Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?

You are a troll,

but then what's new
What makes you think I'm a troll or this woman is telling the truth?
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?

You poor blacks need to beat up old people now?
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.

Prove it chile.
Prove what chile?
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?

You poor blacks need to beat up old people now?
Anyone showing disrespect is fair game. Now if she didnt say anything wrong then the kids are at fault. So far its just her word. I dont trust it.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.

Prove it chile.
Prove what chile?

Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.

Prove it chile.
Prove what chile?

Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.

Prove it chile.
Prove what chile?

Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?

It's your charge, you need to prove it.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?
Of course not even those po black chillen is claiming she called them anything ;)
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.

Prove it chile.
Prove what chile?

Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?

It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?

Why according to that poor, disparaged black man of course.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?
Yes I asked according to who. You just made up something and so did the woman.
Prove it chile.
Prove what chile?

Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?

It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman suffered a broken eye socket and bruises during the attack, which took place in a local movie theater of all places. And why did the group of teen girls allegedly pounce on victim Cindy Santamaria-Williams?

She tells WNEP-TV, which broke the story,that she 'shushed' them for being "loud and cursing."

"They immediately jumped on me and knocked me to the ground, punched me in the face," she said, adding that the original girls were waiting with five other teens.

Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for shushing them in movie theater PennLive.com

These little bitches will one day "jump" the wrong person.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?
Yes I asked according to who. You just made up something and so did the woman.
Damn, I'd put you on ignore but you are too much entertainment making an ass of yourself.
Prove what chile?

Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?

It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?
Yes I asked according to who. You just made up something and so did the woman.
Damn, I'd put you on ignore but you are too much entertainment making an ass of yourself.
I guess you didnt have a logical response so an emotional one was the only thing you had left.
Next time she wont call them a racial slur. Good thing they taught her a mild lesson.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?
Yes I asked according to who. You just made up something and so did the woman.
Damn, I'd put you on ignore but you are too much entertainment making an ass of yourself.

It's kind of fun to poke the racist black bear ;)

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