Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

Then by all means, point out which ones. I'm betting the only one that has is the cost of that strep throat visit.

Ah...... you don't really know the facts but are putting them forth as unchanged.

Got it.

Very pathetic deflection from your inability to point out any factual inaccuracies in the posted article.

It is 6 year old opinion from an insurance company exec you posted as fact.

California has Obamacare / exchanges now.

Apples to oranges.
The issue remains. Americans like me were happy with our healthcare coverage. Government intervention for me was not needed. Others maybe, but not me. For that, I'm bitter


Isn't it an amazing phenomenon, USMB I mean...

...it appears that every single rightwinger on USMB has suffered some sort of grievous harm to the state of their healthcare coverage because of the ACA.

That's an amazing cluster that defies all the laws of probability.
Ah...... you don't really know the facts but are putting them forth as unchanged.

Got it.

Very pathetic deflection from your inability to point out any factual inaccuracies in the posted article.

It is 6 year old opinion from an insurance company exec you posted as fact.

California has Obamacare / exchanges now.

Apples to oranges.

It is a fact that the uninsured and underinsured cost those of us with insurance more. We pay higher premiums and pay $6 for an aspirin in the hospital to cover those costs. In 2007 it was costing the average insured Californian like me $1200 a year. Since I'm what you might call "overinsured", it was probably costing me a touch more.

And yes, now we have the affordable care act and the uninsured will have insurance. Costs will decrease, deficits will reduce.
How about we take down all the speed limit signs and trust that everyone is more capable of deciding what's a safe speed than is the government?

I'll see your strawman and raise you......

The speed limit signs don't say "go as fast as you want". Then when someone speeds the cop pulls them over, writes them a ticket and says "fuck what the sign says, speed limit is 30 mph".

You're ignoring what the other poster said. He claimed that the individual is better at making decisions than is the government.

The government decides how fast you can legally drive in any given area. You, and the other poster want the individual to decide that because you think every individual is smarter than the government.

Just the fact that you think that proves that you're not. lol

People like me are smart enough to know not to drive 55 mph though a school zone, residential area, etc.... People like you are morons and need the government to tell you the rate of speed you can travel on any road........ :thup:
Too bad for the stupid states that didn't take the Medicaid expansion.

The issue remains. Americans like me were happy with our healthcare coverage. Government intervention for me was not needed. Others maybe, but not me. For that, I'm bitter


Isn't it an amazing phenomenon, USMB I mean...

...it appears that every single rightwinger on USMB has suffered some sort of grievous harm to the state of their healthcare coverage because of the ACA.

That's an amazing cluster that defies all the laws of probability.

It's amazing that you either:

A) Can't admit Obama and the dems blatantly lied and deceived the american people.


B) Don't give a shit that they blatantly lied and deceived the american people.
The issue remains. Americans like me were happy with our healthcare coverage. Government intervention for me was not needed. Others maybe, but not me. For that, I'm bitter


Isn't it an amazing phenomenon, USMB I mean...

...it appears that every single rightwinger on USMB has suffered some sort of grievous harm to the state of their healthcare coverage because of the ACA.

That's an amazing cluster that defies all the laws of probability.

76% increase. $168 a month. That is painful for me....

The Collective has been fed their instructions: Obama is liberating you from your "Crappy insurance"
During congressional hearings with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., made an interesting argument that some Americans don’t want quality health insurance. “Some people like to drive a Ford and not a Ferrari,” Blackburn asserted. But that begs the question: What kind of Ford?

As early as 1972, there were reports that when a Ford Pinto was involved in a low-speed collision, the car would spontaneously burst into flames. According to a 1977 investigation by Mother Jones magazine, Ford was aware of the problem — resulting from a flaw in the gas tank design — but instead of paying to recall and redesign the car, Ford decided it would be cheaper to pay for the lawsuits. Ultimately, at least 27 people and as many as 180 people died as a result of Pinto fires. But it took the government forcing Ford to recall the Pinto for the problem to actually be solved.[...]

A great example comes from Deborah Cavallaro, who has been making the rounds on television complaining about her current insurance plan being canceled. Cavallaro had not looked into her other, new options under Obamacare until a Los Angeles Times reporter called. Together, they looked at Cavallaro’s options — and found a “silver” plan for Cavallaro that would cost slightly more in her monthly premium but save her tons in terms of her annual deductible and out-of-pocket costs as well as doctor visit expenses. Plus, thanks to Obamacare, this plan would not be subject to the annual payment caps or preexisting condition clauses that have been exploding in the faces of consumers for decades. After all, it’s important to remember that in 2009, most Americans were not very satisfied with their insurance plans. People wanted better options, and now, thanks to Obamacare, they’ve got ‘em!​

A congresswoman defends Americans' right to awful health insurance -- and shamefully misleads the public
During congressional hearings with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., made an interesting argument that some Americans don’t want quality health insurance. “Some people like to drive a Ford and not a Ferrari,” Blackburn asserted. But that begs the question: What kind of Ford?

As early as 1972, there were reports that when a Ford Pinto was involved in a low-speed collision, the car would spontaneously burst into flames. According to a 1977 investigation by Mother Jones magazine, Ford was aware of the problem — resulting from a flaw in the gas tank design — but instead of paying to recall and redesign the car, Ford decided it would be cheaper to pay for the lawsuits. Ultimately, at least 27 people and as many as 180 people died as a result of Pinto fires. But it took the government forcing Ford to recall the Pinto for the problem to actually be solved.[...]

A great example comes from Deborah Cavallaro, who has been making the rounds on television complaining about her current insurance plan being canceled. Cavallaro had not looked into her other, new options under Obamacare until a Los Angeles Times reporter called. Together, they looked at Cavallaro’s options — and found a “silver” plan for Cavallaro that would cost slightly more in her monthly premium but save her tons in terms of her annual deductible and out-of-pocket costs as well as doctor visit expenses. Plus, thanks to Obamacare, this plan would not be subject to the annual payment caps or preexisting condition clauses that have been exploding in the faces of consumers for decades. After all, it’s important to remember that in 2009, most Americans were not very satisfied with their insurance plans. People wanted better options, and now, thanks to Obamacare, they’ve got ‘em!​

A congresswoman defends Americans' right to awful health insurance -- and shamefully misleads the public

The definition of projection .......... :lol:

Yeah, it was definitely Blackburn who has been shamefully misleading the public.... :thup:
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During congressional hearings with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., made an interesting argument that some Americans don’t want quality health insurance. “Some people like to drive a Ford and not a Ferrari,” Blackburn asserted. But that begs the question: What kind of Ford?

As early as 1972, there were reports that when a Ford Pinto was involved in a low-speed collision, the car would spontaneously burst into flames. According to a 1977 investigation by Mother Jones magazine, Ford was aware of the problem — resulting from a flaw in the gas tank design — but instead of paying to recall and redesign the car, Ford decided it would be cheaper to pay for the lawsuits. Ultimately, at least 27 people and as many as 180 people died as a result of Pinto fires. But it took the government forcing Ford to recall the Pinto for the problem to actually be solved.[...]

A great example comes from Deborah Cavallaro, who has been making the rounds on television complaining about her current insurance plan being canceled. Cavallaro had not looked into her other, new options under Obamacare until a Los Angeles Times reporter called. Together, they looked at Cavallaro’s options — and found a “silver” plan for Cavallaro that would cost slightly more in her monthly premium but save her tons in terms of her annual deductible and out-of-pocket costs as well as doctor visit expenses. Plus, thanks to Obamacare, this plan would not be subject to the annual payment caps or preexisting condition clauses that have been exploding in the faces of consumers for decades. After all, it’s important to remember that in 2009, most Americans were not very satisfied with their insurance plans. People wanted better options, and now, thanks to Obamacare, they’ve got ‘em!​

A congresswoman defends Americans' right to awful health insurance -- and shamefully misleads the public

A Pinto was sold as something it wasn't. Not a good faith transaction.

Insurance is a written contract with full coverage / limit disclosure by law. The consumer knows what he is getting up front.

Apples to oranges.
Very pathetic deflection from your inability to point out any factual inaccuracies in the posted article.

It is 6 year old opinion from an insurance company exec you posted as fact.

California has Obamacare / exchanges now.

Apples to oranges.

It is a fact that the uninsured and underinsured cost those of us with insurance more. We pay higher premiums and pay $6 for an aspirin in the hospital to cover those costs. In 2007 it was costing the average insured Californian like me $1200 a year. Since I'm what you might call "overinsured", it was probably costing me a touch more.

And yes, now we have the affordable care act and the uninsured will have insurance. Costs will decrease, deficits will reduce.

totally wrong. the poor will pay nothing for their insurance, those who choose not to buy will pay a penalty that is smaller than the premium would be, and will still receive treatment.

those who pay for their insurance will be funding those who do not---------exactly what is happening today and has been for years.

the difference is that those who pay will also have to fund a huge govt beaurocracy under obamacare that did not exist before.
It is 6 year old opinion from an insurance company exec you posted as fact.

California has Obamacare / exchanges now.

Apples to oranges.

It is a fact that the uninsured and underinsured cost those of us with insurance more. We pay higher premiums and pay $6 for an aspirin in the hospital to cover those costs. In 2007 it was costing the average insured Californian like me $1200 a year. Since I'm what you might call "overinsured", it was probably costing me a touch more.

And yes, now we have the affordable care act and the uninsured will have insurance. Costs will decrease, deficits will reduce.

totally wrong. the poor will pay nothing for their insurance, those who choose not to buy will pay a penalty that is smaller than the premium would be, and will still receive treatment.

those who pay for their insurance will be funding those who do not---------exactly what is happening today and has been for years.

the difference is that those who pay will also have to fund a huge govt beaurocracy under obamacare that did not exist before.

But but costs will go down as artificially subsidized demand rises.
During congressional hearings with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., made an interesting argument that some Americans don’t want quality health insurance. “Some people like to drive a Ford and not a Ferrari,” Blackburn asserted. But that begs the question: What kind of Ford?

As early as 1972, there were reports that when a Ford Pinto was involved in a low-speed collision, the car would spontaneously burst into flames. According to a 1977 investigation by Mother Jones magazine, Ford was aware of the problem — resulting from a flaw in the gas tank design — but instead of paying to recall and redesign the car, Ford decided it would be cheaper to pay for the lawsuits. Ultimately, at least 27 people and as many as 180 people died as a result of Pinto fires. But it took the government forcing Ford to recall the Pinto for the problem to actually be solved.[...]

A great example comes from Deborah Cavallaro, who has been making the rounds on television complaining about her current insurance plan being canceled. Cavallaro had not looked into her other, new options under Obamacare until a Los Angeles Times reporter called. Together, they looked at Cavallaro’s options — and found a “silver” plan for Cavallaro that would cost slightly more in her monthly premium but save her tons in terms of her annual deductible and out-of-pocket costs as well as doctor visit expenses. Plus, thanks to Obamacare, this plan would not be subject to the annual payment caps or preexisting condition clauses that have been exploding in the faces of consumers for decades. After all, it’s important to remember that in 2009, most Americans were not very satisfied with their insurance plans. People wanted better options, and now, thanks to Obamacare, they’ve got ‘em!​

A congresswoman defends Americans' right to awful health insurance -- and shamefully misleads the public

A Pinto was sold as something it wasn't. Not a good faith transaction.

Insurance is a written contract with full coverage / limit disclosure by law. The consumer knows what he is getting up front.

Apples to oranges.

It was Rep. Marsha Blackburn, the topic of this thread, that made the original comparison to the purchase of a car and health insurance.
What do you mean by "Insurance is a written contract with full coverage...."
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

You have choice.

What you don't have is the "right" to rip off your customers.
During congressional hearings with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., made an interesting argument that some Americans don’t want quality health insurance. “Some people like to drive a Ford and not a Ferrari,” Blackburn asserted. But that begs the question: What kind of Ford?

As early as 1972, there were reports that when a Ford Pinto was involved in a low-speed collision, the car would spontaneously burst into flames. According to a 1977 investigation by Mother Jones magazine, Ford was aware of the problem — resulting from a flaw in the gas tank design — but instead of paying to recall and redesign the car, Ford decided it would be cheaper to pay for the lawsuits. Ultimately, at least 27 people and as many as 180 people died as a result of Pinto fires. But it took the government forcing Ford to recall the Pinto for the problem to actually be solved.[...]

A great example comes from Deborah Cavallaro, who has been making the rounds on television complaining about her current insurance plan being canceled. Cavallaro had not looked into her other, new options under Obamacare until a Los Angeles Times reporter called. Together, they looked at Cavallaro’s options — and found a “silver” plan for Cavallaro that would cost slightly more in her monthly premium but save her tons in terms of her annual deductible and out-of-pocket costs as well as doctor visit expenses. Plus, thanks to Obamacare, this plan would not be subject to the annual payment caps or preexisting condition clauses that have been exploding in the faces of consumers for decades. After all, it’s important to remember that in 2009, most Americans were not very satisfied with their insurance plans. People wanted better options, and now, thanks to Obamacare, they’ve got ‘em!​

A congresswoman defends Americans' right to awful health insurance -- and shamefully misleads the public

A Pinto was sold as something it wasn't. Not a good faith transaction.

Insurance is a written contract with full coverage / limit disclosure by law. The consumer knows what he is getting up front.

Apples to oranges.

It was Rep. Marsha Blackburn, the topic of this thread, that made the original comparison to the purchase of a car and health insurance.
What do you mean by "Insurance is a written contract with full coverage...."

Blackburn made the Pinto comparison on cost vs appointments.

The cost vs appointments of an insurance contract is spelled out in the policy.

A Pinto was sold as something it wasn't. Not a good faith transaction.

Insurance is a written contract with full coverage / limit disclosure by law. The consumer knows what he is getting up front.

Apples to oranges.

That would work well if we were all contract lawyers and fully understood the six pages of fine print that are specifically designed to give insurance companies a weasel out from doing what they promised to do to start with.

Most people buy an insurance policy, they expect to get treatment when they get sick.

They don't expect to be told their cancer is a pre-existing condition because they had a mole removed when they were 7.
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

You have choice.

What you don't have is the "right" to rip off your customers.

When a private company rips off their customers they lose business.

When the government does it the customers have no recourse. They just have to bend over and take it.

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