Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

To whoever said that gay people can't naturally reproduce, please tell that to Jody Foster who has two sons she carried and delivered. And, they're also full brothers because she used the same sperm donor for both boys.

How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing, but he said that Jody's pregnancy didn't qualify as "natural reproduction" because she got pregnant through artificial insemination. I just pointed out that neither did IVF.
To whoever said that gay people can't naturally reproduce, please tell that to Jody Foster who has two sons she carried and delivered. And, they're also full brothers because she used the same sperm donor for both boys.

How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.
View attachment 246262 View attachment 246262
Well...for one thing...the 10th Amendment clearly states that anything outside of the 18 emumerated powers delegate to the federal government are left to the states and the people. And since marriage isn’t one of those powers, it’s completely up to the people of Tennessee whether or not they want to approve gay marriage.

I know. I know. You fascist statists hate the limitation of power the U.S. Constitution creates. But....deal with it.

So by that reasoning then, the issue of interracial marriage should have been left up to the state of Virginia. Right?

The tenth amendment does not mention "18 enumerated rights" and is not superior to other amendments nor does ut allow states to trample on people rights or discriminate

The 14th Amendment bound the states to the bill of rights

Your knowledge of constitutional law is abysmal

Whether a gal is white, black, oriental or a squaw, she is still a woman.

And marriage was defined by Almighty God as a relationship between a man and a woman. Not two dudes. To equate the novel new abomination of Gay Marriage with mixed marriages is obtuse.

Here is yet another, albeit not a prominent person. Still, you should look him up.

Racist Homophobic Trump Supporters Brutally Attack ‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollett, star of the hit television series “Empire,” was the victim of a homophobic and racially charged attack by Trump supporters.

Smollett was apparently attacked and beaten by two white men wearing ski masks while hurling racial and homophobic slurs at the actor and musician who happens to be black and gay.

Maybe someday, you too will be showcased on Progressive Secular Humanist - Page 3 of 238 -
You're fucking kidding me !!!??? Please tell me you're not Serious right ??!! Even a scumwad like you can't in the furthest reaches of the imagination be THAT STUPID - you actually believe the Jussie Smollett, story
Then refute it Slick!

Your cognitive dissonance blinds you to reality little fella ... facts are for quacks as per your libtard dogma but here's a few for other than YOU

Smollett’s claim that he was attacked by two men yelling “MAGA country” - MAGA Country in Rahm Emanuel /Barrack Obama land - CHICAGO ... Realy - lmao

He said he was walking home after eating out [ 2AM in sub zero weather, coldest Obamaland has seen in 30 years - Hmmm].

And 2 violent white homophoboc trump supporters wearing MAGA hats just happenned to be wandering around risking their asses on the streets of Chicago at 2AM in temps near 20 below zero with MAGA hats on - realy :> ?

Not only were they walking around in MAGA hats - they just happenned to have a pre made noose and bleach with them - imagine that - how convenient. Bleach freezes at 20 F - but these guys had bleach with them in Negative 20 degree weather that was still liquid - HMmmm

Smollett claims that they kicked him, punched him, poured bleach on him, and put a noose around his neck, but he was holding his samwich and cell phione the whole time ... HMmmm

According to surveillance videos, there was only a 60-second window duriing which this could have conceivably possibly and maybe had an outside chance of happenning.

Smollett initially refused to hand over his cell phone, the theory is because he claimed to have been talking with his manager [at 2AM] and the phone would prove it to be another lie ... he eventually handed over “heavily redacted” phone records from the night of the alleged attack. Chicago Police said the submitted documents did not meet the criteria of a criminal investigation and were tampered with. [Investigators already received Smollett’s complete phone records via a subpoena served on his service provider, according to a source quoted by CWBChicago on Feb. 4.]
To whoever said that gay people can't naturally reproduce, please tell that to Jody Foster who has two sons she carried and delivered. And, they're also full brothers because she used the same sperm donor for both boys.

How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.
Apparently they are not aware that one doesn't have to be married to have children nor have to have children to be married.

Tho I admit, my favorite misconception they have is that gay people are sterile. :71:
View attachment 246262 View attachment 246262
So by that reasoning then, the issue of interracial marriage should have been left up to the state of Virginia. Right?

The tenth amendment does not mention "18 enumerated rights" and is not superior to other amendments nor does ut allow states to trample on people rights or discriminate

The 14th Amendment bound the states to the bill of rights

Your knowledge of constitutional law is abysmal

Whether a gal is white, black, oriental or a squaw, she is still a woman.

And marriage was defined by Almighty God as a relationship between a man and a woman. Not two dudes. To equate the novel new abomination of Gay Marriage with mixed marriages is obtuse.

Here is yet another, albeit not a prominent person. Still, you should look him up.

Racist Homophobic Trump Supporters Brutally Attack ‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollett, star of the hit television series “Empire,” was the victim of a homophobic and racially charged attack by Trump supporters.

Smollett was apparently attacked and beaten by two white men wearing ski masks while hurling racial and homophobic slurs at the actor and musician who happens to be black and gay.

Maybe someday, you too will be showcased on Progressive Secular Humanist - Page 3 of 238 -
You're fucking kidding me !!!??? Please tell me you're not Serious right ??!! Even a scumwad like you can't in the furthest reaches of the imagination be THAT STUPID - you actually believe the Jussie Smollett, story
Then refute it Slick!

Your cognitive dissonance blinds you to reality little fella ... facts are for quacks as per your libtard dogma but here's a few for other than YOU

Smollett’s claim that he was attacked by two men yelling “MAGA country” - MAGA Country in Rahm Emanuel /Barrack Obama land - CHICAGO ... Realy - lmao

He said he was walking home after eating out [ 2AM in sub zero weather, coldest Obamaland has seen in 30 years - Hmmm].

And 2 violent white homophoboc trump supporters wearing MAGA hats just happenned to be wandering around risking their asses on the streets of Chicago at 2AM in temps near 20 below zero with MAGA hats on - realy :> ?

Not only were they walking around in MAGA hats - they just happenned to have a pre made noose and bleach with them - imagine that - how convenient. Bleach freezes at 20 F - but these guys had bleach with them in Negative 20 degree weather that was still liquid - HMmmm

Smollett claims that they kicked him, punched him, poured bleach on him, and put a noose around his neck, but he was holding his samwich and cell phione the whole time ... HMmmm

According to surveillance videos, there was only a 60-second window duriing which this could have conceivably possibly and maybe had an outside chance of happenning.

Smollett initially refused to hand over his cell phone, the theory is because he claimed to have been talking with his manager [at 2AM] and the phone would prove it to be another lie ... he eventually handed over “heavily redacted” phone records from the night of the alleged attack. Chicago Police said the submitted documents did not meet the criteria of a criminal investigation and were tampered with. [Investigators already received Smollett’s complete phone records via a subpoena served on his service provider, according to a source quoted by CWBChicago on Feb. 4.]
What does that incident where Smollett should compensate NYPD for have to do with legal gay marriage and Tennessee? (the topic of this thread)
View attachment 246262 View attachment 246262
So by that reasoning then, the issue of interracial marriage should have been left up to the state of Virginia. Right?

The tenth amendment does not mention "18 enumerated rights" and is not superior to other amendments nor does ut allow states to trample on people rights or discriminate

The 14th Amendment bound the states to the bill of rights

Your knowledge of constitutional law is abysmal

Whether a gal is white, black, oriental or a squaw, she is still a woman.

And marriage was defined by Almighty God as a relationship between a man and a woman. Not two dudes. To equate the novel new abomination of Gay Marriage with mixed marriages is obtuse.

Here is yet another, albeit not a prominent person. Still, you should look him up.

Racist Homophobic Trump Supporters Brutally Attack ‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollett, star of the hit television series “Empire,” was the victim of a homophobic and racially charged attack by Trump supporters.

Smollett was apparently attacked and beaten by two white men wearing ski masks while hurling racial and homophobic slurs at the actor and musician who happens to be black and gay.

Maybe someday, you too will be showcased on Progressive Secular Humanist - Page 3 of 238 -
You're fucking kidding me !!!??? Please tell me you're not Serious right ??!! Even a scumwad like you can't in the furthest reaches of the imagination be THAT STUPID - you actually believe the Jussie Smollett, story
Then refute it Slick!

Your cognitive dissonance blinds you to reality little fella ... facts are for quacks as per your libtard dogma but here's a few for other than YOU

Smollett’s claim that he was attacked by two men yelling “MAGA country” - MAGA Country in Rahm Emanuel /Barrack Obama land - CHICAGO ... Realy - lmao

He said he was walking home after eating out [ 2AM in sub zero weather, coldest Obamaland has seen in 30 years - Hmmm].

And 2 violent white homophoboc trump supporters wearing MAGA hats just happenned to be wandering around risking their asses on the streets of Chicago at 2AM in temps near 20 below zero with MAGA hats on - realy :> ?

Not only were they walking around in MAGA hats - they just happenned to have a pre made noose and bleach with them - imagine that - how convenient. Bleach freezes at 20 F - but these guys had bleach with them in Negative 20 degree weather that was still liquid - HMmmm

Smollett claims that they kicked him, punched him, poured bleach on him, and put a noose around his neck, but he was holding his samwich and cell phione the whole time ... HMmmm

According to surveillance videos, there was only a 60-second window duriing which this could have conceivably possibly and maybe had an outside chance of happenning.

Smollett initially refused to hand over his cell phone, the theory is because he claimed to have been talking with his manager [at 2AM] and the phone would prove it to be another lie ... he eventually handed over “heavily redacted” phone records from the night of the alleged attack. Chicago Police said the submitted documents did not meet the criteria of a criminal investigation and were tampered with. [Investigators already received Smollett’s complete phone records via a subpoena served on his service provider, according to a source quoted by CWBChicago on Feb. 4.]
To whoever said that gay people can't naturally reproduce, please tell that to Jody Foster who has two sons she carried and delivered. And, they're also full brothers because she used the same sperm donor for both boys.

How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.
Apparently they are not aware that one doesn't have to be married to have children nor have to have children to be married.

Tho I admit, my favorite misconception they have is that gay people are sterile. :71:

You're confusing two issues - nobody ever said gay people are sterile ? Well not so far as their eggs or sperm count is concerned - morally sterile maybe. I believe what you read is that Gay people should be sterilized and in some cases euthanized - is that what you meant ?
To whoever said that gay people can't naturally reproduce, please tell that to Jody Foster who has two sons she carried and delivered. And, they're also full brothers because she used the same sperm donor for both boys.

How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I'm in TN. It's kinda odd the United Methodist Church is having a conference this month to discuss human sexuality and the church. Now we have Nashville politicians working to end it in the state. These people can't get a break. It will be interesting to see what the church decides.
Unlike your "Queer Loving Northeast" Tennesse still has some dignity - you venereal infested degenrates in whatever fag hole you crawled out of are another issue altogether

Keep Reading Cum Guzzler - although most of it is not for you - it's requires an IQ higher than 30 ... but kindly do your best

I can't take you seriously sonny boy.

You can't take me PERIOD ..... As previously stated you need an IQ above room temperature and yours little fella ... lol .... makes the recent arctic blast look global warming Your inability to respond with anything other than ad hominems speaks volumes.
I can see that English is not your first language.
Your guess is right - it is one of 7 languages I converse in - how many do you speak / write ?
To whoever said that gay people can't naturally reproduce, please tell that to Jody Foster who has two sons she carried and delivered. And, they're also full brothers because she used the same sperm donor for both boys.

How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!
View attachment 246262 View attachment 246262
Whether a gal is white, black, oriental or a squaw, she is still a woman.

And marriage was defined by Almighty God as a relationship between a man and a woman. Not two dudes. To equate the novel new abomination of Gay Marriage with mixed marriages is obtuse.

Here is yet another, albeit not a prominent person. Still, you should look him up.

Racist Homophobic Trump Supporters Brutally Attack ‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollett, star of the hit television series “Empire,” was the victim of a homophobic and racially charged attack by Trump supporters.

Smollett was apparently attacked and beaten by two white men wearing ski masks while hurling racial and homophobic slurs at the actor and musician who happens to be black and gay.

Maybe someday, you too will be showcased on Progressive Secular Humanist - Page 3 of 238 -
You're fucking kidding me !!!??? Please tell me you're not Serious right ??!! Even a scumwad like you can't in the furthest reaches of the imagination be THAT STUPID - you actually believe the Jussie Smollett, story
Then refute it Slick!

Your cognitive dissonance blinds you to reality little fella ... facts are for quacks as per your libtard dogma but here's a few for other than YOU

Smollett’s claim that he was attacked by two men yelling “MAGA country” - MAGA Country in Rahm Emanuel /Barrack Obama land - CHICAGO ... Realy - lmao

He said he was walking home after eating out [ 2AM in sub zero weather, coldest Obamaland has seen in 30 years - Hmmm].

And 2 violent white homophoboc trump supporters wearing MAGA hats just happenned to be wandering around risking their asses on the streets of Chicago at 2AM in temps near 20 below zero with MAGA hats on - realy :> ?

Not only were they walking around in MAGA hats - they just happenned to have a pre made noose and bleach with them - imagine that - how convenient. Bleach freezes at 20 F - but these guys had bleach with them in Negative 20 degree weather that was still liquid - HMmmm

Smollett claims that they kicked him, punched him, poured bleach on him, and put a noose around his neck, but he was holding his samwich and cell phione the whole time ... HMmmm

According to surveillance videos, there was only a 60-second window duriing which this could have conceivably possibly and maybe had an outside chance of happenning.

Smollett initially refused to hand over his cell phone, the theory is because he claimed to have been talking with his manager [at 2AM] and the phone would prove it to be another lie ... he eventually handed over “heavily redacted” phone records from the night of the alleged attack. Chicago Police said the submitted documents did not meet the criteria of a criminal investigation and were tampered with. [Investigators already received Smollett’s complete phone records via a subpoena served on his service provider, according to a source quoted by CWBChicago on Feb. 4.]
^ ghost post?
How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.
Apparently they are not aware that one doesn't have to be married to have children nor have to have children to be married.

Tho I admit, my favorite misconception they have is that gay people are sterile. :71:

You're confusing two issues - nobody ever said gay people are sterile ? Well not so far as their eggs or sperm count is concerned - morally sterile maybe. I believe what you read is that Gay people should be sterilized and in some cases euthanized - is that what you meant ?
Oh yes, many HAVE said that gay people are sterile. Here's the fun scenerio..."if everyone on Earth was gay, we'd go extinct." Now....why would anyone think that?
To whoever said that gay people can't naturally reproduce, please tell that to Jody Foster who has two sons she carried and delivered. And, they're also full brothers because she used the same sperm donor for both boys.

How artificial insemination- which Ms. Foster received- qualify as "natural reproduction"?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
What does an embankment built to keep back flooding from the sea have to do with the topic of this thread?

Keep Reading Cum Guzzler - although most of it is not for you - it's requires an IQ higher than 30 ... but kindly do your best

I can't take you seriously sonny boy.

You can't take me PERIOD ..... As previously stated you need an IQ above room temperature and yours little fella ... lol .... makes the recent arctic blast look global warming Your inability to respond with anything other than ad hominems speaks volumes.
I can see that English is not your first language.
Your guess is right - it is one of 7 languages I converse in - how many do you speak / write ?
Impressive, Comrade.
Oh yes, many HAVE said that gay people are sterile. Here's the fun scenerio..."if everyone on Earth was gay, we'd go extinct." Now....why would anyone think that?

Homosexuals aren't interested in having relations with dames. Just because it is "possible" for them to do it, they would be unlikely to do it enough to replace the population. IVF and other artificial methods again would not be able to keep the demand up either.
Oh yes, many HAVE said that gay people are sterile. Here's the fun scenerio..."if everyone on Earth was gay, we'd go extinct." Now....why would anyone think that?

Homosexuals aren't interested in having relations with dames. Just because it is "possible" for them to do it, they would be unlikely to do it enough to replace the population. IVF and other artificial methods again would not be able to keep the demand up either.
You obviously aren't interested in having relations with WOMEN either since you keep referring to them in such a derogatory way. Dames? Or, you just consider us as an inferior species who are only here to do your bidding and keep you happy. You have yet to refer to a woman in a respectful manner and have the audacity to criticize a gay man? I have many gay friends and they have always treated me with the utmost respect and never once have I ever heard them refer to a woman as a "dame!" You've called women other derogatory names on this thread and it seems that you really hate women because no gentleman who respects women would ever stoop so low as you have.
Oh yes, many HAVE said that gay people are sterile. Here's the fun scenerio..."if everyone on Earth was gay, we'd go extinct." Now....why would anyone think that?

Homosexuals aren't interested in having relations with dames. Just because it is "possible" for them to do it, they would be unlikely to do it enough to replace the population. IVF and other artificial methods again would not be able to keep the demand up either.
My my...you certainly think you are all up on gay knowledge, don't you?
Oh yes, many HAVE said that gay people are sterile. Here's the fun scenerio..."if everyone on Earth was gay, we'd go extinct." Now....why would anyone think that?

Homosexuals aren't interested in having relations with dames. Just because it is "possible" for them to do it, they would be unlikely to do it enough to replace the population. IVF and other artificial methods again would not be able to keep the demand up either.
You obviously aren't interested in having relations with WOMEN either since you keep referring to them in such a derogatory way. Dames? Or, you just consider us as an inferior species who are only here to do your bidding and keep you happy. You have yet to refer to a woman in a respectful manner and have the audacity to criticize a gay man? I have many gay friends and they have always treated me with the utmost respect and never once have I ever heard them refer to a woman as a "dame!" You've called women other derogatory names on this thread and it seems that you really hate women because no gentleman who respects women would ever stoop so low as you have.
INCEL...you are talking to an INCEL
Oh yes, many HAVE said that gay people are sterile. Here's the fun scenerio..."if everyone on Earth was gay, we'd go extinct." Now....why would anyone think that?

Homosexuals aren't interested in having relations with dames. Just because it is "possible" for them to do it, they would be unlikely to do it enough to replace the population. IVF and other artificial methods again would not be able to keep the demand up either.
You obviously aren't interested in having relations with WOMEN either since you keep referring to them in such a derogatory way. Dames? Or, you just consider us as an inferior species who are only here to do your bidding and keep you happy. You have yet to refer to a woman in a respectful manner and have the audacity to criticize a gay man? I have many gay friends and they have always treated me with the utmost respect and never once have I ever heard them refer to a woman as a "dame!" You've called women other derogatory names on this thread and it seems that you really hate women because no gentleman who respects women would ever stoop so low as you have.
INCEL...you are talking to an INCEL
You might be right, I never thought of that.

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