Televise All School Classes

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Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
You better clear that with SweetSue92 before she sends someone to arrest you
It must be nice to have a class where she doesn't have to do one-on-one instruction with the kids and you can stay stationary in order to be videotaped. It must be nice to have signed media forms on every one of your students. Winco is far and away the exception, rather than the rule in that regard.
The media consent form is a hoax

Thats just local school board policy - or not

And the children's faces can be blurred out
The media consent form is the law! STFU and learn something from someone who dealt with it for 21 years. What is the purpose in blurring out the kids faces? The audio will still be there. You would not be able to see which blurry image was your little hellion unless you heard the voice. What you propose in your obviously dementia-riddled brain is simply impossible. I have told you before, you need to get a grip on reality! You keep claiming things are possible when they are not. Your best bet is to STFU and slink off this thread before someone else reads your insanity.
21st floor"? WTF does that mean?
It means that the “educators” are out of touch with the public or they would not even be considering something as stupid as CRT

That makes zero sense like most of your posts. There are many states out there that have banned CRT. Why don't you bitch at the ones who have not shit-canned it? My state NEVER taught it and likely never will. We have to wait until the next legislative session to put it into law, over our libtard governor's likely veto.
The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
Politics has no Place in public school.
A good math teacher should be paid the same salary as an NBA ball player.

Where was the money that I should have received as a math teacher? I left the military in 1994 and began teaching in 1996. There was a $30,000 pay cut to take that teaching position! I received credit for 4 years military service or it would have been $35,000.

Most tremendous teachers don't get into the education racket to get rich.

The nuns who taught me got paid next to nothing, they did it because it was their vocation.

I'm not sure that educators trying to become wealthy in the business are the best for the kids.
There is an incredible difference in being rich and a starting salary of $25,000 a year, which is less than I make as a poorly paid DoD contractor. Teachers often have to pay for their student loans out of that meager amount.
Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
I suppose if there were no new construction or improvements to the school district then 100% of the budget could be devoted to making teachers THE HIGHEST instead of the lowest paid government employees with a degree

But thats not how it works

If the choice is between a raise for the teachers or cameras in the classroom I want to put the children’s interests ahead of the teachers

What about these school which are in many cases very old. The school at taught at in Louisville, was built in 1927. The high school where I taught in Florida was built in the 70s and originally had no walls between classrooms. That was the newest school I ever taught in.

You don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?

Take a laxative man, you are full of shit!

If you are going to raise teacher's pay, I think you have to raise production levels as well.

Class sizes used to be a lot higher, and building them back up is a key. I had 48 children in my 1st grade class handled efficiently by one nun.

Increasing the minimum class size by 40-50% would seem to be the key.
Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
I suppose if there were no new construction or improvements to the school district then 100% of the budget could be devoted to making teachers THE HIGHEST instead of the lowest paid government employees with a degree

But thats not how it works

If the choice is between a raise for the teachers or cameras in the classroom I want to put the children’s interests ahead of the teachers

What about these school which are in many cases very old. The school at taught at in Louisville, was built in 1927. The high school where I taught in Florida was built in the 70s and originally had no walls between classrooms. That was the newest school I ever taught in.

You don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?

Take a laxative man, you are full of shit!

If you are going to raise teacher's pay, I think you have to raise production levels as well.

Class sizes used to be a lot higher, and building them back up is a key. I had 48 children in my 1st grade class handled efficiently by one nun.

Increasing the minimum class size by 40-50% would seem to be the key.
That's stupid! Research show students learn better in smaller classes. If you could get 48 kids in one of my classrooms, I would kiss your ass and have the picture on the front of the New York Times. You might be able to do that if you killed them all and stacked them like cord wood.

Do you have any other moronic ideas to contribute?
professional teacher is what the children need.
And its what the kiddies get if we can persuade the teachers to come out of their hermetically sealed basements
Another moronic statement? Does it never end with you?

Many states never closed their schools during the pandemic or closed for only a short period of time. You need to get your head out of your ass or CNN, wherever it has been, and realize the only schools that stayed closed are those in libtard dominated cities and states. Our schools closed because we have a libtard governor. When he knew his powers were going to be stripped by the legislature, he relented.
What this thread is "about" is you thought you had such a wonderful, smart solution and got hit by a 2 x 4 of reality
Thats biased Olympic scoring on your part

And if you don't know what that means just ask and I will explain
To hell with the right or wrong of the matter.....truth is that surveillance has come to the classroom and it's not going away.

I have tried to be very open and transparent with you
No matter what I say you try to tear it down.
I’m sad that you don’t trust teachers or school in general.
Why should we trust them when the whole public school apparatus is one big anti-America, anti-police, anti-white, and pro-LGBT pile of trash ?
Well that's where we strongly disagree.
All that trash you mentioned ^^^^^^^ just doesn't exist in the school where I teach, and I highly doubt it exists in many.

You are just the boogeyman trying to put down hard working loving teachers.

We say 'The Pledge of Allegiance' every morning, every day, and again if there is an assembly.
Next you're going to tell me......."No you don't, you're a liar." grandson's entire school years was flooded with CRT pollution...... I had to personally step in and change it
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Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
I suppose if there were no new construction or improvements to the school district then 100% of the budget could be devoted to making teachers THE HIGHEST instead of the lowest paid government employees with a degree

But thats not how it works

If the choice is between a raise for the teachers or cameras in the classroom I want to put the children’s interests ahead of the teachers

What about these school which are in many cases very old. The school at taught at in Louisville, was built in 1927. The high school where I taught in Florida was built in the 70s and originally had no walls between classrooms. That was the newest school I ever taught in.

You don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?

Take a laxative man, you are full of shit!

If you are going to raise teacher's pay, I think you have to raise production levels as well.

Class sizes used to be a lot higher, and building them back up is a key. I had 48 children in my 1st grade class handled efficiently by one nun.

Increasing the minimum class size by 40-50% would seem to be the key.
That's stupid! Research show students learn better in smaller classes. If you could get 48 kids in one of my classrooms, I would kiss your ass and have the picture on the front of the New York Times. You might be able to do that if you killed them all and stacked them like cord wood.

Do you have any other moronic ideas to contribute?

There were a lot more kids in every classroom when I was in school and it turned out tremendous.

The key was for the teacher to rule with an iron fist and instill the fear of Almighty God into the students. The nuns didn't take any shit, and were able to deliver the lessons in a tremendous fashion.
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
You better clear that with SweetSue92 before she sends someone to arrest you
It must be nice to have a class where she doesn't have to do one-on-one instruction with the kids and you can stay stationary in order to be videotaped. It must be nice to have signed media forms on every one of your students. Winco is far and away the exception, rather than the rule in that regard.
The media consent form is a hoax

Thats just local school board policy - or not

And the children's faces can be blurred out
The media consent form is the law! STFU and learn something from someone who dealt with it for 21 years. What is the purpose in blurring out the kids faces? The audio will still be there. You would not be able to see which blurry image was your little hellion unless you heard the voice. What you propose in your obviously dementia-riddled brain is simply impossible. I have told you before, you need to get a grip on reality! You keep claiming things are possible when they are not. Your best bet is to STFU and slink off this thread before someone else reads your insanity.
I suggest you find a way to deal with it because I' m telling you not only is it coming .... in many ways it is already there.

don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things

Do you have a link showing it is being taught all over?
I asked first.

And even IF it was being taught in just say 1/5 of American public schools that would be a lot. 1/10 even a lot. (IF).

And "all over" could mean in every region of the US. Or it could mean in every state. Or all high population cities. Or at least one school in each state, or in each region.
In the end?

What you teach you kids in the home makes more of a difference than what ideas they try to put into your kid in the schools.

If you pay attention, and teach your values in the home, your kid will still reflect your values.

This is, and always has been America. Sure, there might be a leftist agenda with some teachers and administrators, but IMO? American culture is a bit more resilient than that.

Have a little faith. It makes no difference if the teachers are conservative or even if they are liberals. . . most of them are NOT leftists. And even if they are? What of it, you think families are?

IMO? Most Americans still believe in the core values of America, and still believe all kids, no matter what their back-ground or skin color, are all equal, and should be treated the same in the end.

This all just may be a rudimentary attempt, to make folks aware of implicit biases at an early age, especially if they are a part of the IN-GROUP.

. . . fostering empathy is never a bad thing.

I made my kid read the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," when he was in sixth grade. . . naturally, he was a bit irritated when eight grade rolled around and it was an assigned reading, and asked me, did he have to read it again? I told him, if he could remember the details clearly enough to get an "A" on all the assignments, no, otherwise, of course he had to.
Parents can watch my videos at anytime.
I record them using Google Meet.
You better clear that with SweetSue92 before she sends someone to arrest you
It must be nice to have a class where she doesn't have to do one-on-one instruction with the kids and you can stay stationary in order to be videotaped. It must be nice to have signed media forms on every one of your students. Winco is far and away the exception, rather than the rule in that regard.
The media consent form is a hoax

Thats just local school board policy - or not

And the children's faces can be blurred out
The media consent form is the law! STFU and learn something from someone who dealt with it for 21 years. What is the purpose in blurring out the kids faces? The audio will still be there. You would not be able to see which blurry image was your little hellion unless you heard the voice. What you propose in your obviously dementia-riddled brain is simply impossible. I have told you before, you need to get a grip on reality! You keep claiming things are possible when they are not. Your best bet is to STFU and slink off this thread before someone else reads your insanity.
I suggest you find a way to deal with it because I' m telling you not only is it coming .... in many ways it is already there.

WTF are you talking about? "Already there"? If you notice, I was not talking to you.
There are many states out there that have banned CRT
I have noticed that the little marxists spilling out of the teachers colleges really dont give a damn what the parents want and can find ways to sneak in some hate for white people or promotion of homosexuality when no one is looking

I propose that someone always be looking
How the fuck do you know that? The last time you went through a classroom door was when they hurled you out for being over-age in middle school!
don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things
Wrong. You saw the estimates of cost posted in this thread. Are you going to enjoy having your property taxes tripled or quadrupled just so you can get your jollies watching little kids on the Internet? You sound like a classic example of a pedophile. Why is that?
What you teach you kids in the home makes more of a difference than what ideas they try to put into your kid in the schools.
It helps if parents have their heads on straight

But its not always enough

Peer pressure to have friends and not be excluded for being square

Popular hollywood movies

The internet

Tv advertising

And the messages being imparted by their fag teacher have a powerful influence also

Parents usually only spend a few hours a day with their children

The rest of the time belongs to libs and to Satan
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