Tell me that racism doesn't exist Asians

End racism in the white community. Change laws and policies that inhibit black progress, and then we need the same amount of money we lost that helped whites get to be where they are today.

I'm only changing black to white...

End racism in the BLACK community. Change laws and policies that inhibit WHITE progress, and then we need the same amount of money we lost that helped BLACKS get to be where they are today

But you see, the reality of documented American history, law, policy formation and agency managament show that you are unable to make such an equivalence.
He still hasnt told us what laws Blacks put in place to hold back whites. I wonder whats taking him so long?

He hasn't told us because he can't. We both know he can't. That is what's so funny and entertaining about these discussions.
And in those days, the spread of disease and fears of man enveloped the earth. As losses of wealth mounted to bring suffering to human and animal. Land,sea and air filled with vengeance and vendetta from the infected to the corrupted. As few are enroute to stand up and admit to destroying others. Foundation denied by the wicked spreads pain and hardship exponentially across the lands. Men's destiny to be tested before the sunshine returns and the world is cleaned. Sissies, pussies, c*nts, lil diks abound as they slither under their rocks from the dirty lakes and even to the world of tomorrow.
In my opinion....the difference between Acl and IM2 is thusly:

I fall down on the sidewalk. Acl passes by, doesn't know me from adam, asks if I am ok and helps me up.

I fall down on the sidewalk. IM2 passes by, doesn't know me from adam, tosses my walker into the street, kicks me for good measures, then yells that I am just an old white woman and then spits on me.

Thats how I see it anyway.
You dont think IM2 would help you up? He is a lot nicer than I am and yes I would help you up.
No. He would not help me up. All he sees is skin color and is angry 24/7/365.
I remember now. You got pissed at me because I said it was an insult to call me a negro. Later on you said I was making you a racist.
Nope. Didn't say it. Never crossed my mind to say it to you anyway. Sometimes I wanna holler at you to get off my lawn..other times I wanna invite ya up for a glass of ice tea. Old age, ya know. We tend to wish and wash, lol. But I never said that to you. Find it, post the link. Otherwise, hush up and come on up for a glass of tea. Tomorrow you can get off my lawn. :D
All you see is skin color too ho. So stop pretending you don't. And if you really think I am that kind of person, then it shows that it is you that has the problem. Because I don't have to accept white racism and I do have the right to speak out against it. So if me doing that leads you to believe the stupidity you posted, than you're an ignorant ass bitch. Last whites like you need to drop the he's angry bullshit. Because you whites can get mad at whatever you want even when it's made up and nobody seems to say that's wrong. I don't live by whiteys double standard. This is 2020 and if blacks are pissed off because whites are still practicing the same fucked up racism they have since 1619, we damn sure have the right to be..
Ho. Bitch. Ignorant ass. Stupidity. Gosh. I wonder why I think you would spit on me and toss my walker into the street. LOL
In my opinion....the difference between Acl and IM2 is thusly:

I fall down on the sidewalk. Acl passes by, doesn't know me from adam, asks if I am ok and helps me up.

I fall down on the sidewalk. IM2 passes by, doesn't know me from adam, tosses my walker into the street, kicks me for good measures, then yells that I am just an old white woman and then spits on me.

Thats how I see it anyway.
You dont think IM2 would help you up? He is a lot nicer than I am and yes I would help you up.
No. He would not help me up. All he sees is skin color and is angry 24/7/365.
I remember now. You got pissed at me because I said it was an insult to call me a negro. Later on you said I was making you a racist.
Nope. Didn't say it. Never crossed my mind to say it to you anyway. Sometimes I wanna holler at you to get off my lawn..other times I wanna invite ya up for a glass of ice tea. Old age, ya know. We tend to wish and wash, lol. But I never said that to you. Find it, post the link. Otherwise, hush up and come on up for a glass of tea. Tomorrow you can get off my lawn. :D
Actually..maybe I DID say it. Way back when, there was a tv show called Wipe Swap. This crazy white lady called God Warrior was very religious and everyone was talking about her on that one show she appeared on. Well..later on, she appeared again, but this time, she was swapped with a black wife. The black wife's husband was just like IM2. Racist against all whites...angry, mouthy, obnoxious. Crazy white lady sat there and listened to this guy rant and rave for the 3 days they had to swap and she said something along the lines of never really seeing color before until she met him. For some reason, that stuck with me. So when I see IM2 ranting and raving..I think of the God Warrior lady. The look on her face when she said was like someone smacked her with a pot of cold water. Enlightenment. People like IM2 turn others off that COULD possibly see his point of view if he wasnt spitting rabid foam all over them.

And when you irk me, ACL...I tend to back away but still want to hear what you say after I muse on it awhile. So yeah...maybe I did say that to you. Sorry I doubted you. But yeah..perhaps I did. Then again..maybe I didn't. lol
All you see is skin color too ho. So stop pretending you don't. And if you really think I am that kind of person, then it shows that it is you that has the problem. Because I don't have to accept white racism and I do have the right to speak out against it. So if me doing that leads you to believe the stupidity you posted, than you're an ignorant ass bitch. Last whites like you need to drop the he's angry bullshit. Because you whites can get mad at whatever you want even when it's made up and nobody seems to say that's wrong. I don't live by whiteys double standard. This is 2020 and if blacks are pissed off because whites are still practicing the same fucked up racism they have since 1619, we damn sure have the right to be..
Ho. Bitch. Ignorant ass. Stupidity. Gosh. I wonder why I think you would spit on me and toss my walker into the street. LOL

You have shown yourself to be all those things. For you to think I would do something like that because I oppose being mistreated by whites because of my race is evil. And that is why I KNOW that if I tried to help you, you would scream to try getting the police on me claiming that I was attacking you.
All you see is skin color too ho. So stop pretending you don't. And if you really think I am that kind of person, then it shows that it is you that has the problem. Because I don't have to accept white racism and I do have the right to speak out against it. So if me doing that leads you to believe the stupidity you posted, than you're an ignorant ass bitch. Last whites like you need to drop the he's angry bullshit. Because you whites can get mad at whatever you want even when it's made up and nobody seems to say that's wrong. I don't live by whiteys double standard. This is 2020 and if blacks are pissed off because whites are still practicing the same fucked up racism they have since 1619, we damn sure have the right to be..
Ho. Bitch. Ignorant ass. Stupidity. Gosh. I wonder why I think you would spit on me and toss my walker into the street. LOL

You have shown yourself to be all those things. For you to think I would do something like that because I oppose being mistreated by whites because of my race is evil. And that is why I KNOW that if I tried to help you, you would scream to try getting the police on me claiming that I was attacking you.
I think Gracie would be more likely to try and stick a knife in you. Dont let that walker fool you. :laugh:
In my opinion....the difference between Acl and IM2 is thusly:

I fall down on the sidewalk. Acl passes by, doesn't know me from adam, asks if I am ok and helps me up.

I fall down on the sidewalk. IM2 passes by, doesn't know me from adam, tosses my walker into the street, kicks me for good measures, then yells that I am just an old white woman and then spits on me.

Thats how I see it anyway.
You dont think IM2 would help you up? He is a lot nicer than I am and yes I would help you up.
No. He would not help me up. All he sees is skin color and is angry 24/7/365.
I remember now. You got pissed at me because I said it was an insult to call me a negro. Later on you said I was making you a racist.
Nope. Didn't say it. Never crossed my mind to say it to you anyway. Sometimes I wanna holler at you to get off my lawn..other times I wanna invite ya up for a glass of ice tea. Old age, ya know. We tend to wish and wash, lol. But I never said that to you. Find it, post the link. Otherwise, hush up and come on up for a glass of tea. Tomorrow you can get off my lawn. :D
Actually..maybe I DID say it. Way back when, there was a tv show called Wipe Swap. This crazy white lady called God Warrior was very religious and everyone was talking about her on that one show she appeared on. Well..later on, she appeared again, but this time, she was swapped with a black wife. The black wife's husband was just like IM2. Racist against all whites...angry, mouthy, obnoxious. Crazy white lady sat there and listened to this guy rant and rave for the 3 days they had to swap and she said something along the lines of never really seeing color before until she met him. For some reason, that stuck with me. So when I see IM2 ranting and raving..I think of the God Warrior lady. The look on her face when she said was like someone smacked her with a pot of cold water. Enlightenment. People like IM2 turn others off that COULD possibly see his point of view if he wasnt spitting rabid foam all over them.

And when you irk me, ACL...I tend to back away but still want to hear what you say after I muse on it awhile. So yeah...maybe I did say that to you. Sorry I doubted you. But yeah..perhaps I did. Then again..maybe I didn't. lol

The problem with what you say is that I am not racist, nor do I hate all whites. I respond with the disdain your posts deserve. White people like you piss me off because you want to tone police all blacks and have the nerve to be so arrogant as to say you won't listen to me because I am angry about being mistreated by whites because of my race like I am supposed to take it, smile, and make jokes about it, while I must listen to your ignorant racist ass expound on what you believe about black people. I get tired of white people lying about how you don't see color. You just need to accept that there are millions of blacks who will express their anger about how whites like you continue with their racism and the fact that you have the unmitigated gall to tell me how you have become more racist because you don't like my expressing my displeasure with whites who are racists, really makes pisses me off. You have some real motherfucking nerve bitch.

Jim Crow is over, we will speak our minds. Old raggedy segregation babies like you better learn to adapt.
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I'm not the "good negro" white racists like. I won't be grinning when I reply to your racism. Mr. Bojangles don't dance here.
I'm not the "good negro" white racists like. I won't be grinning when I reply to your racism. Mr. Bojangles don't dance here.
Of course no . You don't have a soul!
If I had no soul, I'd be the Bojangles step n fetchit negro white punks like you love.
Yep, no one else is even CLOSE. THAT'S the irony of his inane posts.
Dude youre in the top 20 of racists on this board. :rolleyes:
And YOU are a dumb asshole. Congrats!
And you are a dumb sweaty nutsack. Congrats. :rolleyes:
And WHAT'S your I.Q., again? Mine is 147, I've been tested twice.
They say my IQ is 146 but like I told you or someone else before. Thats bullshit. No test created by a white person is capable of measuring intellect. White people arent smart enough to create such a test. If they were really smart they would have come up with math and words and civilization before Blacks.

So sad this ape boy has nothing better to do than eat a banana and throw the skin on the ground where some white dude may slip on it.....but we all need retarded spider monkeys in this forum to remind us that when they are confronted, they run away..funny how some blacks can actually pick them out and make laughing stocks of them....Darwin was correct, SOME PRIMATES ACTUALLY STAY WITH HUMAN SAPIENS!
Says the guy who attracts hair lice and has thin lips just like a chimp. :rolleyes:
But spoken like a true asshole baby who needs lips the size of battleships just to sneak onto this planet.....someone forgot to tell your progenitors what PLANNED PARRENTENTHOOD WASVTRULY ABOUT.....ANOTHER LAMPSHADE FOR THE SEEING IMPAIRED......HOW MANY OF YOU CHICKEN BONE STEALERS WERE WHIPPED OUT LASY YEAR....a FACT almost always forgotten by the watermelon brigage... "while African-Americans constitute 32.2 percent of Georgia’s population, 62.4 percent of abortions in Georgia are performed on African-American women. By contrast, whites constitute 60.8 percent of the Georgia population, but only 24.7 percent of abortions were performed on white women....Next we will have him Pickering with a sign proclaiming such!
Dude youre in the top 20 of racists on this board. :rolleyes:
And YOU are a dumb asshole. Congrats!
And you are a dumb sweaty nutsack. Congrats. :rolleyes:
And WHAT'S your I.Q., again? Mine is 147, I've been tested twice.
They say my IQ is 146 but like I told you or someone else before. Thats bullshit. No test created by a white person is capable of measuring intellect. White people arent smart enough to create such a test. If they were really smart they would have come up with math and words and civilization before Blacks.

Blacks built Egypt and Sumer long before that. Actually the first 2 dynasties in China were Black as well.
So sad this ape boy has nothing better to do than eat a banana and throw the skin on the ground where some white dude may slip on it.....but we all need retarded spider monkeys in this forum to remind us that when they are confronted, they run away..funny how some blacks can actually pick them out and make laughing stocks of them....Darwin was correct, SOME PRIMATES ACTUALLY STAY WITH HUMAN SAPIENS!
Says the guy who attracts hair lice and has thin lips just like a chimp. :rolleyes:
But spoken like a true asshole baby who needs lips the size of battleships just to sneak onto this planet.....someone forgot to tell your progenitors what PLANNED PARRENTENTHOOD WASVTRULY ABOUT.....ANOTHER LAMPSHADE FOR THE SEEING IMPAIRED......HOW MANY OF YOU CHICKEN BONE STEALERS WERE WHIPPED OUT LASY YEAR....a FACT almost always forgotten by the watermelon brigage... "while African-Americans constitute 32.2 percent of Georgia’s population, 62.4 percent of abortions in Georgia are performed on African-American women. By contrast, whites constitute 60.8 percent of the Georgia population, but only 24.7 percent of abortions were performed on white women....Next we will have him Pickering with a sign proclaiming such!
And whites still have a lower fertility rate. Go figure. :rolleyes:

Look cave chimp. Nothing you say really holds any validity so stop getting emotional.
And YOU are a dumb asshole. Congrats!
And you are a dumb sweaty nutsack. Congrats. :rolleyes:
And WHAT'S your I.Q., again? Mine is 147, I've been tested twice.
They say my IQ is 146 but like I told you or someone else before. Thats bullshit. No test created by a white person is capable of measuring intellect. White people arent smart enough to create such a test. If they were really smart they would have come up with math and words and civilization before Blacks.

Blacks built Egypt and Sumer long before that.
Still can't get over the space aliens actually did that...wonder why most were pictured with DOGS HEADS....THERE IS A MESSAGE IN THEIR!
And YOU are a dumb asshole. Congrats!
And you are a dumb sweaty nutsack. Congrats. :rolleyes:
And WHAT'S your I.Q., again? Mine is 147, I've been tested twice.
They say my IQ is 146 but like I told you or someone else before. Thats bullshit. No test created by a white person is capable of measuring intellect. White people arent smart enough to create such a test. If they were really smart they would have come up with math and words and civilization before Blacks.

Blacks built Egypt and Sumer long before that. Actually the first 2 dynasties in China were Black as well.

You're incredibly gullible if you believe that. It may be what you like to hear, but that's bullshit.

And you are a dumb sweaty nutsack. Congrats. :rolleyes:
And WHAT'S your I.Q., again? Mine is 147, I've been tested twice.
They say my IQ is 146 but like I told you or someone else before. Thats bullshit. No test created by a white person is capable of measuring intellect. White people arent smart enough to create such a test. If they were really smart they would have come up with math and words and civilization before Blacks.

Blacks built Egypt and Sumer long before that.
Still can't get over the space aliens actually did that...wonder why most were pictured with DOGS HEADS....THERE IS A MESSAGE IN THEIR!
Thats a typical white boy claim. They cant believe the Egyptians actually built the pyramids. Well we know they did because there is a country that has even more pyramids than Egypt and thats also in Africa.
And you are a dumb sweaty nutsack. Congrats. :rolleyes:
And WHAT'S your I.Q., again? Mine is 147, I've been tested twice.
They say my IQ is 146 but like I told you or someone else before. Thats bullshit. No test created by a white person is capable of measuring intellect. White people arent smart enough to create such a test. If they were really smart they would have come up with math and words and civilization before Blacks.

Blacks built Egypt and Sumer long before that. Actually the first 2 dynasties in China were Black as well.

You're incredibly gullible if you believe that. It may be what you like to hear, but that's bullshit.

Youre white and youre telling me that its bullshit and I am supposed to believe you because what? :laughing0301:

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