Teenager Gives Birth In Hospital Bathroom Then Throws Away Baby In The Trash 😠

So that means we need to be putting a bunch of people in prison for murder

Why don't you demand the GOP campaign on passing legislation to make this happen?

Don't tell me you will allow babies to be murdered?? Put these mothers and doctors in prison...

In fact, the nurses, the building owners that allow these murders to happen at their facilities, the person who gives the mother a ride to the doctor...all of them need to be in prison or executed....UNLESS YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT
Dont be silly
It's sad but why is it a surprise? Abortion clinics did it all the time. They found full term babies in dumpsters outside abortion clinics in Ohio Miami and even Washington D.C. and don't forget Dr. Gosnel's house of horrors in Philadelphia Pa.
I know this girl is in Mexico, but we need a major birth control education drive in this country. That, more than any other effort to date, would greatly reduce the rate of abortions.

Maybe you leftists can work something in with drag queen story hour.
I know this girl is in Mexico, but we need a major birth control education drive in this country. That, more than any other effort to date, would greatly reduce the rate of abortions.
Some lessers think that we need more births when we have a major surplus as it is.
Sadly, this girl was educated in Democrat controlled schools in a society that throws away millions of babies.

When one life means nothing, then no life means anything, especially to children.

Look at how these children are taught, that babies will destroy their life. I say give the death penalty that taught this girl that life is worthless. Of course, that would be a lot of people.
Jesus Christ. It's a hospital, you can just give them the baby and leave. You don't have to throw it in the trash.

She should be put to death, at the very least made to leave the country and not allowed to return. We don't need people like that in our society.

This country needs a great big enema.
They can survive outside of the mother's womb....that's what matters in the old federal law guidance... We've had babies survive outside of the mothers womb, in neo natal care, newborn intensive care, as young as 24 weeks now... It is reducing in weeks because our medical expertise and medical technology, is getting better. ( tiny tiny needles was one technology improvement)

So your bar is: we can actively kill anyone who relies on others to sustain them? Wow, unplug all the machines around the nation then. Also, anyone on oxygen and pacemakers. Can't sustain your own life? You're a goner. And to make it more stupid, all the people being sustained in the scenarios above are at the end of life, most likely. Whereas all the mother has to do is give the baby SHE CREATED a few more weeks in her uterus and then he/she has a full lifetime ahead.
So your bar is: we can actively kill anyone who relies on others to sustain them? Wow, unplug all the machines around the nation then. Also, anyone on oxygen and pacemakers. Can't sustain your own life? You're a goner. And to make it more stupid, all the people being sustained in the scenarios above are at the end of life, most likely. Whereas all the mother has to do is give the baby SHE CREATED a few more weeks in her uterus and then he/she has a full lifetime ahead.
Oh silly one....the Roe and Casey SC decision was that the govt could not decide or usurp the woman's privacy and private medical decisions, until there was another viable human involved....a viable person. Their decision was based on a baby to be, being able to survive outside of the womb....with medical care....All the medical technology and the such available.....where in the world your own rant on seniors is your own projection on something I never said?
Yeah...article says "teen" and technically she is. But there is a great deal of difference between 13-14 and 19.

They pull the same stuff when quoting gun violence stats, lumping in 18 and 19 year old gangbangers with young kids to make the numbers look worse.
Abortions due to health issues or rape or incest are negligible. The vast, vast majority of abortions are convenience abortions.

We are letting the extremists on both side control the conversation. We need to take it back.

Voters would be much less turned off by Republicans if we started with a baseline of banning abortions after the first trimester.

The principal motivation being sensed by voters about Republicans on this issue is pure hate. Vindictiveness. There is ZERO compassion.

You support a party that advocates abortion on demand, any time for any reason. Your "pro-life" claim is a lie.
All of the people that are pro-choice on here are lying, because the baby never has a choice. They're actually pro-murder.
The dumbass should have got an abortion, or signed up to put it up for adoption. Good grief :rolleyes:
There's absolutely NO excuses for situations like these!!! She is a murderer and she should get the death sentence but she won't because of her age. 🤬

She’ll likely be honored as a brave symbol of leftist pro abortion demands.. hey, she felt uncomfortable! That means she can kill humans who she’s responsible for!

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