Tennessee is burning! folks are running for their lives!

some folks are heartless racists!

the south has not burned like this since the civil war.....the drought has hit hard...we are 13 inches below normal for rainfall.....that and all the damn leaves
Arson should be a more serious crime I think! Maybe life imprisonment or a very long detention could be useful :mad-61:
I hope anybody else is gonna die!
RIP to the innocent victims :(
Yes, Apalachians is at least geographically correct, post-genocide of the Indigene.
It's impossible to care about liberals. This is a war and liberals are allied with the agents of wildfire jihad.
Yes, Tipsy, shine that moon, while Tobias should be made to slide down a forty-foot razor blade into a vat of wildfire jihad acetone. Trump declares a state emergency and calls for 1000 tree planters who refuse to pray five times a day.
You know, for years now I have been amazed that terrorists have not struck our forests.
If you put together a team of terrorists in every state that has a lot of forest land, and had terrorists simply go into the forests with accelerants and on the same day start fires in designated areas across the country, imagine how that would tax our resources trying to put the fires out.
You know, for years now I have been amazed that terrorists have not struck our forests.
If you put together a team of terrorists in every state that has a lot of forest land, and had terrorists simply go into the forests with accelerants and on the same day start fires in designated areas across the country, imagine how that would tax our resources trying to put the fires out.

Or, since there's no shortage of folks willing to martyr themselves, XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis). Forget bomb vests, no security check point worries. Just stroll on into crowds in churches, sporting and concert events, holiday shopping extravaganzas, airports/planes, etc. Cough and sneeze, await the pandemonium and chaos.
You know, for years now I have been amazed that terrorists have not struck our forests.
If you put together a team of terrorists in every state that has a lot of forest land, and had terrorists simply go into the forests with accelerants and on the same day start fires in designated areas across the country, imagine how that would tax our resources trying to put the fires out.

It would be difficult for them to do it in just one location. The terrorists would stick out like sore thumbs in the country. If they were not already under surveillance, going out to the country and hanging out would kind of guarantee that.

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