Tell me how this is NOT an attempt to "obstruct justice"?

Then let the impeachment proceedings begin.

Can't do that.....YET........The republican led House does not have the balls to do that and SECOND, we would have to wait for Mueller's meticulous findings that WILL be eventually revealed to both the DOJ and congressional committees.
If your OP is correct then the time to start impeachment proceedings is now...Mueller doesn’t have to find anything because the”facts” listed in your OP are already known.

So what happened with the impeachment?

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly
Flynn admitted to lying to the FBI. I can't say for certainty that he PLEAD guilty even though the media says he plead guilty. To me, a plea is given in open court and accepted by a judge. No one has said this happened. It seems to have disappeared like Papadapolous' "plea" of guilty to lying to the FBI about a meeting date. He never appeared in court and no judge has accepted his plea. For that matter, what happened to Paul Manafort's indictment! He was indicted. What's the date for pretrial motions? These little exercises are taken right up to where it gets serious and then it stops.
It is a foregone conclusion that Trump DID try to obstruct justice......BUT, the sticking point is whether a sitting president can ever be indicted since resignation has always been the preferred choice by previous presidents.......

Placing aside that our current constitutional procedures have made a president somewhat above the law (except for treason and other high crimes,) Trump has obstructed the carrying out of justice based on this sequence:

1. Trump openly admitted that he fired Mike Flynn because Flynn lied to the FBI (making Flynn a confirmed felon.)

2. Prior to that open admission, Trump tried to convince Comey to let Flynn "off the hook"

3. When Comey basically refused to follow the tacit directive of Trump......Trump fired him.

The above sequence is irrefutable, and although I am no fan of Comey, this guy did the right thing by recording the exchange and publicizing it right after the occurrence.

Now, as I stated, the plain facts may NOT be enough to charge a sitting president with a crime........BUT, Trump will always be known as someone who attempted to circumvent the carrying out of an investigation toward the rendering of justice.

Firing comey is not obstruction of Justice he is not EVEN A FBI AGENT

He is an egotistical lawyer
Trump can fire Comey for any reason he likes, even to prevent him from prosecuting Comey. Firing directors of government agencies is a power granted to the president by the Constitution.

Except when you fire someone specifically to obstruct an investigation, that's where it becomes criminal.

Again, you need to ask Dick Nixon how that worked out.

Nixon never fired the FBI director. that's part of libmyth

Nixon library: Actually, Nixon never fired the FBI director
Then let the impeachment proceedings begin.

Can't do that.....YET........The republican led House does not have the balls to do that and SECOND, we would have to wait for Mueller's meticulous findings that WILL be eventually revealed to both the DOJ and congressional committees.
If your OP is correct then the time to start impeachment proceedings is now...Mueller doesn’t have to find anything because the”facts” listed in your OP are already known.

So what happened with the impeachment?

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly
Yes, I know! Evidence that the OP missed the mark.
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein suggested to Trump in a letter that he fire Comey. That's not Obstruction of Justice.
One gets the impression that, to some, Trump merely existing is an impeachable offense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well, not really......Trump was a lot more "tolerable" when he was just laundering money for the NY and NJ mafia......He's gone on to more nefarious laundering.
It is a foregone conclusion that Trump DID try to obstruct justice......BUT, the sticking point is whether a sitting president can ever be indicted since resignation has always been the preferred choice by previous presidents.......

Placing aside that our current constitutional procedures have made a president somewhat above the law (except for treason and other high crimes,) Trump has obstructed the carrying out of justice based on this sequence:

1. Trump openly admitted that he fired Mike Flynn because Flynn lied to the FBI (making Flynn a confirmed felon.)

2. Prior to that open admission, Trump tried to convince Comey to let Flynn "off the hook"

3. When Comey basically refused to follow the tacit directive of Trump......Trump fired him.

The above sequence is irrefutable, and although I am no fan of Comey, this guy did the right thing by recording the exchange and publicizing it right after the occurrence.

Now, as I stated, the plain facts may NOT be enough to charge a sitting president with a crime........BUT, Trump will always be known as someone who attempted to circumvent the carrying out of an investigation toward the rendering of justice.

How about you put out a time line of exactly what Trump knew and when with confirmed sources or just shut the fuck up. I've provided links where Comey said he wasn't going to prosecute Flynn for changing stories, now you claim Trump knew he was a felon. You're totally full of shit.

Now it's "obstruction"? So I take it as a tacit admission that the "Russian collusion" angle was only a hoax.

Well that didn't take long to fizzle out

No, no..........Russian collusion is an altogether different topic (feel free to start a thread on that, if you wish.)

Actually, the wily Russians would NEVER have trusted the orange buffoon to be directly part of the collusion......Trump is too volatile....too erratic to keep his mouth shut......and, of course, a bit too dumb.

Instead, The Russians tapped folks within Trump's entourage to collude with; mostly because of personal greed such as Flynn and Manafort, Kushner, and maybe even Don-baby.

Hope the above helps you, Ms. Rand.....
The trumpanzees don't care how many laws, rules, traditions that trump breaks. If we've learned one thing about those is that.

The avoidance of those factors is a crucial requisite when belonging to a CULT....

Imagine if a democrat had REFUSED to share his or her tax returns, for instance.
If only Trump was half-black.

Well, he is orange....does that count???

By the way, nitwit, find an instance where Obama......dealing with a majority in BOTH chambers of congress, was being investigated by a special counsel....

We'll wait for your erudite response.......
If your OP is correct then the time to start impeachment proceedings is now...Mueller doesn’t have to find anything because the”facts” listed in your OP are already known.

True........BUT, the current GOP majority in the House does NOT have the balls to do an impeachment hearing......Serving the country is secondary (maybe) than risking Trump's tweets to his base of morons with the upcoming midterms.
it's the law, what's the statute! This is an opinion, just like yours. Give me a citation. If Flynn is a convicted felon, he is not in prison, he is not on probation or parole.

One more time for you and other right wing morons......

Flynn had to declare before a judge that he lied to FBI investigators

Second, once you admit your guilt of having committed a felony, one becomes a FELON.

There's NO trial needed if one admits guilt.....and Flynn is walking around right now because he is adhering to what he told the judge.....That he swore to cooperate with Mueller's investigation.

Do some searches......
If only Trump was half-black.

Well, he is orange....does that count???

By the way, nitwit, find an instance where Obama......dealing with a majority in BOTH chambers of congress, was being investigated by a special counsel....

We'll wait for your erudite response.......
Holder and Lynch ensured that no investigations came anywhere near Obama. There is no way in hell that a special prosecutor would ever have been appointed by Obama’s justice department to investigate Obama.
So what happened with the impeachment?

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly your own citation (or have a sober grown up read it to you).......

".........House Democratic leaders, .......viewed the measure as a distraction in a Republican-controlled Congress........"

In other words, since Republicans who control the House would NEVER agree, the entire exercise is fruitless and useless.........

Wait until the Dems. control the House......
Then let the impeachment proceedings begin.

Can't do that.....YET........The republican led House does not have the balls to do that and SECOND, we would have to wait for Mueller's meticulous findings that WILL be eventually revealed to both the DOJ and congressional committees.
If your OP is correct then the time to start impeachment proceedings is now...Mueller doesn’t have to find anything because the”facts” listed in your OP are already known.

So what happened with the impeachment?

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly
Yes, I know! Evidence that the OP missed the mark.

You right wingers just can't seem to avoid being called morons.........

What good would it do for democrats in the House to fully begin the impeachment proceedings when they are in the MINORITY???? It would never be brought to the debate floor since the MAJORITY sets the agenda.
How about you put out a time line of exactly what Trump knew and when with confirmed sources or just shut the fuck up. I've provided links where Comey said he wasn't going to prosecute Flynn for changing stories, now you claim Trump knew he was a felon. You're totally full of shit.

Since morons like you, Tigger would not believe most other publications, I searched for one from a VERY CONSERVATIVE source....(now go on and call them RINOs...) LOL

The White House is currently insisting that President Donald Trump did not know in January that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russia, a felony for which he has pleaded guilty. But the administration’s own public statements, taken together, give the lie to that claim.

The kerfuffle began with a Trump tweet............. in which the president said he “had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI.

Donald J. Trump


I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!

10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Trump lawyer John Dowd quickly claimed he had written the tweet, acknowledging it was sloppily worded. Dowd said that White House counsel had informed Trump that Flynn had given the FBI the same account of his Russia ties he had previously given Vice President Mike Pence—but hastened to add that it was inaccurate to say that Trump was told Flynn had lied.

When Did Trump Find Out Flynn Lied to the FBI?
Holder and Lynch ensured that no investigations came anywhere near Obama. There is no way in hell that a special prosecutor would ever have been appointed by Obama’s justice department to investigate Obama.

Please Holder and Lynch PREVENTED congressional investigations on the Benghazi affair......

I'll wait for your response......
Holder and Lynch ensured that no investigations came anywhere near Obama. There is no way in hell that a special prosecutor would ever have been appointed by Obama’s justice department to investigate Obama.

Please Holder and Lynch PREVENTED congressional investigations on the Benghazi affair......

I'll wait for your response......
No justice department justice department special counsel.
And the Holder justice department was known not to cooperate with congress.

Holder held in contempt

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