Televise All School Classes

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I have tried to be very open and transparent with you
No matter what I say you try to tear it down.
I’m sad that you don’t trust teachers or school in general.
Why should we trust them when the whole public school apparatus is one big anti-America, anti-police, anti-white, and pro-LGBT pile of trash ?
Well that's where we strongly disagree.
All that trash you mentioned ^^^^^^^ just doesn't exist in the school where I teach, and I highly doubt it exists in many.

You are just the boogeyman trying to put down hard working loving teachers.

We say 'The Pledge of Allegiance' every morning, every day, and again if there is an assembly.
Next you're going to tell me......."No you don't, you're a liar."
Why do kids books have to have a political agenda? :dunno:

Shouldn't childhood be innocent and carefree?
That's what this thread is all about .

What this thread is "about" is you thought you had such a wonderful, smart solution and got hit by a 2 x 4 of reality

If you want to talk about realistic solutions to parents having a huge say in what their children are exposed to, then let's do that. In my district, parents are on the committee that approve curriculum.

If you just want to snoop well then....I guess that's on you
I have tried to be very open and transparent with you
No matter what I say you try to tear it down.
I’m sad that you don’t trust teachers or school in general.
Why should we trust them when the whole public school apparatus is one big anti-America, anti-police, anti-white, and pro-LGBT pile of trash ?
Well that's where we strongly disagree.
All that trash you mentioned ^^^^^^^ just doesn't exist in the school where I teach, and I highly doubt it exists in many.

You are just the boogeyman trying to put down hard working loving teachers.

We say 'The Pledge of Allegiance' every morning, every day, and again if there is an assembly.
Next you're going to tell me......."No you don't, you're a liar."

We do too. But that doesn't fit their narrative, so it will be dismissed.

These people are ultimately the BLM of conservatives. Burn it all down, devil take the hindmost
I mean, what's more important, the fact that the British are illegally provoking the Russians into a war, and the US seems to be supporting this nonsense in the black sea. . . or twaddle that might be happening, in 2 or 3 percent of school districts nationwide?
as if parents nationwide know whats being taught in their schools.

Yes the parents have to get involved

And when the bullshit flies deep at the school board meetings the best way for parents to get informed is to monitor the classrooms themselves

Then you might find out that what the lib educators describe as a silk purse turns out to be a sow's ear
What this thread is "about" is you thought you had such a wonderful, smart solution and got hit by a 2 x 4 of reality
Thats biased Olympic scoring on your part

And if you don't know what that means just ask and I will explain
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I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


This is just one reason I do not belong to the teacher union. But you know what, why don't conservatives just keep hammering on conservative teachers like me, no matter how many rational points we bring up, until only Leftists remain in America's classrooms

Conservatives sometimes do really dumb things. Believe it. Watch it happen

I am sure you are a dedicated Teacher.....unfortunately you have to work with the public construct that is provided for you. I got a wonderful education from Public School back in the 60's but that same quality is no longer available to our younger generation now. The School system should be beyond the reach of politics but the sad truth is that nothing in this nation is any longer beyond that reach. Kudos to you and your dedication to your trade..

I truly do wish you well


I was a teacher and had three kids go through the public schools. I have 4 grandchildren who are now in the public schools. I attended public schools in the 60s and 70s.

My daughter graduated high school in 2012, college in 2016 and now is a Captain in the US Army. Her education was far superior to mine. She had dedicated teachers who are some of the best people I have ever come to know.

My older two children and my daughter-in-law attended the school where I taught and was an administrator. I taught my daughter-in-law two years before she ever met my son. Our high school had numerous issues regarding student discipline, but the education of the students was always paramount, and was far superior to mine.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I went through the public schools between 1966 and 1978. During that time desegregation was a huge issue. In spite of that, my education was very good. The weakest link in the system was me, especially as a teenager.

My children went through the public schools between 1988 and 2002. The technology and level of quality far exceeded my own education. There were computer labs in elementary schools. Higher maths were taught much earlier. And they had opportunities I did not have.
The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
Politics has no Place in public school.
A good math teacher should be paid the same salary as an NBA ball player.

The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
Politics has no Place in public school.
A good math teacher should be paid the same salary as an NBA ball player.


That is a nice idea. But the NBA does not pay their players with tax dollars. And there aren't over 3 million NBA players in the USA.

But I do agree that teachers should be paid more. I think I would have made a good science teacher. I got my degree in Sec Ed/Comprehensive Science. But I was offered more money at a job outside the education system before I graduated.

Do you have a link showing it is being taught all over?
I asked first.

And even IF it was being taught in just say 1/5 of American public schools that would be a lot. 1/10 even a lot. (IF).

And "all over" could mean in every region of the US. Or it could mean in every state. Or all high population cities. Or at least one school in each state, or in each region.
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Do you have a link showing it is being taught all over?
I asked first.

And even IF it was being taught in just say 1/5 of American public schools that would be a lot. 1/10 even a lot. (IF).

And "all over" could mean in every region of the US. Or it could mean in every state. Or all high population cities. Or at least one school in each state, or in each region.

Or it could be in a dozen schools and be such a small percentage as to be insignificant.
The US ranks 17th in mathematics among the 34 OECD nations. We rank 21st in science and 17th in reading.

As long as we are barely average or below average in the subjects that matter, this nonsense about "liberal indoctrination" is the least of my worries.

Cameras in classrooms will do very little except spend money the education system does not have. How about rewarding the dedicated teachers for their achievements.

But let me ask a hypothetical question. Suppose you have a teacher who consistently teaches math and science at the highest level. And someone complains that this teacher is a liberal. Do you fire them and replace them with a complacent teacher who doesn't care? Is Liberal vs Conservative politics more important than the quality of education?
Going a bit off topic. The problem is CRT, not being liberal. Teachers could be liberal and not be teaching CRT, and not even expressing liberal ideas. if a teacher is teaching CRT by his/her own accord, he/she should be fired. If the CRT is from school administrators, they should be fired. If it comes from politicians, they should be dumped.

Or it could be in a dozen schools and be such a small percentage as to be insignificant.
That is doubtful, due to the large number of parents over the whole country, who are up in arms, due to what they saw on their kids' computers. And remember that those parents are probably a fraction of the total, because for every one of them that goes to a school board hearing, there are probably many more who are upset too, but they don't speak out.

I'm going to look into the quantity aspect, and see what data there is, but by the response showing so far, it is like to be big (and all over).

Another thing to consider is that it's common to find schools that are teaching CRT, and not admitting it. If asked, they deny and hide it.
You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

You see what that has done to law enforcement.

Now you believe that the tiny school district in Anytown, Nebraska is up to the same tricks that go on in San Francisco, CA. Okay, if that makes sense in your head, go forth with your plans. Let's see how crushing we can make that teacher shortage.

I'm sure the backbencher teachers will be way, way better than the crop you kicked out. Right?
But I'm not saying that all should be prosecuted,...YOU said that. I'm saying that all teaching should be seen and heard by all. 100%. And IF teachers are found teaching CRT, then THEY should be fired.

If any teachers need to be kicked out from teaching CRT, anti-white racism, anti-police hatred, anti-America, and pro LGBT, then the "backbencher teachers" as you call them, if they do not teach that filth, WILL BE way better, yes, of course.

And that's exactly the reason for televising the classes. You see teachers thing CRT, racism, sedition, insanity, then GET RID OF THEM,-FAST.
To please the Commiecrats here, I suggest that only the teacher should be videotaped and voice recorded. The children should not be seen nor heard.

Maybe anyone in the universe could explain to me how *only the teacher* could be voice recorded

Oh, right, from the billions of extra dollars public schools have, someone in each school could sit around for hours a day and EDIT OUT every single student voice in every single classroom in every public school in every town all across the USA

This entire thread is insane
I was in school from 1945 to1957. There wasn't much talking except for the teacher and students only when answering or asking questions. Students today are too coddled and are aggressive and/or mouthy. Too many "rights."
You an bypass all of this CRT drivel and LGBTQ nonsense by sending your child to a private school. They may have to say a prayer and the pledge of allegiance instead though.
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