Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts? When you call me a troll it lets me know I have emotionally bruised you. Think with your brain and not your emotions.
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
Did you look at the article? Pictures show two black females.
I can show a picture of 2 Black females at pretty much any given mall in the US. Where is the picture showing these females attacking her?
Ass-lips, crimes were prosecuted even before the invention of cameras. Guess your "no camera no crime" bullshit goes right out the window.
Actually your "see the two Black females in the mall story?" is bullshit and goes right out the window. Theres no proof they had anything to do with anything other than shopping.
Ass-lips, eyewitness account is proof.
Boot licker....No it isnt.
Why don't you put that theory to the test? Commit a crime with only people as witnesses as see if your black ass isn't thrown in prison where it belongs.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts? When you call me a troll it lets me know I have emotionally bruised you. Think with your brain and not your emotions.
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
I can show a picture of 2 Black females at pretty much any given mall in the US. Where is the picture showing these females attacking her?
Ass-lips, crimes were prosecuted even before the invention of cameras. Guess your "no camera no crime" bullshit goes right out the window.
Actually your "see the two Black females in the mall story?" is bullshit and goes right out the window. Theres no proof they had anything to do with anything other than shopping.
Ass-lips, eyewitness account is proof.
Boot licker....No it isnt.
Why don't you put that theory to the test? Commit a crime with only people as witnesses as see if your black ass isn't thrown in prison where it belongs.
Why dont you prove your claim is true?
give it a rest you have tried the person without any evidence because she is "whitey". I think she should have thought before opening up her big mouth. Never know you are inciting in a movie theater.
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts?
Yeah, you are right! Someone else beat the woman up and she decided to frame the black girls. She made up the story because she is a racist trying to oppress blacks.
That someone else could easily be her husband or boyfriend and this wont be the first time a Black person has been blamed for something they had nothing to do with.
In one of the links it says that her sister-in-law was also hurt. I bet they got into a fight after the movie and then decided to blame the black kids
I havent tried anyone. The OP sure has though along with the other racist cave monkeys. I simply said I dont believe her claim because she doesnt have a shred of evidence other than her word which is not worth anything.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts?
Yeah, you are right! Someone else beat the woman up and she decided to frame the black girls. She made up the story because she is a racist trying to oppress blacks.
That someone else could easily be her husband or boyfriend and this wont be the first time a Black person has been blamed for something they had nothing to do with.
In one of the links it says that her sister-in-law was also hurt. I bet they got into a fight after the movie and then decided to blame the black kids
Palins had a brawl. Not the first time or the last time white people brawl right?
Ass-lips, crimes were prosecuted even before the invention of cameras. Guess your "no camera no crime" bullshit goes right out the window.
Actually your "see the two Black females in the mall story?" is bullshit and goes right out the window. Theres no proof they had anything to do with anything other than shopping.
Ass-lips, eyewitness account is proof.
Boot licker....No it isnt.
Why don't you put that theory to the test? Commit a crime with only people as witnesses as see if your black ass isn't thrown in prison where it belongs.
Why dont you prove your claim is true?
I know it is, ass-lips, evidenced by all the people in jail based on eyewitness evidence. Apparently cameras aren't necessary for a conviction, dumbass racist.
I'm white, but just so you know, this disrespect thing isn't just a "black thing".

Had a 40ish year old white professional looking guy and his son came to my auto accessory store one day to purchase something. He was driving his Corvette.
While there, the kid (about 7) began climbing on a heavy display. I politely advised the man that the display was not meant for climbing
and could be dangerous (trying to put it nicely). The arrogant SOB told me that it was none of my business what his child did
and that I should tend to the store and leave the upbringing of his son to him.

I told him what happened in my store IS my business and if he can't control his kids to get out.

He got in my face and I didn't back down. One breath away from a fist fight. I told them both to leave and never saw him again (good thing).
After a very long day of meeting in Beverly Hills me and my guest decided to watch the movie American Sniper before dinner. I think about second week of Feb. this year.
Inside the movie next to us was 2 male African American. While the movie is running both of them keep texting. I turn to my left and asked them very nicely reminded them that we are watching a movie. He told me GTFO. I don't want to lower my class to these bastard so we decided to move some where. I was just about to stand up when another person complained. He told them GTFO also. They were also standing up ready to move when a white old senior citizen pour a large soda on top of their head followed by popcorn. These 2 bastard didn't do a thing they just walk out wet and dripping. Everybody cheer and clap. That was cool.
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts?
Yeah, you are right! Someone else beat the woman up and she decided to frame the black girls. She made up the story because she is a racist trying to oppress blacks.
That someone else could easily be her husband or boyfriend and this wont be the first time a Black person has been blamed for something they had nothing to do with.
In one of the links it says that her sister-in-law was also hurt. I bet they got into a fight after the movie and then decided to blame the black kids
Palins had a brawl. Not the first time or the last time white people brawl right?
Susan Smith blamed a fictional black dude for kidnaping he kids. Blacks are the scapegoats of America. Something bad happens, blame a black dude!
nah you cried about the police and the black problem. You already said you did not believe her. you are a racist troll
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts? When you call me a troll it lets me know I have emotionally bruised you. Think with your brain and not your emotions.
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit
I'm white, but just so you know, this disrespect thing isn't just a "black thing".

Had a 40ish year old white professional looking guy and his son came to my auto accessory store one day to purchase something. He was driving his Corvette.
While there, the kid (about 7) began climbing on a heavy display. I politely advised the man that the display was not meant for climbing
and could be dangerous (trying to put it nicely). The arrogant SOB told me that it was none of my business what his child did
and that I should tend to the store and leave the upbringing of his son to him.

I told him what happened in my store IS my business and if he can't control his kids to get out.

He got in my face and I didn't back down. One breath away from a fist fight. I told them both to leave and never saw him again (good thing).
After a very long day of meeting in Beverly Hills me and my guest decided to watch the movie American Sniper before dinner. I think about second week of Feb. this year.
Inside the movie next to us was 2 male African American. While the movie is running both of them keep texting. I turn to my left and asked them very nicely reminded them that we are watching a movie. He told me GTFO. I don't want to lower my class to these bastard so we decided to move some where. I was just about to stand up when another person complained. He told them GTFO also. They were also standing up ready to move when a white old senior citizen pour a large soda on top of their head followed by popcorn. These 2 bastard didn't do a thing they just walk out wet and dripping. Everybody cheer and clap. That was cool.
2 blacks asalted by old racist white geezer!
I'm white, but just so you know, this disrespect thing isn't just a "black thing".

Had a 40ish year old white professional looking guy and his son came to my auto accessory store one day to purchase something. He was driving his Corvette.
While there, the kid (about 7) began climbing on a heavy display. I politely advised the man that the display was not meant for climbing
and could be dangerous (trying to put it nicely). The arrogant SOB told me that it was none of my business what his child did
and that I should tend to the store and leave the upbringing of his son to him.

I told him what happened in my store IS my business and if he can't control his kids to get out.

He got in my face and I didn't back down. One breath away from a fist fight. I told them both to leave and never saw him again (good thing).
After a very long day of meeting in Beverly Hills me and my guest decided to watch the movie American Sniper before dinner. I think about second week of Feb. this year.
Inside the movie next to us was 2 male African American. While the movie is running both of them keep texting. I turn to my left and asked them very nicely reminded them that we are watching a movie. He told me GTFO. I don't want to lower my class to these bastard so we decided to move some where. I was just about to stand up when another person complained. He told them GTFO also. They were also standing up ready to move when a white old senior citizen pour a large soda on top of their head followed by popcorn. These 2 bastard didn't do a thing they just walk out wet and dripping. Everybody cheer and clap. That was cool.
2 blacks asalted by old racist white geezer!
Correction: old white racist cracker!
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts? When you call me a troll it lets me know I have emotionally bruised you. Think with your brain and not your emotions.
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit

You arent the police. Try to focus.
1978. I am watching a movie and two loud mouth black women in the audience almost cause a riot because they can't SHUT UP. The movie? Invasion of the body snatchers. Good flick. Since then I swear off off seeing big screen movies. People are such loudmouthed idiots, I had enough.
Youre sounding emotional. There is no reason to believe the womans story. Zero to be exact. Not believing her has nothing to do with racism unless you are admitting all the white people that dont believe Black peoples claims are raicsts?
Yeah, you are right! Someone else beat the woman up and she decided to frame the black girls. She made up the story because she is a racist trying to oppress blacks.
That someone else could easily be her husband or boyfriend and this wont be the first time a Black person has been blamed for something they had nothing to do with.
In one of the links it says that her sister-in-law was also hurt. I bet they got into a fight after the movie and then decided to blame the black kids
Palins had a brawl. Not the first time or the last time white people brawl right?
Susan Smith blamed a fictional black dude for kidnaping he kids. Blacks are the scapegoats of America. Something bad happens, blame a black dude!
Actually your "see the two Black females in the mall story?" is bullshit and goes right out the window. Theres no proof they had anything to do with anything other than shopping.
Ass-lips, eyewitness account is proof.
Boot licker....No it isnt.
Why don't you put that theory to the test? Commit a crime with only people as witnesses as see if your black ass isn't thrown in prison where it belongs.
Why dont you prove your claim is true?
I know it is, ass-lips, evidenced by all the people in jail based on eyewitness evidence. Apparently cameras aren't necessary for a conviction, dumbass racist.
You dont know very much. I need 3rd party proof that just because I say you broke into my home they will arrest you.
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit

You arent the police. Try to focus.
How do you know? you taken things a bit personal , gettin all emotional
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit

You arent the police. Try to focus.
How do you know? you taken things a bit personal , gettin all emotional
If you were a cop you would know what you were talking about. Its not personal to me. I just dont believe her. Youre the one trying your best to convince me she is telling the truth.

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