Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
No reason to believe she is lying. That is why we have the justice system to find out what happened.
No reason to believe she is telling the truth. Thats why we need proof before claiming someone attacked someone else and expecting people to just take your word. At least thats what they have been telling Black people about white cops all this time..

The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
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I'm white, but just so you know, this disrespect thing isn't just a "black thing".

Had a 40ish year old white professional looking guy and his son came to my auto accessory store one day to purchase something. He was driving his Corvette.
While there, the kid (about 7) began climbing on a heavy display. I politely advised the man that the display was not meant for climbing
and could be dangerous (trying to put it nicely). The arrogant SOB told me that it was none of my business what his child did
and that I should tend to the store and leave the upbringing of his son to him.

I told him what happened in my store IS my business and if he can't control his kids to get out.

He got in my face and I didn't back down. One breath away from a fist fight. I told them both to leave and never saw him again (good thing).
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
Bro..For sure YOU are teaching us a lesson.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
Bro..For sure YOU are teaching us a lesson.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
Bro..For sure YOU are teaching us a lesson.
You can say that again!
I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.
Did you look at the article? Pictures show two black females.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
No reason to believe she is lying. That is why we have the justice system to find out what happened.
No reason to believe she is telling the truth. Thats why we need proof before claiming someone attacked someone else and expecting people to just take your word. At least thats what they have been telling Black people about white cops all this time..

The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.
Did you look at the article? Pictures show two black females.
I can show a picture of 2 Black females at pretty much any given mall in the US. Where is the picture showing these females attacking her?
No shit! That's why I live in Idaho and I'm not even white. We got black people here too but they know if they act like they do in Detroit, they're going to get shot. All the violence that happens in black cities doesn't happen here. It isn't racist to point out that where blacks are numerous, crime shoots up, property values plummet, and people are less safe.
Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.
Did you look at the article? Pictures show two black females.
I can show a picture of 2 Black females at pretty much any given mall in the US. Where is the picture showing these females attacking her?
Ass-lips, crimes were prosecuted even before the invention of cameras. Guess your "no camera no crime" bullshit goes right out the window.
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.
Did you look at the article? Pictures show two black females.
I can show a picture of 2 Black females at pretty much any given mall in the US. Where is the picture showing these females attacking her?
Ass-lips, crimes were prosecuted even before the invention of cameras. Guess your "no camera no crime" bullshit goes right out the window.
Actually your "see the two Black females in the mall story?" is bullshit and goes right out the window. Theres no proof they had anything to do with anything other than shopping.
No reason to believe she is lying. That is why we have the justice system to find out what happened.
No reason to believe she is telling the truth. Thats why we need proof before claiming someone attacked someone else and expecting people to just take your word. At least thats what they have been telling Black people about white cops all this time..

The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
No reason to believe she is telling the truth. Thats why we need proof before claiming someone attacked someone else and expecting people to just take your word. At least thats what they have been telling Black people about white cops all this time..

The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts? When you call me a troll it lets me know I have emotionally bruised you. Think with your brain and not your emotions.
NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.
Did you look at the article? Pictures show two black females.
I can show a picture of 2 Black females at pretty much any given mall in the US. Where is the picture showing these females attacking her?
Ass-lips, crimes were prosecuted even before the invention of cameras. Guess your "no camera no crime" bullshit goes right out the window.
Actually your "see the two Black females in the mall story?" is bullshit and goes right out the window. Theres no proof they had anything to do with anything other than shopping.
Ass-lips, eyewitness account is proof.
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.
Did you look at the article? Pictures show two black females.
I can show a picture of 2 Black females at pretty much any given mall in the US. Where is the picture showing these females attacking her?
Ass-lips, crimes were prosecuted even before the invention of cameras. Guess your "no camera no crime" bullshit goes right out the window.
Actually your "see the two Black females in the mall story?" is bullshit and goes right out the window. Theres no proof they had anything to do with anything other than shopping.
Ass-lips, eyewitness account is proof.
Boot licker....No it isnt.
The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts? When you call me a troll it lets me know I have emotionally bruised you. Think with your brain and not your emotions.
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts?
Yeah, you are right! Someone else beat the woman up and she decided to frame the black girls. She made up the story because she is a racist trying to oppress blacks.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts? When you call me a troll it lets me know I have emotionally bruised you. Think with your brain and not your emotions.
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts?
Yeah, you are right! Someone else beat the woman up and she decided to frame the black girls. She made up the story because she is a racist trying to oppress blacks.
That someone else could easily be her husband or boyfriend and this wont be the first time a Black person has been blamed for something they had nothing to do with. Let me know when they get a confession or a photo showing the girls attacking her.

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