Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

Send the girls into a desert for a month with no phone (or way to contact others) and get some tough nut to give them a grueling trek. When they come out they should have a change in attitude.
Let me guess........the victim was white and the rampaging teens were black? ..... :cool:
Actually that's exactly right. The article shows the elderly white woman and the apes that attacked her.

Blacks, especially in groups, are experiencing a freedom to break the laws because whites are becoming afraid of them and their propensity for violence they can easily get away with due to the Obama regime's tolerance, with which I feel underneath Barry's very expensive tailored suits, hides a little heartfelt smile and sense of gratification.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.

how do you know she called them a racial slur? provide proof.
Prove it chile.
Prove what chile?

Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?

It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I'm white, but just so you know, this disrespect thing isn't just a "black thing".

Had a 40ish year old white professional looking guy and his son came to my auto accessory store one day to purchase something. He was driving his Corvette.
While there, the kid (about 7) began climbing on a heavy display. I politely advised the man that the display was not meant for climbing
and could be dangerous (trying to put it nicely). The arrogant SOB told me that it was none of my business what his child did
and that I should tend to the store and leave the upbringing of his son to him.

I told him what happened in my store IS my business and if he can't control his kids to get out.

He got in my face and I didn't back down. One breath away from a fist fight. I told them both to leave and never saw him again (good thing).
After a very long day of meeting in Beverly Hills me and my guest decided to watch the movie American Sniper before dinner. I think about second week of Feb. this year.
Inside the movie next to us was 2 male African American. While the movie is running both of them keep texting. I turn to my left and asked them very nicely reminded them that we are watching a movie. He told me GTFO. I don't want to lower my class to these bastard so we decided to move some where. I was just about to stand up when another person complained. He told them GTFO also. They were also standing up ready to move when a white old senior citizen pour a large soda on top of their head followed by popcorn. These 2 bastard didn't do a thing they just walk out wet and dripping. Everybody cheer and clap. That was cool.
2 blacks asalted by old racist white geezer!
Why do you ALWAYS ALWAYS bring this race issue bull shit? These 2 AA both created the bad scenario to begin with. It happened that a white old man did something to correct their nasty irresponsible bastard attitude. You call that racist?
I am not emotional at all, in fact I do not care about your racist predilections or the woman who had a big mouth. All I know is I am not eating popcorn in a movie theater.
Of course youre emotional. In the absence of any evidence you thought the woman was telling the truth. Now that this fact has been highlighted as an impossibility and you are unable to prove she is telling the truth instead of taking a wait and see attitude you have attacked to soothe your bruised ego. Its ok but just know I know.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit

You arent the police. Try to focus.

You po little black man, whitey been holding you down yo hole life ;)
Ass-lips, eyewitness account is proof.
Boot licker....No it isnt.
Why don't you put that theory to the test? Commit a crime with only people as witnesses as see if your black ass isn't thrown in prison where it belongs.
Why dont you prove your claim is true?
I know it is, ass-lips, evidenced by all the people in jail based on eyewitness evidence. Apparently cameras aren't necessary for a conviction, dumbass racist.
You dont know very much. I need 3rd party proof that just because I say you broke into my home they will arrest you.
That was insanely stupid and not even remotely true.
people are just fucking crazy....look at the white father that bitch punches his toddler son in the convenience store...fucking crazy like rats go when crowded...
people are just fucking crazy....look at the white father that bitch punches his toddler son in the convenience store...fucking crazy like rats go when crowded...

I raised my family where that took place, it is a very Conservative area...the man will be prosecuted fully.
Boot licker....No it isnt.
Why don't you put that theory to the test? Commit a crime with only people as witnesses as see if your black ass isn't thrown in prison where it belongs.
Why dont you prove your claim is true?
I know it is, ass-lips, evidenced by all the people in jail based on eyewitness evidence. Apparently cameras aren't necessary for a conviction, dumbass racist.
You dont know very much. I need 3rd party proof that just because I say you broke into my home they will arrest you.
That was insanely stupid and not even remotely true.
No its very true. I cant just claim you broke into my house and expect the cops to arrest you.
Don't fight!

What those teenagers did was horrible! Absolutely horrible and disgusting! Regardless of race, color or anything!

Monsters like those should not be able to walk free in society! they are a public danger!
They're everywhere.

They aren't monsters.....they just don't have any respect for anyone else.

I've seen this happen on numerous occasions btw.
The victim


Not the most flattering picture. She should close her mouth she looks simple.

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