Teen told he can't join the marines because of his Confederate Flag tatoo

Military is downsizing. They will be very picky for a while. In 2006 he would've gotten in with no problems. They were accepting gang members then.

Unless....of course....he comes back and identified as a transgender homosexual Muslim immigrant water addict from Flint. Then Obama may do an executive order to demand the Marines accept him and automatically make him a 2 star general.
Military is downsizing. They will be very picky for a while. In 2006 he would've gotten in with no problems.
no, he wouldn't. his hate tattoo would still have precluded his joining.

the rest of your post is ignorant blather and unworthy
Anyone else amused that ogbill there REFUSES to answer the question about the amurican flag being a racist symbol?
On another note
NO self respecting southerner would join the US military. I won't and my kids won't. I will NOT serve the military that's occupying my country. PERIOD. I am a Confederate Citizen and do anything I can do drag down the US occupation every single day. Why in the holy hell would you join the occupied forces military!?
Anyone else amused that ogbill there REFUSES to answer the question about the amurican flag being a racist symbol?
On another note
NO self respecting southerner would join the US military. I won't and my kids won't. I will NOT serve the military that's occupying my country. PERIOD. I am a Confederate Citizen and do anything I can do drag down the US occupation every single day. Why in the holy hell would you join the occupied forces military!?
and there you have it. another america hating racist
Anyone else amused that ogbill there REFUSES to answer the question about the amurican flag being a racist symbol?
On another note
NO self respecting southerner would join the US military. I won't and my kids won't. I will NOT serve the military that's occupying my country. PERIOD. I am a Confederate Citizen and do anything I can do drag down the US occupation every single day. Why in the holy hell would you join the occupied forces military!?
and there you have it. another america hating racist
Pity him, it must be very hard to live with this every day:
Anyone else amused that ogbill there REFUSES to answer the question about the amurican flag being a racist symbol?
On another note
NO self respecting southerner would join the US military. I won't and my kids won't. I will NOT serve the military that's occupying my country. PERIOD. I am a Confederate Citizen and do anything I can do drag down the US occupation every single day. Why in the holy hell would you join the occupied forces military!?
and there you have it. another america hating racist
Answer the question leftard. Stop being a racist towards southerners boy....thought leftards weren't racist? hmmmm
Anyone else amused that ogbill there REFUSES to answer the question about the amurican flag being a racist symbol?
On another note
NO self respecting southerner would join the US military. I won't and my kids won't. I will NOT serve the military that's occupying my country. PERIOD. I am a Confederate Citizen and do anything I can do drag down the US occupation every single day. Why in the holy hell would you join the occupied forces military!?
and there you have it. another america hating racist
Answer the question leftard. Stop being a racist towards southerners boy....thought leftards weren't racist? hmmmm
Here's your answer - while the US flag has been associated with many dark parts of our history it also far and away symbolizes freedom and liberty. survey 100 Americans on what the american flag means to them and hatred and bigitry won't crack the top 10.

the traitors' battle flag is a different matter. it has always been a symbol of hate and racism - from its first raising over the heads of treasonous assholes to its resurgence over the heads of racist assholed it has only ever stood for hate.

He shouldn't have to but if he really wants to serve he'll cover it up. Steve seems shocked that the Marines are also pretty selective in their recruits. lol
Based on that tat, he should be serving only at Dairy Queen...

Well at least you're not being dramatic or anything. lol

I think people are missing the bigger picture here: the tattoo isn't really all that good. It's a bit sloppy.
Anyone else amused that ogbill there REFUSES to answer the question about the amurican flag being a racist symbol?
On another note
NO self respecting southerner would join the US military. I won't and my kids won't. I will NOT serve the military that's occupying my country. PERIOD. I am a Confederate Citizen and do anything I can do drag down the US occupation every single day. Why in the holy hell would you join the occupied forces military!?
and there you have it. another america hating racist
Answer the question leftard. Stop being a racist towards southerners boy....thought leftards weren't racist? hmmmm
Here's your answer - while the US flag has been associated with many dark parts of our history it also far and away symbolizes freedom and liberty. survey 100 Americans on what the american flag means to them and hatred and bigitry won't crack the top 10.

the traitors' battle flag is a different matter. it has always been a symbol of hate and racism - from its first raising over the heads of treasonous assholes to its resurgence over the heads of racist assholed it has only ever stood for hate.
Folks. This is the perfect example of YA CAN'T FIX STUPID. Its not even worth arguing with such ignorance and hatred.
Anyone else amused that ogbill there REFUSES to answer the question about the amurican flag being a racist symbol?
On another note
NO self respecting southerner would join the US military. I won't and my kids won't. I will NOT serve the military that's occupying my country. PERIOD. I am a Confederate Citizen and do anything I can do drag down the US occupation every single day. Why in the holy hell would you join the occupied forces military!?
and there you have it. another america hating racist
Answer the question leftard. Stop being a racist towards southerners boy....thought leftards weren't racist? hmmmm
Here's your answer - while the US flag has been associated with many dark parts of our history it also far and away symbolizes freedom and liberty. survey 100 Americans on what the american flag means to them and hatred and bigitry won't crack the top 10.

the traitors' battle flag is a different matter. it has always been a symbol of hate and racism - from its first raising over the heads of treasonous assholes to its resurgence over the heads of racist assholed it has only ever stood for hate.
Folks. This is the perfect example of YA CAN'T FIX STUPID. Its not even worth arguing with such ignorance and hatred.
there is no argument.

again, there is no debate that the confederate flag is a symbol of hate
Even if he has a loser tatoo he should have a chance to serve. We all make mistakes....like the dumbass confederacy

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