Televise All School Classes

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There are many states out there that have banned CRT
I have noticed that the little marxists spilling out of the teachers colleges really dont give a damn what the parents want and can find ways to sneak in some hate for white people or promotion of homosexuality when no one is looking

I propose that someone always be looking
Ole Admiral comes from a time when teachers actually had respect for parent's wishes.....a large number of them no longer do. As we continue to drift towards the " Father knows best " model of state and federal government we will see a continued push to alienate kids from what's left of the functional family units and from parental input and substitute a pre-packaged Marxist agenda instead. It's happening right now. Additionally he hit on something inadvertently that I don't think he realizes dooms the future of Brick and Mortar centralized school, the massive cost of maintaining the physical is normally the first or second largest expenditure of any municipality running neck and neck with the failed municipal pension systems. So yeah....this trend is coming and it's pretty much unstoppable

How the fuck do you know that? The last time you went through a classroom door was when they hurled you out for being over-age in middle school!
Are cheap personal insults all you have left?
I see you cannot answer the question. I knew that in advance. That is why I insult you. You are a stupid, mindless asshole with delusions of grandeur. You show all signs of being a pedo, and it is embarrassing to believe you somehow claim to have reproduced.
You saw the estimates of cost posted in this thread.
No, I missed those off the cuff guessitmates

Would you care to throw them against the wall again to see if they stick?
Read the thread again, shit for brains! The estimates were posted by winterborn, who works in that field.

As far as throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks, your watery diarrhea is not sticking to anything except in your imagination.
see you cannot answer the question. I knew that in advance. That is why I insult you. You are a stupid, mindless asshole with delusions of grandeur. You show all signs of being a pedo, and it is embarrassing to believe you somehow claim to have reproduced.
You are a typical public teacher, irrational, selfish and insulting

No wonder so many kids are failing in school
You saw the estimates of cost posted in this thread.
No, I missed those off the cuff guessitmates

Would you care to throw them against the wall again to see if they stick?
Read the thread again, shit for brains! The estimates were posted by winterborn, who works in that field.

As far as throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks, your watery diarrhea is not sticking to anything except in your imagination.
You are the one who mentioned a number, not me

So you Go Fish
There are many states out there that have banned CRT
I have noticed that the little marxists spilling out of the teachers colleges really dont give a damn what the parents want and can find ways to sneak in some hate for white people or promotion of homosexuality when no one is looking

I propose that someone always be looking
Ole Admiral comes from a time when teachers actually had respect for parent's wishes.....a large number of them no longer do. As we continue to drift towards the " Father knows best " model of state and federal government we will see a continued push to alienate kids from what's left of the functional family units and from parental input and substitute a pre-packaged Marxist agenda instead. It's happening right now. Additionally he hit on something inadvertently that I don't think he realizes dooms the future of Brick and Mortar centralized school, the massive cost of maintaining the physical is normally the first or second largest expenditure of any municipality running neck and neck with the failed municipal pension systems. So yeah....this trend is coming and it's pretty much unstoppable

What do you think is going to replace it? The pandemic proved that home schooling and on-line instruction are complete failures at providing meaningful instruction for a number of students and parents do not want the hassle of dealing with it. They want teachers like me in the classroom putting out the instruction and being able to ask questions without waiting a day for a response.
see you cannot answer the question. I knew that in advance. That is why I insult you. You are a stupid, mindless asshole with delusions of grandeur. You show all signs of being a pedo, and it is embarrassing to believe you somehow claim to have reproduced.
You are a typical public teacher, irrational, selfish and insulting

No wonder so many kids are failing in school
I call it like I see it. You have been proven wrong or illogical on this thread so many times, any decent human being would apologize, and slink off to the bathroom to play with the only toy God gave you.

How did you ever make a living with a pile of manure between your ears?
You saw the estimates of cost posted in this thread.
No, I missed those off the cuff guessitmates

Would you care to throw them against the wall again to see if they stick?
Read the thread again, shit for brains! The estimates were posted by winterborn, who works in that field.

As far as throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks, your watery diarrhea is not sticking to anything except in your imagination.
You are the one who mentioned a number, not me

So you Go Fish
Your inability to comprehend the spoken word and navigate this thread is NOT my problem, fucktard!
What you teach you kids in the home makes more of a difference than what ideas they try to put into your kid in the schools.
It helps if parents have their heads on straight

But its not always enough

Peer pressure to have friends and not be excluded for being square

Popular hollywood movies

The internet

Tv advertising

And the messages being imparted by their fag teacher have a powerful influence also

Parents usually only spend a few hours a day with their children

The rest of the time belongs to libs and to Satan
I know. . . I know.

It has gotten even harder with the advent of Smart Phones.

It is never easy.

I did it myself, you don't have to tell me.

If they only have a few hours? Make those hours count, always. Every minute of attention a parent gives their kid can be worth three any other influence is to them before they are a teen, so make them count!

If a parent does not read to their kid every night, or have their kid read to them, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, until they are ten? That is a tragic loss. . . .

Parents should not underestimate their influence. . . and this goes both ways. It is the number one lament of all teachers, lack of parental involvement.

If you are involved? DO NOT WORRY. Balance has a way of finding itself.

. . . and if you aren't? Well? I don't know what to tell you. :dunno:
You saw the estimates of cost posted in this thread.
No, I missed those off the cuff guessitmates

Would you care to throw them against the wall again to see if they stick?
Read the thread again, shit for brains! The estimates were posted by winterborn, who works in that field.

As far as throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks, your watery diarrhea is not sticking to anything except in your imagination.
WB is apparently stuck in 1the 1980s.... surveillance has already been achieved and for pennies too.... not sure why he thinks the way he does unless maybe he's been retired for 20 years. I'm afraid you're being angry is not going to change anything big guy.

The biggest problem with this entire insanity is funding. Who will pay for it?

There are about 98,500 public schools in the US. Putting a camera in each classroom, focused on the front of the class, having a computer system capable of sorting numerous parental requests for access, and letting them see the proper classroom, along with a substantial recording capability (for records if something is done wrong) would be expensive.

If you spent $10,000 per school (a huge lowball amount) it would cost $985 million. Having done a lot of work in the cable and fiber optics industry, I think a realistic minimum would be $25k per school (not counting the cost of the technicians to run it and maintain it).

Spending $25k per school would cost the US $2,462,500,000.00. Spending almost $2.5 Billion? Where will that money come from? Certainly not the individual school districts.
That question was answered 2 days ago in Post # 35.
There are many states out there that have banned CRT
I have noticed that the little marxists spilling out of the teachers colleges really dont give a damn what the parents want and can find ways to sneak in some hate for white people or promotion of homosexuality when no one is looking

I propose that someone always be looking
Ole Admiral comes from a time when teachers actually had respect for parent's wishes.....a large number of them no longer do. As we continue to drift towards the " Father knows best " model of state and federal government we will see a continued push to alienate kids from what's left of the functional family units and from parental input and substitute a pre-packaged Marxist agenda instead. It's happening right now. Additionally he hit on something inadvertently that I don't think he realizes dooms the future of Brick and Mortar centralized school, the massive cost of maintaining the physical is normally the first or second largest expenditure of any municipality running neck and neck with the failed municipal pension systems. So yeah....this trend is coming and it's pretty much unstoppable

What do you think is going to replace it? The pandemic proved that home schooling and on-line instruction are complete failures at providing meaningful instruction for a number of students and parents do not want the hassle of dealing with it. They want teachers like me in the classroom putting out the instruction and being able to ask questions without waiting a day for a response.
I know of no such you have any to offer? I was forced to do it here... I say it was a great success in fact. I know you don't like it but the cost factor of maintaining the brick and mortar school systems especially in this age of super inflation is going to make all of this real in a short period of time., I never once said that in person instruction was not a good thing..... that's not what this is about ... this is about what is inevitable.

Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
Teacher annual salaries are for a 9 month year (and they generally work a 6 hour day). 9AM - 3PM.
You saw the estimates of cost posted in this thread.
No, I missed those off the cuff guessitmates

Would you care to throw them against the wall again to see if they stick?
Read the thread again, shit for brains! The estimates were posted by winterborn, who works in that field.

As far as throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks, your watery diarrhea is not sticking to anything except in your imagination.
WB is apparently stuck in 1the 1980s.... surveillance has already been achieved and for pennies too.... not sure why he thinks the way he does unless maybe he's been retired for 20 years. I'm afraid you're being angry is not going to change anything big guy.

I guess the term "scope" means nothing to you. I guarantee it is not pennies. You are as clueless as the rest of them.
The biggest problem with this entire insanity is funding. Who will pay for it?

There are about 98,500 public schools in the US. Putting a camera in each classroom, focused on the front of the class, having a computer system capable of sorting numerous parental requests for access, and letting them see the proper classroom, along with a substantial recording capability (for records if something is done wrong) would be expensive.

If you spent $10,000 per school (a huge lowball amount) it would cost $985 million. Having done a lot of work in the cable and fiber optics industry, I think a realistic minimum would be $25k per school (not counting the cost of the technicians to run it and maintain it).

Spending $25k per school would cost the US $2,462,500,000.00. Spending almost $2.5 Billion? Where will that money come from? Certainly not the individual school districts.
That question was answered 2 days ago in Post # 35.
I don't know if this guy is a current technician ... one server per school with three or four dozen wireless transmitting cameras and a usb down load... less than a thousand. less than the electric bill for one week... less than the money spent on the front lawn... They don't need a large or expensive computer either. Probably can use one they have hanging around. If a school doesn't have a thousand to spend.... I'm calling bullshit. They passed out the chrome books.... at first I thought...OMG this must cost a fortune! Nope.....I talked to the local school bard and I was told that it was instead a major cost savings. As opposed to spending upward of 2000 a piece for a complete set of school books they spent instead about 400 a piece for a much more versatile piece of technology. Chrome book stops working? Call and you get a new one in less than 1/2 hour. Sign in and all your stuff is there. Including the camera's footage! Sooooooooooooo while we weren't looking surveillance has been fully achieved. Each Chrome book has a camera on it... one on the teachers desk is all that is needed... Don't even need to install a camera.... These people are either too old to know better or they are just purposely ignorant. There will no longer be any snow days
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The media consent form is a hoax

Thats just local school board policy - or not

And the children's faces can be blurred out
Liberal CRT school board lunatics are not going to acquiesce to parents' demands. They so much think that they are right, that they will trample over everyone and everything to keep their crazy, sickening ideas flowing into the heads of America's children.

It will take government action (like the states that have already BANNED CRT) to get rid of it. Every state should do this, but seeing how some blue cities and states act regarding riots, it's obvious they can't be trusted to be responsible.

Yet another reason for the USA to formally, politically divide de jure into the 2 separate countries it already is divided into de facto. In red states that ban CRT, nobody will have to worry about their kids' minds being infected. Conservatives living in blue states can move to red states (which is already happening - CA lost 2 congressional seats; TX gained 1)

As for the blue states, they are a lost cause. Even Democrats are leaving them.

Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
Teacher annual salaries are for a 9 month year (and they generally work a 6 hour day). 9AM - 3PM.
STFU you know-nothing douche bag! Teacher have not worked that schedule in 4o years when you were a dropout!

My high school ran from 7:30 - 3:00. How many hours is that? I was there an hour before and sometimes 3 hours afterward. I coached football and cross country for a pittance of salary that wasn't even minimum wage. Many times I taught two different subjects at the same time, so preparation for each one was required. When I taught math alone, it was 3 different classes.

Class was in session from early August through the first week in June. How many months is that? Mandatory teacher training took 8-10 additional "vacation" days, at no pay either!

Once gain, you prove that you have no idea what you are talking about!
The media consent form is a hoax

Thats just local school board policy - or not

And the children's faces can be blurred out
Liberal CRT school board lunatics are not going to acquiesce to parents' demands. They so much think that they are right, that they will trample over everyone and everything to keep their crazy, sickening ideas flowing into the heads of America's children.

It will take government action (like the states that have already BANNED CRT) to get rid of it. Every state should do this, but seeing how some blue cities and states act regarding riots, it's obvious they can't be trusted to be responsible.

Yet another reason for the USA to formally, politically divide de jure into the 2 separate countries it already is divided into de facto. In red states that ban CRT, nobody will have to worry about their kids' minds being infected. Conservatives living in blue states can move to red states (which is already happening - CA lost 2 congressional seats; TX gained 1)

As for the blue states, they are a lost cause. Even Democrats are leaving them.
Massachusetts is losing working families in droves...

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