Teen girls give Pa. woman black eye for 'shushing' them in movie theater

Don't fight!

What those teenagers did was horrible! Absolutely horrible and disgusting! Regardless of race, color or anything!

Monsters like those should not be able to walk free in society! they are a public danger!
I find it very telling when it comes to what type of demographic people chose to focus on here.

The attackers are black, female, and young.

The victim is white, female, and old.

One could have been outraged by the youth of today, and how they don't respect their elders

Or outraged over how women would have never done stuff like that to each other in the old days.

And outraged because the victim was white, and the attackers black.

The incident is like a Rorschach Test. The ink blots always give clues into the psyches of the tested.

I was outraged primarily by the age of the girls, and the age of the victim. If there was anyone in a theatre being noisy during a move I would shush them without any expectation of being attacked. If I was in a theatre, and somebody else got attacked for shushing someone, I'd love to jump into that fight. But the only demographic I can't get away with doing that would be females, because I'm a man.

I'm outraged enough about the sex and age thing here, and next to that, that whole "race" aspect seems like weak tea...unless of course you've come into this discussion with your hatred of blacks being the strongest thing in your mind.

Thank God I'm not that way
Don't fight!

What those teenagers did was horrible! Absolutely horrible and disgusting! Regardless of race, color or anything!

Monsters like those should not be able to walk free in society! they are a public danger!
I find it very telling when it comes to what type of demographic people chose to focus on here.

The attackers are black, female, and young.

The victim is white, female, and old.

One could have been outraged by the youth of today, and how they don't respect their elders

Or outraged over how women would have never done stuff like that to each other in the old days.

And outraged because the victim was white, and the attackers black.

The incident is like a Rorschach Test. The ink blots always give clues into the psyches of the tested.

I was outraged primarily by the age of the girls, and the age of the victim. If there was anyone in a theatre being noisy during a move I would shush them without any expectation of being attacked. If I was in a theatre, and somebody else got attacked for shushing someone, I'd love to jump into that fight. But the only demographic I can't get away with doing that would be females, because I'm a man.

I'm outraged enough about the sex and age thing here, and next to that, that whole "race" aspect seems like weak tea...unless of course you've come into this discussion with your hatred of blacks being the strongest thing in your mind.

Thank God I'm not that way
Theres no proof that the white woman is even telling the truth. Lots of white women have used Black people (mostly males) to blame something their white husbands did to them.
Actually, the teenage black kids were the likely ones using racial slurs such as Ni##er.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?
Yes I asked according to who. You just made up something and so did the woman.
Damn, I'd put you on ignore but you are too much entertainment making an ass of yourself.
I guess you didnt have a logical response so an emotional one was the only thing you had left.
Logical responses are lost on you. Have fun trolling!
Of course you can prove she called them say....nigga?
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?

It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
Well, it just goes to show that going to the movies is not only a waste of time, but can prove seriously dangerous to one's health. People need to stay home and lock the door. Watch TV in the safety of your own home.
Just like I do. It's perfect. Not lonely at all.
Really... :|
Of course you can prove she didnt call them say ...nigga?

It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.
According to who? The woman whining because she was taught a lesson?
You make up stuff and the ask me "According to who?" I used the word LIKELY because I'm simply going by past experience.

The old lady called them a racial slur......according to who?
Yes I asked according to who. You just made up something and so did the woman.
Damn, I'd put you on ignore but you are too much entertainment making an ass of yourself.
I guess you didnt have a logical response so an emotional one was the only thing you had left.
Logical responses are lost on you. Have fun trolling!
You dont have a logical response and realized its just an uninformed opinion based on the probably lie of this white woman.
Don't fight!

What those teenagers did was horrible! Absolutely horrible and disgusting! Regardless of race, color or anything!

Monsters like those should not be able to walk free in society! they are a public danger!
I find it very telling when it comes to what type of demographic people chose to focus on here.

The attackers are black, female, and young.

The victim is white, female, and old.

One could have been outraged by the youth of today, and how they don't respect their elders

Or outraged over how women would have never done stuff like that to each other in the old days.

And outraged because the victim was white, and the attackers black.

The incident is like a Rorschach Test. The ink blots always give clues into the psyches of the tested.

I was outraged primarily by the age of the girls, and the age of the victim. If there was anyone in a theatre being noisy during a move I would shush them without any expectation of being attacked. If I was in a theatre, and somebody else got attacked for shushing someone, I'd love to jump into that fight. But the only demographic I can't get away with doing that would be females, because I'm a man.

I'm outraged enough about the sex and age thing here, and next to that, that whole "race" aspect seems like weak tea...unless of course you've come into this discussion with your hatred of blacks being the strongest thing in your mind.

Thank God I'm not that way
Theres no proof that the white woman is even telling the truth. Lots of white women have used Black people (mostly males) to blame something their white husbands did to them.
Does a lot of that still go on? I don't think so where I live. It's been racially integrated for many years, and accusing some black guy of something your white husband did would not get any different results than if you accused some Asian or Latino guy. No difference really
It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.
She has proof, it's called her face!
It's your charge, you need to prove it.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Don't fight!

What those teenagers did was horrible! Absolutely horrible and disgusting! Regardless of race, color or anything!

Monsters like those should not be able to walk free in society! they are a public danger!
I find it very telling when it comes to what type of demographic people chose to focus on here.

The attackers are black, female, and young.

The victim is white, female, and old.

One could have been outraged by the youth of today, and how they don't respect their elders

Or outraged over how women would have never done stuff like that to each other in the old days.

And outraged because the victim was white, and the attackers black.

The incident is like a Rorschach Test. The ink blots always give clues into the psyches of the tested.

I was outraged primarily by the age of the girls, and the age of the victim. If there was anyone in a theatre being noisy during a move I would shush them without any expectation of being attacked. If I was in a theatre, and somebody else got attacked for shushing someone, I'd love to jump into that fight. But the only demographic I can't get away with doing that would be females, because I'm a man.

I'm outraged enough about the sex and age thing here, and next to that, that whole "race" aspect seems like weak tea...unless of course you've come into this discussion with your hatred of blacks being the strongest thing in your mind.

Thank God I'm not that way
Theres no proof that the white woman is even telling the truth. Lots of white women have used Black people (mostly males) to blame something their white husbands did to them.
Does a lot of that still go on? I don't think so where I live. It's been racially integrated for many years, and accusing some black guy of something your white husband did would not get any different results than if you accused some Asian or Latino guy. No difference really
Its usually the go to explanation for a lot of white women. "The Black guy did it" is a hallmark of many child murder cases.
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.
She has proof, it's called her face!
Which her husband could have punched her in right?
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.
She has proof, it's called her face!



the cameras inside the theater!
Let me guess........the victim was white and the rampaging teens were black? ..... :cool:
Actually that's exactly right. The article shows the elderly white woman and the apes that attacked her.

Racists don't even try to cloak their hate these days. Ahhh, life in Wingnuttia must be vewy, vewy intewesting.
On line...for sure they don't cloak anything.

One thing I'm thankful for, is that I can say everything I've said on this thread so far, in public. If the Stormfront loyalists on this site said how they feel in public, they would instantly become social pariahs. So some things still make sense in the world
Thats where you are wrong. What makes you think you rate me proving something to? I didnt make the claim for you to agree. I was just telling you thats most likely what happened.

I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.
I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.
She has proof, it's called her face!



the cameras inside the theater!
Did the camera pick up the attack?
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.
She has proof, it's called her face!



the cameras inside the theater!
Did the camera pick up the attack?

Yes, it did!
I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.
She has proof, it's called her face!
Which her husband could have punched her in right?
Or perhaps grandma got run over by a reindeer and she decided to frame the black kids because she didn't want to make Santa (an old white man) look bad.
I see you, black folk can just make shit up.

The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, even a racist fuck like you,
So why isnt the woman proving the Black kids actually jumped her and not her husband? Why isnt she proving that she didnt provoke the attack? i dont take her at her word. Sorry.

BTW where is the link to your claim the kids said that she didnt use a racial slur?

Perhaps you should call the reporter and ask about her sources?

Until then the burden of proof is on you, legally speaking that is ;)
So you mean you have no proof? If the accuser has the burden of proof you look stupid believing her story without a shred of proof.

NO boy, YOU have the burden of proof, deflection is the way of the weak ;)
Thanks for admitting you have no proof Black people were involved.

But it feeds their weird racist wingnut fantasies.

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