Teen Suicide Attempt at suicide Ted Cruz's House

Unfair. Can’t stand Cruz but even the best parents have faced these horrible things with their kids. We have no idea what kind of parent he is or if parenting has anything to do with it. I am sure he is heartbroken over this. It’s every parents nightmare.

You are right about the pressures kid’s today face, and mental health issues are rising. If there is a positive, maybe Cruz will start advocating for more resources to put into it. We have a Representative who’s daughter has anorexia and he put forward a bill that passed to create programs in schools to recognize signs of it early and get help.
When has Cruz advocated for more needed resources for anything?
As surada down votes all of us attacking the OP it make me wonder why she sit silently when the OP writes stuff like this?

I guess she agrees with his comment and believe Ted Cruz caused his daughter to stab herself…

I has not been determined that it was even Ted's daughter.

Thread title had to be edited because it originally read "Ted Cruz' daughter attempted suicide" and that simply hasn't been established.

The proper action would have been to move this to the flame zone where it belongs.
Using children as political war pieces should be off limits on this board.
But once again I notice it is the left who yet again takes no steps to protect children from predators

Well said!
Kids don't have any pressures put on them these days and THAT"S the problem

This is not true, while the pressure may be different than it was for you and I, there is still tremendous pressure on them from their peers unlike anything we understood as kids.

No longer are they just compared to their local group but now to peers from around the world 24/7.
This is not true, while the pressure may be different than it was for you and I, there is still tremendous pressure on them from their peers unlike anything we understood as kids.

No longer are they just compared to their local group but now to peers from around the world 24/7.
Yeah not looking good enough on instagram is sooooo much pressure
Yeah not looking good enough on instagram is sooooo much pressure

It is far more than that, but yeah you do not even have to be on IG to be compared to those that are by your peer group. Do something stupid and it is not just a few friends that know about it but all of cyberspace.

They also know that unlike our generation they will probably not have a better life than their parents.
It is far more than that, but yeah you do not even have to be on IG to be compared to those that are by your peer group. Do something stupid and it is not just a few friends that know about it but all of cyberspace.

They also know that unlike our generation they will probably not have a better life than their parents.
Fictional pressure isn't really pressure all you have to do to end that "pressure" is get off social media
Yeah not looking good enough on instagram is sooooo much pressure
This is pretty short sighted.

Masks in school?
Gender confusion?
Constant hate and attacks cause that's who we are now
Lgbt+ and people telling them who they are
Can't even go out n play for fear of abuse
Living in a violently divided country trying to understand right and wrong in ways we never had to.

We had it easy as kids and there wasn't near the bullshit, lies and hate that we have today.
Fictional pressure isn't really pressure all you have to do to end that "pressure" is get off social media
Yea and I'm sure as a kid it was easy for you to walk away from what your generation was doing

You are trying to assign adult knowledge to someone still forming their own.
This is pretty short sighted.

Masks in school?
Gender confusion?
Constant hate and attacks cause that's who we are now
Lgbt+ and people telling them who they are
Can't even go out n play for fear of abuse
Living in a violently divided country trying to understand right and wrong in ways we never had to.

We had it easy as kids and there wasn't near the bullshit, lies and hate that we have today.
Yeah because no student ever worried about their grades before this generation and kids who were gay had it so much better 50 years ago right?

And speak for yourself. I was living on the streets when I was 14 and pressure is figuring out how you're going to be able to eat something or have a warm dry place to sleep it's not worrying about a bad selfie
Fictional pressure isn't really pressure all you have to do to end that "pressure" is get off social media

Not true, since all your friends are on it you are still pressured by it even if you are not on it. Unless one is living in a compound in the middle or nowhere with no internet, there is no "getting away" from it.
Yeah because no student ever worried about their grades before this generation and kids who were gay had it so much better 50 years ago right?

And speak for yourself. I was living on the streets when I was 14 and pressure is figuring out how you're going to be able to eat something or have a warm dry place to sleep it's not worrying about a bad selfie
Did they have selfies then?
Yeah because no student ever worried about their grades before this generation and kids who were gay had it so much better 50 years ago right?

And speak for yourself. I was living on the streets when I was 14 and pressure is figuring out how you're going to be able to eat something or have a warm dry place to sleep it's not worrying about a bad selfie

Pressure is different for everyone. That you had a different sort of pressure does not mean others are not under it as well. You do yourself a disservice making it all about you.
Kids today face pressures that we never faced, but being the daughter of Ted Cruz has to be more than anyone should have to face. Police and medical personel were called to his house when she stabbed herself multiple times. Not sure if she is the same daughter who recently said she disagreed with him on virtually point, but if he is such a bad father till he drives his 14 year old daughter to do such a thing, he shouldn't have any say in how our government runs.

She made a poor choice in friends and should have been home schooled. Can't imagine the daily hatred she must have faced from her Progressive Jihadist "Friends"
Yea and I'm sure as a kid it was easy for you to walk away from what your generation was doing

You are trying to assign adult knowledge to someone still forming their own.

It wasn't as tough as you think.

I was orphaned at 14 when my mother died of a heroin overdose and by then I had been taking care of myself for 5 or 6 years already. I left a shitty foster home and was homeless for 2 years until I dropped out of HS and got a job. I was declared an emancipated minor at 17.

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