Tensions continue to rise: Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert

Yet Putin is already agreeing to peace talks with Ukraine.

This was a PR disaster for Putin, this might be the thing that ends him
Yes, but Russia isn't like the USA, where as they've been taken to war many times over their history, and their leader's weren't disposed in mass regardless of the outcomes. It is a communist nation, so they don't have the same thinking as we do when it comes to stuff like this. Russia already looking to talk eh ? Sounds like Putin could be smarter than one might think. He still would seek to change out his oppositional government figure in Ukraine, but then again he may just back off thinking he's established through fear of continued war, a better position upon the Chess board to get what he wants.

Ultimately, Putin remembers what happened in Yuogoslavia. When the ethnic cleansing of the cities began in earnest, NATO stepped into a non-NATO country and turned the war criminals into pink paste.

Ultimately, Putin remembers what happened in Yuogoslavia. When the ethnic cleansing of the cities began in earnest, NATO stepped into a non-NATO country and turned the war criminals into pink paste.
Actually, that was pretty much us. Europe, as usual, didn't want to bother with Milosevich. And that war was only because Clinton desperately wanted to distract us from Monica. What, get us interested in Serbia instead of sex with a bad, bad girl?? How well did that work? Anyone here feel they were distracted? I'm guessing not.
oh THIS is fantastic! gotta give the ukranians some major kudos for standing up to the big bully & his minions:

Ukraine roads company removing road signs to confuse Russians


1 minute read

MOSCOW, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Editor's note: contains language that some readers may find offensive, paragraph 3
A Ukrainian company in charge of building and maintaining roads said it was removing all road signs that could be used by invading Russian forces to find their way around the country.
"The enemy has poor communications, they cannot navigate the terrain," the company Ukravtodor said in a Facebook update late on Friday. "Let us help them get straight to hell."

It posted an edited photo of a standard road sign in which directions to nearby cities have been replaced with profanities that could be translated as "Go fuck yourself", "Go fuck yourself again" and "Go fuck yourself back in Russia".
Ukraine roads company removing road signs to confuse Russians
so how's this all gonna sugar off?

I'm a little disconcerted by the Nuclear Forces Alert threat. Which is I guess better than I felt during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when I cried a lot.

People: did we just time-travel back to Cuba? I don't think anyone has threatened to nuke us since the fall of 1962. :oops:
Yet Putin is already agreeing to peace talks with Ukraine.

This was a PR disaster for Putin, this might be the thing that ends him
Do you think Putin is agreeing to peace talks, or is he just saying these lies in order to stall?
Do you think Putin is agreeing to peace talks, or is he just saying these lies in order to stall?
The latter. He needs to capture Kiev and decapitate their presidency first. THEN "peace," meaning surrender of Ukraine.
So the stare down was in Russia's favor ? Was it propaganda we were led to believe that JFK was just one tough foreign affairs commander and chief, otherwise when it was told that he backed the Russians down in Cuba or was our history correct, and it was just pieces moving on the Chess board in which we won the round ?
JFK proved to be a steely CiC. The incident was the epiphany of how backwards our approaches were given the nuclear era.
But even JFK admitted it was just as much a win for the soviets as it was us. They got exactly what they were after and the world got a new line of preventive communication.
Looks like a run on Russian Banks. That may be more nuclear than bombs in the coming days. The only way Russia gets out of this is by overthrowing Putin.
There would be nothing for him to gain from nuking Ukraine. He is already getting a ton of shit for taking it. If he nukes it things will be even worse and he wont have Ukraine as a prize at the end of it all.
Nukes aren't meant for Ukraine. They're for Western Europe.
but then again he may just back off thinking he's established through fear of continued war, a better position upon the Chess board to get what he wants.

But he has done the opposite so far. His troops have been overmatched and out smarted time and time again in Ukraine.
Stalling is in his worst interest. Every day this is drug out the worse him and his military look.
right, but he doesn't have any choice, when the "stalling" is because his troops are getting killed and lost and running out of gas.

So he uses this ploy for cover.
But he has done the opposite so far. His troops have been overmatched and out smarted time and time again in Ukraine.
Overmatched and out smarted? No

The Russians have no interest in the war. Only oligarchs and Putin do. Any resistance by the Ukrainian forces and the Russians are ready to give up. Pretty obvious as no large city has been captured to date.
What's that? Biden and Democrats have brought us to the brink of WWIII and nuclear Armageddon is moments away ???


Trump is evil. Trump is bad! Trump is Satan! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!

What's that? Biden and Democrats have brought us to the brink of WWIII and nuclear Armageddon is moments away ???


Trump is evil. Trump is bad! Trump is Satan! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!
It's almost as if nobody but you and your fellow traitor cultists have said that.


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