Televise All School Classes

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The biggest problem with this entire insanity is funding. Who will pay for it?

There are about 98,500 public schools in the US. Putting a camera in each classroom, focused on the front of the class, having a computer system capable of sorting numerous parental requests for access, and letting them see the proper classroom, along with a substantial recording capability (for records if something is done wrong) would be expensive.

If you spent $10,000 per school (a huge lowball amount) it would cost $985 million. Having done a lot of work in the cable and fiber optics industry, I think a realistic minimum would be $25k per school (not counting the cost of the technicians to run it and maintain it).

Spending $25k per school would cost the US $2,462,500,000.00. Spending almost $2.5 Billion? Where will that money come from? Certainly not the individual school districts.
Do want it as TV broadcast
Where did you get that idea from?

Obviously in the 21 Century it would be on the internet
Are you personally going to make the required improvements on the school's internet capability, software requirements, and be happy with a system that cannot deliver what you want?

I think we can trim teachers salary in the next budget enough to pay for the video equipment

If we can find money for police body cams then protecting the children in school should be possible too

Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.
Thats very irrational

If you concede that parents have a rightbto sit in the classroom where they can see all the children then they have a right to monitor you all the time you are teaching the children
That's not the way it works. Have a nice day!
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
You better clear that with SweetSue92 before she sends someone to arrest you
It must be nice to have a class where she doesn't have to do one-on-one instruction with the kids and you can stay stationary in order to be videotaped. It must be nice to have signed media forms on every one of your students. Winco is far and away the exception, rather than the rule in that regard.
And how do you propose that happens Hossfly ?
We edit out all the student discourse? What a stupid idea.
The important thing is televise the teacher, and his/her curriculum CONTENT.
Why? To catch a misspeak?

The reason why I don't question my roof inspector, is because I don't know as much as them. If I want a second opinion I will get it.

I'm a 36 year experienced Teacher.
I know my CONTENT. Not debatable.

I despise OUTSIDERS like you suggesting "Anything" about education.
Now Winco is just displaying professional stubbornness.

Another Admiral Rockwell Tory in the making
OK, you can knock off the disingenuous compliments.
No matter what I say you try to tear it down.
I’m sad that you don’t trust teachers or school in general.
just for the record parents want video because they don't trust the teachers

or adminstrators

lets not forget the desk jockeys on the 21st floor
"21st floor"? WTF does that mean? The largest school district I taught I had a school board building that was 5 stories tall. The district had a $6 billion budget. Most are single story, crammed into older schools that were replaced and repurposed. My local school board is in an former State Farm automobile claims adjustment center.
I mean, what's more important, the fact that the British are illegally provoking the Russians into a war, and the US seems to be supporting this nonsense in the black sea. . . or twaddle that might be happening, in 2 or 3 percent of school districts nationwide?
as if parents nationwide know whats being taught in their schools.

Yes the parents have to get involved

And when the bullshit flies deep at the school board meetings the best way for parents to get informed is to monitor the classrooms themselves

Then you might find out that what the lib educators describe as a silk purse turns out to be a sow's ear
We do not have lib educators is the numerous school systems where I worked. There was one exception and I quit!
The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
Politics has no Place in public school.
A good math teacher should be paid the same salary as an NBA ball player.

Where was the money that I should have received as a math teacher? I left the military in 1994 and began teaching in 1996. There was a $30,000 pay cut to take that teaching position! I received credit for 4 years military service or it would have been $35,000.
I asked first.

And even IF it was being taught in just say 1/5 of American public schools that would be a lot. 1/10 even a lot. (IF).

And "all over" could mean in every region of the US. Or it could mean in every state. Or all high population cities. Or at least one school in each state, or in each region.
Libs have a habit of evading tough questions by asking a question

They (libs) were hoping parents would let them establish their anti white agenda in the schools first and then argue about it later

But not this time
Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
I suppose if there were no new construction or improvements to the school district then 100% of the budget could be devoted to making teachers THE HIGHEST instead of the lowest paid government employees with a degree

But thats not how it works

If the choice is between a raise for the teachers or cameras in the classroom I want to put the children’s interests ahead of the teachers
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
You better clear that with SweetSue92 before she sends someone to arrest you
It must be nice to have a class where she doesn't have to do one-on-one instruction with the kids and you can stay stationary in order to be videotaped. It must be nice to have signed media forms on every one of your students. Winco is far and away the exception, rather than the rule in that regard.
The media consent form is a hoax

Thats just local school board policy - or not

And the children's faces can be blurred out

It's the same old communist teachers diatribe of hating democrats .

But you make me laugh. You teach your kids about some God that doesn't exist.
You go to church and support a pastor fiddling with little kids yet get upset when they are taught the facts.

You've got FITH disease.
Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
I suppose if there were no new construction or improvements to the school district then 100% of the budget could be devoted to making teachers THE HIGHEST instead of the lowest paid government employees with a degree

But thats not how it works

If the choice is between a raise for the teachers or cameras in the classroom I want to put the children’s interests ahead of the teachers

A professional teacher is what the children need.
The biggest problem with this entire insanity is funding. Who will pay for it?

There are about 98,500 public schools in the US. Putting a camera in each classroom, focused on the front of the class, having a computer system capable of sorting numerous parental requests for access, and letting them see the proper classroom, along with a substantial recording capability (for records if something is done wrong) would be expensive.

If you spent $10,000 per school (a huge lowball amount) it would cost $985 million. Having done a lot of work in the cable and fiber optics industry, I think a realistic minimum would be $25k per school (not counting the cost of the technicians to run it and maintain it).

Spending $25k per school would cost the US $2,462,500,000.00. Spending almost $2.5 Billion? Where will that money come from? Certainly not the individual school districts.
A lot of issues there. Would it not be better to have the camera fixed on the teacher like in Aliens ? Film could then be played back to the school command centre where a highly trained operative could monitor activity ?

Or chip the bastards and download it when they clock off.
The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
Politics has no Place in public school.
A good math teacher should be paid the same salary as an NBA ball player.

Where was the money that I should have received as a math teacher? I left the military in 1994 and began teaching in 1996. There was a $30,000 pay cut to take that teaching position! I received credit for 4 years military service or it would have been $35,000.

Most tremendous teachers don't get into the education racket to get rich.

The nuns who taught me got paid next to nothing, they did it because it was their vocation.

I'm not sure that educators trying to become wealthy in the business are the best for the kids.
The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
Politics has no Place in public school.
A good math teacher should be paid the same salary as an NBA ball player.

Where was the money that I should have received as a math teacher? I left the military in 1994 and began teaching in 1996. There was a $30,000 pay cut to take that teaching position! I received credit for 4 years military service or it would have been $35,000.

Most tremendous teachers don't get into the education racket to get rich.

The nuns who taught me got paid next to nothing, they did it because it was their vocation.

I'm not sure that educators trying to become wealthy in the business are the best for the kids.

Every good teacher I ever knew was in it for idealistic reasons. You are correct, teachers do not get into teaching to get rich. But just because they WILL work for peanuts does not mean they should.

Ask a good teacher what they spend on getting their classrooms ready every year.
Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
I suppose if there were no new construction or improvements to the school district then 100% of the budget could be devoted to making teachers THE HIGHEST instead of the lowest paid government employees with a degree

But thats not how it works

If the choice is between a raise for the teachers or cameras in the classroom I want to put the children’s interests ahead of the teachers

What about these school which are in many cases very old. The school at taught at in Louisville, was built in 1927. The high school where I taught in Florida was built in the 70s and originally had no walls between classrooms. That was the newest school I ever taught in.

You don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?

Take a laxative man, you are full of shit!
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