Teens Charged With Beating Man To Death In 'Knockout Game'...

No, the room contains 85 non-blacks and 15 blacks. 32 people are murdered, 16 of them by blacks and the other 16 by the remaining 85.

That would be a far more honest equivalency if you had an honest bone in your body.

On a train traveling 85 miles an hour...
This is where the race-pimp backing of the Martin case really backfired. The narrative is not black victimization as hoped, but white.

Unfortunately for the African American Community, the stats do tell the story. African Americans are committing a staggering amount of crimes against all races. While at the same time the other races committing crimes against them is virtually non-existent. So what's going on with African Americans? Why so violent? It's a question they need to start asking themselves. It's just not enough to blame 'Evil Whitey' anymore. They have to begin seriously tackling their problems.

First I guess you're going to ignore all the crime in the white community because of STATS. Suuure. There are 100 white people and 2 black guys in the party and white guy kills 30 people, black guy kills 1. You'd scream about killing 50% of the black people while stepping over and wiping the blood off your shoes from 30 white guys! Yeah, that makes sense ONLY if you wanted to make this about blacks ONLY....Must. Find. A....Way......STATS!!!

More violent? What have blacks been through other races haven't that could POSSIBLY be PART of a reason or explanation? Anything?

Because if I start to look at why a certain group acts a certain way I have to look at the history of that group, once I start ya'll are going to start wanting to ignore what the REASONS could be and just i.d. the behavior shown. Like a Molester Uncle who just wants his nephew to stop pointing at his Butt....Don't ask WHY hes doing it just make him stop! :lol:

Check the stats. African Americans are committing a staggering amount of crimes against all races. While at the same time, there is very little crime being committed against them by other races. The amount of crime is shockingly disproportionate to their population numbers. So what's going on with African Americans? Why so violent? And don't give me that ole stale "It's all Evil Whitey's fault" stuff. It's time to get real and start answering those questions.
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Unfortunately for the African American Community, the stats do tell the story. African Americans are committing a staggering amount of crimes against all races. While at the same time the other races committing crimes against them is virtually non-existent. So what's going on with African Americans? Why so violent? It's a question they need to start asking themselves. It's just not enough to blame 'Evil Whitey' anymore. They have to begin seriously tackling their problems.

First I guess you're going to ignore all the crime in the white community because of STATS. Suuure. There are 100 white people and 2 black guys in the party and white guy kills 30 people, black guy kills 1. You'd scream about killing 50% of the black people while stepping over and wiping the blood off your shoes from 30 white guys! Yeah, that makes sense ONLY if you wanted to make this about blacks ONLY....Must. Find. A....Way......STATS!!!

More violent? What have blacks been through other races haven't that could POSSIBLY be PART of a reason or explanation? Anything?

Because if I start to look at why a certain group acts a certain way I have to look at the history of that group, once I start ya'll are going to start wanting to ignore what the REASONS could be and just i.d. the behavior shown. Like a Molester Uncle who just wants his nephew to stop pointing at his Butt....Don't ask WHY hes doing it just make him stop! :lol:

Check the stats. African Americans are committing a staggering amount of crimes against all races. While at the same time, there is very little crime being committed against them by other races. The amount of crime is shockingly disproportionate to their population numbers. So what's going with African Americans? Why so violent? It's time to get real and start answering those questions.

What have blacks endured others have not? Could that be part of the possible reason for such violence?

Or just other history, like Rap Music? :lol: How about forgetting about reasons why and just conclude they are just crazy. Easier AND you can ignore history...except rap music
First I guess you're going to ignore all the crime in the white community because of STATS. Suuure. There are 100 white people and 2 black guys in the party and white guy kills 30 people, black guy kills 1. You'd scream about killing 50% of the black people while stepping over and wiping the blood off your shoes from 30 white guys! Yeah, that makes sense ONLY if you wanted to make this about blacks ONLY....Must. Find. A....Way......STATS!!!

More violent? What have blacks been through other races haven't that could POSSIBLY be PART of a reason or explanation? Anything?

Because if I start to look at why a certain group acts a certain way I have to look at the history of that group, once I start ya'll are going to start wanting to ignore what the REASONS could be and just i.d. the behavior shown. Like a Molester Uncle who just wants his nephew to stop pointing at his Butt....Don't ask WHY hes doing it just make him stop! :lol:

Check the stats. African Americans are committing a staggering amount of crimes against all races. While at the same time, there is very little crime being committed against them by other races. The amount of crime is shockingly disproportionate to their population numbers. So what's going with African Americans? Why so violent? It's time to get real and start answering those questions.

What have blacks endured others have not? Could that be part of the possible reason for such violence?

Or just other history, like Rap Music? :lol: How about forgetting about reasons why and just conclude they are just crazy. Easier AND you can ignore history...except rap music
Yup, on que! Evil whitey of course.
First I guess you're going to ignore all the crime in the white community because of STATS. Suuure. There are 100 white people and 2 black guys in the party and white guy kills 30 people, black guy kills 1. You'd scream about killing 50% of the black people while stepping over and wiping the blood off your shoes from 30 white guys! Yeah, that makes sense ONLY if you wanted to make this about blacks ONLY....Must. Find. A....Way......STATS!!!

More violent? What have blacks been through other races haven't that could POSSIBLY be PART of a reason or explanation? Anything?

Because if I start to look at why a certain group acts a certain way I have to look at the history of that group, once I start ya'll are going to start wanting to ignore what the REASONS could be and just i.d. the behavior shown. Like a Molester Uncle who just wants his nephew to stop pointing at his Butt....Don't ask WHY hes doing it just make him stop! :lol:

Check the stats. African Americans are committing a staggering amount of crimes against all races. While at the same time, there is very little crime being committed against them by other races. The amount of crime is shockingly disproportionate to their population numbers. So what's going with African Americans? Why so violent? It's time to get real and start answering those questions.

What have blacks endured others have not? Could that be part of the possible reason for such violence?

Or just other history, like Rap Music? :lol: How about forgetting about reasons why and just conclude they are just crazy. Easier AND you can ignore history...except rap music

Well, at least you're beginning to ask real questions. And i haven't concluded anything. These are questions the African American Community needs to address. The Crime Stats are shockingly disturbing.
Check the stats. African Americans are committing a staggering amount of crimes against all races. While at the same time, there is very little crime being committed against them by other races. The amount of crime is shockingly disproportionate to their population numbers. So what's going with African Americans? Why so violent? It's time to get real and start answering those questions.

What have blacks endured others have not? Could that be part of the possible reason for such violence?

Or just other history, like Rap Music? :lol: How about forgetting about reasons why and just conclude they are just crazy. Easier AND you can ignore history...except rap music
Yup, on que! Evil whitey of course.

You're right, things happen for no reason...except rap music.

20 years of rap has changed everything, but not 400 years of bullshit...just 20 years of bippity bop. Simple solutions for the simple minded
What have blacks endured others have not? Could that be part of the possible reason for such violence?

Or just other history, like Rap Music? :lol: How about forgetting about reasons why and just conclude they are just crazy. Easier AND you can ignore history...except rap music
Yup, on que! Evil whitey of course.

You're right, things happen for no reason...except rap music.

20 years of rap has changed everything, but not 400 years of bullshit...just 20 years of bippity bop. Simple solutions for the simple minded

Just curious, what will you do when or if they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you?
One of the main reasons why this level of criminal activity by a specific segment of society is accepted because it's lied about and not faced. It will get much worse. Then when it goes from staggering to the level of outright street war everyone will wonder what happened. How was this missed? How was it allowed to get this bad?

The fact is, the longer it goes on the worse it will get. You ain't seen nuthin yet. We will become Somalia before it's done.
Yup, on que! Evil whitey of course.

You're right, things happen for no reason...except rap music.

20 years of rap has changed everything, but not 400 years of bullshit...just 20 years of bippity bop. Simple solutions for the simple minded

Just curious, what will you do when or if they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you?

Beat their ass then tell you to stop being a scared pussy. I don't actually believe you are, you're just doing this for "effect"

"Oh dear, look at me, I'm terrified"

What you gonna do when some white kids play the knock out game with you? Piddle?
You're right, things happen for no reason...except rap music.

20 years of rap has changed everything, but not 400 years of bullshit...just 20 years of bippity bop. Simple solutions for the simple minded

Just curious, what will you do when or if they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you?

Beat their ass then tell you to stop being a scared pussy. I don't actually believe you are, you're just doing this for "effect"

"Oh dear, look at me, I'm terrified"

What you gonna do when some white kids play the knock out game with you? Piddle?

Come on man, that's not an answer. Seriously, think about what you're really gonna do when or if they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you.
I'm tired of hearing about black on white crime, as well as white on black crime. Turning every crime that involves different races into a race issue only makes you seem as desperate as the liberals you claim to despise. Crime is crime, no matter the color of the victim's skin.

With many of these posters it has really never been about Dems v Repubs/Libs v Cons, it hasalways been about race. Now we have a democraticly elected Bi-Racial Democrat as President, it is a nightmarish dream fullfilled for these tools. :evil:
Just curious, what will you do when or if they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you?

Beat their ass then tell you to stop being a scared pussy. I don't actually believe you are, you're just doing this for "effect"

"Oh dear, look at me, I'm terrified"

What you gonna do when some white kids play the knock out game with you? Piddle?

Come on man, that's not an answer. Seriously, think about what you're really gonna do when or if they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you.

That's ok, you seem to have it covered. Play your game, you're not serious.

wtf does this have to do with politics and obama, pelosi, communists or democrats?

Their the ones telling everyone not to arm and protect themselves. But where will they be when they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you? My guess is, they'll be far too busy partying on their private jets and yachts to come save you. So, what will you do when or if the savages come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you?

I currently live in a heavilly minority populated section of downtown here.

I fear very little. I grew up in a pretty tough neighborhood where white kids were dangerous...same old shit, different faces...race does figure into it too, bit nowhere on the scale scaredy cat, white crackers like you portray/fear it

Go figure

btw, how many minorities around you? :lol:
Oh well, i guess i'm out. As usual here, another thread is devolving into a Race War. The thread wasn't intended to be about Race. I'm sorry i got sucked in and started contributing to it. The thread was intended to be about not allowing pampered Millionaire Communists to tell you not to arm and protect yourself and your family. They don't give a shit about you. They won't be there to save you when you need saving. Always be prepared to save yourself. Stay safe and God Bless.
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To be fair, both sides are guilty of that kind of behavior. Would you be expressing the same sentiment of this had been a gang of White Guys beating an African American to death? Try to be honest.


I'm sure in the 10,000 threads about this there was talk about violent whites as well, am I right? *crickets*


You mean the perps aint crackers? Game was popular with some kids I grew up with...just sayin. :eusa_shifty:

Some things scream out to be repeated. This is most assuredly one of them

wtf does this have to do with politics and obama, pelosi, communists or democrats?

Their the ones telling everyone not to arm and protect themselves. But where will they be when they come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you? My guess is, they'll be far too busy partying on their private jets and yachts to come save you. So, what will you do when or if the savages come to play the 'Knockout Game' with you?

I currently live in a heavilly minority populated section of downtown here.

I fear very little. I grew up in a pretty tough neighborhood where white kids were dangerous...same old shit, different faces...race does figure into it too, bit nowhere on the scale scaredy cat, white crackers like you portray/fear it

Go figure

btw, how many minorities around you? :lol:

2 the guy who cuts his grass and the lady that cleans his house. That's why he fears the knock out game his maids hands are like boxing gloves

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