Tell Obama: Prosecute Bundy!

Uncle Dingy Harry has a big deal worked out here with the Chinese and his solar power pals here.......gotta push the envelope here!! That 5 billion dollar solar farm has to be built so Harrys grandkids can collect down the road.

Why is US Senator Harry Reid so concerned with a local Nevada rancher? | Fox News
Wayne Allyn Root is a known pathological liar and the FOX Gossip Channel is known to only feature liars.

Lies from your link:

"I am of course referring to the Bundy Ranch siege. This was a dispute between a Nevada ranching family with rights to the land in question for 140 years"

Truth: The Bundy family bought the ranch in 1948! Only wing-nut "fuzzy math" counts 1948 to the present as 140 years! :cuckoo:

"There are other questions raised about Reid’s involvement. Why did this assault become the #1 priority of government only days after a senior political advisor to Nevada Senator Harry Reid took over BLM? Coincidence?"

Truth: The roundup began April 5th and Kornze was confirmed on April 8th. Only to wing-nuts does time proceed backwards. :cuckoo:

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