Tell us again that these books are not kiddie porn and our public schools.....

So will the Bible be banned from elementary school libraries?

In addition to violence that would earn a movie an 'R' rating, the Songs of Solomon is probably more sexually explicit than anything in the books being currently attacked and banned.
So will the Bible be banned from elementary school libraries?

In addition to violence that would earn a movie an 'R' rating, the Songs of Solomon is probably more sexually explicit than anything in the books being currently attacked and banned.

The Songs of Solomon would hardly have an 'R' rating. If that is an R, then the book in the op is a XXX. What would you consider an R rating, the descriptions of physical beauty and comparing the body of a woman to fruits and landscapes? lol
Tell me that the BIBLE isn't kiddie porn and grooming? I am serious. The bible literally aims to groom billions of people and their kids into a cult that tells its members to kill other people and to hate.
I see you never read it. If our society lived by the 10 commandments. We wouldn't have the problems we have today.
The Songs of Solomon would hardly have an 'R' rating. If that is an R, then the book in the op is a XXX. What would you consider an R rating, the descriptions of physical beauty and comparing the body of a woman to fruits and landscapes? lol

I didn't say the Songs of Solomon would get an 'R' rating. I said the violence in the Bible would.

I vaguely remember a passage in Judges that talk about a man being killed by a sword or spear and his "entrails spilled out".
I see you never read it. If our society lived by the 10 commandments. We wouldn't have the problems we have today.

The 10 Commandments are a great set of rules for Christians to live by. And a few commandments are great for everyone. But hoping everyone will follow the 10 Commandments is just wishful thinking.
I didn't say the Songs of Solomon would get an 'R' rating. I said the violence in the Bible would.

I vaguely remember a passage in Judges that talk about a man being killed by a sword or spear and his "entrails spilled out".

You made the following comment, 'the Songs of Solomon is probably more sexually explicit than anything in the books being currently attacked and banned.'

You brought up the Songs of Solomon as an example of sexually explicit material, and that is hardly the case, and it is not worse than the books being removed from elementary school libraries.
You made the following comment, 'the Songs of Solomon is probably more sexually explicit than anything in the books being currently attacked and banned.'

You brought up the Songs of Solomon as an example of sexually explicit material, and that is hardly the case, and it is not worse than the books being removed from elementary school libraries.

The portion the young man read was not explicit sex. The worst part was talking about trying to undo his pants and reaching in the nightstand for a condom.
The portion the young man read was not explicit sex. The worst part was talking about trying to undo his pants and reaching in the nightstand for a condom.

And you're okay with elementary school children reading that?
And you're okay with elementary school children reading that?

As I have said before in this thread, it should be a controlled access book. Either have an age requirement or require written parental permission.
Yeah.....another book read to a school board...this time by an 11 year old......

Tell us again this isn't grooming children for sex.....and leftism...

Eleven-year-old sixth grader Knox Zijac got up at a school board meeting to read a page from the book Nick and Charlie, which is about a homosexual couple having sex. This explicit book was a featured novel on a display stand in his middle school library, according to Knox. The student, so young he still had trouble pronouncing the “r” in “library” and “librarian,” said that his middle school librarian not only helped him check the pornographic book out (Knox wanted to show his father the book) but offered to help him find similar books, including a graphic novel version. “Graphic” is certainly the accurate description of this supposedly sixth-grade-level reading material.

Here is the next Youtube challenge for leftists....

Take this book, or the other books and hand them out at a public park to children.....wait for the police to arrive, and video what happens next.......
I'm interested to know what the end result was.
That is for the parents and school board to decide. I will not dictate that.

It's for parents to decide and that's exactly what they are doing, yet you're in here saying that they shouldn't be banning books.

And if we're at a point in this country where we can't decide or agree on that allowing children access to sexually explicit books is a bad thing, then there's no point to any of this. If you can't take a stand for right and wrong, then you're morally bankrupt to begin with.
It means dad told the kid to seek out the book. Just another conservative using his kid as a political prop.
Because we should not be discovering that the books are there? They should stay under the radar so nobody finds out and gets mad?
It's for parents to decide and that's exactly what they are doing, yet you're in here saying that they shouldn't be banning books.

And if we're at a point in this country where we can't decide or agree on that allowing children access to sexually explicit books is a bad thing, then there's no point to any of this. If you can't take a stand for right and wrong, then you're morally bankrupt to begin with.

I simply disagree with banning books. If what that kid read in the video was the worst in that book, and I suspect it was, it is not the pornographic filth some are claiming.

I fought against banning Of Mice & Men when I was 20 or so. A group wanted it banned because the word "goddamn" was in it 56 times. I fought against banning Slaughterhouse Five. I fought against banning Huck Finn.

Never have the people banning books been in the right. Not now and not when they wanted to ban comic books when I was a kid.
I simply disagree with banning books. If what that kid read in the video was the worst in that book, and I suspect it was, it is not the pornographic filth some are claiming.

I fought against banning Of Mice & Men when I was 20 or so. A group wanted it banned because the word "goddamn" was in it 56 times. I fought against banning Slaughterhouse Five. I fought against banning Huck Finn.

Never have the people banning books been in the right. Not now and not when they wanted to ban comic books when I was a kid.
I just hope you can maintain that style of posting on this board! It's a winning tactic if you don't let them drag you down with them.
I simply disagree with banning books. If what that kid read in the video was the worst in that book, and I suspect it was, it is not the pornographic filth some are claiming.

I fought against banning Of Mice & Men when I was 20 or so. A group wanted it banned because the word "goddamn" was in it 56 times. I fought against banning Slaughterhouse Five. I fought against banning Huck Finn.

Never have the people banning books been in the right. Not now and not when they wanted to ban comic books when I was a kid.
There is a huge difference between limiting access of certain books to children and banning them.

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