tens of millions of slaves, hundreds murdered everyday

What is the exit plan for Syria? What is the goal? When we put American lives on the line, we need to know why, we need good reasons, so far we have nothing. Very disappointing.
Before we send the IDF’s 36th Armor Division to occupy Damascus, we should stop and examine the Israeli interest regarding the situation in Syria in light of recent events.

Since the devastating images from the battles in the town of Idlib were published Monday, Israel is once again facing a moral dilemma regarding the required action in such a situation. With all the grief over the loss of lives, especially of innocent children, Israel should weigh its options carefully and responsibly and ask itself whether its strategic and tactical situation changed on Tuesday, and whether it requires a ground invasion or “noisy” Air Force strikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s army.

Senior Israeli officials are in agreement on the matter. Despite the calls for a military intervention, the defense establishment’s recommendation is different.

Tuesday’s suspected chemical attack—which was likely sanctioned by Russia—is once again indicative of the feeling of self-confidence prevailing in the Syrian army and in Hezbollah as well, following recent successes.

Clearly, this serves as further proof that the Russians’ involvement damaged the delicate strategic balance vis-à-vis Israel. This situation requires Israel to pick the best of the least attractive options on the table: A continuation of the Assad regime, or any other rebel organization that awill replace it.

Ynetnews Opinion - Why Israel must not intervene in Syria just yet

Before we send the IDF’s 36th Armor Division to occupy Damascus, we should stop and examine the Israeli interest regarding the situation in Syria in light of recent events.

Israel gets some and SA gets some control, Sunnis.

How about all our troops come home and we quit playing world police.
in africa and nobody does a fucking thing.
Assad MAY have dropped chemical weapons so he gets bombed with 40M dollars worth of missiles?
We aint doing it for the people!
So, whats the big fucking deal? Death by sword, gun or brutal raping isn't as bad as dying by chemical?
The war mongers beat the drum and Trump bends over..
In other words, you would prefer the US remain irrelevant to the horrors in Syria because it can't stop rape in Africa? What is noteworthy here is not that we reacted so strongly to the chemical attacks, but that for eight years we did not react to the slaughter that was going on in Syria. America didn't bend over, it stood up for the first time in eight years.
Obama tried to shit about it and you righties didn't want to shit to do with it. That bullshit wont fly with me kiddo
BTW, in other words, its none of our business. We aint their daddy. They haven't even provided proof of who did it. Word of mouth hasd been wrong before about chemical attacks in syria
Try again :thup:
Ok, so you say the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people and the creation of millions of homeless refugees is not our business, that if you saw people being murdered in the street, you would consider it none of your business.
It happens all over the world, all the time. They haven't provided proof for who did it yet. Frankly, I don't think they even did an investigation. They have been wrong before.
I wasn't speaking from an individual perspective. I was speaking as a country. Its none of AMERICAS business.
The principle is the same whether you are speaking as an individual or a nation. Are we, as a people, willing to allow Assad to go on slaughtering Syrians year after year with impunity? If we are, do we have any moral legs to stand on on any issue anywhere in the world? Even before the chemical attack, the slaughter in Syria demanded action and we should be embarrassed that it took us this long to respond to it.
War mongers always think they know whats better for people. That's precisely why the world is in such fucking turmoil :thup:
in africa and nobody does a fucking thing.
Assad MAY have dropped chemical weapons so he gets bombed with 40M dollars worth of missiles?
We aint doing it for the people!
So, whats the big fucking deal? Death by sword, gun or brutal raping isn't as bad as dying by chemical?
The war mongers beat the drum and Trump bends over..
In other words, you would prefer the US remain irrelevant to the horrors in Syria because it can't stop rape in Africa? What is noteworthy here is not that we reacted so strongly to the chemical attacks, but that for eight years we did not react to the slaughter that was going on in Syria. America didn't bend over, it stood up for the first time in eight years.
I agree philosophically and I think it was the only correct option available at this point, but we may have stood up just to get knocked flat on our ass. We'll get back up, but this could be the beginning of a war with more than Syria. I hope I'm wrong.
Me too. I HOPE this is only a firm warning. I don't think that attack is enough for them to retaliate, but if something happens again.. who knows.
I hope to goodness they don't try to take over that country and fail like they do EVERY TIME.
No worries, TN. If Assad falls, Russia will take over Syria.
Do you seriously think Russia wants to send an army to fight the rebels in Syria?
What is the exit plan for Syria? What is the goal? When we put American lives on the line, we need to know why, we need good reasons, so far we have nothing. Very disappointing.
Do you have any idea why we left the runways intact? If you don't know, can you alert anyone here who might know? 60 missiles and they left the runway good to go?

We need to get out of the Middle East. We should not risk the lives of our military with games such as this. I don't care why we left the runway good to go, I don't want us there. The loss of innocent lives is troublesome.

Time to bring home all troops, all over the world, we are not the world police.
in africa and nobody does a fucking thing.
Assad MAY have dropped chemical weapons so he gets bombed with 40M dollars worth of missiles?
We aint doing it for the people!
So, whats the big fucking deal? Death by sword, gun or brutal raping isn't as bad as dying by chemical?
The war mongers beat the drum and Trump bends over..
As tragic as Africa is, it doesn't affect us like terrorism does.

Terrorism is your greatest worry???? Then you're a fucking fool. You have more chances of being struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist. You have more chance of being shot by a white Christian maniac, than a Muslim maniac. Why aren't you afraid of white guys with guns.

A smart man would worry about things that have a real chance of happening.
Nice try at putting words in my mouth.
he didn't get my vote but I thought he wasn't one to do this shit.
The bombing is bad enough. If he goes through and takes out assad, I am done.
I HOPE this is only a warning and not STEP 1

Finally showing your true colors eh, asshole?
Trump threw away years of rhetoric for this. Almost as pathetic as what Bernie sanders did when he supported Clinton.
Good thing you saw through him and didn't give him your vote as a noninterventionist. I wonder how all those people are feeling this morning?
he didn't get my vote but I thought he wasn't one to do this shit.
The bombing is bad enough. If he goes through and takes out assad, I am done.
I HOPE this is only a warning and not STEP 1
The CIA wanted regime change throughout the ME. Doesn't make any sense to me. No one has explained why Gaddafi had to go. The ME strong men kept their lunatic Muslim population in line and were not screwing with the US. Meanwhile Iran and NK can do anything they want. Again, it makes no sense.
in africa and nobody does a fucking thing.
Assad MAY have dropped chemical weapons so he gets bombed with 40M dollars worth of missiles?
We aint doing it for the people!
So, whats the big fucking deal? Death by sword, gun or brutal raping isn't as bad as dying by chemical?
The war mongers beat the drum and Trump bends over..
In other words, you would prefer the US remain irrelevant to the horrors in Syria because it can't stop rape in Africa? What is noteworthy here is not that we reacted so strongly to the chemical attacks, but that for eight years we did not react to the slaughter that was going on in Syria. America didn't bend over, it stood up for the first time in eight years.
I agree philosophically and I think it was the only correct option available at this point, but we may have stood up just to get knocked flat on our ass. We'll get back up, but this could be the beginning of a war with more than Syria. I hope I'm wrong.
Me too. I HOPE this is only a firm warning. I don't think that attack is enough for them to retaliate, but if something happens again.. who knows.
I hope to goodness they don't try to take over that country and fail like they do EVERY TIME.
No worries, TN. If Assad falls, Russia will take over Syria.
Do you seriously think Russia wants to send an army to fight the rebels in Syria?
No more than we do, I presume. I hope things work out exactly as you have predicted. I don't think Russia would leave a vacuum, though, unless they've made buddies with the radicals who are poised to take over. If we go back to our noninterventionist strategy, as Tillerson assured the public last night that we were, what choice would Russia have? They're already there, anyway.
In other words, you would prefer the US remain irrelevant to the horrors in Syria because it can't stop rape in Africa? What is noteworthy here is not that we reacted so strongly to the chemical attacks, but that for eight years we did not react to the slaughter that was going on in Syria. America didn't bend over, it stood up for the first time in eight years.
Obama tried to shit about it and you righties didn't want to shit to do with it. That bullshit wont fly with me kiddo
BTW, in other words, its none of our business. We aint their daddy. They haven't even provided proof of who did it. Word of mouth hasd been wrong before about chemical attacks in syria
Try again :thup:
Ok, so you say the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people and the creation of millions of homeless refugees is not our business, that if you saw people being murdered in the street, you would consider it none of your business.
It happens all over the world, all the time. They haven't provided proof for who did it yet. Frankly, I don't think they even did an investigation. They have been wrong before.
I wasn't speaking from an individual perspective. I was speaking as a country. Its none of AMERICAS business.
The principle is the same whether you are speaking as an individual or a nation. Are we, as a people, willing to allow Assad to go on slaughtering Syrians year after year with impunity? If we are, do we have any moral legs to stand on on any issue anywhere in the world? Even before the chemical attack, the slaughter in Syria demanded action and we should be embarrassed that it took us this long to respond to it.
War mongers always think they know whats better for people. That's precisely why the world is in such fucking turmoil :thup:
Actually, the ME is in such a turmoil because for eight years the US didn't take action. If Obama had listened to the Pentagon and kept some troops in Iraq and if he had taken effective action to ground Assad's air force in 2012, hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive today, millions wouldn't have become refugees. Russia and Iran wouldn't be in Syria today. But then you would have called him a warmonger, brushing off as inconsequential the lives he would have saved and the people he would have kept from becoming refugees.
Obama tried to shit about it and you righties didn't want to shit to do with it. That bullshit wont fly with me kiddo
BTW, in other words, its none of our business. We aint their daddy. They haven't even provided proof of who did it. Word of mouth hasd been wrong before about chemical attacks in syria
Try again :thup:
Ok, so you say the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people and the creation of millions of homeless refugees is not our business, that if you saw people being murdered in the street, you would consider it none of your business.
It happens all over the world, all the time. They haven't provided proof for who did it yet. Frankly, I don't think they even did an investigation. They have been wrong before.
I wasn't speaking from an individual perspective. I was speaking as a country. Its none of AMERICAS business.
The principle is the same whether you are speaking as an individual or a nation. Are we, as a people, willing to allow Assad to go on slaughtering Syrians year after year with impunity? If we are, do we have any moral legs to stand on on any issue anywhere in the world? Even before the chemical attack, the slaughter in Syria demanded action and we should be embarrassed that it took us this long to respond to it.
War mongers always think they know whats better for people. That's precisely why the world is in such fucking turmoil :thup:
Actually, the ME is in such a turmoil because for eight years the US didn't take action. If Obama had listened to the Pentagon and kept some troops in Iraq and if he had taken effective action to ground Assad's air force in 2012, hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive today, millions wouldn't have become refugees. Russia and Iran wouldn't be in Syria today. But then you would have called him a warmonger, brushing off as inconsequential the lives he would have saved and the people he would have kept from becoming refugees.
LOL ignore history to fit your narrative then.
he didn't get my vote but I thought he wasn't one to do this shit.
The bombing is bad enough. If he goes through and takes out assad, I am done.
I HOPE this is only a warning and not STEP 1

Finally showing your true colors eh, asshole?
True colors about what?

Your hysterics about giving Assad a bloody nose and admission you voted for Hillary.
I didn't vote for Hillary you sick bastard!

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