Tell me again how great that vaccine is

Do any of the pro-vaxers have video of ICU's and proof pro-vaxers are less likely to acquire the Fauci Flu than normal people?

Well for sure here's something they are NOT telling you. When they say "hospitals are at capacity" they neglect to mention that greedy hospital systems have been cutting hospital beds and staff for well over a decade. The available beds per population NOW compared to the 70s is abysmal, not to mention staffing. So to use "hospital capacity" as the sole measure as to the severity of a pandemic is just stupidity on stupidity. If you serve a huge city and in that entire huge city you have 100 ICU beds, OF COURSE your hospital is "overflowing"

Well for sure here's something they are NOT telling you. When they say "hospitals are at capacity" they neglect to mention that greedy hospital systems have been cutting hospital beds and staff for well over a decade. The available beds per population NOW compared to the 70s is abysmal, not to mention staffing. So to use "hospital capacity" as the sole measure as to the severity of a pandemic is just stupidity on stupidity. If you serve a huge city and in that entire huge city you have 100 ICU beds, OF COURSE your hospital is "overflowing"

So basically, to add to this:

Greedy hospital admins have been culling hospital beds for years, so now your kindergartener has to go to school in a mask.

Ain't that grand
Not to mention hospital beds in big cities generally accommodate behavioral issue situations like overdoses, gun shots and knifings. If there was a real "pandemic" there would be tons of Fauci Flu facilities set up across the country over the course of the past almost two years. Is the fake news trying to say that in two years, they were unable to expand the capacity of available space for who knows what they do since D3, Zinc and Ivermectin cure the Fauci Flu?
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All of you people pushing others to refuse to get vaccinated against the advice of their doctors deserve the worst possible outcome.
You're such a bigot I don't think you'd change your mind if you grew an eyeball on the head of your dick. I hope you enjoy your enslavement from being so gullible.
Do any of the pro-vaxers have video of ICU's and proof pro-vaxers are less likely to acquire the Fauci Flu than normal people?
We are less likely to die from covid and less likely to need hospitalization, (taking up valuable real estate needed for other medical conditions), from covid.

ALL hospitals across the nation reported in every local and national newspaper, SAYS their patients with covid now, by a HUGE majority, are the unvaccinated.
Not to mention hospital beds in big cities generally accommodate behavioral issue situations like overdoses, gun shots and knifings. If there was a real "pandemic" there would be tons of Fauci Flu facilities set up across the country over the course of the past almost two years. Is the fake news trying to say that in two years, they were unable to expand the capacity of available space for who knows what they do since D3, Zinc and Ivermectin cure the Fauci Flu?
Hospitals are for profit businesses in the USA.... They are not going to spend money to build new hospitals for a temporary covid pandemic that can be easily controlled through vaccination.

And it isn't just hospitals beds we are short on's doctors and nurses we are short on....and the nurses are quitting in droves, because of covid and the absolute stress YOU unvaccinated have chosen to put them under....forever and a day.
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You're such a bigot I don't think you'd change your mind if you grew an eyeball on the head of your dick. I hope you enjoy your enslavement from being so gullible.
Get the vaccine and you won't have to be so afraid. I'd leave a cult if the price of membership was to flirt with death.
Hundreds of millions of shots...miniscule amounts of poor reactions.
Incredibly safe....

you're welcome.
and yours puts the same amount of people in the same situation.....all you scum demonRAT sheep are all like drunks who are brain dead morons, trying to get the world to agree w/your stupidity
Oh now I see. Its a Democrat conspiracy. Silly me. I thought it was to stop so many be admitted to hospital and saving lives. The stats show the majority of admissions now are unvaccinated. They must be lying to us.
Why didn't You speak up before. You could have saved many lives. A reservoir of knowledge you've got, you should be president.

But the benefits are inescapable. The vaccine probably makes it not so bad when you get it, and probably improves your 99.8+% chance of recovery if you do get it. You still need to wear a mask and social distance and all that, but look, this is a no-brainer. The experts don't seem worried about the long term effects so just dive in. They have absolutely no experience with what happens to the body when you instruct it, at least twice, to create trillions of foreign spike proteins. But if they were concerned, they'd be doing autopsies, right? So it's fine.

But the benefits are inescapable. The vaccine probably makes it not so bad when you get it, and probably improves your 99.8+% chance of recovery if you do get it. You still need to wear a mask and social distance and all that, but look, this is a no-brainer. The experts don't seem worried about the long term effects so just dive in. They have absolutely no experience with what happens to the body when you instruct it, at least twice, to create trillions of foreign spike proteins. But if they were concerned, they'd be doing autopsies, right? So it's fine.
They wouldn't get the vaccine themselves if they believed it would harm themselves....
I wonder if any of these high profile breakthrough cases are really just them getting caught lying about having taken the vaccine in the first place.
Oh now I see. Its a Democrat conspiracy. Silly me. I thought it was to stop so many be admitted to hospital and saving lives. The stats show the majority of admissions now are unvaccinated. They must be lying to us.
Why didn't You speak up before. You could have saved many lives. A reservoir of knowledge you've got, you should be president.
yo, shit 4 brains....the stats show just the are just to stupid to comprehend anything that your masters don't tell you--the TRUTH
most shit stains of the scum demonRATS don't comprehend reality any how, and you just proved it

But the benefits are inescapable. The vaccine probably makes it not so bad when you get it, and probably improves your 99.8+% chance of recovery if you do get it. You still need to wear a mask and social distance and all that, but look, this is a no-brainer. The experts don't seem worried about the long term effects so just dive in. They have absolutely no experience with what happens to the body when you instruct it, at least twice, to create trillions of foreign spike proteins. But if they were concerned, they'd be doing autopsies, right? So it's fine.
the autopsies are get your third vaccine for the same, 3rd vaccine 4 the same thing sounds pretty stupid....just saying
We are less likely to die from covid and less likely to need hospitalization, (taking up valuable real estate needed for other medical conditions), from covid.

ALL hospitals across the nation reported in every local and national newspaper, SAYS their patients with covid now, by a HUGE majority, are the unvaccinated.
why is it, that all you do is parrot the publishers of the never have anything original, just lies spewed by the scum demonRATS, and msm
yo, shit 4 brains....the stats show just the are just to stupid to comprehend anything that your masters don't tell you--the TRUTH
most shit stains of the scum demonRATS don't comprehend reality any how, and you just proved it

Hey shit for brains. Here's the stats to prove what I said. It didn't come from my masters. It came from the authorities employed to do it.
Where's your evidence I am lying smart arse?
As for scum, what's that shit on your chin. Been down a but low have we?

Shut your ignorant mouth. How many times do I have to bash you with stats before you will realise You know nothing but hate.
Do you call all democrats scum to their face? How about the guys next door who are democrats? Do you talk to them like that? Of course not. The internet is the only thing to display your raw mouthed ignorance and hatred. You've got no guts and equal amounts of brains also.
There is very little common ground here. Unlike actual scientific arguments, there are all kinds of accepted and different premises, so there can be no useful argument. Makes for really interesting rationalizations. On another thread we heard about the daughter of a man who died from Covid after being fully vaccinated. She was comforted that it would have been even worse if he hadn't been vaccinated! Here is a woman hospitalized for 10 days with likely permanent heart damage from the jab -

"She posted a disturbing video from her hospital bed that displays a common psychological disposition among people who have received these injections and suffer severe adverse reactions. Ms. Clark said the pain is being managed with medication. She emphasized that her potentially-permanent heart issues as a result of Pfizer are “very rare.” Ms. Clark went further, saying “despite these side effects, I would get the vaccine again.” She said it’s a sacrifice for the greater good, and that it’s better than getting COVID-19."

Weird and disappointing shit going. - Georgia Clark: 27-year-old Australian reporter hospitalized with pericarditis 10 days after Pfizer injection, encourages others to still get the injections - The COVID Blog

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