tens of millions of slaves, hundreds murdered everyday

Did you see my post with the link of the radar? Where it also said mattis wouldn't admit it was Syria?
Yes. You're not going to admit Assad did this, no matter what evidence is accumulated, not even if Mattis tells you so.
yes I would. I don't deny actual evidence, I just deny word of mouth. Humans lie CONSTANTLY. Politicians and war mongers lie even more.
Tracking the radar makes sense to me. However, if it showed it was Syria, why did mattis not admit it?
Yeah, I'll hold you to that. I don't believe anyone is being a war monger here, or that we are being lied to about who made the chemical attack. Sincerely, I don't. Assad deserves what he got--actually he deserves to be gassed in the town square, in front of the world.

And give the Muslims and their moolahs (sp?) a prime example of American savagery being carried out, I would think, on a fellow muslim who is, at least, somewhat popular in the region. Yeah..exactly what they want. Colin Pointed out the reason the Marine Barracks was taken out in Beirut; they couldn’t reach the ships in the Med—the New Jersey as I recall.
Did you see my post with the link of the radar? Where it also said mattis wouldn't admit it was Syria?
Yes. You're not going to admit Assad did this, no matter what evidence is accumulated, not even if Mattis tells you so.

Did he really do it? My issue is I don't trust Assad to tell the truth, however I don't trust the press or even the government to tell the truth.
It would help if the people who are voting did not elect radicals to start with. There is zero guarantee that the rebels would be any better than the incumbent. This isn’t our fight. We shouldn’t be doing anything in Syria.
Oh, I understand your point, but last night felt so GOOD. Even knowing that I may well rue the day it ever happened. The Middle East is such a complex knot of string and we have been crying "It's hopeless" for too long; feeling helpless and hopeless is frustrating. I would have preferred we join with the UN in reacting, but of course the Russians stopped that idea in its tracks. So to me, giving someone a good slap felt good. We didn't kill 80+ civilians sleeping in their beds, and we even notified Russian ground troops to bug out ahead of time. I don't know how we could have been anymore chivalric about it and still shown Assad we have claws.

You think Assad is scared of us?
What's your point? If he keeps in mind that there are consequences for committing war crimes, that's a plus.

I’m pretty sure he knew there were consequences way before he did it. I’m equally pretty sure that he doesn’t care.
Oh, I see. It was a useless gesture. That's your pov?

Oh no, it was useful.
We’re ignoring the House investigator having to recuse himself yesterday as the probe widens into the Trump/Russia connection.
We’re ignoring the less-than-lusterous jobs report.
We’re ignoring that there is no Secretary of Agriculture nearly 100 days into his Presidency.
We’re ignoring the ship of fools he’s installed as his brain-trust.

It was plenty useful.

As for taking out Assad, do we not know where the Presidential palace is? Did we run out of Tomahawks?
If you decapitate the guy who ordered the gassing, THAT sends a message. Whoever takes over from there….their finger will be twitching a bit before they press the button to launch more gas. We did nothing last night except really piss off a bunch of people who set their DVRs to record Scandal and the ending was shown after their machines stopped recording.

Huck lives by the way.
Oh, I understand your point, but last night felt so GOOD. Even knowing that I may well rue the day it ever happened. The Middle East is such a complex knot of string and we have been crying "It's hopeless" for too long; feeling helpless and hopeless is frustrating. I would have preferred we join with the UN in reacting, but of course the Russians stopped that idea in its tracks. So to me, giving someone a good slap felt good. We didn't kill 80+ civilians sleeping in their beds, and we even notified Russian ground troops to bug out ahead of time. I don't know how we could have been anymore chivalric about it and still shown Assad we have claws.

You think Assad is scared of us?
What's your point? If he keeps in mind that there are consequences for committing war crimes, that's a plus.

I’m pretty sure he knew there were consequences way before he did it. I’m equally pretty sure that he doesn’t care.
Oh, I see. It was a useless gesture. That's your pov?

Oh no, it was useful.
We’re ignoring the House investigator having to recuse himself yesterday as the probe widens into the Trump/Russia connection.
We’re ignoring the less-than-lusterous jobs report.
We’re ignoring that there is no Secretary of Agriculture nearly 100 days into his Presidency.
We’re ignoring the ship of fools he’s installed as his brain-trust.

It was plenty useful.

As for taking out Assad, do we not know where the Presidential palace is? Did we run out of Tomahawks?
If you decapitate the guy who ordered the gassing, THAT sends a message. Whoever takes over from there….their finger will be twitching a bit before they press the button to launch more gas. We did nothing last night except really piss off a bunch of people who set their DVRs to record Scandal and the ending was shown after their machines stopped recording.

Huck lives by the way.
The senate delayed perdues vote until the 24th of this month..
Did you see my post with the link of the radar? Where it also said mattis wouldn't admit it was Syria?
Yes. You're not going to admit Assad did this, no matter what evidence is accumulated, not even if Mattis tells you so.

Did he really do it? My issue is I don't trust Assad to tell the truth, however I don't trust the press or even the government to tell the truth.
I'm sorry for you.
Did you see my post with the link of the radar? Where it also said mattis wouldn't admit it was Syria?
Yes. You're not going to admit Assad did this, no matter what evidence is accumulated, not even if Mattis tells you so.
yes I would. I don't deny actual evidence, I just deny word of mouth. Humans lie CONSTANTLY. Politicians and war mongers lie even more.
Tracking the radar makes sense to me. However, if it showed it was Syria, why did mattis not admit it?
Yeah, I'll hold you to that. I don't believe anyone is being a war monger here, or that we are being lied to about who made the chemical attack. Sincerely, I don't. Assad deserves what he got--actually he deserves to be gassed in the town square, in front of the world.

And give the Muslims and their moolahs (sp?) a prime example of American savagery being carried out, I would think, on a fellow muslim who is, at least, somewhat popular in the region. Yeah..exactly what they want. Colin Pointed out the reason the Marine Barracks was taken out in Beirut; they couldn’t reach the ships in the Med—the New Jersey as I recall.
Okay, no gassing. We'll go with your idea--decapitation.
Did you see my post with the link of the radar? Where it also said mattis wouldn't admit it was Syria?
Yes. You're not going to admit Assad did this, no matter what evidence is accumulated, not even if Mattis tells you so.

Did he really do it? My issue is I don't trust Assad to tell the truth, however I don't trust the press or even the government to tell the truth.
I'm sorry for you.

And I'm sorry for you. I have learned that the media and the world governments lie to us all the time.
Way back in 2013, this was where the board was:

Screen Shot 2017-04-07 at 4.43.45 PM.png

War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?
It would help if the people who are voting did not elect radicals to start with. There is zero guarantee that the rebels would be any better than the incumbent. This isn’t our fight. We shouldn’t be doing anything in Syria.
Oh, I understand your point, but last night felt so GOOD. Even knowing that I may well rue the day it ever happened. The Middle East is such a complex knot of string and we have been crying "It's hopeless" for too long; feeling helpless and hopeless is frustrating. I would have preferred we join with the UN in reacting, but of course the Russians stopped that idea in its tracks. So to me, giving someone a good slap felt good. We didn't kill 80+ civilians sleeping in their beds, and we even notified Russian ground troops to bug out ahead of time. I don't know how we could have been anymore chivalric about it and still shown Assad we have claws.

You think Assad is scared of us?
What's your point? If he keeps in mind that there are consequences for committing war crimes, that's a plus.

I’m pretty sure he knew there were consequences way before he did it. I’m equally pretty sure that he doesn’t care.
Oh, I see. It was a useless gesture. That's your pov?

I saw where the same airfield is being used to bomb the same town by the same guy. We’re okay with conventional weapons being dropped on kids but not chemical weapons? I would ask him but I don’t have the phone number to the 17th green.

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