Tell us again that these books are not kiddie porn and our public schools.....

Tell me that the BIBLE isn't kiddie porn and grooming? I am serious. The bible literally aims to groom billions of people and their kids into a cult that tells its members to kill other people and to hate.
Anyone surprised that the child sex change crowd thinks the Bible evil?

This is what Democrats say to justify what they do.
No, I never said it was appropraite for 11-year-olds. You just made that story up entirely.

When in a stupid-liar hole, stop digging.

You could have just said "yeah, I overreacted", or said nothing at all. You didn't. Instead of walking it back, you doubled down on it. You let your butthurt take control of you.

That means you're worth nobody's time.

Scamper off now that you've been made a fool of, you look completely ridiculous now.
If you're not lying, you can quote the pornographic part.

If you are lying, you'll scream and deflect now, enraged about that your use of Nazi tactics is being exposed

Please proceed.

We get it. You want to incite violence against your political opponents, so you tell shameless lies about them. The Nazis lied about the Jews for the same reasons.

You accused the op of lying.

It wasn't a lie.
I didn't ask for you to rage and deflect. I asked for the words that were pornographic.

Since you won't provide them, I think everyone correctly takes that as your admission that you're lying about it all, and you know it.

You apparently thought the words were just fine for the age of the child in the article, now you qualify it to say 13+, after the words were clearly pointed out to you. Because you couldn't make the effort to actually go listen to the video before you accused the op of lying.

It's not appropriate for a 13 year old either. My guess is that you're not even a parent, at least I hope you're not.
“My back over my hips as I ask if we should take our clothes off,” Zijac began reading. “He’s undoing my belt, I’m reaching into his bedside drawer for a condom. We’re kissing, again rolling over, obviously you can see where this is going.”

“But this reminds me so much of the first time we had sex. We were both f**king terrified and the whole thing was kind of terrible because we didn’t know what we were doing, but it was good too, so good.”

Your opinion is that this is appropriate for an 11 year old to read?
It’s rated 13+

How sheltered do you think 13 year olds are?
Multiple posts have been deleted for accusing other posters of grooming or supporting it. This has resulted in me actually having to warn someone which I never do. Discuss the topic like adults without violating the rules against grooming accusations or you will be warned to the maximum permitted going forward.
Out of curiosity, do you support providing gay porn to kids in school?
You apparently thought
If you can't debate what I or any liberal actually says, just admit it. It's not like you're fooling anyone. Making up stories about what we _really_ said only makes you look more dishonest and desperate.

The OP actually used the words "homosexual pornography". That claim was a lie, as I demonstrated.

You seem to agree that claim was a lie, given that your argument now is that it's age-inappropriate.

Since you agree with my debunking of the OP, why the ongoing shrill personal attacks? Just thank me for setting things straight. Don't worry, I'm used to being right, so it won't go to my head.
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If you're not lying, you can quote the pornographic part.

If you are lying, you'll scream and deflect now, enraged about that your use of Nazi tactics is being exposed

Please proceed.

We get it. You want to incite violence against your political opponents, so you tell shameless lies about them. The Nazis lied about the Jews for the same reasons.
It was not a homosexual couple, it was two young boys, you probably have read the book, regardless you, you and all democrats like you, you are the Nazi's, stop running from who and what you are, stop with the futile attempts at projecting your fascist evil upon the good Americans, you and all like you are the fucking fascists, the Nazis, democrats always have been such!

Nothing you bring, not one thing is good or decent, you are all of you virtually demonic in your raging hatred of America and her children, its why you constantly attack them with these illicit pornographic materials, why they are strategically placed in every school, its an attempt to replicate yourselves, to create child deviants in your own image, its an obscene perversion of very idea behind schooling children! :wink:
It was not a homosexual couple, it was two young boys,
Schools also have books that feature boy-girl couples talking about sex, so what is the specific problem here?

you probably have read the book, regardless you, you and all democrats like you, you are the Nazi's, stop running from who and what you are, stop with the futile attempts at projecting your fascist evil upon the good Americans, you and all like you are the fucking fascists, the Nazis, democrats always have been such!

Nothing you bring, not one thing is good or decent, you are all of you virtually demonic in your raging hatred of America and her children, its why you constantly attack them with these illicit pornographic materials, why they are strategically placed in every school, its an attempt to replicate yourselves, to create child deviants in your own image, its an obscene perversion of very idea behind schooling children! :wink:
That makes your problem plain. You're just a pathetic antigay bigot. On the bright side, at least you're honest about what evil motivates you. Many other conservatives try to hide it.

Speaking of Nazis, they really hated gays, to the point of exterminating them. Out of curiousity, are there any positions you hold which differ from positions that the Nazis held? I ask because I don't see any.
Pray tell what is your definition of "younger"?
So it is okay to have this book available for 6th graders??

I haven't read the book, but I think there are books in most school libraries that have sexual content.

I see banning a book as the absolute last resort. I recall finding out which books were banned when I was in Jr high. I deliberately sought those books out. Consequently I read Slaughterhouse Five, Catcher in the Rye and Lady Chatterly's lover.
Zinc- do not comment on moderator actions.
All posters are encouraged to report when they see an issue. Frankly, this is something our posters have taken up with enthusiasm.
I’m not crazy about the red color in your fonts. Could you try a baby blue maybe?
And before we ban these books for "grooming", can we ban children's beauty pageants.

R (1).jpg

I think the pics above show a worse "grooming" than reading about two boys fooling around.
I see banning a book as the absolute last resort.........
Precisely... because it should have never been there to start with.
In both of our times, no way no how would a book with explicit material be in an elementary/middle school library. Because people actually use to think back then.
If you can't debate what I or any liberal actually says, just admit it. It's not like you're fooling anyone. Making up stories about what we _really_ said only makes you look more dishonest and desperate.

The OP actually used the words "homosexual pornography". That claim was a lie, as I demonstrated.

You seem to agree that claim was a lie, given that your argument now is that it's age-inappropriate.

Since you agree with my debunking of the OP, why the ongoing shrill personal attacks? Just thank me for setting things straight. Don't worry, I'm used to being right, so it won't go to my head.

It was homosexual pornography. which is AGE INAPPROPRIATE for any minor you idiot.

You debunked nothing. :dunno:

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