Tell us again that these books are not kiddie porn and our public schools.....

Yes I would, gender of the couple is irrelevant, the material is not appropriate for an 11 year old, period.

And fuck you, defending this bullshit because or your 'politics', you're morally bankrupt.
The truth of the matter is that he supports the grooming BECAUSE it is gay, and sees himself as virtuous for supporting it.

He assumes you only oppose because it is gay since the only reason he supports it is because of it being gay.
Multiple posts have been deleted for accusing other posters of grooming or supporting it. This has resulted in me actually having to warn someone which I never do. Discuss the topic like adults without violating the rules against grooming accusations or you will be warned to the maximum permitted going forward.
Yeah.....another book read to a school board...this time by an 11 year old......

Tell us again this isn't grooming children for sex.....and leftism...

Eleven-year-old sixth grader Knox Zijac got up at a school board meeting to read a page from the book Nick and Charlie, which is about a homosexual couple having sex. This explicit book was a featured novel on a display stand in his middle school library, according to Knox. The student, so young he still had trouble pronouncing the “r” in “library” and “librarian,” said that his middle school librarian not only helped him check the pornographic book out (Knox wanted to show his father the book) but offered to help him find similar books, including a graphic novel version. “Graphic” is certainly the accurate description of this supposedly sixth-grade-level reading material.

Here is the next Youtube challenge for leftists....

Take this book, or the other books and hand them out at a public park to children.....wait for the police to arrive, and video what happens next.......
More bigotry, hate, and lies from the right.
And that's why I said it was rated 13+

You read me saying that, and you still said I supported giving it to 11-years olds.

One of us is acting in an immoral manner here, and it's not me.

You've been in here defending it since your first post dipshit. Why didn't you agree with the op then?

Another leftist who thinks they can erase history. :rolleyes:
You've been in here defending it since your first post dipshit. Why didn't you agree with the op then?

No, I never said it was appropraite for 11-year-olds. You just made that story up entirely.

When in a stupid-liar hole, stop digging.

You could have just said "yeah, I overreacted", or said nothing at all. You didn't. Instead of walking it back, you doubled down on it. You let your butthurt take control of you.

That means you're worth nobody's time.
I'm sure they have, especially against their political opponents. I used to be a mod here many years ago, I know how it works.
Thank you for your cooperation.

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