Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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The Jury will find him innocent of this ridiculous charge and he'll be treated like the hero that he is by most of the people :Boom2: Antifa BLM
I wouldn't be so sure of that.

He was carrying a gun illegally after all.
I'm glad there will be more people like him fighting back against Antifa and BLM.
So you support people breaking federal and state gun laws?

I have cad a CCW permit since I was 21 and I personally think anyone who breaks state and federal gun laws should serve jail time
He will if this is the beginning of the Right giving it back to communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM :smoke: It wouldn't be a bad thing to see those Communist scum shot down in the streets:Boom2:
So you are in favor of people breaking state and federal laws?
No one is in favor of that sans Leftists like Jerry Nadler.
Then you must agree with me that this kid should be found guilty of both state and federal gun crimes and should serve time like any other criminal who does the same.
How can I agree when I don't know anything about the case yet? Are we not innocent until proven guilty in America? You must agree with me that all those rioters that were arrested should have to go to court.
Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct. This is an internet forum, not a courtroom. He's guilty as sin.
You don't decide the rules you leftist moron.
Stop me, pussy.

Triggered...you want to fight me, Fawn?
The Jury will find him innocent of this ridiculous charge and he'll be treated like the hero that he is by most of the people :Boom2: Antifa BLM
I wouldn't be so sure of that.

He was carrying a gun illegally after all.
I'm glad there will be more people like him fighting back against Antifa and BLM.
So you support people breaking federal and state gun laws?

I have cad a CCW permit since I was 21 and I personally think anyone who breaks state and federal gun laws should serve jail time
He will if this is the beginning of the Right giving it back to communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM :smoke: It wouldn't be a bad thing to see those Communist scum shot down in the streets:Boom2:
So you are in favor of people breaking state and federal laws?
No one is in favor of that sans Leftists like Jerry Nadler.
Then you must agree with me that this kid should be found guilty of both state and federal gun crimes and should serve time like any other criminal who does the same.
How can I agree when I don't know anything about the case yet? Are we not innocent until proven guilty in America? You must agree with me that all those rioters that were arrested should have to go to court.
Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct. This is an internet forum, not a courtroom. He's guilty as sin.

Nope---------innocent as hell.................

And the dipchit trump-haters are so stupid that they don't realize that going after this kid will only back fire on their arses as the suburban mothers and grandmothers such as myself will only feel a need to protect him as we are also at the same time developing a strong hate of the dem brown shirts rioting and attacking people.

Sweet kid volunteering to help hurt people and clean up graffitti verses violent drug up violent communists and BLM criminals attacking him and burning down cities? You really want to put this image into mothers heads about what the dems are really about?

Play stupid games---because you idiot trump haters are going to be win stupid prizes like ust not the loss of the presidency again, but likely congress as well.
I see you learned some new phrases by reading at this forum. Good for you.

Orange cat crushed you.

Zero cred left.

Crawl back in your hole.

Yeah, he "crushed" me by owning himself by promoting the nonsense that the economy is booming now.

You were crushed and ran off with your tail tucked between your sissy legs. Moron. Want me to post the pic again?
But the State's Attorney's office in Lake County, Illinois, said Kyle Rittenhouse was in bond court this morning regarding being a fugitive from justice in Wisconsin, and is being held on no bond. The warrant out of Kenosha County, Wisconsin, charges the teen with first-degree intentional homicide, according to the Antioch Police.

here is a chance for you badass rightist to break him out of jail.
why do you hate America and great Americans and LOVE criminals??
Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.

The Trump cult here is literally saying that it's wrong to defend yourself against a terrorist shooter, provided that shooter is a Trump cultist. They literally think they have a license to freely kill their political opponents. Violent fascist psychopaths, every last one of them.
Wrong. Left his mom's house with a rifle looking for someone to shoot.
NOW look who is spreading lies and propaganda...

If the shooter was looking for someone to shoot he didn't have to go all the way to the car dealership - there were plenty of places and plenty of people in between his house and the car dealership.

A reporter has declare publicly that he interviewed the young man earlier before the shooting, that he had stated he was there to help protect property and keep the peace. The guy was there before the shooting and had ample opportunity to kill protestors already there but did not do so. So much for your BS about him just being there with the intent of killing someone.

The police have said they talked to the guy and that he was there to help deter violence...again, so much for yoru BS propaganda.

If he was there simply to kill people, why did he wait until he was attacked and beaten? Why not just shoot the terrorists who approached him, who threatened him? Why did he wait to shoot until after HE became their VICTIM? AGAIN, so much for your lies and BS propaganda.

Fail. You're done, and is so is your pro-terrorist conspiracy theory.

He left his mom's house with a rifle looking for someone to shoot. You don't deter violence by shooting people. It's premeditated murder. He will be tried as an adult and get 20+ years. His life is over. Think before you imitate him.
You could use that argument on anyone who ever bought a gun and used it to defend himself. It's obvious horseshit.
Nope. The protestors didn't come looking for him, he went looking for them with a rifle. Premeditated murder.
Nope. He went to the car lot. Having a rifle doesn't automatically make you guilty of murder. If that were the case, then everyone who ever bought a rifle and defended himself with it would be guilty of murder.
You idiots think you have the whole situation figured out huh? Like a knee jerk reaction? It’s all black and white to you is it? The kid with the rifle is a hero and the people be shot were scum? You dont even know what the fuck happened. These pictures don’t offer proof of anything. You’ll cling to anything as evidence.

I personally think it’s too soon to make a judgment on who is right and who is wrong. We are missing critical context. But hey, since when has that stopped you? You’re a republican after all.
The kid with the rifle was a criminal who was illegally carrying a firearm in violation of both state and federal gun laws
Nope. It's legal to carry a firearm in WI. It has open-carry. There are no federal laws banning open-carry

You're an imbecile.
Not if you're under 18, fucking moron...

(1)  In this section, “dangerous weapon" means any firearm, loaded or unloaded; any electric weapon, as defined in s. 941.295 (1c) (a); metallic knuckles or knuckles of any substance which could be put to the same use with the same or similar effect as metallic knuckles; a nunchaku or any similar weapon consisting of 2 sticks of wood, plastic or metal connected at one end by a length of rope, chain, wire or leather; a cestus or similar material weighted with metal or other substance and worn on the hand; a shuriken or any similar pointed star-like object intended to injure a person when thrown; or a manrikigusari or similar length of chain having weighted ends.​
(2) (a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.​

Not only is he facing prison ... so is whoever gave him that gun ...

(b) Except as provided in par. (c), any person who intentionally sells, loans or gives a dangerous weapon to a person under 18 years of age is guilty of a Class I felony.​
(c) Whoever violates par. (b) is guilty of a Class H felony if the person under 18 years of age under par. (b) discharges the firearm and the discharge causes death to himself, herself or another.​
(2) (a) Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
There goes that felony murder theory.

Dumbfuck.... being in possession of a firearm is a Class A misdemeanor. Using that firearm to kill 2 people is felonious first degree murder.
Not if it's in self defense, moron.
It's not self defense moron when the actor is engaged in criminal activity. Which the teen murderer was by a) illegally possessing a firearm; and b) having that firearm to protect someone else's property.

(b) The presumption described in par. (ar) does not apply if any of the following applies:​
1. The actor was engaged in a criminal activity​
If you are jaywalking, does that make it murder? Only a fucking moron like you would say it does. "Criminal" means he's committing a felony. A) is a misdemeanor, and b) isn't a crime of any kind.
"A) is a misdemeanor, and b) isn't a crime of any kind."


Even the state of Wisconsin thinks you're a fucking moron...

939.51 Classification of misdemeanors.

(3) Penalties for misdemeanors are as follows:
(a) For a Class A misdemeanor, a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 9 months, or both.​

939.60 Felony and misdemeanor defined.

A crime punishable by imprisonment in the Wisconsin state prisons is a felony. Every other crime is a misdemeanor.

But according to the USMB's Class A fucking moron, Wisconsin is incarcerating people who didn't commit a crime.


Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!

'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

I guess it doesn't matter to you that a 17 year old who is carrying a long gun in public is in violation of WI gun laws
What WI gun laws? Link please.
Open carry is legal anywhere concealed carry is legal. It is legal for all adults who are 18 years of age or older unless they are prohibited from possession of firearms. A license is not required unless in a taxpayer-owned building or within 1000 feet of school property and not on private property.[8]
From your link, he was defending a property from rioters with the consent of the Owner:
Castle Doctrine
On December 7, 2011, Governor Scott Walker signed a bill passing a Castle Doctrine for Wisconsin. The bill provides criminal immunity (WI statute 939.48(1m)[13]) and protection from civil suits (WI statute 895.62 [14]) for homeowners or business owners who use a gun in self-defense while on their property, with the presumption that any action is justified. The law is a "stand your ground" law, which does not contain a duty to retreat. This applies at the user's private vehicle, business, and at their home. Protection extends to improvements only (driveway, sidewalk, patio, fence, garage, house...), not bare ground. Also, the criminal must have forcibly entered, or be in the process of attempting to forcibly enter, and the defender must be present in the home, car, or business. The Washington County DA ruled that opening a door counts as forcible entry.[15]
The second he openly carried that rifle in public he was breaking the law.

The business was not his property so the castle doctrine is not applicable. The owner of the business did not hire him to be armed security and could not have legally done so in the first place.
.....we know you hate America and love criminals ..this more-of-a man than you are justifiably used self defense when being attacked by CRIMINALS, just like the cops are attacked/etc by criminals ...
Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.

The Trump cult here is literally saying that it's wrong to defend yourself against a terrorist shooter, provided that shooter is a Trump cultist. They literally think they have a license to freely kill their political opponents. Violent fascist psychopaths, every last one of them.
Just to emphasize how disgusting the BLM fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the shooter

The BLM cult here is literally saying that it's wrong to defend yourself against a terrorist, provided that shooter is a Trump cultist. They literally think they have a license to freely kill their political opponents. Violent fascist psychopaths, every last one of them.
It was not his property.

So what? He was defending someone else's property. Again, bitches intent on destroying someone else's property and end up getting shot in the process have no right to bitch and whine. It was their choice -they put themselves in that position. Had they not been there intent on destroying someone else's property they would be alive. BAD choice.

People have been pushed too far by left wing violent thugs, rioters, looters, murderers, and foreign-funded domestic terrorists. The police have been FORCED back, so Americans have answered the challenge put to them by these terrorists / criminals...and now the criminals / terrorists are crying because THEY are paying a price, not their intended victims.

Sucks to be them. The Justice System will deal with the young man - Americans are putting an end to the terrorism and BS.

Don't want none, don't come for none.
- They came, they attempted to commit terrorism, they got shot.
..it's the same with Floyd, etc--they commit a crime, resist and attack the police--then they blame the police!!!!!!!!!!
....we know you hate America and love criminals ..this more-of-a man than you are justifiably used self defense when being attacked by CRIMINALS, just like the cops are attacked/etc by criminals ...

Says the guy currently sucking the ass of a terrorist, and hating on Americans who tried to stop the terrorist.

I know why you Trump cultists are in such a bad spot. Your cult lied to you all, again, and you fell for it, like you always do, because you're all drooling cult morons who always fall for it. Your masters didn't tell you the crowd came after the guy _after_ he started shooting.

If you had a spine, you'd condemn your masters for lying to your face like that. But you won't. All the Trump cultists here will instead do what they always do. They'll drop to their knees, lick their masters' boots with even more gusto, thank their masters for for lying to them, and then beg for more lies.
It doesn't matter.

WTF? Bwuhahahahaha......

A domestic terrorist supporter telling me that the fact that domestic terrorists made the choice to show up and destroy some person's car dealership, forcing him and others to defend that business, DOES NOT MATTER in regards to some of those domestic terrorists being shot / killed by the defenders is the dumbest and most humorous thing I have heard all week.

If the terrorists had not shown up the dealership would not have been attacked, defenders would not have been attacked, and terrorists / attackers would not have been shot.

Thank you for giving me a reason NOT to talk to you any more, snowflake.
I don't support anyone who breaks the law.

Never have never will

I do not condone violence

never have never will.

The fact is this minor was in violation of WI gun laws.

IF he was a law abiding minor he would not have been on the streets with a gun.

I do not support people who break the law.
......you ARE supporting the jackasses of BLM that are breaking the law and committing violence if you think the man is guilty of murder

You want a great breakdown on what happened? here it is

Kyle Rittenhouse is a defender of his life.

The others are *insert your opinion here*.

Gofundme took down Kyle's gofundme page within minutes of it being put up. The father, apparently, was asking for donations for his son's defense. Gofundme also, apparently, gave the collected funds to Huber (skateboard wielding warrior with a rap sheet longer than my arm) whom Kyle shot and killed.

You want a great breakdown on what happened? here it is

Kyle Rittenhouse is a defender of his life.

The others are *insert your opinion here*.

Gofundme took down Kyle's gofundme page within minutes of it being put up. The father, apparently, was asking for donations for his son's defense. Gofundme also, apparently, gave the collected funds to Huber (skateboard wielding warrior with a rap sheet longer than my arm) whom Kyle shot and killed.

I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.

If he really did shoot the first guy in the head, then he's automatically guilty and he compounded his punishment.

I'm just not sure what happened with the first shooting.
He was being chased by the guy in the red shirt at the gas station. Possibly because the guy in the red shirt was pissed because people were pointing their guns at him, though the motive has not yet been established. He chased him to where some cars were parked, at which point, the teen murderer spun around and unloaded on him, fatally hitting him in the head. He then walks around a vehicle and goes back to see what he did. Then on his cell phone, informs someone, "I just killed someone." At which point, he takes off running.
wow sounds like you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground...just saying
You couldn't refute a word I said. Noted.
and you have no facts, so DEFLECT
Cries the idiot who couldn't refute a word I said.
idiot? thanx--but being a piece of shit, brain dead , waste of oxygen demoncrat just is not an alternative. oh and usually what you type is useless bullshit---just saying
Looks like it was on fire, it would be interesting to see what it was View attachment 380720
That's the light from behind it. You've already been shown it was just a plastic bag on the ground, not burned up; and you were shown it was not lit as it was thrown.

Of course, I'm pointing this out to the liar who falsely claimed the victim called the shooter the n-word.
One lie at a time.. are you saying “ it’s just a bag” can you throw a empty plastic bag that far?

and you admit he said the n world?Right?
No, there's something in the bag. It's visible, though not identifiable, since the bag is transparent. But the bag was not on fire.

And yes, he used the n-word, but not at the teen-murderer as you falsely claimed. You lied.
Was the object thrown meant for bodily harm? And how do you know who he was talking to since the camera doesn’t show who he was shouting at
"how do you know who he was talking to since the camera doesn’t show who he was shouting at"


Shouldn't you be asking yourself that since you claimed he was talking to the teen murderer? :lol:
I don’t really care, I’m more concerned about his language.. many assume he was shouting at the hero. Doent really matter the video shows a racist democrat attacking a teen. Hehe
Well I care that you bald-faced lied. That's why I asked you to post the video because I knew you were lying. I knew what he said and I knew who he said it to and I knew it wasn't the teen murderer.

You lie. That's what you do.
You can’t say it isn’t, but it’s circulating on the Internet that he was talking to the boy, these are coming from witnesses that were there.. but that’s not the issue, the issue is the democrat using the N word.. than trying to hurt the boy ..
Dumbfuck, he's in the guy's face at about the 0:18 mark for pointing his gun at him. That guy gets pulled back and out of the frame of the camera but the guy in the red shirt continues yelling at him for pointing his gun at him.
Are you a psychic?
Dumbfuck, it's on the video. He's seen getting in the guy's face for pointing a gun at him.

Are you still claiming he was yelling at the teen murderer, who's never seen in that video, for pointing his gun at the guy in the red shirt?
So your guessing? Do you have a link?

Slobbers the idiot who said it was on video that the guy in the red shirt called the n-word.

I'm still waiting to see where you saw that, Jizzy?

The point is he was saying the N word, and it’s circulating on the Internet he was talking to the hero.. I’m just going with what the Internet is saying. Maybe you know more? lol I doubt it haha
No, the point is you lied. You claimed he called the teen murderer the n-word. Here, I'll repost it ...

With the intention to do bodily harm he also called him the N-word twice.

... when pressed for proof, you admitted he isn't actually seen calling the teen murderer the n-word.

You lied and got caught. Deal with it, Jizzy.
Do you have evidence he didn’t? Mic drop
I don't need evidence to prove you wrong when you're incapable of proving your claims are true. When are you going to stop hitting yourself in the head with your mic? :lmao:
I’m going with what the Internet is saying .. thanks
Moron, this is the Internet. So who's saying it? Schmucks like you?
you must be looking in the mirror!!!
The filthy Left says Kyle came "across state lines". LOL. His home was 20 minutes away.

How come the filthy Left isn't concerned that the Communists that he shot were all from "across state lines"?
the first one he shot, lived in kenosha. the other two lived in wisconsin as well.
That's what happens when mayors and governors don't stop the riots, people defend their property....using....
Self-Defense and the Castle Doctrine
Wisconsin law
allows deadly force in self-defense in the limited circumstances where the person defending themselves “reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm” to their person.

I tried to read your post.

I couldn't get past the ridiculous lie in the first part of the first sentence.

Tell me what property a 17 year old child who lives in a different state owns?

The child isn't even from Wisconsin. How can he be protecting his property if he doesn't even live there?

What property of value does that 17 year old child own that those protesters were harming?

You are so full of garbage.
That's what happens when mayors and governors don't stop the riots, people defend their property....using....
Self-Defense and the Castle Doctrine
Wisconsin law
allows deadly force in self-defense in the limited circumstances where the person defending themselves “reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm” to their person.

I tried to read your post.

I couldn't get past the ridiculous lie in the first part of the first sentence.

Tell me what property a 17 year old child who lives in a different state owns?

The child isn't even from Wisconsin. How can he be protecting his property if he doesn't even live there?

What property of value does that 17 year old child own that those protesters were harming?

You are so full of garbage.
He said he worked at the gas station he was there to protect it, until the mob chased him
But you have no problem with people supplying rioters with food and water. Upset? Yes. Upset that assholes like you spread your BS about the police while you’re a lazy bigot who can’t hold down a job. Go ahead, let an angry mob chase you and start beating your ass. You better lay there and take it.

I have no problem with peaceful demonstrations... it's in the constitution.

Point being, the cops let a dangerous situation fester, and allowed it to happen. I see some major league lawsuits coming. That tape of them giving water to the Kenosha Militia being exhibit "A".

Of course, I wouldn't go 22 miles to go FIND a riot to participate in. This kid did.
Of course not. We know how lazy you are. And how big a liar and racist you are. No lawsuits. Giving water is your pathetic evidence? Weak. Self defense will see charges dropped and you cry.
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