Ten days to go. Then history reaches a crossroad. Don’t take anything for granted

i have nothing further to add

That seems to be the problem with the blue wave, you need to give people a reason to vote for you.... just crying about evil Russians and deplorables won't make the democrats great again...


Thanks. The entire DNC has been waiting on advice from Trump supporters. We'll get right on your suggestion.
They have a plan...............Remember to say I am in fear for my life...........and request asylum in America........if returned to my home country they will kill me for leaving.................I am a Chain Migrant...........my aunt lives in a tent in San Fran The tent has an extra cot............

Which way to get my fake Drivers License so I can vote.....

Viva la Mexico............
Thanks. The entire DNC has been waiting on advice from Trump supporters. We'll get right on your suggestion.

The entire DNC is hopelessly corrupt and takes their advice from wall street, that's why the most qualified psycho princes in history managed to lose from a ridiculous orange clown with a severe twitter addiction

i have nothing further to add

That seems to be the problem with the blue wave, you need to give people a reason to vote for you.... just crying about evil Russians and deplorables won't make the democrats great again...

We have plenty of reasons to vote and we better do it.

Start with HEALTH CARE

and move on to SOCIAL SECURITY



All on the GOP chopping block if Republicans retain control of the House and Senate
If only Republicans made it as hard to buy a gun as they've made it to vote.
"Voters in Arizona are exhausted, Voters in Nevada Vegas are excited. In Florida, they're concerned, and in Texas they're mobilized." - Sleepy Chuck Todd
Trump is trying to divide and distract using hatred, fear, and lies. Do not fall for it. Focus on what matters, and vote on Nov. 6.
we will take America back. the ultimate punishment for Trump the control-freak is to lose control of Congress.

let's do this.

vote Democrat. vote early. vote often. all y'all

This is why I've often advised my libertarian peers to run as Democrats. And in many cases, they have. The way I see it is that if we're gonna have a false political paradigm where people are trained to vote solely on whether a candidate has a D or an R attached to their name, we may as well use it to our advantage.

We've won a lot of local office that way in pretty much every state.

Quietly moving forward....
I love it. :beer:
we dont agonize, we organize.

we're not yielding one grain of sand on the ground!
This time, we don’t have the luxury of saying we didn’t really know what Trump would do

Our eyes are wide open
"I travelled more this week than any of the fake news “political reporters” who write about and claim to understand the MAGA and populist movements. When I simply leave my home, I become the world’s greatest political reporter. Low bar, everyone else is lazy!" - Wacky Mike Cernovich
America is at a crossroads. Do we go the path of David Duke & Donald Trump or do we choose love for one another, hope for better days, and opportunity for ALL people?
Of course voting early and voting often are not encouraging anyone to vote more than once are they....?

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No presidential election this time, so you don't get a vote that's worth more, in theory, unless you live in a place with heavy gerrymandering (read cheating).
America is at a crossroads. Do we go the path of David Duke & Donald Trump or do we choose love for one another, hope for better days, and opportunity for ALL people?

Trump's economy provides hope and opportunity for everyone, these are the better days. You might want to try working instead of food stamps and welfare if your life still sucks.

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