Tensions continue to rise: Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert

I'd say she has more qualifications to judge them than YOU do.

And this woman, who is an expert on Russia and has written biographies on Putin in the past says the same thing:

I'd say neither of us is qualified, seeing how neither of us has spoken to him after he suddenly turned "crazy" this week. :cuckoo:
I'd say neither of us is qualified, seeing how neither of us has spoken to him after he suddenly turned "crazy" this week. :cuckoo:

No but I quoted multiple people who are very qualified and they agree with me, or I should say, I agree with them.

And a new thread on this forum where tons of world leaders agree with me as well.

So you stick to your "Putin is fine" narrative. It's cute.

No but I quoted multiple people who are very qualified and they agree with me, or I should say, I agree with them.

And a new thread on this forum where tons of world leaders agree with me as well.

So you stick to your "Putin is fine" narrative. It's cute.

When did you become a dupe for deranged Democrat propaganda?

Uh oh, the sanctions imposed by President Biden have pissed Putin off, so he has to make a public statement threatening to use his nukes.

Well, you can bet that President Biden has ours ready to go, and he didn't have to ask Trump for permission!!
He will pull the Chicken switch and let US get nuked.
I'd say she has more qualifications to judge them than YOU do.

And this woman, who is an expert on Russia and has written biographies on Putin in the past says the same thing:

Let me ask this question... Do you agree with a world order as in a one world order ? What has the world order been engaged in as of late, and how has it affected nation's security, sovereignty, culture's and national identities ???? Think about it hard now, and then share your thoughts.
No but I quoted multiple people who are very qualified and they agree with me, or I should say, I agree with them.

And a new thread on this forum where tons of world leaders agree with me as well.

So you stick to your "Putin is fine" narrative. It's cute.

Im not sure why you are taking the word of a handful of people, especially since not one of them has actually spoken to Putin.
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

You got one thing right he is insane. We can't expect anything from him because he's gone totally psychotic. I hope his people realize this and take him out themselves.
Is he a lying man or not ?
Normally, I would say that he was bluffing (he does it often) but this has turned into such a major nightmare for PUTIN---that he likely may use nukes.

He's losing to tiny Ukraine, his own people hate him for invading, he has killed the Russian economy and cost other just as evil russian oligarths Billions $$$ ---even Chinas plans to steal countries has to be on hold now----the world is starting to fight back and because of this example the little countries have to be arming up to fight china.

Putin failing to get Ukraine after all this could see him killed off by the oligarths which is the only thing he fears.
You got one thing right he is insane. We can't expect anything from him because he's gone totally psychotic. I hope his people realize this and take him out themselves.
Desperate----if PUtin fails here, he's finished.
No but I quoted multiple people who are very qualified and they agree with me, or I should say, I agree with them.

And a new thread on this forum where tons of world leaders agree with me as well.

So you stick to your "Putin is fine" narrative. It's cute.

PUtin is not insane...its stupid to claim that he is. HE is desperate at this point---failing here is probably death sentence for him when the oligarths step in to take care of the problem.
PUtin is not insane...its stupid to claim that he is. HE is desperate at this point---failing here is probably death sentence for him when the oligarths step in to take care of the problem.
One wonder's though, did Putin not study this scenario countless times over the years before acting ? Was the Russian federation not prepared to endure war for the duration if it came to that ?? We can suppose all we want, but due to the actions of globalist over time, has it tried to corner Putin's Russia into a corner like it had since attempted against Trump, otherwise when he wanted to restore America to it's former glory after the great win of world war two ? Trump wanted to clean up the sore problems of what had taken place in America over time, but the globalist saw him as a threat to it's one world order march, so Trump had to be broken.

Was Trump destroyed by the globalist, and if so maybe Putin felt that every nation was then under such threat by the globalist one world order crowd, otherwise who destroyed DJT, and is it still on the move in the world ??
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Question - If Russia has gone to level 3, then has America gone to depcon 4 ?

Otherwise, what is America doing to ready itself in lue of the readiness threat posed by Putin during the Ukraine/Russia war going on ?

Shouldn't we see a significant hardening of our bases and infrastructure in the event of a possible nuclear war, and strike on our military bases and infrastructure ? Why aren't we seeing the iron domes and other types of anti-missle defense systems being moved into place rapidly, and war excersizes being conducted in the face of this threat ?? Are we just sitting back thinking in a complacent peace time way, as if we are somehow insulated from the things that go on in the world ??

Maybe we are readying ourselves, but haven't seen a whole lot of changes going on that would suggest that we are taking the threats seriously. Hmmmm.

Rumsfeld went to depcon 4 during the attack's on 9-11. What's going on with us today ? Are we tired now ? Do we have a suicidal tendency today ?
Im not seeing anything that indicates he is "off the rails". This just looks like classic soviet aggression to me.

how'z about him telling his people that ukraine has been taken over by neo nazis & their citizens are being held captive?

& now he has seized an active nuclear plant?
how'z about him telling his people that ukraine has been taken over by neo nazis & their citizens are being held captive?

& now he has seized an active nuclear plant?
The Nazi thing is simply for left wingers in the west. He figured if he used that dreaded word, it would be tougher for liberals to chastize him.

Im not seeing how seizing a nuclear plant is "crazy".
Im not sure why you are taking the word of a handful of people, especially since not one of them has actually spoken to Putin.

Um Condi Rice MET Putin many times when she was Sec State and she says the same thing I do.

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