Televise All School Classes

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Do want it as TV broadcast
Where did you get that idea from?

Obviously in the 21 Century it would be on the internet
Are you personally going to make the required improvements on the school's internet capability, software requirements, and be happy with a system that cannot deliver what you want?

I think we can trim teachers salary in the next budget enough to pay for the video equipment

If we can find money for police body cams then protecting the children in school should be possible too
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Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
really are advocating for government employees to lay hands on your children?
It used to be common place

If the female teacher could not control a student in her class he was sent to the asst principle to get swatted with a paddle

But that was in a more civilized and safer era before mass school shootings

I am replying to YOUR comment. "Completely clueless" does not begin to describe most people on this message board who are not educators. They base their opinions on how schools were 20, 30, or even longer ago, in their little white bread suburban life and none of that has any bearing on today.

The biggest story of my entire time in high school in the 70s was a student who took a swing at our JROTC instructor, who had been an F-4 Phantom squadron commander in the Air Force in Vietnam.

I became a teacher after my Navy career ended in the 90s, and had probably many incidents similar to this, especially when I became an Assistant Principal and broke up fights on a daily basis.
The scenarios you describe are atrocious, but they are that way because the schools are ALLOWING them to be that way. If any kid were to attack, or even verbally threaten, a teacher, he should be removed from the class, and taken to JAIL.

If half the class acts like this, then half the class should go to jail too. Period. Then when order is restored, you go back to the business of educating kids (without CRT).

PS - we don't need to get a synopsis of your life story.

I didn't even respond to your other posts bc it's obvious you are either playing or not well

Right. Let's take 7 yo to jail now, as well as blur out faces, keep Kindergarteners in rows all day, etc. Such great ideas.
And guess what: you really do not want a gov institution spilling private stuff about other people's children. Do you?
Cause I don't. You're just not entitled to it.
Bullshit. I thing everybody is entitled to see and hear what's going on in the public school classrooms, especially in light of the extreme lengths that lunatic liberals have gone in pushing CRT.

And public schools are just that > Public (not private), and paid for by the public. These are OUR schools, and our supervision of them is apparently long overdue.
I dont think any form of transparency will ever be acceptable to the public teachers such as SweetSue92

But as I have pointed out, viewers can be limited to the parents and guardians of the children

And children's faces can be blurred out

Do not ever put words in my mouth as you just did. Because you are inept, you have failed to respond to SEVERAL issues with this:

1. what do you do with the children whose parents have signed NO MEDIA forms

2. WHO is going to blur the faces of moving children out of these videos. Are you kidding me? Do you know how much work that is?

3. WHO is going to ensure these videos are kept between parents and guardians

4. WHEN does the teacher get to turn the camera off, for instance, when she is privately disciplining a child? No? Then you've just broken a bunch of privacy laws. If I am speaking privately to a child about his/her behavior, the whole class of other parents DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT to hear that conversation

If you don't start getting rational, I'm done talking to you about this. Let's see if you can manage.
Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
No special equipment is needed except a computer and an external camera if desired.

I’m not sure what deviant activities are occurring during class?

I think you believe this Fake Indoctrination is occurring 100% of the time when in reality there is Zero indoctrination and Zero abuse.
You have no clue how my public school functions. I do.
In that case you have nothing hide by being video’d
Let's lock your ass up in your local jail until we find something to pin on you for violating the law. That would be using the same logic you just displayed, which is Communist in nature.
You have become so irrational that I wonder if the math teacher could even add 2+2 till you calm down

Parents have a right to see how their children are being treated in school

You do not have a right to see other children however. YOU DO NOT. And you keep tap dancing around this point. Too bad for you!
Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
No special equipment is needed except a computer and an external camera if desired.

I’m not sure what deviant activities are occurring during class?

I think you believe this Fake Indoctrination is occurring 100% of the time when in reality there is Zero indoctrination and Zero abuse.

I'm going to tell you the truth. You say you are not afraid of being videotaped. I'm not afraid of, say, 90% of the parents. I am afraid of people like Protectionist and mac-7, who would want to know why children are no longer BEING PADDLED and why my kindergarten students are up working with friends, playing, making letter shapes and not sitting in desks in rows listening to teacher lectures all day like he did when he went to school back in the Stone Age.

Because people who have an ax to grind would absolutely do this. They would absolutely demand we answer the most nonsensical questions based on absolute nonsense.

I do not have time to explain my teaching to people who have no clue. And I'm a highly qualified teacher in my district who is presently mentoring THREE teachers. So rly
I think you believe this Fake Indoctrination is occurring 100% of the time when in reality there is Zero indoctrination and Zero abuse.
I hope you dont mind if the parents see that for themselves instead just taking the teachers word for it?

So far you are the only one who at least claims to be open and transparent although not even that has been verified
2. WHO is going to blur the faces of moving children out of these videos. Are you kidding me? Do you know how much work that is?
Its no work at all these days

Just point the software to the faces you want blurred and the computer does the rest
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Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
No special equipment is needed except a computer and an external camera if desired.

I’m not sure what deviant activities are occurring during class?

I think you believe this Fake Indoctrination is occurring 100% of the time when in reality there is Zero indoctrination and Zero abuse.

I'm going to tell you the truth. You say you are not afraid of being videotaped. I'm not afraid of, say, 90% of the parents. I am afraid of people like Protectionist and mac-7, who would want to know why children are no longer BEING PADDLED and why my kindergarten students are up working with friends, playing, making letter shapes and not sitting in desks in rows listening to teacher lectures all day like he did when he went to school back in the Stone Age.

Because people who have an ax to grind would absolutely do this. They would absolutely demand we answer the most nonsensical questions based on absolute nonsense.

I do not have time to explain my teaching to people who have no clue. And I'm a highly qualified teacher in my district who is presently mentoring THREE teachers. So rly
So there you go

Sue doesent trust us and we dont trust her

But parents have a greater right to protect their children than she does to protect her professional privacy
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Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
No special equipment is needed except a computer and an external camera if desired.

I’m not sure what deviant activities are occurring during class?

I think you believe this Fake Indoctrination is occurring 100% of the time when in reality there is Zero indoctrination and Zero abuse.

I'm going to tell you the truth. You say you are not afraid of being videotaped. I'm not afraid of, say, 90% of the parents. I am afraid of people like Protectionist and mac-7, who would want to know why children are no longer BEING PADDLED and why my kindergarten students are up working with friends, playing, making letter shapes and not sitting in desks in rows listening to teacher lectures all day like he did when he went to school back in the Stone Age.

Because people who have an ax to grind would absolutely do this. They would absolutely demand we answer the most nonsensical questions based on absolute nonsense.

I do not have time to explain my teaching to people who have no clue. And I'm a highly qualified teacher in my district who is presently mentoring THREE teachers. So rly
So there you go

Sue doesent trust us and we dont trust her

But parents have a greater right to protect their children than you do to protect your professional privacy
I just don’t see what you are fearing
School is a wonderful place for children
Of course there are some students that hate school because of various reasons.
But for 90%+ of students they like coming to school because is just as safe as home and for some kids school is their safety place.
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