Tell me that racism doesn't exist Asians

Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?

How many Asians are allowed in the NBA, huh?
As many that can play at that level. Same with white boys.
Many young Asians do not have access to basketball courts, where's the fairness? It reeks of inequality!
I see Asians playing hoop all the time. I play with a lot of them daily. Most of them just arent tall enough to be effective.
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He still hasnt told us what laws Blacks put in place to hold back whites. I wonder whats taking him so long?

I went to bed you dingus!

So lets begin with affirmative action. Just one thing is blacks have easier admission standards to get into college than white...CLEAR RACISM! White kids denied a college education because blacks get a free ride.

If a black person & a white person have equal qualifications for a job they MUST take the black person...not even a coin toss to make it fair!

Don't tell me you didn't hear about the scandal at Etna 2 years ago where the racist blacks were denying whites medical coverage even though they were CLEARLY covered...WHITE PEOPLE DIED...but you don't care because because because BLACK!

Then you attack cops for protecting us against violent black criminals like mike brown! Or attack george zimmerman for protecting his neighborhood against the black criminal treyvon martin. Then you go insane & burn your own neighborhoods down & demand whitey pay to rebuild it.

Shall I continue?
He still hasnt told us what laws Blacks put in place to hold back whites. I wonder whats taking him so long?

I went to bed you dingus!

So lets begin with affirmative action. Just one thing is blacks have easier admission standards to get into college than white...CLEAR RACISM! White kids denied a college education because blacks get a free ride.

If a black person & a white person have equal qualifications for a job they MUST take the black person...not even a coin toss to make it fair!

Don't tell me you didn't hear about the scandal at Etna 2 years ago where the racist blacks were denying whites medical coverage even though they were CLEARLY covered...WHITE PEOPLE DIED...but you don't care because because because BLACK!

Then you attack cops for protecting us against violent black criminals like mike brown! Or attack george zimmerman for protecting his neighborhood against the black criminal treyvon martin. Then you go insane & burn your own neighborhoods down & demand whitey pay to rebuild it.

Shall I continue?
So you had to sleep on it and this was the best you could come up with? :laugh:

Blacks put affirmative action in place? Can you name the Black lawmaker specifically? No I dont want you to continue. I want you to start answering the question I asked.
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I love how you've chosen the name "Asclepias" in an attempt to make yourself look intelligent...But then you open your mouth and prove otherwise.
I love how you've chosen the name "Asclepias" in an attempt to make yourself look intelligent...But then you open your mouth and prove otherwise.
What specifically about my name impressed you to the point you felt it was an intelligent sounding handle? But before you answer that stop avoiding my first question and give me an answer to it. That is if you can.
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Who passed affirmative action?

Those racist REPUBLICANS of course. Same people who freed the slaves!

Try opening a book some time!
He still hasnt told us what laws Blacks put in place to hold back whites. I wonder whats taking him so long?

I went to bed you dingus!

So lets begin with affirmative action. Just one thing is blacks have easier admission standards to get into college than white...CLEAR RACISM! White kids denied a college education because blacks get a free ride.

If a black person & a white person have equal qualifications for a job they MUST take the black person...not even a coin toss to make it fair!

Don't tell me you didn't hear about the scandal at Etna 2 years ago where the racist blacks were denying whites medical coverage even though they were CLEARLY covered...WHITE PEOPLE DIED...but you don't care because because because BLACK!

Then you attack cops for protecting us against violent black criminals like mike brown! Or attack george zimmerman for protecting his neighborhood against the black criminal treyvon martin. Then you go insane & burn your own neighborhoods down & demand whitey pay to rebuild it.

Shall I continue?

You need to stop because your post is stupid and denies 2 centuries of white affirmative action. Never heard of the ETNA case and ETNA is owned by whites. Whites commit more acts of violence than blacks so the police need to be protecting blacks, not whites.

Stop while you're behind.
Who passed affirmative action?

Those racist REPUBLICANS of course. Same people who freed the slaves!

Try opening a book some time!
Actually if you read the executive order, it was written/signed by Lyndon Johnson.
You need to stop because your post is stupid and denies 2 centuries of white affirmative action. Never heard of the ETNA case and ETNA is owned by whites. Whites commit more acts of violence than blacks so the police need to be protecting blacks, not whites.

There are more important thing right now than argue your faux racism.


I'll leave you with this thought from a non-racist black man...

Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

- Booker T Washington
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?
True, ive been seeing a lot of attacks on asians committed by black racists recently.
I work with a couple of Asian dudes and they all told me they have been getting shit from white people. 1 is a Drumpf supporter but i think thats starting to change.
I thought you were the boss who owns his own business. Now you let it slip that you work with a couple asian dudes. Thats the problem with lying all the time... you lose track of your lies.
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?
True, ive been seeing a lot of attacks on asians committed by black racists recently.

Nothing new.
I work with a couple of Asian dudes and they all told me they have been getting shit from white people. 1 is a Drumpf supporter but i think thats starting to change.

I'll take "Shit That Didn't Happen" for $500, Alex.
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?

First of all, I bet they both know already that racism exists, and they have probably experienced racism, however they probably don't let that be the defining thing they see in society around them. maybe I'm way off base and they can correct me now.

Secondly, any one who does this ...

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

I would tell them to go F' themselves... and that does not represent most white peoples views. Most Americans would find that attitude ridiculous, cruel and disgusting. To be a racist bigot one has to lack empathy and be extremely self centered in most cases.. IMO. Jack asses exist but still they just don't represent most people, It's only that they are the ones who stand out.

Unfortunately at a time like this, many idiots are over reacting to everything. Picking on Chinese is one thing perhaps, but a lot of those people are probably low IQ idiots to begin with.
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?
True, ive been seeing a lot of attacks on asians committed by black racists recently.

Nothing new.
Youre a complete fucking moron and as usual, totally uninformed. All of these are VERY new.

Asian man kicked, told to 'go back to China' in coronavirus hate attack
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?
True, ive been seeing a lot of attacks on asians committed by black racists recently.

Nothing new.
Youre a complete fucking moron and as usual, totally uninformed. All of these are VERY new...

You need to take an English class and learn what phrases like “nothing new” mean.
Poli chic, Don't Taz Me Bro and every Asian right winger here, speak up. Racism doesn't exist, right? Blacks are just whining, playing the victim, right? Poli Chic, aren't you the one who said white supremacists don't exist?

That racism is imaginary?

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

In New York City, a man assaults a woman wearing a face mask, calling her a "diseased b****."

On a Los Angeles subway, a man proclaims Chinese people are filthy and says "every disease has ever came from China."

Rampant ignorance and misinformation about the novel coronavirus, experts say, has led to racist and xenophobic attacks against fellow Americans or anyone in the US who looks East Asian.

"With news of the coronavirus, we've seen an uptick in fear of people who look like this," said Rosalind Chou, a sociology professor at Georgia State University. "Real people are affected."

And the pain ranges from physical to verbal to financial.

"We, the Asian community, are under attack," said Tanny Jiraprapasuke, who was born and raised in Los Angeles.

Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US

The model minority.

How you like things now?
True, ive been seeing a lot of attacks on asians committed by black racists recently.

Nothing new.
Youre a complete fucking moron and as usual, totally uninformed. All of these are VERY new...

You need to take an English class and learn what phrases like “nothing new” mean.
You should learn to communicate better. Also, these coronavirus attacks are new. They are in addition the typical racial violence we regularly see from the black community.
You are this board's biggest racist, hands down!
Gimme a break. IM2 aint even a little racist. What dope you been smokin?

I am a racist for opposing whites who practice racism. This is the "logic".
Have I thanked you lately for confirming my racism? All due to you, I am more of a racist I ever thought I was. Congrats!

If I made you more of a racist, you were already a racist to begin with.
Yeah Gracie claimed I made her racist too. I said the same thing. :laugh:

No one can "make" anyone "something" that they did not already have the foundation to "be".
That essentially is stating that you take no responsibility for "what you are".

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