't visualize it, doesn't mean it's not still a square graph with 2 axis.....You are not prepared to have this conversation. Hahaha

youre the one that used it not me,,what shape do you think a compass is??

read your links next time,,,

Do you imagine compasses have to be a circle?

A compass just shows true north bud. Or in this case true political alignment


like I said,,,read your link next time,,,

uhhhh huh

tell me more about the imaginary marxists you giant pussy

why are you changing the subject???

The subject is exactly the same

The reason i posted the compass in the first place was to clarify to you what a marxist is

And how absurd your use of the word is

Act like you're some peasant who has never heard of the discipline of political science.

Why are you so fucking stupid? Did your mother drink? My god
As the country burns, Trump sits in his bed sending out gratuitously bad-ass tweets … followed by utter spinelessness. He talks like he’s Yosemite Sam, then does nothing. This is the worst of everything.

How about saying sweet nothings...then stunning them with force!
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