Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.

But it feeds their weird racist wingnut fantasies.

Are you a poor ignorant black too?

And you just proved my point. Thanks, racist.

Answer the question son, are you a racist nigga like him?

Slow day at Stormfront for you, what? Mebbe the KKK site would be more your speed. I hear they even have a Children's section... right at your level. You can color white roos all day long.
Had this woman fought back she would have been arrested for child abuse.

LOL! yes ^^^^^^ Tipsy
Had this woman fought back she would have been arrested for child abuse.

I love it when you write drunken shit. this is fun.

It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
Had this woman fought back she would have been arrested for child abuse.

I love it when you write drunken shit. this is fun.

It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband abused her.
If photos were presented you would probably claim that the were photoshopped.
Had this woman fought back she would have been arrested for child abuse.

I love it when you write drunken shit. this is fun.

It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband abused her.
If photos were presented you would probably claim that the were photoshopped.


Asclepias is on a troll mission.... trolls don't come worse than him!
Had this woman fought back she would have been arrested for child abuse.

I love it when you write drunken shit. this is fun.

It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
She id these people


Suspects in Alleged Movie Theater Assault Caught On Camera WNEP.com
Not a surprise. Feral N!ggers.Uncivilized race. Its a reason I LOVE living in an area with very few of them.
As much of an asshole as I am. I teach my kids respect. Treat others how you want to be treated. It works. If this had been my kid I would turn them the hell in.
Had this woman fought back she would have been arrested for child abuse.

I love it when you write drunken shit. this is fun.

It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
She id these people


Suspects in Alleged Movie Theater Assault Caught On Camera WNEP.com
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
Had this woman fought back she would have been arrested for child abuse.

I love it when you write drunken shit. this is fun.

It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
She id these people


Suspects in Alleged Movie Theater Assault Caught On Camera WNEP.com
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
I love it when you write drunken shit. this is fun.

It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
She id these people


Suspects in Alleged Movie Theater Assault Caught On Camera WNEP.com
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
It's not drunken shit!

It's true! had that poor woman fought back.... to prevent having her eye socket broken by those savages ...she would have been sent to prision for child abuse!
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
She id these people


Suspects in Alleged Movie Theater Assault Caught On Camera WNEP.com
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
No reason to believe she is lying. That is why we have the justice system to find out what happened.
You still havent shown me those photos that prove she was attacked by Black girls. Whats the delay? Smart money says her husband/boyfriend abused her and this is some wild goose chase..
She id these people


Suspects in Alleged Movie Theater Assault Caught On Camera WNEP.com
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
No reason to believe she is lying. That is why we have the justice system to find out what happened.
No reason to believe she is telling the truth. Thats why we need proof before claiming someone attacked someone else and expecting people to just take your word. At least thats what they have been telling Black people about white cops all this time..
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
No reason to believe she is lying. That is why we have the justice system to find out what happened.
No reason to believe she is telling the truth. Thats why we need proof before claiming someone attacked someone else and expecting people to just take your word. At least thats what they have been telling Black people about white cops all this time..

The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
How do we know she is not lying? I dont see them beating her up.
We don't but you cannot say for sure they did not.
Makes more sense to say they didn't. Theres absolutely no reason to believe this woman is telling the truth.
No reason to believe she is lying. That is why we have the justice system to find out what happened.
No reason to believe she is telling the truth. Thats why we need proof before claiming someone attacked someone else and expecting people to just take your word. At least thats what they have been telling Black people about white cops all this time..

The soapbox you are standing on has no basis for the OP. This situation is not new and has procedures to follow.
its very relevant for the OP. There is not a shred of proof any Black person hit her except her claim. Until she can prove she was beat up by Black teenage girls instead of her husband or boyfriend I'm simply not buying her story.

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