Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

What is the point of this thread?

Do African Americans (aka "black people") sit and talk during movies?

Do Whites (aka "Americans") sit and watch the movie quietly?

WTF? I've known many African Americans who were noisy and loud during the movie, but I've also seen many Whites who do the same thing.

Loud people in the movie theater (as well as those dumbass idiots who think they have to listen for their phones), are annoyances everywhere, and ALL OF THEM need a popcorn and drink dumped on their heads.
lol I said justice system....you racist.
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit

You arent the police. Try to focus.
How do you know? you taken things a bit personal , gettin all emotional
If you were a cop you would know what you were talking about. Its not personal to me. I just dont believe her. Youre the one trying your best to convince me she is telling the truth.
I cannot convince a racist troll of anything other than what he spouts. So no you are wrong as usual
So what you said justice system? What does that have to do with the fact you assume she is telling the truth?
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit

You arent the police. Try to focus.
How do you know? you taken things a bit personal , gettin all emotional
If you were a cop you would know what you were talking about. Its not personal to me. I just dont believe her. Youre the one trying your best to convince me she is telling the truth.
I cannot convince a racist troll of anything other than what he spouts. So no you are wrong as usual
You sound emotional you cant convince me with facts so you lash out in anger and call me a troll. Thats amusing to me but then most of your posts provide comedy relief so its expected. Like I said when you get proof tag me.
Not a surprise. Feral N!ggers.Uncivilized race. Its a reason I LOVE living in an area with very few of them.

And this is why you are a pariah to every respectable person on the Left, you disgusting racist piece of putrid shit. You sometimes post stuff from the Left-perspective, but we don't want you, we will never want you. There is no place in the Democratic party for scum like you. Now, go bow down before your statue of Adolph, little Göbbels.

Derideo_Te Mertex Grandma LoneLaugher Luddly Neddite

Now, back to the OP:

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

It was of course the racists in USMB who were all too quick to want to bring up race and you, like a moth to the light, were guided here quite instinctively, Odious.
Yes, we have seen these kinds of allegations before, n'est ce pas?


Young Republican who claimed Obama supporter carved letter B on her face during robbery made the story up police say Daily Mail Online

A McCain campaign volunteer who claimed she was robbed, pinned to the ground and had the letter 'B' scratched on her face by a Barack Obama supporter made the whole story up, police said.

Ashley Todd, 20-year-old college student from Texas, admitted that the story was false, including the claim that the 'B' stood for 'Barack,' said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division in Pittsburg.

Todd was charged with making a false report to police, and Bryant said police doubted her story from the start...

...Police said Todd claimed the man told her that he was going to 'teach her a lesson' for supporting the Republican presidential candidate, and that she was going to become an Obama supporter.

Todd told police she didn't seek medical attention, but instead went to a friend's apartment nearby and called police about 45 minutes later.

Todd could provide no explanation for why she invented the story, police said. The woman told investigators she believes she cut the 'B' onto her own cheek, but did not provide an explanation of how or why and said she doesn't remember doing so, police said.

So, yeah, I'll wait until real evidence comes out....
Because once the story is submitted to the police they have to act as if it is the truth . If she lied then she in deep shit

You arent the police. Try to focus.
How do you know? you taken things a bit personal , gettin all emotional
If you were a cop you would know what you were talking about. Its not personal to me. I just dont believe her. Youre the one trying your best to convince me she is telling the truth.
I cannot convince a racist troll of anything other than what he spouts. So no you are wrong as usual
You sound emotional you cant convince me with facts so you lash out in anger and call me a troll. Thats amusing to me but then most of your posts provide comedy relief so its expected. Like I said when you get proof tag me.
I am calling a spade a spade, you are a racist troll.:funnyface::rofl:

I needed sleep and this is just an internet board fro all I know in RL you could be David Duke funnin me a bit.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
That is why we have CC.
Yes, we have seen these kinds of allegations before, n'est ce pas?


Young Republican who claimed Obama supporter carved letter B on her face during robbery made the story up police say Daily Mail Online

A McCain campaign volunteer who claimed she was robbed, pinned to the ground and had the letter 'B' scratched on her face by a Barack Obama supporter made the whole story up, police said.

Ashley Todd, 20-year-old college student from Texas, admitted that the story was false, including the claim that the 'B' stood for 'Barack,' said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division in Pittsburg.

Todd was charged with making a false report to police, and Bryant said police doubted her story from the start...

...Police said Todd claimed the man told her that he was going to 'teach her a lesson' for supporting the Republican presidential candidate, and that she was going to become an Obama supporter.

Todd told police she didn't seek medical attention, but instead went to a friend's apartment nearby and called police about 45 minutes later.

Todd could provide no explanation for why she invented the story, police said. The woman told investigators she believes she cut the 'B' onto her own cheek, but did not provide an explanation of how or why and said she doesn't remember doing so, police said.

So, yeah, I'll wait until real evidence comes out....
Like with the cops.

Wait for the evidence.

I gotcha.
It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
She id these people


Suspects in Alleged Movie Theater Assault Caught On Camera WNEP.com
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
No dead ho's, no proof.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
She should have just shot the subhuman scum.
Again....children being raised by children creates these behaviors........until that is addressed it won't stop....
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.

What comes from our PC culture where parents are afraid to discipline children with a good whack when they deserve it. Without fear of being hit by parents, children become violent teens who don't know how to behave in civilized society.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.

What comes from our PC culture where parents are afraid to discipline children with a good whack when they deserve it. Without fear of being hit by parents, children become violent teens who don't know how to behave in civilized society.

I think it has more to do with teenagers who have children who have children.....generation after generation....where not one adult is involved in the child rearing process...they may be adults due to their age, but because they were never taught to be mature adults, they are essentially children in adult bodies....

Until we stop children from having kids, we will have this problem.......
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.

What comes from our PC culture where parents are afraid to discipline children with a good whack when they deserve it. Without fear of being hit by parents, children become violent teens who don't know how to behave in civilized society.

I think it has more to do with teenagers who have children who have children.....generation after generation....where not one adult is involved in the child rearing process...they may be adults due to their age, but because they were never taught to be mature adults, they are essentially children in adult bodies....

Until we stop children from having kids, we will have this problem.......

Order comes from fear, without fear of punishment you can't have order. Starts at home, and those lessons continue on out into the the world. If a child is raised without fear of authroty figures and attention-getting pain (as opposed to vindictive anger-based hitting) they go out into society doing whatever they please because they never had clear boundaries where beyond a certain point they get hit. Hitting works. We're raising a generation absent hitting and seeing increased teen reblellion and disorder as a result.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.

What comes from our PC culture where parents are afraid to discipline children with a good whack when they deserve it. Without fear of being hit by parents, children become violent teens who don't know how to behave in civilized society.

I think it has more to do with teenagers who have children who have children.....generation after generation....where not one adult is involved in the child rearing process...they may be adults due to their age, but because they were never taught to be mature adults, they are essentially children in adult bodies....

Until we stop children from having kids, we will have this problem.......

Order comes from fear, without fear of punishment you can't have order. Starts at home, and those lessons continue on out into the the world. If a child is raised without fear of authroty figures and attention-getting pain (as opposed to vindictive anger-based hitting) they go out into society doing whatever they please because they never had clear boundaries where beyond a certain point they get hit. Hitting works. We're raising a generation absent hitting and seeing increased teen reblellion and disorder as a result.

This is more than just one generation.....and I imagine the youngsters having children hit their kids more because they don't have the maturity or the tools to do anything else...I see it all the time out and about.....and it is tragically sad....you see teenagers with kids and you know those children have a tiny chance of anything other than a reduced chance at happiness in life....and they will just go on to do the same thing to their own children....

it has to stop...
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.

What comes from our PC culture where parents are afraid to discipline children with a good whack when they deserve it. Without fear of being hit by parents, children become violent teens who don't know how to behave in civilized society.

I think it has more to do with teenagers who have children who have children.....generation after generation....where not one adult is involved in the child rearing process...they may be adults due to their age, but because they were never taught to be mature adults, they are essentially children in adult bodies....

Until we stop children from having kids, we will have this problem.......

Order comes from fear, without fear of punishment you can't have order. Starts at home, and those lessons continue on out into the the world. If a child is raised without fear of authroty figures and attention-getting pain (as opposed to vindictive anger-based hitting) they go out into society doing whatever they please because they never had clear boundaries where beyond a certain point they get hit. Hitting works. We're raising a generation absent hitting and seeing increased teen reblellion and disorder as a result.

This is more than just one generation.....and I imagine the youngsters having children hit their kids more because they don't have the maturity or the tools to do anything else...I see it all the time out and about.....and it is tragically sad....you see teenagers with kids and you know those children have a tiny chance of anything other than a reduced chance at happiness in life....and they will just go on to do the same thing to their own children....

it has to stop...

Problem lies in parents not knowing how to parent. Isn't just about hitting or not hitting. For negative reinforcement to work, it must be immediate and consistent. None of this "wait for your father to get home." Then it's too late. Children need to associate a negative behabiour wiht being corrected. And the hit should be little more than an attention-getter. Something that stops them in their tracks and calls attention to what they just did that's out of line and the result is a good thump.

Pleanty of cultures have young parents with children who do just fine. Isn't about teens having kids. It's about the culture as a whole being stupid and a culture that says being stupid is okay.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.

What comes from our PC culture where parents are afraid to discipline children with a good whack when they deserve it. Without fear of being hit by parents, children become violent teens who don't know how to behave in civilized society.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Violence breeds violence.
Not a surprise. Feral N!ggers.Uncivilized race. Its a reason I LOVE living in an area with very few of them.

And this is why you are a pariah to every respectable person on the Left, you disgusting racist piece of putrid shit. You sometimes post stuff from the Left-perspective, but we don't want you, we will never want you. There is no place in the Democratic party for scum like you. Now, go bow down before your statue of Adolph, little Göbbels.

Derideo_Te Mertex Grandma LoneLaugher Luddly Neddite

Now, back to the OP:

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

It was of course the racists in USMB who were all too quick to want to bring up race and you, like a moth to the light, were guided here quite instinctively, Odious.
I wouldn't DARE become a member of the democratic party. PERIOD.Don't get mad when people speak the truth my boy

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