Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

Most criminals with firearms are usually banned from owning because of their felonies...

So why do those like you condone straw purchases?

I don't.

Nobody can buy guns, you can't have straw purchases. Problem solved.

The rest of the world has figured this out.
Sounds to me like someone started some shit with the Police...got his smart ass handed to him...and then started crying about how he was scarred for life!

The Police shouldn't be beating people up for "Contempt of Cop", which is what we see in far too many of these incidents.

To be blunt, Pogo...I'm not buying your story that you weren't doing anything and for no reason what so ever the Police beat you! It sounds like the bullshit stories I heard from countless other losers who got their asses kicked after they started something and then claimed "I wasn't doing ANYTHING and that guy hit me for no reason!"

Simple enough solution. Every cop has to wear a body cam. then we can see who started it. If the cop started it. He gets fired. If he "Forgets' to turn on his body cam, he gets fired.
Shooting at someone with the intent to kill is not murder. Illegally taking life with premeditated intent is murder. The fact that you misuse the definition of a word doesn’t make it murder. So you have no proof that cops murder 1000 people a year. Be careful out there so a cop doesn’t kill you, you poor drama queen.

Naw, man, I'm white... I don't have to worry about that. If I were black, that would be a major concern.

You sure switched off your definition of murder. I notice you do that when proven wrong, just switch the subject. Nice move.
Sounds to me like someone started some shit with the Police...got his smart ass handed to him...and then started crying about how he was scarred for life!

The Police shouldn't be beating people up for "Contempt of Cop", which is what we see in far too many of these incidents.

To be blunt, Pogo...I'm not buying your story that you weren't doing anything and for no reason what so ever the Police beat you! It sounds like the bullshit stories I heard from countless other losers who got their asses kicked after they started something and then claimed "I wasn't doing ANYTHING and that guy hit me for no reason!"

Simple enough solution. Every cop has to wear a body cam. then we can see who started it. If the cop started it. He gets fired. If he "Forgets' to turn on his body cam, he gets fired.

Ah, yes..."contempt of cop"! Another way of saying I'm going to antagonize the Police and see if I can get a response out of them...then I'm going to accuse them of BRUTALIZING me! Run to the media and tell my horrific tale of mistreatment!
Sounds to me like someone started some shit with the Police...got his smart ass handed to him...and then started crying about how he was scarred for life!

The Police shouldn't be beating people up for "Contempt of Cop", which is what we see in far too many of these incidents.

To be blunt, Pogo...I'm not buying your story that you weren't doing anything and for no reason what so ever the Police beat you! It sounds like the bullshit stories I heard from countless other losers who got their asses kicked after they started something and then claimed "I wasn't doing ANYTHING and that guy hit me for no reason!"

Simple enough solution. Every cop has to wear a body cam. then we can see who started it. If the cop started it. He gets fired. If he "Forgets' to turn on his body cam, he gets fired.

Ah, yes..."contempt of cop"! Another way of saying I'm going to antagonize the Police and see if I can get a response out of them...then I'm going to accuse them of BRUTALIZING me! Run to the media and tell my horrific tale of mistreatment!

Yanno what, I could have easily done that. That job I was going to at 4:30 the next morning, five hours after the incident, was at a radio station. Could have just opened the mic and spilled the whole thing. I was already in position in front of my trusty RE-20.

I didn't though. Wouldn't have fit in with the show.
Sounds to me like someone started some shit with the Police...got his smart ass handed to him...and then started crying about how he was scarred for life!

The Police shouldn't be beating people up for "Contempt of Cop", which is what we see in far too many of these incidents.

To be blunt, Pogo...I'm not buying your story that you weren't doing anything and for no reason what so ever the Police beat you! It sounds like the bullshit stories I heard from countless other losers who got their asses kicked after they started something and then claimed "I wasn't doing ANYTHING and that guy hit me for no reason!"

Simple enough solution. Every cop has to wear a body cam. then we can see who started it. If the cop started it. He gets fired. If he "Forgets' to turn on his body cam, he gets fired.

Ah, yes..."contempt of cop"! Another way of saying I'm going to antagonize the Police and see if I can get a response out of them...then I'm going to accuse them of BRUTALIZING me! Run to the media and tell my horrific tale of mistreatment!

Yanno what, I could have easily done that. That job I was going to at 4:30 the next morning, five hours after the incident, was at a radio station. Could have just opened the mic and spilled the whole thing. I was already in position in front of my trusty RE-20.

I didn't though. Wouldn't have fit in with the show.

Had you sobered up yet, Pogo?
So let me see if I've got this straight...you've got a job that you go to at 4:30 in the morning...but at 11:30 at night you're out driving around in your car starting shit with the Police? Your story gets better and better...
Sounds to me like someone started some shit with the Police...got his smart ass handed to him...and then started crying about how he was scarred for life!

The Police shouldn't be beating people up for "Contempt of Cop", which is what we see in far too many of these incidents.

To be blunt, Pogo...I'm not buying your story that you weren't doing anything and for no reason what so ever the Police beat you! It sounds like the bullshit stories I heard from countless other losers who got their asses kicked after they started something and then claimed "I wasn't doing ANYTHING and that guy hit me for no reason!"

Simple enough solution. Every cop has to wear a body cam. then we can see who started it. If the cop started it. He gets fired. If he "Forgets' to turn on his body cam, he gets fired.

Ah, yes..."contempt of cop"! Another way of saying I'm going to antagonize the Police and see if I can get a response out of them...then I'm going to accuse them of BRUTALIZING me! Run to the media and tell my horrific tale of mistreatment!

Yanno what, I could have easily done that. That job I was going to at 4:30 the next morning, five hours after the incident, was at a radio station. Could have just opened the mic and spilled the whole thing. I was already in position in front of my trusty RE-20.

I didn't though. Wouldn't have fit in with the show.

Had you sobered up yet, Pogo?

Would be kind of impossible since I don't drink.
I've had overwhelmingly good experiences with the Police. That stems from the fact that I treat them with respect for having to do an unpopular job. Amazing how well the Police tend to treat you when you aren't being a "fucking idiot"!

Indeed. So lemme tell you (again) about an incident where there actually was interaction, again not by my choice.

This is twenty years later. I'm riding home on the trolley from a long long day at work, it's 11pm and I've got to be right back in there for 6am which means leaving at 4:30. Lost in thought I ride right past the stop where my house is, have to get off two blocks up and walk back. Just as I'm getting to my house turning the corner a nondescript white Oldsmobile comes screaming up the avenue and two guys jump out and point guns at me and order me up against the wall. Not in any kind of uniform, not identifying themselves as cops, but they have guns. And they have handcuffs, which they slap on behind my back. They pull me into the car and drive back down the avenue where I just rode up from.

No explanation, nothing.

At this point I ask for clarification. "uh, can I ask what this is about?"

"WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKIN' HOMICIDE IS THAT ALRIGHT WITH YOU!?!" screams the guy in the passenger seat.

OK, won't pursue that line of questioning. I look around for clues. They have a police radio on the console. They had handcuffs and pistols. They won't say who the fuck they are.

We drive down the avenue to some bar where supposedly somebody had just got shot. One guy gets out to fetch an eyewitness to the shooting, brings him back to the car. "Oh no, nothing like that" the witness says. "He was much shorter, fatter, had a Southern accent".

In other words NOTHING about me matched the description. I was simply the first moving body they saw.

First plain cop gets back in, we drive back up the road and stopped in a random place where there was nobody around to see them remove my handcuffs and release me.

Never once did they say who they were. Never once did they apologize. Never did they explain anything.

Then I had to get my four hours sleep to go back to work again, which I did. That morning trolley couldn't come fast enough.

So you see son, it doesn't matter if you don't bring shit to them. THEY will bring it to YOU.
They think they're Lord God Supreme Occupying Military Force, and we're just scum.

Oh and if I had been following the wacko advice of the wacko gun fetishists on this site and been packing for "self-protection", obviously when accosted by two unidentified gun-toters in the middle of the night there would have been a shootout. And guess how they would have written the police report.

Y'all who live in this fantasy world of Adam-12 are amusing in your profound naiveté. The world does not work that way.

Interesting...you first describe this...

"Severed tendon that had to be stitched back together inside the finger; had to wear a cast for months; vertical scar on my face above the lip where the middle branch of nerves has been permanently damaged, which I cover with a mustache. Can never straighten my finger again. But that's got zero to do with "police", now does it."

Then you bring up some seemingly unrelated stop that two plain clothes detective made twenty years ago where they questioned you and then released you? What does one have to do with the other...other than it's part of your narrative that the Police harass people?
I've had overwhelmingly good experiences with the Police. That stems from the fact that I treat them with respect for having to do an unpopular job. Amazing how well the Police tend to treat you when you aren't being a "fucking idiot"!

Indeed. So lemme tell you (again) about an incident where there actually was interaction, again not by my choice.

This is twenty years later. I'm riding home on the trolley from a long long day at work, it's 11pm and I've got to be right back in there for 6am which means leaving at 4:30. Lost in thought I ride right past the stop where my house is, have to get off two blocks up and walk back. Just as I'm getting to my house turning the corner a nondescript white Oldsmobile comes screaming up the avenue and two guys jump out and point guns at me and order me up against the wall. Not in any kind of uniform, not identifying themselves as cops, but they have guns. And they have handcuffs, which they slap on behind my back. They pull me into the car and drive back down the avenue where I just rode up from.

No explanation, nothing.

At this point I ask for clarification. "uh, can I ask what this is about?"

"WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKIN' HOMICIDE IS THAT ALRIGHT WITH YOU!?!" screams the guy in the passenger seat.

OK, won't pursue that line of questioning. I look around for clues. They have a police radio on the console. They had handcuffs and pistols. They won't say who the fuck they are.

We drive down the avenue to some bar where supposedly somebody had just got shot. One guy gets out to fetch an eyewitness to the shooting, brings him back to the car. "Oh no, nothing like that" the witness says. "He was much shorter, fatter, had a Southern accent".

In other words NOTHING about me matched the description. I was simply the first moving body they saw.

First plain cop gets back in, we drive back up the road and stopped in a random place where there was nobody around to see them remove my handcuffs and release me.

Never once did they say who they were. Never once did they apologize. Never did they explain anything.

Then I had to get my four hours sleep to go back to work again, which I did. That morning trolley couldn't come fast enough.

So you see son, it doesn't matter if you don't bring shit to them. THEY will bring it to YOU.
They think they're Lord God Supreme Occupying Military Force, and we're just scum.

Oh and if I had been following the wacko advice of the wacko gun fetishists on this site and been packing for "self-protection", obviously when accosted by two unidentified gun-toters in the middle of the night there would have been a shootout. And guess how they would have written the police report.

Y'all who live in this fantasy world of Adam-12 are amusing in your profound naiveté. The world does not work that way.

Interesting...you first describe this...

"Severed tendon that had to be stitched back together inside the finger; had to wear a cast for months; vertical scar on my face above the lip where the middle branch of nerves has been permanently damaged, which I cover with a mustache. Can never straighten my finger again. But that's got zero to do with "police", now does it."

Then you bring up some seemingly unrelated stop that two plain clothes detective made twenty years ago where they questioned you and then released you? What does one have to do with the other...other than it's part of your narrative that the Police harass people?

I can see how the Illiterati would be thrown for a loop by not being able to count to "two".

That's "two" different stories, the second describing blatant police overreach, the first describing a separate unrelated incident in which the police were NOT called, specifically to cite the evidence that police are NOT automatically called just because something happens.

Two different stories, for two different illustrations to make two different points. I guess I overloaded your capacity.
Sounds to me like someone started some shit with the Police...got his smart ass handed to him...and then started crying about how he was scarred for life!

The Police shouldn't be beating people up for "Contempt of Cop", which is what we see in far too many of these incidents.

To be blunt, Pogo...I'm not buying your story that you weren't doing anything and for no reason what so ever the Police beat you! It sounds like the bullshit stories I heard from countless other losers who got their asses kicked after they started something and then claimed "I wasn't doing ANYTHING and that guy hit me for no reason!"

Simple enough solution. Every cop has to wear a body cam. then we can see who started it. If the cop started it. He gets fired. If he "Forgets' to turn on his body cam, he gets fired.

Ah, yes..."contempt of cop"! Another way of saying I'm going to antagonize the Police and see if I can get a response out of them...then I'm going to accuse them of BRUTALIZING me! Run to the media and tell my horrific tale of mistreatment!

Yanno what, I could have easily done that. That job I was going to at 4:30 the next morning, five hours after the incident, was at a radio station. Could have just opened the mic and spilled the whole thing. I was already in position in front of my trusty RE-20.

I didn't though. Wouldn't have fit in with the show.

Had you sobered up yet, Pogo?

Would be kind of impossible since I don't drink.

Your stories aren't believable, Pogo. I was in a line of work that dealt with the Police for many years. Quite simply...they don't DO the things that you say that they do! I don't think I've EVER heard a plain clothes detective make a stop of anyone where the first thing they were yelling was that they were the Police! They do so because they have a duty to identify themselves but more importantly they do so because they don't want someone to resist because they're confused about who's detaining them!
I've had overwhelmingly good experiences with the Police. That stems from the fact that I treat them with respect for having to do an unpopular job. Amazing how well the Police tend to treat you when you aren't being a "fucking idiot"!

Indeed. So lemme tell you (again) about an incident where there actually was interaction, again not by my choice.

This is twenty years later. I'm riding home on the trolley from a long long day at work, it's 11pm and I've got to be right back in there for 6am which means leaving at 4:30. Lost in thought I ride right past the stop where my house is, have to get off two blocks up and walk back. Just as I'm getting to my house turning the corner a nondescript white Oldsmobile comes screaming up the avenue and two guys jump out and point guns at me and order me up against the wall. Not in any kind of uniform, not identifying themselves as cops, but they have guns. And they have handcuffs, which they slap on behind my back. They pull me into the car and drive back down the avenue where I just rode up from.

No explanation, nothing.

At this point I ask for clarification. "uh, can I ask what this is about?"

"WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKIN' HOMICIDE IS THAT ALRIGHT WITH YOU!?!" screams the guy in the passenger seat.

OK, won't pursue that line of questioning. I look around for clues. They have a police radio on the console. They had handcuffs and pistols. They won't say who the fuck they are.

We drive down the avenue to some bar where supposedly somebody had just got shot. One guy gets out to fetch an eyewitness to the shooting, brings him back to the car. "Oh no, nothing like that" the witness says. "He was much shorter, fatter, had a Southern accent".

In other words NOTHING about me matched the description. I was simply the first moving body they saw.

First plain cop gets back in, we drive back up the road and stopped in a random place where there was nobody around to see them remove my handcuffs and release me.

Never once did they say who they were. Never once did they apologize. Never did they explain anything.

Then I had to get my four hours sleep to go back to work again, which I did. That morning trolley couldn't come fast enough.

So you see son, it doesn't matter if you don't bring shit to them. THEY will bring it to YOU.
They think they're Lord God Supreme Occupying Military Force, and we're just scum.

Oh and if I had been following the wacko advice of the wacko gun fetishists on this site and been packing for "self-protection", obviously when accosted by two unidentified gun-toters in the middle of the night there would have been a shootout. And guess how they would have written the police report.

Y'all who live in this fantasy world of Adam-12 are amusing in your profound naiveté. The world does not work that way.

Interesting...you first describe this...

"Severed tendon that had to be stitched back together inside the finger; had to wear a cast for months; vertical scar on my face above the lip where the middle branch of nerves has been permanently damaged, which I cover with a mustache. Can never straighten my finger again. But that's got zero to do with "police", now does it."

Then you bring up some seemingly unrelated stop that two plain clothes detective made twenty years ago where they questioned you and then released you? What does one have to do with the other...other than it's part of your narrative that the Police harass people?

I can see how the Illiterati would be thrown for a loop by not being able to count to "two".

That's "two" different stories, the second describing blatant police overreach, the first describing a separate unrelated incident in which the police were NOT called, specifically to cite the evidence that police are NOT automatically called just because something happens.

Two different stories, for two different illustrations to make two different points. I guess I overloaded your capacity.

You overloaded my "bullshit capacity"!
The Police shouldn't be beating people up for "Contempt of Cop", which is what we see in far too many of these incidents.

Simple enough solution. Every cop has to wear a body cam. then we can see who started it. If the cop started it. He gets fired. If he "Forgets' to turn on his body cam, he gets fired.

Ah, yes..."contempt of cop"! Another way of saying I'm going to antagonize the Police and see if I can get a response out of them...then I'm going to accuse them of BRUTALIZING me! Run to the media and tell my horrific tale of mistreatment!

Yanno what, I could have easily done that. That job I was going to at 4:30 the next morning, five hours after the incident, was at a radio station. Could have just opened the mic and spilled the whole thing. I was already in position in front of my trusty RE-20.

I didn't though. Wouldn't have fit in with the show.

Had you sobered up yet, Pogo?

Would be kind of impossible since I don't drink.

Your stories aren't believable, Pogo. I was in a line of work that dealt with the Police for many years. Quite simply...they don't DO the things that you say that they do! I don't think I've EVER heard a plain clothes detective make a stop of anyone where the first thing they were yelling was that they were the Police! They do so because they have a duty to identify themselves but more importantly they do so because they don't want someone to resist because they're confused about who's detaining them!

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's exactly why I pointed that out. In the entire night they never did identify themselves at all. As anything. NO names, NO badges.

And I presume your careless writing means the opposite of what it says here, since it says you've never heard of them identifying themselves. I have, and it's what I expect.

And as already noted, given no such information, had I been following the mantra of the gun nuts around here I would have had to assume they were extra-violent muggers and would have drawn to defend myself, at which point they would have shot, told the DA they got their suspect, and that would have been that.

You're extremely naïve about how the world works if you think this doesn't happen daily. What are you, five years old?

Has anyone told you about the Easter Bunny yet?
Ah, yes..."contempt of cop"! Another way of saying I'm going to antagonize the Police and see if I can get a response out of them...then I'm going to accuse them of BRUTALIZING me! Run to the media and tell my horrific tale of mistreatment!

Yanno what, I could have easily done that. That job I was going to at 4:30 the next morning, five hours after the incident, was at a radio station. Could have just opened the mic and spilled the whole thing. I was already in position in front of my trusty RE-20.

I didn't though. Wouldn't have fit in with the show.

Had you sobered up yet, Pogo?

Would be kind of impossible since I don't drink.

Your stories aren't believable, Pogo. I was in a line of work that dealt with the Police for many years. Quite simply...they don't DO the things that you say that they do! I don't think I've EVER heard a plain clothes detective make a stop of anyone where the first thing they were yelling was that they were the Police! They do so because they have a duty to identify themselves but more importantly they do so because they don't want someone to resist because they're confused about who's detaining them!

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's exactly why I pointed that out. In the entire night they never did identify themselves at all. As anything. NO names, NO badges.

And I presume your careless writing means the opposite of what it says here, since it says you've never heard of them identifying themselves. I have, and it's what I expect.

And as already noted, given no such information, had I been following the mantra of the gun nuts around here I would have had to assume they were extra-violent muggers and would have drawn to defend myself, at which point they would have shot, told the DA they got their suspect, and that would have been that.

You're extremely naïve about how the world works if you think this doesn't happen daily. What are you, five years old?

Has anyone told you about the Easter Bunny yet?

Which is EXACTLY why every single plain clothes cop...in every single stop they make...are going to announce very loudly that they are indeed the Police! They don't do so to protect YOU...they do so to protect THEMSELVES! Your story is a fairy tale.
Whenever one of you idiots tries to smear the Police with one of your made up "real life experiences" you invariably trip yourselves up because the crap you're shoveling simply doesn't in any way resemble what really happens when the Police stop people!
Yanno what, I could have easily done that. That job I was going to at 4:30 the next morning, five hours after the incident, was at a radio station. Could have just opened the mic and spilled the whole thing. I was already in position in front of my trusty RE-20.

I didn't though. Wouldn't have fit in with the show.

Had you sobered up yet, Pogo?

Would be kind of impossible since I don't drink.

Your stories aren't believable, Pogo. I was in a line of work that dealt with the Police for many years. Quite simply...they don't DO the things that you say that they do! I don't think I've EVER heard a plain clothes detective make a stop of anyone where the first thing they were yelling was that they were the Police! They do so because they have a duty to identify themselves but more importantly they do so because they don't want someone to resist because they're confused about who's detaining them!

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's exactly why I pointed that out. In the entire night they never did identify themselves at all. As anything. NO names, NO badges.

And I presume your careless writing means the opposite of what it says here, since it says you've never heard of them identifying themselves. I have, and it's what I expect.

And as already noted, given no such information, had I been following the mantra of the gun nuts around here I would have had to assume they were extra-violent muggers and would have drawn to defend myself, at which point they would have shot, told the DA they got their suspect, and that would have been that.

You're extremely naïve about how the world works if you think this doesn't happen daily. What are you, five years old?

Has anyone told you about the Easter Bunny yet?

Which is EXACTLY why every single plain clothes cop...in every single stop they make...are going to announce very loudly that they are indeed the Police! They don't do so to protect YOU...they do so to protect THEMSELVES! Your story is a fairy tale.

Actually that's what your sticking your fingers in your ears going :lalala: is.

Can't help you with that "blame the victim" shit. That's a job for your psychoanalyst.

I don't think I've EVER heard a plain clothes detective make a stop of anyone where the first thing they were yelling was that they were the Police!

Still sitting there. Says much about your powers of observation.
Peddle your lies somewhere else Jussie! You're just another person who thinks the end justifies the means...in this case...lying about how the Police conduct themselves.
Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

A group of Tempe police officers were reportedly asked to move or leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer felt uncomfortable.

According to a tweet from the Tempe Officers Association, six Tempe Police Department officers were drinking coffee before their shift at the Starbucks near Scottsdale and McKellips roads when a barista told them a customer "did not feel safe" by their presence.

The barista allegedly asked the officers to move out of the customer's line of sight or to leave, the tweet states.

"This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening. While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019," the organization wrote. "We know this is not a national policy at Starbucks Corporate and we look forward to working collaboratively with them on this important dialogue."

Reggie Borges, a spokesperson for Starbucks, said the company is still gathering details about the incident.

"We have a deep respect for the Tempe Police and their service to the community," he said. "We've reached out to the Tempe Police Department and Tempe Officers Association to better understand what happened and apologize. We want everyone in our stores to feel welcomed and the incident described is not indicative of what we want any of our customers to feel in our stores."

Borges declined to comment about any disciplinary actions.

Starbucks Corporate seems to be handling the situation pretty well, but the barista never should have made such a request in the first place. The customer who made the request should have been the one asked to leave. One costumer compared to a group guaranteed to come in and buy coffee and donuts all the time? Sounds like a no-brainer.

Wow....wtf do you have to do to get a latte? :D Also, I am about 99% certain the cop involved was not black. Just saying.......Now a white cop....yeah....all fucking day long. :thup:
Peddle your lies somewhere else Jussie! You're just another person who thinks the end justifies the means...in this case...lying about how the Police conduct themselves.

You realize that note-to-self just went on the internet, right?
Who wants the unpleasantness of sitting next to the police? Does anybody here want to sit right next to them in a restaurant?

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