Tennessee is burning! folks are running for their lives!

Digitaldrifter revelas the tender underbelly of Benghazi, the pile of sand propping open the gates at Fort Mims, just before the crude abortions began. Grudge fires happen all the time in the Alabama-Georgia rhizome. See Zizek, Love Thy Neighbor? I Don't Think So.
nough said

some folks are heartless racists!

Whoever wrote that can bite me and that is coming from a person who lives in a house!

God bless you always!!!

Holly (proud to be in the south)
To me there are two different kinds of people who don't believe in a deity. There are those who just don't believe, live their lives and mean no harm or ill will towards others and then there are the ones like C_Reilly2010, who no doubt don't believe in deities and are also evil.
i was thinking about that being said......burning the red states....yesterday when i was driving about in the wonderful rain.....how anyone can say something like that and wish harm on others due to political discourse......i am not a trump fan....i worked hard for hillary....dont go there nlt...just dont i am still bitter..still unable to watch the news....
with that said...my mechanic is ...my shooting range instructor....my tow guy...the list just goes on and on ..they were and are trump supporters.....i could not wish ill will on them for their differences....in opinions...

how could people just be so ...i dont know what to call it....wishing someone's home burns...they lose all they have....hoping only to get back with families....does this person saying this realize what has happened to tn.....and they scope of these fires? poor micheal reid cannot find his wife and two daughters......and someone wishes this agony on another..
i was thinking about that being said......burning the red states....yesterday when i was driving about in the wonderful rain.....how anyone can say something like that and wish harm on others due to political discourse......i am not a trump fan....i worked hard for hillary....dont go there nlt...just dont i am still bitter..still unable to watch the news....
with that said...my mechanic is ...my shooting range instructor....my tow guy...the list just goes on and on ..they were and are trump supporters.....i could not wish ill will on them for their differences....in opinions...

how could people just be so ...i dont know what to call it....wishing someone's home burns...they lose all they have....hoping only to get back with families....does this person saying this realize what has happened to tn.....and they scope of these fires? poor micheal reid cannot find his wife and two daughters......and someone wishes this agony on another..
Our society has become too extreme in its opposing views. I have long believed that what is needed is a more viable third party that at its core, is "centrist," taking elements of both parties without straying too far either right or left. Going to the extremes, left or right, only fosters hatred.

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