Teen Suicide Attempt at suicide Ted Cruz's House

By the way, having empathy for children who are bullied, children who are dealing with being gay -- that isn't a bad trait to have.....

Trying to make that child believe something is wrong with him or her because they may be gay -- that tends to cause a child to have suicidal thoughts.....no place on Earth should a child feel most comfortable, most accepted than his or her own home....

But according to right-wingers, that child should be mocked and thrust into conversion therapy....
what about pressuring them to be gay when they are not??
No idea how it ends. The right has been vile and dishonorable for a long time. You only recently see that as a problem as you are finally on the receiving end of such tactics. This is nothing more than a necessary response to your actions. Back off a little, and we'll see what happenes.
Your view is limited by your own view.

You feel the left has not been vile for awhile. Why? I've seen the worst of both sides and know what, they are the same in the end.

I am backed off. If you feel otherwise then you are looking for it. You find what you want to find when out to validate emotions.

But again, it doesn't matter what I or anyone se does. You own your own responses and actions. Saying a mean rightie made you do it is a bullshit childlike excuse.
You find out if the teenager who attempted suicide is some other child or Ted's daughter??

Them's some pretty powerful and disgusting words. There have been many parents over the years who were stellar parents and had their children commit suicide. What you said is revolting and shows massive disrespect for all of the parents out there who did the best they could raising children and wound up being the parents of suicide victims. You should actually apologize for that revolting post that is spoken from you intolerance of those on the right instead of showing compassion and understanding.
And you should bite me.
To be fair, it's a pretty nasty reflection. I've had lots of MAGAs tell me it was unfair to do an OP such as this. They fail to see how many similar ones they do every day.
You fail to see you doing it. What's funny is you BOTH say the other side did xyz so they can do 123 to "show them" how it feels.

And the circle of stupid keeps going.
OP needs to move to Canada if they unfortunately don’t have the proper motivation and drive to take care of the problem.

Canada has the same level of decency and respect for human life as OP, and they’d be all too happy to assist in cleaning up the mess on display here.
Kids today face pressures that we never faced, but being the daughter of Ted Cruz has to be more than anyone should have to face. Police and medical personel were called to his house when she stabbed herself multiple times. Not sure if she is the same daughter who recently said she disagreed with him on virtually point, but if he is such a bad father till he drives his 14 year old daughter to do such a thing, he shouldn't have any say in how our government runs.
Hateful rhetoric from the left. Lies cause kids to do this kind of stuff. You lefties attack conservatives like her dad all the time. You incite violent. You people are destroying lives and an entire generation with your transgender nonsense, with your forced Vax mandates for kids. You people are pure evil.

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