Televise All School Classes

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How are you NOT going to see a video? According to your idea, this will be a TV broadcast open to everyone?
That is your uninformed assumption

The video can be password protected and only parents have access to it

I have pointed this out several times already
How? You keep dreaming up this shit that does not exist! No matter how many times you point it out, your errors don't get corrected.

Do want it as TV broadcast or do you want steaming over the internet? Neither way works!
Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.


Summarize our objections to having our classrooms televised and/or recorded. Can you? And do so honestly?

I'm a bit. . . well, queezy at friends and family that post pics of their kids on-line, if they don't have settings on their social media set to private. And if they have a lot of friends that they have never met in person and don't know real well. . . it makes me wonder about them. . .

I only have about two dozen folks on my FB friends list, and I know them all personally. No stranger ever saw a pic of my kid.

Trying to explain the terror of strangers stalking your family to these yahoos? I dunno. . . . :dunno:
Children have cell phones now at ten years of age. They learn very quickly how to access social media. If you think they are in more danger under the watchful eye of a monitor then you are clueless.... Recently the local school system was told to stop taking phones from the students because it was a safety issue. Kids who miss their busses need to call their parents rather than walking on and so forth. That Genie is out of the bottle and there is no way in hell your going to stuff it back in.

Kids have their cell phone in their backpack. Occasionally a student will ask if they can text their parent. Is that acceptable to you.
The students, in my school of 600, are very respectful of the cell phone rules.
Does a student occasionally break the rule and sneak their phone into the restroom . Of course that occasionally happens

If you even try to tell me a different story and say I’m blind and don’t see what’s “really happening “ I’ll call bullshit on you.
You have no clue how my public school functions. I do.
are insulting my children, who served in the military protecting your dumb ass! STFU you cretin!
No, I’m proud of the students who resist the liberal brainwashing in the public schools

And many do exist

Thats why we still have s country today
I mostly taught math. Name something I could teach that would be objectionable.
Lib political correctness has invaded every area of academia

Just conversing with you here and seeing how tightly wound you can get I pity the poor kid you disagrees with you on anything

And that goes double if its political
I taught math mostly but also government in my career. Don't you think someone would have objected to my politics? No, not ever because I did not allow my personal politics to influence my instruction. I was teaching American government in all classes during the 2000 Bush v. Gore election. Imagine how easily it would have been to let politics rule my instruction. Never happened.
are insulting my children, who served in the military protecting your dumb ass! STFU you cretin!
No, I’m proud of the students who resit the liberal brainwashing in the public schools

And many do exist

Thats why we still have s country today
You just insulted my children and grandchildren, Have someone who can read do so for you so you will see how offensive your comment was!

How does one "resit" and explain there is no such word as "Thats"? I guess you are so dumb you cannot proofread your posts.
I’m not afraid of that at all.
I just think the idea is nonsense

I have a recorded video of me teaching every lesson throughout the year.
I have a special Google Classroom that contains these videos.
Students can access these videos for instruction or review.
These are supplements, I still teach the daily lesson. The videos are helpful for absent students or students that need to see the lesson again.
I’m not afraid of that at all.
I just think the idea is nonsense

I have a recorded video of me teaching every lesson throughout the year.
I have a special Google Classroom that contains these videos.
Students can access these videos for instruction or review.
These are supplements, I still teach the daily lesson. The videos are helpful for absent students or students that need to see the lesson again.
Shhh... Don't tell him the truth. His head will explode!
You have no clue how my public school functions. I do.
In that case you have nothing hide by being video’d
Let's lock your ass up in your local jail until we find something to pin on you for violating the law. That would be using the same logic you just displayed, which is Communist in nature.
You have become so irrational that I wonder if the math teacher could even add 2+2 till you calm down

Parents have a right to see how their children are being treated in school
I am glad that Governor DeSantis decided to keep the Florida schools opened this year.

My Second Grade granddaughter learned a lot from attending class every day. She is at the level she should be at in reading and math.

She didn't learn very much during the couple of months that schools were closed when the Pandemic started last year.

Older kids can learn some with a computer, if they are motivated. Younger kids need that classroom environment.
You have no clue how my public school functions. I do.
In that case you have nothing hide by being video’d
Let's lock your ass up in your local jail until we find something to pin on you for violating the law. That would be using the same logic you just displayed, which is Communist in nature.
You have become so irrational that I wonder if the math teacher could even add 2+2 till you calm down

Parents have a right to see how their children are being treated in school
I am not irrational. You are stupid. That is the problem. Despite massive evidence, you still cling to your errors in thinking.

Parents have a right to visit the classroom. They do not have the right to see every child every moment they are in school.

How would you broadcast my lessons where we go outside to use trigonometry to measure the height of objects, such as telephone poles and trees? What about our lessons on the basketball court measuring diameters and circumference of circles? How will you broadcast PE classes that take place on athletic fields 1/4 to half a mile from the school building?
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