Televise All School Classes

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I just don’t see what you are fearing
Since you are already making your classes transparent I dont see what you are fearing

I think one of the other teachers on this thread is just full of himself

And the other is insecure

Are you just pinch hitting for them?
Videos of the teacher and lessons are fine but you can’t realistically tape the students.
Didnt you just inform us you aren't taping the students?

the objections I’m hearing are all over the map
And how do you propose that happens Hossfly ?
We edit out all the student discourse? What a stupid idea.
The important thing is televise the teacher, and his/her curriculum CONTENT.
Why? To catch a misspeak?

The reason why I don't question my roof inspector, is because I don't know as much as them. If I want a second opinion I will get it.

I'm a 36 year experienced Teacher.
I know my CONTENT. Not debatable.

I despise OUTSIDERS like you suggesting "Anything" about education.
That's a load of bullshit.

You may "know," your content, but you can't possibly know the families, or the individual personalities of every student that comes through the system. Indeed, you are trained to precisely not give a damn. You are, by the nature of the system, the enemy of the goals of families.

. . . and by your arrogance, it shows.

"Let me speak to you about dumbness because that is what schools teach best. Old-fashioned dumbness used to be simple ignorance: you didn’t know something, but there were ways to find out if you wanted to. Government-controlled schooling didn’t eliminate dumbness — in fact, we now know that people read more fluently before we had forced schooling — but dumbness was transformed.

Now dumb people aren’t just ignorant; they’re the victims of the non-thought of secondhand ideas. Dumb people are now well-informed about the opinions of Time magazine and CBS, The New York Times and the President; their job is to choose which pre-thought thoughts, which received opinions, they like best. The elite in this new empire of ignorance are those who know the most pre-thought thoughts.

Mass dumbness is vital to modern society. The dumb person is wonderfully flexible clay for psychological shaping by market research, government policymakers, public-opinion leaders, and any other interest group. The more pre-thought thoughts a person has memorized, the easier it is to predict what choices he or she will make. . . . "


". . . Don’t cooperate with your children’s school unless the school has come to you in person to work out a meeting of the minds — on your turf, not theirs. Only a desperado would blindly trust his children to a collection of untested strangers and hope for the best. Parents and school personnel are just plain natural adversaries. One group is trying to make a living; the other is trying to make a work of art called a family. If you allow yourself to be co-opted by flattery, seduced with worthless payoffs such as special classes or programs, intimidated by Alice in Wonderland titles and degrees, you will become the enemy within, the extension of state schooling into your own home. Shame on you if you allow that. Your job is to educate, the schoolteacher’s is to school; you work for love, the teacher for money. The interests are radically different, one an individual thing, the other a collective. You can make your own son or daughter one of a kind if you have the time and will to do so; school can only make them part of a hive, a herd, or an anthill. . . . "
but you can’t realistically tape the students.
You understand that, right?
I’m not even sure about that

If the supreme court has made that ruling will someone cite the case?
And how do you propose that happens Hossfly ?
We edit out all the student discourse? What a stupid idea.
The important thing is televise the teacher, and his/her curriculum CONTENT.
Why? To catch a misspeak?

The reason why I don't question my roof inspector, is because I don't know as much as them. If I want a second opinion I will get it.

I'm a 36 year experienced Teacher.
I know my CONTENT. Not debatable.

I despise OUTSIDERS like you suggesting "Anything" about education.
Now Winco is just displaying professional stubbornness.

Another Admiral Rockwell Tory in the making
And how do you propose that happens Hossfly ?
We edit out all the student discourse? What a stupid idea.
The important thing is televise the teacher, and his/her curriculum CONTENT.
Why? To catch a misspeak?

The reason why I don't question my roof inspector, is because I don't know as much as them. If I want a second opinion I will get it.

I'm a 36 year experienced Teacher.
I know my CONTENT. Not debatable.

I despise OUTSIDERS like you suggesting "Anything" about education.
Now Winco is just displaying professional stubbornness.

Another Admiral Rockwell Tory in the making
I have tried to be very open and transparent with you

No matter what I say you try to tear it down.
I’m sad that you don’t trust teachers or school in general.
I think that adults - particularly libs- have lost control of the children and their classrooms
That may be what the teachers are trying to hide

No. Wrong. Five year olds sitting in desks all day is horrid for their brains. It's not about "control". Why should we hold so tightly to 'control' at any rate? Do you endorse this as a matter of course for govt employees? As a conservative, I do not.
I am not wedded to 5-year olds

The cameras are for all age groups

Nor do young children have to set quietly all day

Cameras would expose many bad teachers with a variety of shortcomings

Lack of discipline being only one possible shock for the parents

What do you think a camera would expose? What type of shortcomings are you imagining exist?
I think liberals are determined to brainwash children whether the parents like it or not

Cameras would allow parents to observe whats going on
Parents can march their ass into the classroom and see what is going on.

How much brainwashing do you think occurs in math classes? PE? Life skills? Special education? Language arts? The correct answer is NONE! Why do you want to see those classes if all you are doing is looking for "indoctrination"?
You're full of shit..... Most schools today won't even let you by the main office.... are you nuts?

THIS IS BRAINWASHING RIGHT HERE.......pssst and I'm not even white ..... it has become a required curriculum item.

It's certainly NOT brainwashing. . . .

. . . it is art that is reflective of life.

If you want kids to read, you have to appeal to them with subjects that will interest them.

OTH? When I was in school, books that were more, er, shall we say, "real," were relegated to Honors courses where only the most scholastically, intellectually, and emotionally mature high school students would be allowed to use them in school.

Yet, this is written at a level where, nearly any dunce can read it.

The simple fact of the matter is, given what today's teens are listening too, and watching on the internet and TEE VEE? I can't say that this would be in anyway restricted.
Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
No special equipment is needed except a computer and an external camera if desired.

I’m not sure what deviant activities are occurring during class?

I think you believe this Fake Indoctrination is occurring 100% of the time when in reality there is Zero indoctrination and Zero abuse.

I'm going to tell you the truth. You say you are not afraid of being videotaped. I'm not afraid of, say, 90% of the parents. I am afraid of people like Protectionist and mac-7, who would want to know why children are no longer BEING PADDLED and why my kindergarten students are up working with friends, playing, making letter shapes and not sitting in desks in rows listening to teacher lectures all day like he did when he went to school back in the Stone Age.

Because people who have an ax to grind would absolutely do this. They would absolutely demand we answer the most nonsensical questions based on absolute nonsense.

I do not have time to explain my teaching to people who have no clue. And I'm a highly qualified teacher in my district who is presently mentoring THREE teachers. So rly
I only think those questions need to be answered, if there is a conflict situation that needs to be resolved.

In my case, teachers pressured me to have my kid put on ADHD medication from the time he was in kindergarten to around 4th grade.

I WANTED a video of his behavior. It was my contention that his behavior had more to do with the fact that brains work differently, he needed a change in diet, and his school only had one twenty minute recess. My contention, it was that they were asking him to do things that he just didn't want to do. . . he was a little kid for the love of all that was holy. . . It's his job to be active and playful. Sorry that they didn't like it.

Seriously? One twenty minute recess for kids of that age?

So? I kept telling them to go pound sand. Putting children on drugs that are related to cocaine, at the same time you are indoctrinating them to "just say NO," isn't that ultimate in institutional hypocrisy?

On top of that? When you regularly dose kids, it changes their neurochemistry for the rest of their lives. . . any school that supports such non-sense is evil and lazy.

So, I treated it with a change in diet, and, since I had a feeling it was partly a result of the differences in parenting styles since our separation, we entered PCIT. . . by the time he was in seventh grade, he had one of the same teachers that lobbied so hard for him to be put on ADHD meds. . . and he was getting straight A's. She was amazed that he had never been on that damn poison.

. . . I'm hoping that served as a lesson for that teacher in the future. . . . :heehee:

Teachers are "experts."

If you want kids to read, you have to appeal to them with subjects that will interest them.
do you mean stuff like Heather Has Two Mommies?

a young child does not even know what the lesbian inclusive lib teacher is talking about

but they will soon be taught
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No matter what I say you try to tear it down.
I’m sad that you don’t trust teachers or school in general.
just for the record parents want video because they don't trust the teachers

or adminstrators

lets not forget the desk jockeys on the 21st floor
If you want kids to read, you have to appeal to them with subjects that will interest them.
do you mean stuff like Heather Has Two Mommies?

a young child does not even know what the lesbian inclusive lib teacher is talking about
Now. . . when it comes to individual books, like that?

I am pretty sure that those book choices are made at the district level.

If you have an objection on that? It is your job to get involved, and vote for your board members.

No way in hell a book like that would ever be allowed in my county.

Even gay folks would think that is dumb. What the hell ever happened to Clifford the Big Red Dog, Or Corduroy?

Why do kids books have to have a political agenda? :dunno:

Shouldn't childhood be innocent and carefree?
I'm a bit. . . well, queezy at friends and family that post pics of their kids on-line, if they don't have settings on their social media set to private. And if they have a lot of friends that they have never met in person and don't know real well. . . it makes me wonder about them. . .

I only have about two dozen folks on my FB friends list, and I know them all personally. No stranger ever saw a pic of my kid.

Trying to explain the terror of strangers stalking your family to these yahoos? I dunno. . . . :dunno:
Got no idea what any of this has to do with CRT or televised classes.
I have tried to be very open and transparent with you
No matter what I say you try to tear it down.
I’m sad that you don’t trust teachers or school in general.
Why should we trust them when the whole public school apparatus is one big anti-America, anti-police, anti-white, and pro-LGBT pile of trash ?
I'm a bit. . . well, queezy at friends and family that post pics of their kids on-line, if they don't have settings on their social media set to private. And if they have a lot of friends that they have never met in person and don't know real well. . . it makes me wonder about them. . .

I only have about two dozen folks on my FB friends list, and I know them all personally. No stranger ever saw a pic of my kid.

Trying to explain the terror of strangers stalking your family to these yahoos? I dunno. . . . :dunno:
Got no idea what any of this has to do with CRT or televised classes.

That CRT agenda? I just don't believe it is being taught in a lot of places.

I do believe a revised view of history, a more accurate one, is being taught, but what scholars term, "CRT?" Nope, I don't think it is being taught in, but a handful of places.

I think they are taking most of you for a ride.

Why would they do this? For the divide and conquer paradigm. There really is a lot of important bi-partisan shit going on right now, that they want neither conservatives or liberals in either party paying attention to. This whole stupid topic keeps folks glued to their TEE VEE and arguing. This is to the benefit to the ruling class in D.C., it keeps them off their backs, and it is a great revenue generator for the corporate media outlets, both on the left and the right, when really, I don't think it is a REAL issue at all TBH.

I mean, what's more important, the fact that the British are illegally provoking the Russians into a war, and the US seems to be supporting this nonsense in the black sea. . . or twaddle that might be happening, in 2 or 3 percent of school districts nationwide?

These elites are playing you plebes like a fiddle.
Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
No special equipment is needed except a computer and an external camera if desired.

I’m not sure what deviant activities are occurring during class?

I think you believe this Fake Indoctrination is occurring 100% of the time when in reality there is Zero indoctrination and Zero abuse.

I'm going to tell you the truth. You say you are not afraid of being videotaped. I'm not afraid of, say, 90% of the parents. I am afraid of people like Protectionist and mac-7, who would want to know why children are no longer BEING PADDLED and why my kindergarten students are up working with friends, playing, making letter shapes and not sitting in desks in rows listening to teacher lectures all day like he did when he went to school back in the Stone Age.

Because people who have an ax to grind would absolutely do this. They would absolutely demand we answer the most nonsensical questions based on absolute nonsense.

I do not have time to explain my teaching to people who have no clue. And I'm a highly qualified teacher in my district who is presently mentoring THREE teachers. So rly
I only think those questions need to be answered, if there is a conflict situation that needs to be resolved.

In my case, teachers pressured me to have my kid put on ADHD medication from the time he was in kindergarten to around 4th grade.

I WANTED a video of his behavior. It was my contention that his behavior had more to do with the fact that brains work differently, he needed a change in diet, and his school only had one twenty minute recess. My contention, it was that they were asking him to do things that he just didn't want to do. . . he was a little kid for the love of all that was holy. . . It's his job to be active and playful. Sorry that they didn't like it.

Seriously? One twenty minute recess for kids of that age?

So? I kept telling them to go pound sand. Putting children on drugs that are related to cocaine, at the same time you are indoctrinating them to "just say NO," isn't that ultimate in institutional hypocrisy?

On top of that? When you regularly dose kids, it changes their neurochemistry for the rest of their lives. . . any school that supports such non-sense is evil and lazy.

So, I treated it with a change in diet, and, since I had a feeling it was partly a result of the differences in parenting styles since our separation, we entered PCIT. . . by the time he was in seventh grade, he had one of the same teachers that lobbied so hard for him to be put on ADHD meds. . . and he was getting straight A's. She was amazed that he had never been on that damn poison.

. . . I'm hoping that served as a lesson for that teacher in the future. . . . :heehee:

Teachers are "experts."


I'm with you, 100%. Children need to play, move, interact and explore their world.

Realize that at least two people in this thread would have wanted your son confined to a desk in Kindergarten for hours and hours a day, and if he didn't behave--that is, if the FEMALE teacher could not "control" him--well, he could get paddled.

In my classes, I put children like your son in the back row and let them do what they need to do. Camera snoops like the two in this thread would no doubt say "this child is not paying attention!" etc etc etc having no idea what ADHD looks like or how it manifests
I am pretty sure that those book choices are made at the district level.

If you have an objection on that? It is your job to get involved, and vote for your board members.

And in a previous post I said that the non teachers (administrators, school board, etc ) are no more to be trusted than the teachers
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