Tell Vladimir I Will Have More Flexability After the Election

lol, Obama's 'flexibility' sounds pretty tame now compared to Trump total capitulation to Putin.
So if Trump told Putin the same before the next election. You wouldn't say anything about it?
There's big difference between dialogue after an election and colluding with a foreign power to undermine an election.
tick tock

pretty soon we'll be talking about chappaquidick to excuse the orange dimwit's criminal behavior

good times :thup:
Next move is all yours.

Putin tells U.S. to send evidence of vote meddling.

“I have to see first what they’ve done. Give us materials, give us information,” Putin said in an interview with NBC TV aired late on Friday, according to an English voice-over of his words.

“We can not respond to that if they do not violate Russian laws,” Putin told NBC’s Megyn Kelly, when asked whether Moscow would take action against the named individuals.

Kelly listed some of the accusations of Russian interference made by Mueller’s office and other U.S. officials, including the spreading of false information online.

“With all due respect for you personally, with all due respect for Congress, you must have people with legal degrees, 100 percent you do,” Putin said smiling.

He said U.S. authorities should send Russia’s general prosecutor an official request.

“This has to go through official channels, not through the press or yelling and hollering in the United States Congress,” Putin said.
Putin gloating about getting away with it
You have to have a crime in order to get away with something.

When the evidence is shown, and the defense is given, then we shall see.

Till then, all we have are indictments.

I thought this was still a nation of guilty until proven innocent.

That is all Putin is asking for.

Evidence and law.

Not accusations and suspicion.

He wants the hard facts forwarded to the proper authorities. As of yet, it appears no such thing has been done.
Yeah right like with the e-mails and Benghazi :rolleyes:

As we have already learned in that instance, the prosecution and the presiding authorities were in the tank for the guilty parties.


If it is a kangaroo trial, and it isn't meant to get to the truth, then what really does it tell us about justice?

The same, may in the end, be true here. They may be innocent, but these oligarchs might be found guilty anyway. Or they may in fact be guilty, but certainly no more guilty then the British, Canadians, and Saudi's were of trying to influence the election. The system is corrupt. One thing is for sure, with the media we have, we will never know the truth from the CFR press or our TV's. :lol:
lol, Obama's 'flexibility' sounds pretty tame now compared to Trump total capitulation to Putin.
So if Trump told Putin the same before the next election. You wouldn't say anything about it?
There's big difference between dialogue after an election and colluding with a foreign power to undermine an election.
Like when Obama interfered in the Israel election?
Should Obama go to prison?
lol, Obama's 'flexibility' sounds pretty tame now compared to Trump total capitulation to Putin.
So if Trump told Putin the same before the next election. You wouldn't say anything about it?
There's big difference between dialogue after an election and colluding with a foreign power to undermine an election.
Like I said if Trump does the exact same as Obama did during the next election?
lol, Obama's 'flexibility' sounds pretty tame now compared to Trump total capitulation to Putin.
So if Trump told Putin the same before the next election. You wouldn't say anything about it?
There's big difference between dialogue after an election and colluding with a foreign power to undermine an election.
Like when Obama interfered in the Israel election?
Should Obama go to prison?
Of course not, that's different. Obama was a God to them.
Yeah right like with the e-mails and Benghazi :rolleyes:

FOUR men died at Benghazi and you're doing an eyeroll? fuck you, asshole.

From my reading of it, Benghazi, and that incident in Syria, were the REAL reason why Hillary lost. There were men in the Deep State that died because of her arrogance, incompetence, and heartlessness. She let them down. She considered them expendable pawns. Any escalation was deemed politically unacceptable. So folks lives were considered acceptable. Not only that, nothing was said about them. (That OP in Syria, I forget the town now.) They died in vain.

Some of them revolted at her corruption. They did not want to work for such a Machiavellian POTUS. It would mean the lives of more unsung heroes for causes that were questionable.

The MSM has folks so brainwashed into thinking the hacks were Russian, when in fact it was folks right in our own intelligence establishment exposing what was going on in the DNC that did her in. They did this b/c she was not held to account for the many lives she cost right with in the ranks of our black OPS. This probably would not have happened if the hearings had worked. The rank and file in the Intel services would not tolerate her failures. Hell, the deaths she caused in Syria among the US/Israeli/ and English Intel agencies hardly even made the news.
lol, Obama's 'flexibility' sounds pretty tame now compared to Trump total capitulation to Putin.
So if Trump told Putin the same before the next election. You wouldn't say anything about it?
There's big difference between dialogue after an election and colluding with a foreign power to undermine an election.
Like when Obama interfered in the Israel election?
Should Obama go to prison?
Of course not, that's different. Obama was a God to them.
Messiah...remember we keep being told by RWrs that he's the messiah.
lol, Obama's 'flexibility' sounds pretty tame now compared to Trump total capitulation to Putin.
So if Trump told Putin the same before the next election. You wouldn't say anything about it?
There's big difference between dialogue after an election and colluding with a foreign power to undermine an election.
Like when Obama interfered in the Israel election?
Should Obama go to prison?
Of course not, that's different. Obama was a God to them.
Messiah...remember we keep being told by RWrs that he's the messiah.
Whatever you loons praised that idiot.
tick tock

pretty soon we'll be talking about chappaquidick to excuse the orange dimwit's criminal behavior

good times :thup:
Next move is all yours.

Putin tells U.S. to send evidence of vote meddling.

“I have to see first what they’ve done. Give us materials, give us information,” Putin said in an interview with NBC TV aired late on Friday, according to an English voice-over of his words.

“We can not respond to that if they do not violate Russian laws,” Putin told NBC’s Megyn Kelly, when asked whether Moscow would take action against the named individuals.

Kelly listed some of the accusations of Russian interference made by Mueller’s office and other U.S. officials, including the spreading of false information online.

“With all due respect for you personally, with all due respect for Congress, you must have people with legal degrees, 100 percent you do,” Putin said smiling.

He said U.S. authorities should send Russia’s general prosecutor an official request.

“This has to go through official channels, not through the press or yelling and hollering in the United States Congress,” Putin said.
Putin gloating about getting away with it
You have to have a crime in order to get away with something.

When the evidence is shown, and the defense is given, then we shall see.

Till then, all we have are indictments.

I thought this was still a nation of guilty until proven innocent.

That is all Putin is asking for.

Evidence and law.

Not accusations and suspicion.

He wants the hard facts forwarded to the proper authorities. As of yet, it appears no such thing has been done.

"I thought this was still a nation of guilty until proven innocent."

When you guys make this kind of statement, it is just hilarious. You wanted to lock up Hillary w/o any proof of guilt. Guilty until proven innocent? That's your standard? Yet your clarion call was "Lock her up! Lock her up!" You guys are really fun.
tick tock

pretty soon we'll be talking about chappaquidick to excuse the orange dimwit's criminal behavior

good times :thup:
Next move is all yours.

Putin tells U.S. to send evidence of vote meddling.

“I have to see first what they’ve done. Give us materials, give us information,” Putin said in an interview with NBC TV aired late on Friday, according to an English voice-over of his words.

“We can not respond to that if they do not violate Russian laws,” Putin told NBC’s Megyn Kelly, when asked whether Moscow would take action against the named individuals.

Kelly listed some of the accusations of Russian interference made by Mueller’s office and other U.S. officials, including the spreading of false information online.

“With all due respect for you personally, with all due respect for Congress, you must have people with legal degrees, 100 percent you do,” Putin said smiling.

He said U.S. authorities should send Russia’s general prosecutor an official request.

“This has to go through official channels, not through the press or yelling and hollering in the United States Congress,” Putin said.
Putin gloating about getting away with it
You have to have a crime in order to get away with something.

When the evidence is shown, and the defense is given, then we shall see.

Till then, all we have are indictments.

I thought this was still a nation of guilty until proven innocent.

That is all Putin is asking for.

Evidence and law.

Not accusations and suspicion.

He wants the hard facts forwarded to the proper authorities. As of yet, it appears no such thing has been done.

"I thought this was still a nation of guilty until proven innocent."

When you guys make this kind of statement, it is just hilarious. You wanted to lock up Hillary w/o any proof of guilt. Guilty until proven innocent? That's your standard? Yet your clarion call was "Lock her up! Lock her up!" You guys are really fun.
If Hillary was a normal citizen like us. She would've been in jail in the 90's. I mean can any of us destroy 30,000 emails after the fbi demands we hand them over to them? Could you get away with that. I believe the answer is no, so Hillary or anyone else shouldn't either.
Yeah right like with the e-mails and Benghazi :rolleyes:

FOUR men died at Benghazi and you're doing an eyeroll? fuck you, asshole.
Yeah and you turned their murders by terrorists into a circus, trying to squeeze every ounce of political gain out of their deaths as you could. So fuck you, you piece of inbred trash
Would have been easier if Obama and HIllary had not invaded a nation that was no threat to America so they could reinstate slavery in Africa. And actually attempting to catch the terrorists would have done some good.
Kinda interesting that the Chuck Todds of the world are willing to tarnish His Barackness to get to Trump. The hate is that strong.

Mueller Indictment Contradicts McDonough’s Claim That Obama’s Warning to Putin Was ‘Impactful.’

Todd asked McDonough about Sen. Mark Warner’s (D., Va.) comment last July, acknowledging the Obama administration “choked” in its handling of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

“It became very clear to us what the Russians’ intentions were, so we took a series of pain-staking steps, including the president directly confronting President Putin, us going to Congress to press them to work with us to make sure that the states were doing everything they could to protect the sanctity of every American’s vote,” McDonough said.

He said he believes the discussion between Obama and Putin was “very impactful,” adding that some of the things they feared Russia would do, it didn’t do.

Todd then played a clip of Obama from December 2016, recalling his direct conversation with Putin in September 2016 at the Group of 20 meeting in Hangzhou, China.

“I felt that the most effective way to ensure that that didn’t happen was to talk to him directly and tell him to cut it out… and in fact we did not see further tampering of the election process,” Obama said.

Todd pushed back against this claim and said that based on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s recent indictment of the Internet Research Agency, Obama’s claim is “not true.”
So Trump was president when he ran for president?

I know that Oblama was president when he said this to a Russian govt. fellow, oh yeah the Russian president..You do know that's what president do don't you?
tick tock

pretty soon we'll be talking about chappaquidick to excuse the orange dimwit's criminal behavior

good times :thup:
Next move is all yours.

Putin tells U.S. to send evidence of vote meddling.

“I have to see first what they’ve done. Give us materials, give us information,” Putin said in an interview with NBC TV aired late on Friday, according to an English voice-over of his words.

“We can not respond to that if they do not violate Russian laws,” Putin told NBC’s Megyn Kelly, when asked whether Moscow would take action against the named individuals.

Kelly listed some of the accusations of Russian interference made by Mueller’s office and other U.S. officials, including the spreading of false information online.

“With all due respect for you personally, with all due respect for Congress, you must have people with legal degrees, 100 percent you do,” Putin said smiling.

He said U.S. authorities should send Russia’s general prosecutor an official request.

“This has to go through official channels, not through the press or yelling and hollering in the United States Congress,” Putin said.
Putin gloating about getting away with it
You have to have a crime in order to get away with something.

When the evidence is shown, and the defense is given, then we shall see.

Till then, all we have are indictments.

I thought this was still a nation of guilty until proven innocent.

That is all Putin is asking for.

Evidence and law.

Not accusations and suspicion.

He wants the hard facts forwarded to the proper authorities. As of yet, it appears no such thing has been done.

"I thought this was still a nation of guilty until proven innocent."

When you guys make this kind of statement, it is just hilarious. You wanted to lock up Hillary w/o any proof of guilt. Guilty until proven innocent? That's your standard? Yet your clarion call was "Lock her up! Lock her up!" You guys are really fun.
She all but admitted her guilt. When you obfuscate and put out a cover story, that is all it takes.

The entire time, she knew the truth.

If you don't read the Wikileaks, I suppose you wouldn't know that.


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