Tell me that racism doesn't exist Asians



Okay: I see homes, a church (looks nice, too!) and some funky upside-down pyramid monstrousity.

What I don't see is any skyscrapers or high rise condos, sup? I.E. No major projects.

Mr. "Blacks built it all" guy? Egyptians designed the pyramids and had black slaves build them with forced labor, that's how that went.

What?! No claims blacks built the wonders of the Greek architecture, too?

How about Inca temples?
"What I don't see is any skyscrapers or high rise condos, sup? I.E. No major projects."

The pyramids are the most "major projects" on the planet. White people still cant build one. Skyscrapers are a recent thing that whites learned to build only after being educated by Blacks.

There were some Black Greeks and most Greeks went to Egypt to study. Dont you know anything?

The Incas got their knowledge from the Olmecs who were??? You guessed it. Black



Yeah, you're thoroughly fucked in the head, bro.

The Ethiopians, yes. All the other BS you swallowed, no.
I understand. It makes you white boys mad that Black people know this stuff. Now can you tell me why Africans were the first to forge steel centuries before whites did?

OMG, what kinda bullshit did you swallow now?

Okay, let's do this, bitch. Post some info on that so I can shred it.

If Africans had steel, why were they still chucking stone spears, dumbass?

Why no sharpened steel swords? Why no guns? Ask yourself these questions and whether or not you've been lied to by someone stroking your ego.
Youre enraged I know but try to learn the truth and stop believing those white boy lies ok? :laugh:

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

Ancestors of Science: Complex Iron Smelting and Prehistoric Culture in Tanzania | Science | AAAS

"Ethnographic, technological, and archeological research into the technological life of the Haya of northwestern Tanzania show that these people and their forebears 1500 to 2000 years ago practiced a highly advanced iron smelting technology based on preheating principles and, as a result, produced carbon steel. This sophisticated technology may have evolved as an adaptation to overexploited forest resources. These discoveries are significant for the history of Africa and the history of metallurgy."

Both those links go to "subscribe".
That's on the teaser, yet no bibiography.

They claim it with no proof just as you do.

2 claims with no proof equals exactly that.
"What I don't see is any skyscrapers or high rise condos, sup? I.E. No major projects."

The pyramids are the most "major projects" on the planet. White people still cant build one. Skyscrapers are a recent thing that whites learned to build only after being educated by Blacks.

There were some Black Greeks and most Greeks went to Egypt to study. Dont you know anything?

The Incas got their knowledge from the Olmecs who were??? You guessed it. Black



Yeah, you're thoroughly fucked in the head, bro.

The Ethiopians, yes. All the other BS you swallowed, no.
I understand. It makes you white boys mad that Black people know this stuff. Now can you tell me why Africans were the first to forge steel centuries before whites did?

OMG, what kinda bullshit did you swallow now?

Okay, let's do this, bitch. Post some info on that so I can shred it.

If Africans had steel, why were they still chucking stone spears, dumbass?

Why no sharpened steel swords? Why no guns? Ask yourself these questions and whether or not you've been lied to by someone stroking your ego.
Youre enraged I know but try to learn the truth and stop believing those white boy lies ok? :laugh:

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

Ancestors of Science: Complex Iron Smelting and Prehistoric Culture in Tanzania | Science | AAAS

"Ethnographic, technological, and archeological research into the technological life of the Haya of northwestern Tanzania show that these people and their forebears 1500 to 2000 years ago practiced a highly advanced iron smelting technology based on preheating principles and, as a result, produced carbon steel. This sophisticated technology may have evolved as an adaptation to overexploited forest resources. These discoveries are significant for the history of Africa and the history of metallurgy."

Both those links go to "subscribe".
That's on the teaser, yet no bibiography.

They claim it with no proof just as you do.

2 claims with no proof equals exactly that.
If you were Black I would argue but since youre not youre going to have to convince yourself..
Morrison has subscribed to the white racist narrative that ignores how whites have done things. Blacks don't have to invent anything. The record is documented. Like you have stated, everything in that definition fits almost every white member of this forum. Not all of them, but a very large majority with Morrison being one of them.

But you don't lump all white people into 1 category or anything, do ya?
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?
325 million people and you found two to justify your hate for America
If you were Black I would argue but since youre not youre going to have to convince yourself..

So race has everything to do with it and proof doesn't matter?

Gotcha! :113:
I gave you proof. Because you are white you dont want to believe it. So yeah I would say race has everything to do with it.

No, because there's no actual proof, it's unsupported, dumbass. That how making assertions and backing them up works.

You gave me a link to a partial of an article behind a paywall.

Perhaps you have a subscription and will read and post the bibliography for this article you linked? If not, you can fuck off.
If you were Black I would argue but since youre not youre going to have to convince yourself..

So race has everything to do with it and proof doesn't matter?

Gotcha! :113:
I gave you proof. Because you are white you dont want to believe it. So yeah I would say race has everything to do with it.

No, because there's no actual proof, it's unsupported, dumbass. That how making assertions and backing them up works.

You gave me a link to a partial of an article behind a paywall.

Perhaps you have a subscription and will read and post the bibliography for this article you linked? If not, you can fuck off.
You must not have clicked on the second link. Not my fault.
If you were Black I would argue but since youre not youre going to have to convince yourself..

So race has everything to do with it and proof doesn't matter?

Gotcha! :113:
I gave you proof. Because you are white you dont want to believe it. So yeah I would say race has everything to do with it.

No, because there's no actual proof, it's unsupported, dumbass. That how making assertions and backing them up works.

You gave me a link to a partial of an article behind a paywall.

Perhaps you have a subscription and will read and post the bibliography for this article you linked? If not, you can fuck off.
You must not have clicked on the second link. Not my fault.

So post a link to the bibliography, then. They both go to the same article behind a paywall, the 2nd gives a little more info (assertions with no support), then requires a subscription. Are you spamming for that site? 'Sup? Maybe a different route? It's an old article, maybe the real deal is out there.
Last edited:
If you were Black I would argue but since youre not youre going to have to convince yourself..

So race has everything to do with it and proof doesn't matter?

Gotcha! :113:
I gave you proof. Because you are white you dont want to believe it. So yeah I would say race has everything to do with it.

No, because there's no actual proof, it's unsupported, dumbass. That how making assertions and backing them up works.

You gave me a link to a partial of an article behind a paywall.

Perhaps you have a subscription and will read and post the bibliography for this article you linked? If not, you can fuck off.
You must not have clicked on the second link. Not my fault.

So post a link to the bibliography, then. They both go to the same article behind a paywall, the 2nd gives a little more info, then requires a subscription. Are you spamming for that site? 'Sup?
Not going to do your work for you. I posted the link already. You figure it out.....or not.
Been to China ?

I have on many occasions. They, by their own admission (not at top levels), they are some of the most racist individuals on earth.

They really don't like Indians.

And white people are just big hairy uncouth morons.
Koreans are just as racist. Well at least the men.

All Asian cultures seem to promote it at some level.

The Japanese are really homophobes.

No more than everyone else.
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?

How many Asians are allowed in the NBA, huh?
As many that can play at that level. Same with white boys.
Many young Asians do not have access to basketball courts, where's the fairness? It reeks of inequality!
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?

Who said racism never existed against Asians?


What has been told to you is Asians are as racist against your ethnic group as Whites are and you ignore it because you hate whites more.

Oh, also you have racist rants on here attacking Asians, so don't pretend you are any better than those racists attacking Asians over Coronavirus...

You only care now to further your " I HATE WHITEY " agenda...

Can't sleep so I decided to read this filth while waiting for the reaper to ring my bell...
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?
blacks are more racist and hateful than any other race
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?

How many Asians are allowed in the NBA, huh?
As many that can play at that level. Same with white boys.
Many young Asians do not have access to basketball courts, where's the fairness? It reeks of inequality!
football fields also
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?

How many Asians are allowed in the NBA, huh?
As many that can play at that level. Same with white boys.
Many young Asians do not have access to basketball courts, where's the fairness? It reeks of inequality!
football fields also

Asians demand their sports reparations

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